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13.47 Friday afternoon

Chris Evans | 13:58 UK time, Friday, 11 November 2011

I'm at the gym, and have just been informed that I have to post a blog before 14:00, as Hells Bells (Exec Producer of the Brekkie show and publisher of the blog) is leaving at that exact time - sharp.

Ok, so, what to say all of a sudden?

I could describe my gym routine, but that would be dull and highly unimpressive.

I could wax on about how great Sir Bruce was this morning. And how he and Sir J Saville have inspired me this week - even more so than I already find myself on a daily basis.

Or I could share the news that whilst Mummy was at the Doc's this morning, Noah and Daddy secretly bought a new pair of trainers each.

Pick whatever you like from that lot.

Quick time check,



Have a fab weekend y'all.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Am i first - hope you enjoy your weekend. Loved Brucie on the show today.

  • Comment number 2.

    You may be the first, but I'm the second. Enjoy your weekend too. From what was said with Bruce this morning, if he fall's I'll between now and the end of the series wer know who would jump at the chance to fill in. Bruce your fab, Chris your not bad either, although sometimes I do feel you talk too much . .

  • Comment number 3.

    Hello Chris.

    Thanks for the sudden blog!

    I would love to hear about all three.

    Your gym routine would not be dull or unimpressive to me unless I have to follow the routine.

    Nice to see you, to see you nice, good game, etc. it's always nice to hear about Brucie, he's an inspiration.

    I would love to see pics of the said trainers for yourself and little Noah. My son gave me a lift to the doc's last night so I feel I have something in common with your Mum.

    MM xxx

    PS I can hear the sound of scaffolding around here I think mine might be coming down soon. The cats won't be happy!

  • Comment number 4.


    It was Noah's Mummy who was at the Docs. I must read properly first before posting.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Do you honestly like going to the gym, Chris or is it a pain in the glutes? I'm around your age and feel I should go for my health and well-being but I like listening to the radio, baking cakes and cooking for the freezer more. I'm fit as a lop it must be all that bending and stretching into the biscuit tin....
    Enjoy your weekend!!

  • Comment number 6.

    going to the gym can be addictive. i used to love going to my then local gym.
    now i walk the dog instead.

  • Comment number 7.

    I have moved my biscuit tin so there is less stretching involved !!

  • Comment number 8.

    Great idea Reddjelibeybi! You could also fill it with heavier biscuits for the added weight training. I must admit I have never found the gym addictive I like something with a competitive edge to it like squash or netball. I have heard about the adrenalin rush when you're apparently in the 'zone' never experienced it though. Back to the biscuit - I can't think of the heaviest type would have to be something with nuts in surely?

  • Comment number 9.

    Deevs has just made me jump for joy.......go girl.

  • Comment number 10.

    Chris: terrific blog today. I love it when Hells Bells whips you into shape (oooh, missus!). Hope you and Noah love your new trainers!

    Welcome to Sharon and Susiebean. Sharon, I must confess, I love when Chris talks - up goes the volume, and I must not be disturbed unless there is some household calamity!

    From the previous blog: great to see our lovely Daisy! xx

    AliB: enjoy your evening. xx

    Scoobs: just a lovely post from you. xx

    CB: your post was lovely too. xx I can't listen to Jeremy in the morning, perhaps just as well - sounds extremely emotional.

    Maddy: oooh, I know what you mean. My gorgeous wee cat, Toots, from a very long time ago, adored drinking out of the loo! He was always off his mark the second he heard me yelling "Toots, are you in the loo again?!"

    How much longer until wine o'clock? Debs, please remind us!

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    In the absence of Debs... about 2 hours I reckon Chrissie!

    Just flew by again to say pic of baby Pip now on Pips FB page...!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 12.

    Chrissie it was emotional and having a lad the ages of those boys it really made me realise how lucky I am to have him here for me to hug. Although he hates his mum hugging him even though he was a very huggy child when he was younger.

    Oh onwards and upwards, not long now till wine oclock hold on in there. Have a good weekend one and all.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Evening all ......or is it still afternoon?

    It's very dark wahtever it is

    I have been listening to Jeremy Vine's programme this week with tissues in hand. Absolutely wonderful. The spirit and sense of these young men came shining through as their mother's talked about them and played their favourite music

    Well worth a listen even if JV isn't normally your thing. Each doc is on 1 1/2 hours into the show although I think you can listen to them from the show page.

