Archives for November 2011

Fare Thee Well Movember

Chris Evans | 11:57 UK time, Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Movember - brilliant. Simple as that. Defo up for it next year. Remorseful that I didn't get more involved this year. May have been distracted by Children In Need. I will make sure it doesn't happen again next year. Not Children In Need - you know what I mean, I hope.

Just heard there's going to be a photo shoot for The Military Wives ladies single on Friday. Count me in if required. If not I'll come along to cheer you on anyway.

Lovely day down here today. Miserable yesterday so a big Brucie Bonus. I have lots of plans better get on with them then.

Peace and Love.




Fare Thee Well Movember

Chris Evans | 11:48 UK time, Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Movember - brilliant. Simple as that. Defo up for it next year. Remorseful that I didn't get more involved this year. May have been distracted by Children In Need. I will make sure it doesn't happen again next year. Not Children In Need - you know what I mean, I hope.

Just heard there's going to be a photo shoot for The Military Wives ladies single on Friday. Count me in if required. If not I'll come along to cheer you on anyway.

Lovely day down here today. Miserable yesterday so a big Brucie Bonus. I have lots of plans better get on with them then.

Peace and Love.




Never let us forget how miz January and February can be

Chris Evans | 11:38 UK time, Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Not always but often. So let's make the absolute mostest of this run into Christmas. Don't let's take it for granted whatever we do.

The big shows are on telly, all the artists are floating around today promoting their wares. The lights are up all over Blighty, the kids are excited and a lot of us get to spend more time with our families and tell them how much we love them.

Every day is a gift, we know that but let's doubly invest in today, in case tomorrow needs a bit of help.

In fact I think that's what I'll name the show tomorrow.

Peace and Love.




Happy Monday dearest people of The Blog.

Chris Evans | 11:13 UK time, Monday, 28 November 2011

So it is with a joyous heart and a creaking back that I can confirm the news that little Noah is destined to become some even littler one's big brother. Baby number two for Natasha and me has pressed the accept button and is hopefully currently heading in our direction to arrive sometime around the end of May. Specific dates are a nonsense when it comes to natural child birth so we'll leave it at that for now.

We are very grateful for all the kind wishes we have received thus far and would like to pass on our good luck to other couples in a similar or hopefully similar situation.

Enjoy everything while you can, when you can. It's the only way.

Peace and love.




Currently sitting in the sauna in the gym

Chris Evans | 12:02 UK time, Friday, 25 November 2011

Virtually rehearsing my sweet ravioli recipe for tomorrow's (Saturday's) Saturday Kitchen.

Crack the eggs, into a blitzer with the flour and icing sugar. Blitz! Wrap, rest and roll into one big sheet of pasta. Cut into strip 18 inches long and 6 inches wide. Spoon out fillings two fingers apart. Fillings are: mince pie meat and small bombs of ricotta, icing sugar and raspberry. Spray with fine water and fold. Seal each parcel either side pressing down with your two little fingers firmly. Then go along the line and squeeze out any excess air with the cup of your hand. Cut strip into individual parcels with serrated pasta cutter and finger any further excess air out if time. Place each parcel into hot oil for 45 seconds, drain and dry on kitchen towel. Whilst leaving them to cool, time for the one minute magic choccie sauce. Icing sugar and water to the boil, add baking chocolate straight in and stir till smooth. Transfer pasta to plate, dust with icing sugar and drizzle on the sauce. Finally -


Rock and roll Final ravioli rehearsal! :


See you on the telly tonight with Dame Edna and Alex on The One Show, and tomorrow on SK with Rick Stein and James M.



Peace and Love.


What a busy few shows we're having lately.

Chris Evans | 11:29 UK time, Thursday, 24 November 2011

Early November was quiet, we had to look inside to see anything going on outside.

But not now, no siree.

The train is careering furiously right along the tracks. Deep fried ravioli lessons, The Military Wives, Will Carling for England and Lee Evans live tomorrow. What a hootsville.

The team and I are discussing lots at the moment. 500 Words for next year, The Olympic Torch route and countdown plus our exec producer Hells Bells has been seconded by the mighty Russell Grant for his Festive Special - Strictly New Year.

Alright - they can lend her for a bit.

Off to Top Gear Live now to try not to crash a car or two.

May see you tomorrow. Here's hoping.

Peace and Love.




It's 11.09...

