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Happy Monday dearest people of The Blog.

Chris Evans | 11:13 UK time, Monday, 28 November 2011

So it is with a joyous heart and a creaking back that I can confirm the news that little Noah is destined to become some even littler one's big brother. Baby number two for Natasha and me has pressed the accept button and is hopefully currently heading in our direction to arrive sometime around the end of May. Specific dates are a nonsense when it comes to natural child birth so we'll leave it at that for now.

We are very grateful for all the kind wishes we have received thus far and would like to pass on our good luck to other couples in a similar or hopefully similar situation.

Enjoy everything while you can, when you can. It's the only way.

Peace and love.





  • Comment number 1.

    Lovely lovely news Chris.

    Best get that back looked at though!


  • Comment number 2.

    That's awesome!!! Congratulations Chris + Tash!! Whoop whoop!

  • Comment number 3.

    Happy Monday Chris,

    So delighted for you all - Noah will make a fantastic big brother.

    Peace and love to you too christoph.

    Hi to everyone else, hope you are all well.

    Have a good day folks!
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 4.

    So happy for you Chris and Tash, it will be lovely having a little brother/sister for Noah and Jade!

    Hi everyone.



  • Comment number 5.

    Many congratulations to you and Natasha. Great show, really great, thanks to you and your team, keep up the good work!

    Love and peace indeed!


  • Comment number 6.

    HUGE congratulations Christoff and Tash; that's lovely news to come home to. And a big Yey an' a whoop-de-doo an' wa-hey to Noah 'I'mnatamonsta AmjastalikkleBoooooy Grrrrrr', bless him. At last, somebody revvin' up to sparrin' wit Big Bro, somebody who'll snitch on 'im, pinch the last jelly baby, smack 'im round the mazzard wit 'is water pistol, eat 'is best marble an' cover 'is Alien Defender in custard an' snot. In short, an ally for life. Hurrah.

    My Big Sis still gets the screamin' heeby-jeebies if she sees anybody in a mask ever since the fateful night I decided to pull one of 'er stockings on over me head an' crawl up through the bedclothes to wake 'er up. Still carries a rabid grudge over takin' the rap for not preventin' me from dressin' up the dog in a bonnet an' knickers (wit a hole cut in for its tail of course), before it escaped into the street an' caused a nasty incident between the milkman an' a lamp-post. What a wuss. Anyways, she got 'er own back subsequently when Renee found fag-ends under 'er bed an' told me if I didn't take the public floggin' for it, I'd get another one anyway. So I cut me losses, lit one up an' lost the contents of me stomach an' lungs, 3 layers a skin off me backside and most a me dignity. Woodbines don't taste good at aged 9. Beeearth.

    Ok. So once again, Well Done Team Evans, mainly for keepin' schtum about it. Not easy for our Chris at the best a times. 'E's not called Chris Shut Your Gob There's A Bus Comin' for nowt is 'e.

    Meanwhile, Renee's gettin' a new boiler this week so wish me luck. Swappin' one Old Boiler for another isn't quite as straightforward as yous might think when you see the amount a stuff I'll 'ave to excavate to prepare the house for this Titanic feat.

    Still, it'll be entertainin'. The poor delusional chap who's overseein' the project has committed one of the bravest, most foolhardy and ill-advised act I have come across in some time.

    'E's given 'er 'is phone number wit them 3 little words which will strike terror and despair into his every organ from this point on, namely, "Call Me Anytime."

    Oh dear.


  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris: it's just wonderful news! I am so happy for you and Natasha. xx

    Hi everyone else: hope everything is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    congratulations to Chris and Tash

    Super bagpuss

  • Comment number 9.

    ... and in case of any doubt, this is the woman who's just shut the door wit a face on 'er like a bulldog lickin' urine off a thistle, and announced, "90p I've just bin' charged, for cleanin' the windows. 90 flippin' p."

    "What's your point?" Says I.

    "It's blimmin' dear, that's what." The face has gone a bit livid now.

    "Mother," says I, "You wouldn't get ME cleanin' windows for 90p. In fact you wouldn't get me up a ladder for 90p. In FACT you wouldn't get me OUTSIDE today for 90p. So take your 'ead outside an' give it a wobble, woman."

