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The message is clear and simple.

Chris Evans | 10:39 UK time, Tuesday, 22 November 2011

If you haven't seen the recent three part series of The Choir - Military Wives, then you simply have to watch it.

Shouldn't be too difficult - if you're on here, you should be able to get on there.

And what of a single for Christmas? Heck, yes, I should say so.

Our show will get right behind it if there's any heat in this idea. Gareth Malone is in New York as I write, but hopefully he will be with us some way, somehow tomorrow.

If it's meant to happen, it will.

God Bless People.





  • Comment number 1.

    Large And Warm 'ello's Ter CLP & ALL Blog Dudes...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    Warmth to yersen CLP man, sorry a missed yer on Fridee although a was VERY near:

    Soz a couldn't blog yesterdee.... Crayzee busy at work from 7am ter 11pm... Couldn't get near a PC – Notta good idea ter blog whilst driving up the M62!!!!!!

    So am coming to you with an little account of me most nice visit ter ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 2 on Fridee ter do a small part in 'elping the mighty Children In Need appeal raise much needed money ter 'elp kids who need a 'elping 'and!!!!!!
    Just of late ave been feeling very tired what with doing me 'ouse up, working long 'ours and me recent back injury adding insult ter injury, but this wasn't gonna stop me coming ter 'elp out with CIN!!!!!!
    But 'ence why a thought best not ter join fellow bloggers for breakfast and get as much sleep/ rest as possible, THUS arriving direct at R2 as close ter the bone as the instructed 09.30.
    True ter the punctual machine that is mesen a arrived at 09.27... But sadly missed the gang already gone up inter R2 aych Q and thus spent 30 minutes waiting at reception thus missing the reception that CLP gave the blog dudes!!!!!!!!
    Oh well never mind, maybe next year i'll getta chance ter see CLP again... But soon a was upstairs and getting ready ter start manning one of the phone lines!!!!!
    Soon a was in and wired and ready ter answer the calls of the generous callers calling!!!!!!!!!
    This year a decided ter keep a count of the calls a took just out of curiosity and as a good incentive ter keep working 'ard taking calls!!!!!!
    A admire those who work in call centres for a living as it's not east trying ter get info off a caller in a noisy call centre and ter bang it all in a PC all as fast and efficiently as possible!!!!!!
    But we all kept plugging on.... The counting, in blocks of 5, a found great as even when a felt a need a quick break i'd just get another block ticked off... A good incentive!!!!!
    A took 65 calls during the day which must add upter about 2k raised towards CIN!!!!!!!!
    And great ter see a few celebs pop in and 'ave me photer taken with a few of them – a nice souvenir of the day ter remember the day by!!!!!!!
    The only thing it was frustriating not ter be able ter meet all the celebs popping in... A saw Sir Cliff, Twiggy, The Bruce.... Jezza Vine.... All come in butta wasn't able ter say 'ello or getta 'gra[h!!!!!
    A mean a couldn't exactly jump up mid call and say ter the kind caller β€œsoz can't take yer money a NEED ter say 'ello ter The Bruce!!!!!!”
    Although a think if Wrightie, aka god of broadcasting came in, a think a could lose me mind and 'ave ter jump up and getta photer!!!!!! Only joking!!!!
    Although maybe this is why 'e take CIN week off... The mobbing is too much!!!!!!!

    A must admit though a find 65 not as good a total as a 'oped a might do... Maybe 200 'undred would ave been a better number!!!!!! Butta did work 'ard so maybe 200 not possible in 9 'ours???!!!
    A don't know all.... A don't know!!!!!!
    Me only complaint is the volume on the phone lines was poor making for some time consuming calls. If the volume on the 'eadphones where better then a could whizz through the calls faster!!!!!
    It was great ter getta clear call then a could do the business in 'alf the time!!!!!

    But all in all a fab-dabby-dozy of a dee & great ter 'elp out for the good cause!!!!!

    Nice ter see so many bloggers again, even if as always a struggle ter know who's who as there's so many bloggers from both blogs!!!!!!
    And of course BIG thanks ter Cheryl for organising us all!!!!!!!
    And it was nice ter go for a much needed refuelling aka the bloggers meal afterwards ;-))))

  • Comment number 2.

