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Rita Freeman

Played by Chloe Howman

Fact title Fact data
10th August 2013
Final Appearance:
16th July 2016

Rita’s a whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm, and runs the nursing team with brilliant efficiency. She’s a firm and decisive leader, who likes to get stuck into any challenge that comes her way. She’s an excellent nurse who doesn’t put up with any nonsense – junior doctors have been known to shake in her wake and patients do exactly as they're told.

She’s also a brilliant listener, and is always on-hand to provide some sage and moral advice. Her easy manner means people open up to her and her calmness under pressure means she’s exactly the person you would want next to you in a crisis.

Few realise that her gregarious personality is a way of stopping anyone from getting too close, which became understandable after it transpired that her ex-husband went to jail for abusing his 13-year-old pupil. As a result, Rita is vulnerable and insecure at her core, but this doesn’t stop her from loving a good party.

Rita Facts:

  • Rita has an ex-husband called Mark, who had an affair with his 13-year-old pupil.
  • Rita has had problems with alcohol abuse in the past.
  • Rita enjoys a flirt and karaoke.

Goodbye Rita

We bid a fond farewell to the feisty Rita, played by Chloe Howman.