    "I certainly won't. It's too cold."

    I give up.


  • Comment number 10.

    Don't Give up Clodagh!!

    So pleased at the happy news from the Evans household! Every Best Wish to you all x x x

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh and by the way, WELL DONE to yous lot on CiN day; I did, in the end, manage to make my donation on the day, all the way from Galway, where the usual form a long-distance communication is 2 used soup tins an' a length a hairy string; spoke to Ali who DISSED me totally; told me she didn't want to speak to the likes a ME because that no-mark Sir Cliff Richard 'ad just wandered into the room, swore at me hurtfully an' told me stick me donation where the monkeys stick their nuts, then fobbed me right off wit Scoobs. I was that upset I went an' sat on Spiddal Beach wit me Billy-can an' a tub a cockles, roarin' an' cryin', till a big fat seagull turned up, threatened me wit a Chinese burn an' nicked me cockles, an' thus gave me summat to REALLY roar about.

    Ok ok so that's a fib. She didn't swear.. NO NO sorry Ali an' Scoobs, haha GREAT to make contact wit the pair of yous, hurrah!

    Well done well done. Fantastic result, huh.


  • Comment number 12.

    whhoo hoooooo Mr & Mrs Evans, what wonderful, tattyfilarious news!

    Seza, Ali and I had a conspiracy theory a week last friday and we was right! Huzzah!!!

    so pleased for you all, now's then, you just make sure you look after that precious cargo your wife is carrying :-)

    Right, not here - audit reports beckoning.....


    PS lovely to have you back Clods!

  • Comment number 13.

    Didn't realise there was another blog until I'd posted!

    Here's the link to the website with the falcon .....

    Hope it works!

    CG x

  • Comment number 14.

    Such lovely news Christoph - warm congrats to you, Tash and the gorgeous scary monster that is Noah!

    I remember the excitement of the advent of Noah and how you shared it with us all on the blog - we were all so excited for you, and it won't be any different this time!!

    Had my first frost this morning ... crikey, that was a shock to the system! Still, the sun's shining now so all's well with the world. And I've just been given 70% for the first assignment result of my degree course so perhaps the old grey matter isn't as dim as I'd feared!

    Anyhoo - see you all tomorrow. I'm off to another lecture .... I love saying that - it makes me feel young again !!!!

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 15.

    Happy for you and Tash, Noah and Jade. Look after yourself Tash. Hope Noah gets a sister .

  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon all!

    What brilliant news for the Evans family, can't wait to hear what Noah thinks of it all!

    Well, where did the morning go, I ask you? I'm asking 'cos all that happened was a friend popped in for a coffee at 10 and before we knew it, it was 1.15... how does that happen?! So she's gone home to try and catch up on all the ironing that was supposed to be done by now, and I'm getting up the energy to tackle the small forest of bamboo in the back garden - if I don't deal with it soon the shed will completely disappear from view!

    Lovely to hear from Clodagh, I was sitting with AliB and Scoobs when you called in for CiN. AliB did say she felt a bit bad at handing you over to Scoobs when Sir Cliff came in... but we noticed it didn't stop her, and she had a huuuuuuge grin on her face for the rest of the day!

    Ah well, I'll wish you all a marvellous Monday, offer hugs to them that need or want one, and head off into the bamboo forest... send help if you don't hear from me by the end of the week!

    AnnieOakley xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Congrats again Chris, Tash, Noah and Jade xx

    Clodagh, Cheeky ;) I did feel bad, thank goodness it was someone I knew on the phone that I could pass over to the lovely Scoobs. Annie is quite correct, the grin on my face would put Wallace to shame. It right made my year :)

    I'm off out tonight, meeting a friend for a spot of supper, haven't seen him since July, so it'll be nice to catch up.

    Have a most plesant evening everyone.


  • Comment number 18.


    Just a quick pop in to get 3 rings from anybody in Glasgow. I hope you are not affected by the fire - it looks awful.


    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Ah, don't worry Ali.

    I mean. At my age you get used to bein' passed over. Am used to rejection. sniff snort.