    A was watching CIN on tv later, when a got 'ome and some of the sad stories makes you realise just 'ow much the money is needed and what good this part of the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ does for our country!!!!!
    One very sad story was about Clare House Hospice that 'elps terminally ill children through the last few months or weeks of their lives when they are so gravely ill!!!!!!!!
    They try to give these very difficult cases the best end to their lives and make it easier for their families!!!!!
    Not that 'easier' is a word that exists for the terrible pain that families and these children must go through!!!!!!
    One thing that shocked me & made me feel VERY, VERY angry is the story of 'ow the Clare House Hospice, that was shown in a film during the CIN TV programme, is that only 8 of the 10 rooms at the centre are presently able to be used as they can not afford to run the other 2 rooms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The rooms cost Β£270 a day to run!!!!!

    THIS IS SHOCKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A country where the government can afford to throw billions around in the city, where these billions vanish, where the government can recently sell Northern Rock at a Β£400 million pound loss.... Yet they can't find the extra Β£270 a day to look after very, very ill and suffering children who are terminally ill!!!!!!!!!!!!

    David Cameron and the idiots in power before 'im should be ashamed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry to end on a negative note but I feel so ashamed and angry at the greed that we live amongst in this country, caused by a greedy few in the city & government.... They 'ave all their priorities completely wrong!!!!!!!!

    It's great for one night Children In Need does so muc good in such a 'igh profile way!!!!!!

    Brings, not just the bloggers together, but the whole country for one day ;-))))

  • Comment number 3.

    Absolutely behind this one hundred percent. That these ladies take on the added stress of rehearsing and performing whilst caring for their families alone and worrying about their men is just amazing.. and they sound bloody brilliant too. I am in awe! What better song could we all buy and listen to at Christmas ?

  • Comment number 4.

    PS CLP, A agree with The Miltary Wives should do a single for The Crimbo... As for watching it.... A would like ter butta just don't get time working 15 'our dee's.... And doing me 'ouse up on me own.... etc... etc!!!!!!

    In fact a barely ge ttime ter blog much lately.... Although an exception above all for CIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye!

  • Comment number 5.

    Good morning one and all

    Christoff, I haven’t seen it, but will definitely have a look. Anything that can prevent an X-F single from reaching the top spot at Christmas will be a bonus in my book!

    A big well done to all those who manned the phones for CIN, I have enjoyed looking through all the photos on Facecloth. Hard work, but rewarding I would imagine.

    Sean welcome, I was bemoaning that I didn’t get to talk to a blogger on Friday, I can now remedy that, it was lovely to speak to you. Stick around.


    Hope all is well with everyone. Had a mad busy weekend myself, even managed to start my Crimble shopping, well it is only 4 and a bit weeks, yikes!!

    Bingo, great post, as ever. Take care with that back of yours and ease up a bit!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 6.

    It's about time that a proper Christmas song was back up at Number 1 - so bring it on! I haven't been able to catch The Choir this time but I am going to watch on iPlayer - I still haven't seen all of Friday's festivities because of the internet connection (or lack of lol). I did however nearly not get out of bed out of pure embarrassment yesterday as I remembered 90% of the dances to the Steps melody (yes apart from work and Parents Evening I'm sitting in a darkened room weeping lol)

    At dinner on Friday we were talking about how it's so good that although we're all spread across the country (or Europe in some cases!) We come together like a bunch of old friends like we've known each other forever and that when something bad (or not so good) happens we are there for each other.

    I wanted to say thank you. Yesterday I was having a bit of a wobble and I posted on FB/Twitter and in the responses were two CLP Bloggers (or maybe 3 I think!). Me and Mr GirltaristHan have recently become temporary carers for one of the boys from church - we had the call last week that we needed to make it official with social services - no problem we knew that was the path that was going to be taken. Today we have Parent's evening and I had a call from our contact at Social Services saying that they are going to request that this boy becomes a looked after child and that we are put as first choice for Foster Carers - it's going to be tough going through it all but it's worth it - He needs a home that love him and care for him. I felt like the bad cop yesterday and did have a wobble and you lovelies were there - thank you, thank you, thank you.

    I've changed my display name to match my shirt :) Hopefully it's less confusing then lol.

  • Comment number 7.

    Thanks Pen xx

    PS Tiggs - Just wanted ter say: "'BIG 'APPY BIRTHDEE GREETINGS TER YERSEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    'ave a fab 22nd of The Nov!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 8.