    Have given my boys an extra hug this week!

    Chris, I'm sure Tash will let you off the trainers. Just make sure Noah has his bestest smile ready!

    Right, off on taxi duty before a bit of FNWC with the girls tonight!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Scoobs: thanks for the clarification ... wotcha! And have a great weekend. xx

    CB: I know what you mean ... my daughter and I still hug, but it's a tiny bit more restrained than it was when she was young. I am assured, it will all come back, we just have to hang in there. I hate "hanging in there"!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Agree Christoff, talking about the gym would be just boring. I do however have a side stepper thingy, which sometimes gets used................................................
    by the grandchildren!

    I enjoyed Bruce this morning, liked the bit at the end when you said about introducing Bruce to Ken Bruce, very funny!

    I don't alway listen to JV, but have done so this week at 1.30 very poignant indeed.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 16.


    I've been thinking of getting back to the gym now I've got the time, it's just so expensive, I think I'll stick to taking the mutt out for longer and longer walks for now although in this weather she never wants to go far!

    I had two minutes silence by myself in the supermarket car park this morning, along with several others who had parked up or waited to leave, which was nice to see.

    The lovely feelings towards fellow shoppers did not last however - on the way out of the car park I was ignored, cut up and had to avoid a geriatric dog who's owner didn't think to put it on a lead in the middle of a busy car park, or to check that it reached the safety of the pavement..........

    Have made soda bread and scones this morning - I think this hanging around for news thing (long story) is going to mean a lot of baking going on in this house!!

    Ach well, better get on with being a monster to scare the boy - it's not fair though, he has a sword!


  • Comment number 17.


    haha we have lots of swords in this house too.
    currently my son likes to be called either mike the knight or sparky.

    just looked for mike the knight merchandise and it isnt going to be on the shelves until next august..how stupid is that..there must be alot of small boys wanting to dress up in blue knight costumes and they cant have the right ones until next year??


  • Comment number 18.

    Is it just me, or is the idea of Chris and Noah shopping for trainers together SUPER sweet?! Bless... Hope the good Mrs Evans got on OK at the docs.

    Reddjeli - know what you mean about the gym. I used to go every night, loved it. Bit pricey these days though. Have to make do with Jasper-dog!!

    And on that topic - the penny has FINALLY dropped with Jasper-dog that he is NOT coming with me to CiN next week, and he's not pleased. He barks that he will be using the time that I'm in London to eat nothing but sprouts, flageolet beans, and hard-boiled egg. When I told him not to be so petty and small-minded, he added the two words that no-one EVER wants to hear: Jerusalem Artichokes.

    A high price to pay for Pudsey - but it must be so. Pray for me, my friends, pray for me...

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Evening everyone!!!!!

    I do declare FNWC OPEN!

    Had an up and down week this week, flu jab on Monday made me really crook so was officially sick Tue/Wed and then up to HQ for a full on 2 days training - without my glasses which made it interesting! Anyway, FULL on night out last night - we think we went to bed at 1.30am.....

    So nothing for it but hair of the dog so a little penguin is open....

    Congrats to the lovely PiP family - I can confirm that Andrew is indeed most gorgeous. (from FB - not in person) ooooo baby smell - all talc and baby lotion!

    And Thanks - to Bingo for his driving advice, I have to say, I was more aware and nervous driving on the motorway this week after last Friday, I've always been a "keep the distance" lady, but even more so now - And Barmy - I did laugh about you turning into your mother driving!

    So apart from catching up with some emails in the morning, I am now on a weeks holibobs, which culminates in exactly one week with us all frantically taking the last pledges before revealing the CiN Jukebox money totals - and then a few well deserved foods and beverages!

    Whoop Whoop Whoopy doop!
    Happy Friday everyone

  • Comment number 20.

    Evening everyone

    I'll join you with a glass of wine Debs if I may?

    Not much to report from here, except I managed to oversleep ever single morning this week, so must make an effort to go to bed earlier next week! Luckily I wasn't too late to work!!

    This weekend is a tidying up and cleaning one, as I've neglected the house a bit and there's dust everywhere, but that's for tomorrow.

