How to have a happy January: Stop putting things off

Are you suffering from the January blues? It's probably the toughest month of the year.
But there are little things you can do to make your life a little less stressful. , for instance, recommends everyone start answering their Whatsapps quicker - and stop putting off all the other little tasks we're trying to forget about.
Zara covered Drake's Too Good in the Live Lounge
"Do things right now and you'll have it out of your way rather than just pushing things back to do them later," Zara tells Radio 1.
Just do the homework, do the assignment. Do it, and it's out of the wayZara Larsson
"I've got to be better answering text messages."
"I don't know why I put things off. I think somehow I can escape it, but I can't.
"I think I have 10,000 emails I haven't been reading, I've got way too many texts I haven't replied to.
"I'm just going to do it. Just answer it, just do the homework, just do the assignment. Do it, and it's out of the way. You can't stress about those things."