    Please, please everyone get behind the Choir. The single could be released for Christmas with all proceeds going to "Help Our Heroes"
    They were totally splendid and I cried throughout the programme especially at the Albert Hall!
    I watched The Service of Remembrance and am ashamed to say that it did not click with me who they were! How bad is that!
    As I said - please help us to get this released - they are all Heroes themselves.

  • Comment number 9.

    Happy Birthday Tiggs :) (It wouldn't let me comment straight after so I pottered off and then pottered back to comment again)

  • Comment number 10.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    D'oh! I missed The Choir-Military Wives Chris, will watch it a bit later and come back and give my verdict.

    I agree Pen, anything that keeps X Factor off the Christmas No 1 is fine by me. And Cliff (sorry Cliff, I don't mean that and I was disappointed that Millenium Prayer was not No 1 for the millenium, I thought it would have been lovely).

    Off to have another cup of tea having been on a 14 hour fast due to annual blood tests>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Aye up!

    I've not seen any of The Choir Chris, but like Pen, I'm willing to support anything in order to stop any X-F tripe hogging the (once coveted) Christmas number 1 spot. Failing The Choir ladies, howzabout the new Michael Buble single - a fantastic cover version of All I Want For Christmas Is You - no squeals or high pitched banshee wails, just a blimmin' good song, sung by a jolly decent sort!

    Hannah - bless you and MrHan, and good luck with everything. You know there's always someone around on FB when you have a wobble - I'd be lost without it!

    Right, lunch break over. Back to the glory of housework.

    Muchos amore.


  • Comment number 12.


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Chris: yes, most definitely I will buy that record. The Military Wives are so inspiring, and this series of The Choir was just brilliant. Hope you have managed to contact Gareth in the Big Apple!

    Mike and Jagopip: welcome to the blog. With Chris on Gareth's side, there is no chance of failure!

    Bingo: lovely to see you - thanks for your CiN story. What a shame you missed the wee reception with Chris. xx

    Not looking forward to going out to get my lunch - it's freezing here today!

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.

    yes we do wont another number one other than the x factor

  • Comment number 15.

    Thank you thank you thank Chris and the Show - I'm one of the chivenor Choir ladies, and listened to the show on the way into work. I was pretty shocked to hear us, and my kids loved hearing it!!! We are all so grateful and indeed pretty overwhelmed at the response we have had from everyone. Its been an amazing experience.... I think we are still all floating....... X factor who?????? lol


  • Comment number 16.

    Hello lovelies of the blog,

    Happy birthday TIGGS - what a lovely lady x x x

    I am in favour of the single being released. It was beautiful to listen to this morning on my way through Windsor Great Park to clinic in Ascot. It was still very foggy and rather beautiful.

    I also like the sentiment...............if it's meant to be then it will happen. I think life should be embraced like that. We shouldn't force things, often it is best to leave nature to take it's course.

    Have a lovely rest of day.

    C xxxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Happy Birthday Tiggs.
    Anything other than X Factor rubbish for number 1 IMO and a Choir seems somehow appropriate for C.......s doesn't it.


  • Comment number 18.

    Deevs, I am totally with you, re 'Bubbles'! I also think a very special lady from up above will somehow agree ;)

    Pen x

  • Comment number 19.


    CLP I agree about the single being released, and look look look @15 MarinesMrs is a blogger, how great is that!?!?! Hello! I'm off to watch you and the rest of the lovely ladies on the i-player later, but I have a few things to do first:

    First: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIGGS, have a lovely day!

    Then comes the boring but necessary houseworky stuff, this afternoon I shall mostly be blitzing the kitchen and bathroom with Friday's CiN shows blaring out of the laptop - apologies have already been made to the neighbours for when I sing along...! Oh yes, the voice has returned after Friday's exertions...

    AnnieOakley xxx

  • Comment number 20.


    I sat down to watch The Choir-Military Wives on the i Player. It said 'to watch you will have to instal a higher Flash thingy so I did. Tried again. same thing, installed again and a message said I already had it installed but still would not play?

    Anyway here is the song:

    It would be lovely if this is the Christmas No 1.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Agree Agree Agree and Agree once more. I love Gareth and for some reason this series completely missed me and I have watched the previous one's, was kicking myself this morning listening to the radio that I had missed it (kicking yourself whilst driving is not at all easy you know).

