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Paige Allcott

Played by Shalisha James-Davis

Fact title Fact data
8th January 2022
24th February 2024

Though she might not appear so at first glance, Paige is basically anything but basic - even though she does still love caramel Frappuccino, she’s a geek at heart. Whatever she’s into she wants to know everything about it - be that new shades of glossier eyeshadow, different forms of endonasal endoscopic surgery, or the ins and outs of Coronation Street for the last 15 years.

But Paige is constantly underestimated. People assume she’s an airhead, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. She might binge on reality TV but when it comes to her work her focus is scalpel sharp. Success was always the top of her list and still is. But her downfall will always be her heart. It constantly wins over her head. Falling in love hard and fast has got her into trouble many times before. But it’s not just in her personal life that it causes destruction. As a Doctor, it’s her Achilles heel. Paige cannot distance herself once she’s become involved.


  • Soon after starting at Holby ED Paige lost her beloved mum to breast cancer.
  • Paige’s mentor, Dr Stevie Nash, thinks she gets too emotionally involved with her patients.