    It didn't take me THAT long to get over it; well, not really. The nice counsellor said a few sessions will put the emotional fall-out right. An' the scars on me wrists are nearly healed; plus it's gettin' colder so I can wear the long sleeves. Plus it was a blessin' in disguise I had to console meself on the beach an' got saved by that buzzard because I'd forgotten am allergic to cockles.

    As for Scoobs, well, she did a good job a coverin' up, although I could tell by the way she wath lithpin' that she was pullin' 'er tongue out at the phone. Like I do when thomebody ringth me up durin' Strictly to try to thell me double-glathin'. Bleth 'er.

    So it's all good. I'll be alright soon. As long as I remember me pills an' cover up me mirrors.

    PPpppppppffffffffff ahh. Ow this toilet roll is scratchy on me nose.


  • Comment number 20.

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S well done Christoph, due 2 months after my very first grandchild is due (sorry to bore you all with that information). he he.

    love loli xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Evening all!

    Chris, that REALLY is the most fantastic news - congratulations to you, Tash, Noah and Jade on the impending new arrival .....

    ..... although hopefully we'll get our new arrival first!

    (Calm down, calm down .... it's a puppy!!!)

    I've once again spent a frustrating afternoon on the phone being bounced from pillar to post by 2 "communication" companies trying to sort my phone out. Useless doesn't even come close to describing their stance on customer service, but the upshot is that I@m basically lumbered with this "phone" (it's meant to smart ....) until August next year when I can upgrade or go elsewhere. After today, I'm thinking it's the latter option!

    The hole in my gum is slowly healing. Not been brave enough to actually eat anything on it just yet but it's nowhere near as sore as it was the other day - and thank you for all the lovely messages on here and FaceAche.

    Blimmin' cold out there - I'm thinking it's a jimjam snugglefest night.

    Stay warm and safe.


  • Comment number 22.

    Congratulations Chris and Natasha on your news x

  • Comment number 23.

    Chris it is most wonderful news..i had an idea a few weeks ago as you kept leaving hints on your radio show.

    i am so pleased for you all.

    send mrs e our love

    djeli x

  • Comment number 24.

    Fantastic news! Bet Noah will make a great Big Bro!

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi everyone:

    mtd: thank you for your concern regarding that fire yesterday. xx
    It was, thankfully, not in the city centre. It was a derelict building, a beautiful building though, and close to lots of other old and beautiful buildings which are now flats. I understand everyone was told to leave their homes while the wonderful and brave firefighters brought the blaze under control. No casualties, so that's a bit of a miracle.

    Loli: you won't bore us, promise. March is going to be a very exciting month for you!

    Cheryl: awww, a wee puppy! Will this be pre, or post-Christmas? It's impossible not to love and spoil a puppy!

    I have such a lot to do today and unfortunately find myself in a CBA mood!

    Happy Tuesday, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Morning all

    Productive morning here thus far: housework done, washing machine on - I'm now planted in the Study (my new office!) planning the rest of my week which will basically be some marketing, phone calls and even more networking events.

    I've never been happier!

    Chrissie - we're looking at getting a Springer Spaniel pup in March next year. We're off to India in February to visit my mummy and it seemed wrong to get a pup now, settle it in and then stick it in boarding kennels for a fortnight. We're making enquiries now though - searching out reputable breeders, adding up how much it'll cost us (Yikes!!!), and all the other stuff that comes with a new addition to the family. We told Nic's son of our plans last weekend, and of course, to a 9 year old, March is "forever away!". Bless him .....!

    Have a lovely day everyone - I'll be back in a bit.

    Muchos amore.


  • Comment number 27.

    Great news - Noah will make a wonderful big brother. Looking forward to the safe arrival in May.

  • Comment number 28.

    Just want to say congratulations of the great news.

  • Comment number 29.

    Dear Mr Christoph,I happened to look on the radio 2 website and read about the lovely news about a new new baby Evans due in May .I felt moved to sign up to comment.You brighten up the mornings with your inspiring view on life.I love the show ,and your happiness and contentment with life oozes through the radio.Im really happy for both you and your wife and little Noah.Have loved the military wives success.Fab,keep it all up!.wend



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