    I shall be iplayering it later on today.

    Have no interest in manufactured drivvel being number 1 would rather have the wives of those brave guys at number one any day of the week with the money going to Hedley Court or Help for Heroes In an ideal world it would not be needed that a charity would provide our brave guys the help they need they have put everything on the line for their country but when that said country is run by expense robbing multi millionaires I suppose it is down to us the normal people to show how much they mean to us. (sorry rant over).

    With you Chris lets get behind this wonderful women.

    Alternatively Bubbles would be nice too, like you Deevs cant be doing with singers who have high pitch warbbles and wailling I just have to turn it off, sometimes there is no need to make it more complicated than just a nice song sung nice.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hello ladies, gentleman, and chlidren. Its such a pleaure to meet you and greet you on this day, tuesday the twenty-second of november two thousand and eleven.

    So, Today was a fairly boring day. History lessons - damn hitler.

    Mondya nights tellly ;
    SCD ITT ; No robin. ;(
    Enders ; WHaat are you doing tanya? JUST TELL THEM
    Apprentice ; Those adverts may have been the best to have been in the boardroom, but they are still horrendus
    NMTB ; James Blunt wash your mouth
    Misfits ; Damn hitler

    Chris was very good this morning. excellent choice for the big screen belter.

    Might post again later

    Be good, be safe, be happy. See you tomorrow (or earlier of the mood strikes me....)


  • Comment number 23.

    Just watched the episode in question. It was brilliant. It mad a 20 stone man cry like a baby.MUST be released as a single for Christmas. Thanks Chris for bringing it to my attention.

  • Comment number 24.


    I didn't see the choir last night as I was out gossiping, but is on the viewing list for tonight!
    Agree that a single should be released, those ladies are amazing!
    We live on the estate in Plymouth that was shown last week in fact....and I very nearly went along to see what it was all about but stuff just got in the way - not sure I would have had the guts to do it anyway!!!

    In other news..........t'other has been called for a third, yes third, interview at CERN....second time of flying over at a weeks notice! It's driving us bonkers to put it mildly.. All fingers crossed next Thursday please!

    Better go make spag bol

  • Comment number 25.

    Ebbwbeth - of course will have everything crossed - will you have to move to Switzerland or work here and fly in when needed (Can that be done??)

    Deevs - I am so feeling the love right now! Got first parents evening this evening and have written a list of questions about numeracy, literacy, reading age, strengths, weaknesses, how we help, is there a set text for english - Maybe I am going to be one of those annoying parents who ask stupid amounts of questions - then again they should be aware of the situation and give me the benefit of the doubt lol.

    Going to see my old form tutor tonight as she teaches Our Sidekick for French and History I think

  • Comment number 26.

    Evening each and hallo to all the new bloggers.

    Like others, I'll be having a look at The Choir on iplayer later - sounds like a plan for Christmas.

    Eb, fingers crossed for other half.

    Bingo, I so agree with post #2.

    GirltaristHan, good luck with your boy - sounds like he's arrived in a good place.

    Back in a bit.

  • Comment number 27.

    Hello is anyone around for a Tuesday night wine/tea/coffee/hot choc club?

  • Comment number 28.

    Hiya Cathmel

    I think I could be persuaded! need to make fresh cup of tea and have a toffee waffle with it - yummy.

    Hello everyone else new and existing xx

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Chris you are right. Just watched the choir it was brilliant. A must for a christmas record!!!

  • Comment number 30.

    Hello Cathmel, Susan and Annie.

    I am just having a glass of wine while dinner is cooking.

    Just had loads work going on here today, new bathroom suite will all be in and finished by tomorrow night. Hopefully!

    Hope everyone has had a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi Cath - I'll have wine, coffee and hot choc in any order.

    Hallo Susan - love your CiN photos on FB.

    And hallo to GrahLoa.


  • Comment number 32.

    Slipped in under the wire there CSN. Howdedoody and thank goodness the bathroom will be finished by tomorrow. Is that the end? Or am I being stupid?


  • Comment number 33.

    hello ladies *raises a mug of tea* hows your day been?

  • Comment number 34.

    Annie, Not the end yet my dear.