    Tonight is a feet up with wine and a pizza night!

    JG x

  • Comment number 21.

    PS If the person who very kindly drags my wheelie bin back up the drive and puts it neatly back in it's place every week for me happens to reading this... Thank you, it's very much appreciated ;)

  • Comment number 22.

    Evening each

    Quick pop in. Chrissie!!!!! Gary Barlow alert - One Show.

    Back in a bit. xxxxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Djeli - There is a cut out and keep MTK thing in this week Cbeebies magazine, s'not great but I'm going to glue it on to card for extra stability so it might last a bit longer then 10 mins!!

    Just waiting for pizza - t'other is poorly sick (he's sneezing) and has insisted on it, wasn't going to argue............. He's jumping at every sound thinking it's arrived, looks like a deranged jack-in-the-box!!

    Ooohh it's here - yum!


  • Comment number 24.

    OOOH - forgot to say! I have just had my (too long) hair chopped short (my parents' birthday present to me!) so that I look socially acceptable for CiN.

    It being a local salon, I got the usual "so YOU are Jasper's owner!!" and accompanying "Is it true that he...?" comments - until I mentioned that I was lending a hand with CiN next Friday (one week to go - amazing!!) as a CLP blogger - and that was (almost) the last time that Jasper was mentioned!

    Turns out that the lady cutting my hair has met Chris at the Goodwood Classic Car shows in the past - and then all she wanted to tell me was what a LOVELY and genuine man Chris is. How he had time for a friendly word with everyone who approached him, and how highly she thought of him.

    Small world, eh?! But seriously, it was nice to hear.

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Eve all

    CLP another fantastic show and loved Brucie he is awesome once saw him you know, filming in the streets of London town with Zoe Ball and some numpty was shouting Bruce Bruce Bruce and the man himself was none too pleased as he was trying to film at the time. Did text it in for top tenuous but how rubbish was that today (or Bruce is forgetful in his old age lol).

    What trainers did Mr Evans and son buy then? Cor Tash must have had a long Drs appointment of you and Noah are quick shoppers.

    Off to catch up



  • Comment number 26.

    welcome and hello to Sharon and Susiebean
    mSc baby Pip is gorgeous
    CB and Sezza1330 all this week has been very tear jerking
    Pen you made me laugh with owning a side stepper thingy that gets used by the grandchildren
    eb - agree with the expense of the gym plus no child care for me, all the cooking sounds yummy, I am coming round, I had my two minute silence at work in my office on my own and it was really annoying as I could hear someone speaking on the phone the whole time and we had been sent an email to say the fire alarm was being sounded to mark the beginning and end, grrr moan over
    djeli- cute mike the night and sparky
    Roo - ahhhh bring Jasper with you whoop whoop
    debs - sorry to hear that you were poorly after your flu jab, darn that naughty naughty jab and I am sooooooooooooooooooo excited
    JG - must try harder with the waking up on time for work. lol. Hope you enjoyed your pizza.

    Just watching the Graham Norton show great guests. Lord Sugar, Sir Cliff Richard to name but two


  • Comment number 27.

    Good morning Chris,

    You've put me to shame Chris, here I am saying too many things get in the way of me blogging and there you are in the middle of your workout taking time out to blog for us. Hats off to you Christoph what a guy you are! From today I will make a conscious effort to find time to read and respond to your musings.

    Hiya bloggers,

    Hope you are all well.

    Congratulations to the Pip family - baby Pip is gorgeous - gets his handsome looks from his big brother xx

    Debs - sorry to hear you were poorly, glad you are feeling better.

    kks - love Graham Norton, the only thing that spoiled it for me was having SCR on their, sorry SCR fans.

    Maddy - how are things? Did you get all your work done?

    Csn - sorry to hear you have a poorly grandaughter - I do hope she is feeling better xx

    CiN - good luck to all those giving up their time for such a valuable cause. I am still disappointed at not being able to go although I am getting excited about who I might get to speak to when I phone in my pledge ;o)

    Hi to everyone - I'm sorry if I've not acknowledgement something important but as I've said to Chris I will make a conscious effort to be here more.

    Take care and have a good weekend folks!

    Mary x

  • Comment number 28.

