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Archie Hudson

Played by Genesis Lynea

Fact title Fact data
23rd March 2019
7th March 2020

Archie is clever, passionate and headstrong. She’s a brilliant doctor but there’s just one thing holding her back from her ambitions. Herself.

Archie cannot keep her mouth shut. If she sees any injustice, any bureaucratic nonsense, anything that she doesn’t deem acceptable you can bet you’ll hear about it. She’s got a short fuse (time wasting patients are quick to realise this) and playing the game is not Archie’s forte. Whether it’s a big work meeting or a first date she’ll be the first to tell you exactly what she thinks of your politics, ideas, or food choice.

Despite priding herself on her intelligence, it’s absolutely her heart that rules over her head. Archie is the kind of doctor that will stay well past the end of her shift, just to make sure you’re okay and give your hand a squeeze. Her moral core is rock solid and she’ll always stand up for those who don’t have a voice. But more often than not, she ends up taking things too far and gets herself into hot water.