    Still got another bathroom window to be changed. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Evening all,

    Chris yes I have been watching the the choir. must admit to shedding a few tears last night . wouldn't it be lovely to see that at no 1 this Christmas .

    Not only for those fantastic girls that keep the home fires burning while our chaps are away but for the all of the army it self ,just to let them know that we're here to show our support in all that they do. And above all for those (Fallen Hero's)

    I can't remember her name at present ,but the soloist's mum was in hospital after a serious accident and was quite poorly,so she was singing for her mum. so that's another side that we don't see.

    Sorry ,forgot to say hello to our newbies. we're OK ,don't bite too hard.lol.

    Ebb, really pleased for Mr Ebb,sounds very promising doesn't it ,fingers crossed.

    Hope that everyone else and yours are OK and all is tickety boo .

    Take care...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 36.

    Oh Dear CSN, at least the end is in sight.

    Cheers Cath - my day's been rather boring, although I did get a bit miffed at a young, spotty youth who took my parking place outside my house - I'm turning into my mother - Bums. Gorgeous little boys after school made me feel better though.

    Just ordered my Christmas cards from Asthma UK. I do hate having to decide which charity to support - they are all so deserving.


  • Comment number 37.

    Cath - OOOoooooo Hot Chocolate!

    GirltaristHan - It would mean moving to France (couldn't afford Switzerland!) which is slightly daunting as none of us speak French..............
    But would be an amazing opportunity for all of us, so thanks all for all the finger crossing!

    Other than that it's been a good day - the boy has been in fine form so we've had giggles rather than screams, apart from mock screams of terror when running away from the monster (T'other under the duvet!) or wolf howls of delight upon seeing spag bol and garlic bread for tea......... Did I mention my son is completely and utterly bonkers!!

    Off to see see if I can find the choir on the watch again thingy.....where are those tissues?


  • Comment number 38.

    Hello Hello Hello!

    Feels like I've had a very long day today!

    Went to a meeting at work and did fire extinguisher training - lovely fireman spraying foam everywhere! The residents looking out of their windows looked a bit worried about the clouds of CO2 though!

    Then had to comfirm and pay for our (shh christmas) do

    By the time I'd done that, there was not long til I had to be at school for boy2's parent's evening - not enough time to go home so I had a quick look round the new next store before facing the teachers!

    All was good though but it takes hours!!

    I'll throw my hat in for the Military Wives for the Christmas No 1 but I will need to invest in more hankies if that beautiful song is going to be on the radio more.

    Thank you MarineMrs for coimg to say hello. Last night was the first programme I watched. One of your colleagues in the choir said you all wanted to gain recognition for all the wives supporting their partners who are away on active duty - well, you sure did that and more!

    I'm here for a diety cola. Cheers!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Just heard that 6yr old has nits!!!!! Oh yuk - will be wearing hairnet on Friday.


  • Comment number 40.

    Annie, Lovely!!

    Anyone feeling itchy yet? ;-)


  • Comment number 41.

    Sezza, haven't seen him for a few days but will be looking after him on Friday!! Will be wearing shower cap over hairnet.


  • Comment number 42.

    Susan Just seen you have a toffee waffle!! Sounds yummy. Got any spare? ;-)

    Ebb, your boy sounds lovely. And how exciting to know someone who might be involved in Cern!! Sounds like a very big adventure!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Ok....now watched the choir.......Blimey they're good. Need more tissues as I cried through just about the whole hour!


  • Comment number 44.

    Hi Sezza
    I do have a couple spare actually. It's a problem when you are here on your own most of the week trying not to finish things off!

    Although we didn't get to talk much last Friday it was great to see you again as it was to loads of others. Well I suppose weren't there to talk to each other just to the lovely people who phoned in.

    Love and night, night (not nits, nits!!!)

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Oh Susan - do hope the nits have gone by Friday!

    Just watched the Choir on iplayer - would bring a tear to a glass eye!!

    No matter what you think about the armed forces (and, sorry, but I do think a lot about them and wonder what the motivation for war is), that was absolutely fabby. These women are stars.


  • Comment number 46.

    Who said Nits!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well and take care.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 48.

    3 weeks of brilliant TV The Milatary Wives. How many weeks of Xfactor with all the media rubbish that goes with it, I am so bored with it all. These wives are real with real hero's to love. Come on lets make it a Christmas numer one instead of the other rubbish from channel 3.