Chris Evans | 13:02 UK time, Wednesday, 23 November 2011

...on Thursday morning, and I have just spent an amazing hour in the company of Theo Randall. He very kindly stepped up to the plate (literally) to help me practice cooking deep fried ravioli for this Saturday's Saturday Kitchen. James Martin says it can't be done (by me that is). Well at least now, after Theo's help I stand a fighting chance.

Going home to have several thousand more goes. I would love to crack this live on telly. Probably won't happen but here's to giving it a go.

Theo - you are a God.

You've just taken over from Tom Chaplin in my top three men.

Peace and Love and stretchy pasta.




The message is clear and simple.

Chris Evans | 10:39 UK time, Tuesday, 22 November 2011

If you haven't seen the recent three part series of The Choir - Military Wives, then you simply have to watch it.

Shouldn't be too difficult - if you're on here, you should be able to get on there.

And what of a single for Christmas? Heck, yes, I should say so.

Our show will get right behind it if there's any heat in this idea. Gareth Malone is in New York as I write, but hopefully he will be with us some way, somehow tomorrow.

If it's meant to happen, it will.

God Bless People.




The Invasion Of The Bloggers ll

Chris Evans | 11:59 UK time, Friday, 18 November 2011

After a wonderful week of generosity from The Breakfast Show Listeners, today we bear witness to The Radio 2 Children In Need Jukebox. It's the Music Marathon with a new name. A good idea in my opinion, as a marathon sounds like something one is forced to endure, as opposed to choose to enjoy.

And so, the pledge lines are once again taken over by The Bloggers. Adorned in signature T shirts, how resplendent you all looked. Except Rips who obviously didn't get the e mail, and turned up in one of his signature untucked shirts instead.

By the way, I hope you didn't peak too soon - as you were all bubbling over with energy and enthusiasm - and your nine hour shift hadn't even started yet. But good luck to you. A merry band that started off as virtual pen pals has evolved into a close knit band of personable and slightly crazy forces for good.

Enjoy your post pledging pizza. You deserve it. Not to mention cold beer or ten - Rips !!!

Peace and Love and thanks for another unforgettable Children In Need week.




Magnificent Again

Chris Evans | 11:49 UK time, Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Unbelievable, no truly. Off the scale, above and beyond, the essence of altruism and generosity.

Over half a million pounds from just seven listeners was bid this morning for next year's Drive and Dine. I don't know why, but I felt it was going to be a big one this year. I even went to bed at seven o'clock last night to grab some extra shut eye, and make sure my tanks were fully fuelled for ready for blast off this morning.

With the Β£506,000 we took this morning, the Β£140,000 from the golf and the Β£100,000 from Monday's cricket, The Brekkie Show listeners' contribution should easily smash the million pound barrier come 9.30 tomorrow am.

Don't forget if you want a chance to win a table at my pub to see Tom Jones live in front of just a hundred people for ONLY Β£1, just click here to go to our website now and text your answer to the Steve Wright question.

Mwah - and thanks again to anyone who's getting involved in Children In Need on any level this year.

Peace and Love.





Chris Evans | 16:44 UK time, Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Three bids.

And here we are, almost a quarter of a million pounds later. Plus it's only Tuesday. Incredible. Bless all the bidders for the golf and cricket Children In Need auction items.

And of course tomorrow it's Magnificent 7 time again. They're fast, they're loud, they are beautiful and they're up for grabs tomorrow morning from 8 o'clock.

Can't wait.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, tune in, it's gonna be a blast mad dash until the gavel goes down.

Radio Time is The Time when it comes to Children In Need Time.

Peace and Love and Pudsey says Hi !




Children In Neeeeeeed. Indeeeeed.

Chris Evans | 09:49 UK time, Monday, 14 November 2011

Don't forget please.

If you fancy the chance of joining us for an unforgettable night at next years Children In Need Dine and Disco, there's a charity number you can text.

It costs a pound a go. Tom Jones playing in my pub with top grub from Giorgio Locatelli, myself and the team on the wheels of steel and fine wine and champers throughout. It's gonna be amazing.

Here's the number - 84222.

The question is: Where was Radio 2's Steve Wright born?

Was it

a) Greenwich

b) Brent

c) Southend

Text the word DISCO, followed by your answer a), b) or c) and your name - to 84222.

You can have as many goes as your piggy bank will allow.

Tons of money for kids that really need it, and who knows you could be joining us on the night as a result

Good luck and thank you in advance.