    Morning friends, Romans and Countrymen!

    Apologies for absinthe over last few days - I'm still in a bit of a daze as to yesterday's events (CB - your post above made me smile - thank you!)

    To cut a very long story short, I resigned from my job yesterday.

    I was planning my escape at Christmas but things kind of came to head yesterday afternoon. My resignation hasn't been acknowledged yet but I've given one week's notice. I am on leave Monday and Friday so hopefuly after Thursday that will be it. I'll be out of there and able to start "proper" with my business venture!

    I've been on a training course for the last couple of days and learnt so much. I'm now full of enthusiasm, and in terms of what I've been learning and my resignation, the timing could well be pretty darned perfick!

    So, let's have some fun over the weekend and then start as we mean to go on come monday morning!

    Today's agenda is Ten Pin Bowling and then out for a curry tonight (with Nic and MiniNic) to meet some of his friends that I've not yet met, and I'm really looking forward to it. It's not local either, so a new part of the country for me to see (albeit in the dark, inside a curry house!)

    Right, I'll dip in as and when time allows - have a lovely weekend whatever you're up to!

    Muchos amore.


  • Comment number 29.


    Just wanted to say how good the Jimmy Saville tribute was last night, both t'other and I watched with big grins on our faces as our childhood flashed before our eyes!

    Deevs - Well done for handing tour notice in, it's very liberating isn't it? Now you can concentrate on new ventures with full deevs force - go get 'em!!

    I have been informed we're off to a seal sanctuary today.............see you all later!


  • Comment number 30.

    Good morning all,

    Morning Mary ,Deevs,hpoe that you're both well ,and nice to see you Mary,as long as you pop in when you can :) Deev ,maybe it's timed it self just right ,starting your new venture,you can do nothing but do your best ,then there will be no ( I wish I'd have done that) eh!!

    WE have blue skies here this morning so I've decided to get up with some gusto and get some chores done early and if the weather holds get out for a walk later .
    Steak night for us in the bids house hold.

    Right I'd better go and get on so I'll see you all later ,have a good old day wont you.


  • Comment number 31.


    Morning to you ,just noticed you ,enjoy youtr day .


  • Comment number 32.

    Good Afternoon Everyone.

    Mary-thanks for asking, the workmen have finished now and it looks like we are next on the list to have the scaffolding removed, probably Monday.

    Deevs-HURRAH! This must be the start of better things to come. How could you concentrate on your new venture when that job was sapping all your energy?

    Eb-I also enjoyed the Jimmy Savile tribute last night, it took me back a long way to 1964 when we loved watching him on our black & white rediffusion telly.

    Bids-enjoy your walk and the steak later. Steak is my favourite meal.

    WOW! There's so much to watch on television this weekend. Tonight there's X Factor, Arena all about George Harrison followed by Beatles songs. Then there's John Barrowman's show followed by Strictly. As much as I love JB I'll have to give something a miss but could watch him later. Tomorrow there's Strictly, X Factor and then I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, Freddie Star should be good, I think he'll cause some sort of mayhem.

    My only complaint is that I'll be sitting down for too long, will have to do some Tai Chi exercises whilst watching.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Afternoon each

    Hope Chrissie got to see Gary Barlow last night.

    Deevs, well done on getting rid of that awful job - enjoy your curry tonight.

    Maddy, I'll be watching Strictly and George Harrison tonight too. Watched the Jimmy Saville tribute last night and, like you, it took me back to the sixties.

    Nice to see you Mary, nice.

    And doesn't baby Pip look gorgeous?


  • Comment number 34.

    Morning all

    Had a lovely day in London yesterday, mostly spent walking along the South Bank and watching fireworks!

    Looks like it's going to be fine here today which looks good for the Remembrence Parade this afternoon - we always go and are alway honoured to go but we have got so cold and wet before!

    Am sure I should be busy doing chores this morning but just can't summon the enegery yet!


    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Morning all! Bright and beautiful here too

    Nothing to report really, spent most of yesterday doing chores and watching telebox, so will try and get out in the lovely autumn sun today.

    Have a great day whatever you are getting up to

  • Comment number 36.


    Beautiful, stupendous day here in the south. Pub lunch beckoning, nuff said!

    Hope you all enjoy your day.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 37.