  • Comment number 49.

    Evening All,

    Chris - good luck getting the single off the ground. Christmas number one or not, it'll be a welcome addition to the R2 playlist. I'm secretly (well it's a secret until now) looking forward to hearing Fairytale of New York for the first of many times in December.
    Can you promise never to play the two together? Could be a disaster if I'm driving....

    Lovely reading though everyone's memories of Friday - one call keeps coming back to me. A lovely, happy lady who donated Β£50 for a dedication to her two children.
    We did all the paperwork and then I asked her how she'd like to word the dedication?
    "To my two beautiful children, who have been wonderful since losing their Dad six months ago". She didn't flinch, didn't wobble. Just said thank you and good bye.
    I didn't manage so well, and still go a bit when I recall it.

    For anyone not lucky enough to get along last Friday. This is what the whole day is like. Generous, warm, happy people ringing up to be nice to you.
    I hope you get the chance next year.

    Hope you don't mind me chucking in my memory.....

    The other bonus of the day was not, meeting the slebs, because I only managed Chris, for any period of time and then later - Ken and a Westzone kid (who i had a picture with, more for the banter from my mates than any real desire to own such a thing) when I sloped off to the loo, we were there to do a job dontchaknow.

    The other bonus was meeting all of you lot again and getting to spend a little more time getting to know you. It would be almost impossible to imagine meeting a group of people from so many different backgrounds and getting on so well, in any other circumstance.
    Thank you x

    OK - enough gibberish from me

    See you later



    PS Barmy (I think) - I did not have sexual relations with that bear!

  • Comment number 50.

    Having watched the full series, I totally agree. This has to be made into a single for Christmas, and surely to raise funds for Help the Heroes. I for one would buy it, and make it probably the most appropriate Xmas No.1 for many a year!! our troups and their wives deserve this recognition.

  • Comment number 51.

    Yes please! This is the only TV prog I have watched regularly over last few weeks and I am a non-military wife/Mum. Loved the track at the Albert Hall and a Christmas single at least and/or an album would be fab. All for charity - for our heroes, their families and children too please. Well done ladies (and Gareth, all the folks behind the scenes). All wives and families stand behind you.

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning bloggers

    Chilly this morning and had to scrape frost off the car for the first time this year.

    Have a good day and see you at lunchtime xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Morning All,

    First frost of the season this morning.

    Military Wives - wow, wow, WOW! Must be released as a single ...... as others have already said, it would be great to have a 'proper' Christmas no. 1 again.

    Go for it ........

    Hope everybody is happy today. I'm at my desk all day so will be popping in & out when I can.

    Love to all that need it and welcome to the newbies ....... it's a right nice place on here!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Duran Duran medley.


    Back in a bit.

    Cheers Chris!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 55.

    Morning all

    Ok, So I am so pleased the Military Wives Choir song is being brought out as a single but it does mean I am going to have to give up mascara for the whole of December!!

    And Rips, you're right - what a gobsmacker that would be! We could bring the whole country to a standstill!!

    Do any of you clever people know when we need to buy the single to make sure it is Christmas No1 whatever date it comes out?

    Maybe Chris could just spend a morning telling us all to buy, buy, buy!!

    Deevs, Desperate claims to Duran Duran themselves do not count!! ;-)


    Sarah x x

  • Comment number 56.

    Wahoo!!!!!!!!! As you've all heard (hopefully) - we have recorded the single (did it Saturday) and its out for you all to buy via digital download on 5th December xxx what a ride this has been!!!! Thank you all for your amazingly kind words....... who'd have thought a bunch of women who are married to forces blokes could record a single with a hope of being Christmas number 1............... soooooooooo excited

    Have an amazing day all - and thanks to the nit story I'm at work itching away lol xxxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Great news about the Military Wives single being released - but which 2 charities are to benefit? The British Legion is one, what is the other?

  • Comment number 58.

    The other is SSAFA - they do an amazing job helping the families of ex and serving Forces - heres the Decca press release - CE gets a mention!!!

  • Comment number 59.

    Bidie-In, i think it was a charity that supports Service Personnel and their family but I didn't catch it's proper title

    Marinesmrs, so pleased that we can be "involved" even in such a little way. Stick around won't you - we're not bad - despite the nits!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    BI and Sezza

    Think chris said SAAFA (hope I spelt that right)

    Morning - scratch scratch. Who mentioned nits, now I am scratching like a scratchy thing in a scratchy place.

