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Matthew Afolami

Played by Osi Okerafor

Fact title Fact data
29th May 2021
23rd April 2022
Emergency Department Registrar

Nothing is too much trouble – you take the last parking space, I’ll get the next round in, who’s counting if I’m the one doing everyone else’s paperwork? I’ll wear a smile and make a joke. No, honestly, it’s fine.

Matthew is your typical tightly wound overachiever in the casing of a chilled out guy. He says he’d love a holiday on a tropical beach but he wouldn’t know what to do if one came along. For four years he lived on adrenaline in MSF. 12 hour days, 7 days a week. Downtime was swapping paperbacks among his colleagues, AMRAP burpee contests and worrying about that patient you couldn’t help.

Matthew has always been a little uptight (as Fenisha knows too well) but he’s learnt to hide it. You have to, living in barracks with people from all over the world. But lately it’s been harder to pretend that it’s all good. The cracks are starting to show and Matthew is in damage-limitation mode...