Peace and Love




13.47 Friday afternoon

Chris Evans | 13:58 UK time, Friday, 11 November 2011

I'm at the gym, and have just been informed that I have to post a blog before 14:00, as Hells Bells (Exec Producer of the Brekkie show and publisher of the blog) is leaving at that exact time - sharp.

Ok, so, what to say all of a sudden?

I could describe my gym routine, but that would be dull and highly unimpressive.

I could wax on about how great Sir Bruce was this morning. And how he and Sir J Saville have inspired me this week - even more so than I already find myself on a daily basis.

Or I could share the news that whilst Mummy was at the Doc's this morning, Noah and Daddy secretly bought a new pair of trainers each.

Pick whatever you like from that lot.

Quick time check,



Have a fab weekend y'all.

Peace and Love




Have been in an edit suite...

Chris Evans | 14:25 UK time, Thursday, 10 November 2011

...for most of the morning, laying down a voice track for a Jimmy Saville doc that airs tomorrow night.

It is very very good. And very much an antidote to some of the less kind things that have been suggested about this famous and much loved son of Leeds.

He really was a one off, both the first and last face to be seen on Top Of The Pops - forty years apart. Set your recorders now. 8.30pm Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ1 tomorrow night.

Peace and Love




Bunga Bunga. He's gone!!!

Chris Evans | 11:19 UK time, Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Well, he's almost gone. Or will he ever really go? Italy's debt has increased exponentially in the last twenty four hours, and Bunga Bunga Berlusconi has said he will resign within the next fortnight.

I'm not so sure. I think he's a clinger (they all are dear).

Mind you, he does have all those telly stations and newspapers to run. Highly inadvisable to have your PM in charge of half the country's media don't you think ?

Closer to home, I'm staying in London tonight. My wife has sanctioned a night out for me with an old car pal.

Max - I'll see you at the usual place, wearing the usual pink carnation.

Peace and Love my friends



Happy Tuesday Everyone

Chris Evans | 06:15 UK time, Tuesday, 8 November 2011

I know this Tuesday really well.

Because I have been awake since ten to one.

No cause for alarm, merely cause for a new alarm, as that's what woke me up.

Love my job, but will be heading straight back to bed at 9.31 this morning. May have to buy some wire cutters for tonight. So long.


Peace and Love.



Our weekend...

Chris Evans | 06:09 UK time, Monday, 7 November 2011

...was one of those that you sort of give away to prior commitments. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were all spoken for. All good but this morning has a sense of continuation about it, as opposed to recommencement.

However, we will be trying to have a relaxing Sunday night on Monday night. Will this work? Well there's 2 pounds of spuds waiting to be roasted that say YES!

Have a bloomin' good Sunday why don't you.

Peace and Love.




Three for one...

Chris Evans | 13:07 UK time, Friday, 4 November 2011

...it was a special offer. Three Strictly stars on the same show. All different and dynamic in their own way. Anton, James and the fabulous Flavia. What positive energy! It's no hocus pocus this energy thing. The studio was alive even after they had left. You really must stay away from the sappers, and hang out with the zappers instead. It really does work.

How about this for a Friday bonus BTW. My son who has had a snuffle all week asked his mummy especially could he come to town and see Daddy and his best friend Alex. Ahhh, lunch for four (and a half) in the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ canteen.

Simple rules again!

Have a great weekend you lot.

Peace and Love,




Bloomin' long day

Chris Evans | 09:04 UK time, Friday, 4 November 2011

Just nipping to the supermarket with The Chosen One, to pick up some garlic for Mummy. Played golf with Vassos earlier. Got stuffed by the great man and . . . his Dad.

Alex - possibly one of the kindest most gentle men I have ever met. A joy - but let me tell you, I now ache after golf like I used to after an afternoon playing football.

Hot bath required. Noah ! Don't throw the water away. I'm in straight after you.

Early night, another big day tomorrow, the show, filming for The Olympics and then off to The One Show, before din dins with my wife and a couple of pals.

Rock on,




Moth-erly Love

Chris Evans | 09:47 UK time, Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Waking up and wandering in to another crazy day on our planet. And after a double alarm going off epsiode in the middle of the night. Moths apparently, falling in love with the infra red beams. Who knew ?

Two more days after today for our lovely Moira supersub Phil Gayle. Handsome, adept, warm and energetic. How we shall miss him. For three weeks is more than a stand in period, it's almost like he works here now. But, as he suggested this morning, that would necessitate actual payment. Ho hum, you can't have everything. Where would you put it ?

Peace and Love (and perhaps a scarf today !)





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