    Dull, grey and drizzly here - not nice. I could do with some sunshine.

    Love Susan xx

  • Comment number 38.

    That's all my trains, boats and planes organised for Friday... well not literally of course but car, train, taxi i think.

    Looking forward to meeting lots of you on Friday.
    love Loli ♥

  • Comment number 39.

    Afternoon each

    Been a nice day in Fife too.

    Loli, am so jealous of you all - hope everyone has a fabby day on Friday.

    CSN, where are you? Hope the poorly grandchildren are much better.


  • Comment number 40.

    Deevs - well done on the resignation ....... there's nothing to stop you from now on!!!!

    Not sure if you've got a Mons in Cannock but puff pastry mince pies are now available !!

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 41.

    Evening all

    Had a lovely Remembrance Parade through the town this afternoon. Everyone looked very smart and boy1 carried their standard so very proud mum!

    Loved Michael Ball and Alfie Bo doing their jukebox bit this afternoon. Makes a change to be listening to it! lol

    Love Paul O'Grady too and listening to him with Jane MacDonald is making me smile while I finish off the roast chicken dinner - which is smelling divine!

    Best I go look busy and stir something - if only the boys to set the table!

    Back in a bit!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi everyone...

    Wouldn't put any bets on anyone going out of either contest...

    Feeling down tonight for some reason...I'll get up again soon!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 43.

    Sezza, how proud you must have been of boy1.

    JG, look after yourself, hope you start to feel better soon.

    Going to watch Strictly soon, then the second part of George Harrison. Last night's was really good.


  • Comment number 44.

    I have no idea who is going to go on Strictly. There are so many left who are good, one not so good but entertaining and one not so good!

    I think it's probably the big man's time to go but really couldn't say

    Chin up JG, the dark nights drawing in don't help anyone who's feeling a bit down. Did Finlay take you out for a nice walk today?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    I'm ok, have good support network!

    Back to Strictly... love this song...

    JG x

  • Comment number 46.

    No, didn't walk him Sezza....I can't right now...

    JG x

  • Comment number 47.

    Right result I think!

    JG, that's a shame. hope you feeling better soon

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Morning peeples

    Jilly - we have two supermarcardos of that branding .... THANK YOU!

    JG - chin up petal. I'll be booking my train tickets to head up your way in 5 weeks time if you're still up for a spot of Duranduranism!

    So, today is the first day of not having a job. Yikes! ...... although I was actually meant to be on annual leave today and Nic and I are going to a surprise birthday party for one of his "aunts" (I'm not sure of her actual relation status, other than it's on his dads side) ... the lady in question is 100 today! I can't even imagine being 65, let alone reaching 100. Amazing! And really looking forward to it. It's a lunchtime thingy so won't be around too much later today.

    Happy Monday everyone - 4 more sleeps til Pudsey Day!

    Muchos Amore.


  • Comment number 49.

    Morning all

    I was feeling all Mondayish until I read Diva Deevs post and realised only four sleeps til CiN!!

    So, manic running around this week to make sure everyone and everything is sorted out (including writing Mr Sezza's timetable of who needs to be where, when!) but all done with a smile!

    I suppose a bit of work wouldn't go amiss either!


    Sezza xxx

    PS Big Well Done to the bidders this morning. Fantastic that people are prepared to donate so much money to such a great cause!

  • Comment number 50.

    Hello everyone. Thank you for the 'welcome to the blog messages' - I'm always filled with trepidation when I join a new group. This was relatively painless. I love the run up to Children in Need. It really is a British Institution. It marks the start to the festive period of giving and the end of the reflective period that Remembrance Day week. Life really is a rollercoaster isn't it?

    I had an interesting day. Decided to wallpaper and feel quite good about the fact at my ripe old age I'm still up for some graft when the urge takes me. Of course its all in the preparation isn't it? So I started with two paracetamol for the achey painy feelings I have in general, with a couple of indigestion tablets incase I got grumpy, puff on my inhaler as I scoured the basement for the equipment, building up to some tramadol when I eventually suffer from total collapse around 9pm this evening and realise the folly of my ways. Ah mothers little helpers! It looks good though depsite the twinges of protesting joint pains. I wish there was a 'blow your own trumpet' day!!



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