    Have a good day.

    CB x

  • Comment number 61.

    Thanks for replying, Sezza - I may 'listen again' to catch the full title.

  • Comment number 62.

    LOL Sezza - I did send a top tenuous in, but it wasn't tenuous enough .... shall I share ....?

    Last year I had a job interview at Aston Villa FC. Duran Duran's John Taylor is a Villa supporter, and no, I didn't get the job!

    Thanks to Chris for the Duran Duran blast I actually got my backside in gear and booked my train tickets for my visit to stay with Jakeygirl when we go and see DD in Manchester in December (Mr Le Bon's vocal chords permitting, of course).

    Good luck to the Choir ladies, although I confess that I "invested" in Michale Buble's Christmas CD at ELH this morning - and yes, I'll play it to Beezles on 1st December as I open Window #1 on the Bloggers Advent Calendar.


  • Comment number 63.

    Thanks Sezza x CB - you've made me itch again!!! Deevs - I wont fall out with you (yet lol) over the Buble CD - as long as its the album lol...... also if you went for AVFC interview - does that mean you're a fellow Brummie????

  • Comment number 64.

    Out as a single - yaay!! I missed that earlier. Let's make it number one peeps.


    Did someone mention nits?


    Laters ..........

    CG xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi everyone:

    Isn't this just fantastic about the Military Wives?!

    Marinesmrs: does this all feel surreal?! It's fantastic for all of you, enjoy all the fuss that's coming your way - you all deserve it. I am so looking forward to seeing that wonderful record at No.1 on Christmas Day.

    Annie: I am scratching too! Aaaarrggh! Not to worry though, the stuff on the market now for treating this particular problem is great, and the little blighters will be gone in no time.


    Have a good Wednesday everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 66.

    C - I'm sat at work as I normally do after being asked by about 50 kids that I teach if I'm going to be Christmas number 1 lol.......... I keep on giggling to myself - its so so surreal and I dont think its actually sunk in yet! I'm guessing if some kids singing about their grandma can get number 1 in the 80s - we can too!!!! haha xxx I love CE - he's my new favourite person lolx

  • Comment number 67.

    Rips - I've been called barmy many times in my life but if it's the incriminating photo of you and Pudsey you're referring to, then I took it!! I have now managed to download it onto my pooter at home and I'll be emailing it you in the next day or so, but first I should probably upload it onto Facecloth!!!! He he - it still makes me chuckle ....

    Rips - I also owe you an apology because I was headed off down the corridor with you towards the kitchen when Nicky Byrne *sigh* appeared at the top of the stairs and without a word I literally turned straight round and followed him back into the phone room ..... *double sigh*

    Good to see you and everyone else on Friday - I'm still smiling about the whole day.

    The sun's shining here in the back end of Kent and the fog has finally lifted - hurrah!

    Take care everyone

    jillygoat xx


  • Comment number 68.

    LOL MarineMrs - fear not, it was the Micky Bubbles album I invested in so plenty of room for your single to hit the top spot.

    I'm not a Brummie but I live in Cannock. As you're new here you'll have missed all the drama ...... I was an Essex/Suffolk bird, then, lo and behold, I met the love of my life on this 'ere blog (we thank CLP every morning!), and after only meeting him twice, left my old life behind (the divorce was amicable) and upped sticks to Staffordshire in Feb 2010 .... and I've never been happier!

    Now look you lot .... in the words of the late great Malcolm McLaren - all this scratching's making me itch!


  • Comment number 69.

    Marinesmrs: no doubt about it, Chris is just a terrific guy - we all love him to bits!
    How exciting for your pupils, and it's just to get more and more exciting each day from now on!

    Jillygoat: oooh, the gorgeous Nicky! Had I been there, I really think I would have frightened the life out of the poor guy ... perhaps it's just as well that fate stepped in and scuppered my trip to London!

    C xx

  • Comment number 70.

    After reading Chris' clear and simple message about The Choir - Military Wives, I felt compelled to flick to iplayer last night - as an Expat in Saudi I couldn't believe the similarities between the ladies' existence on the camp and mine. I found the whole programme very moving indeed and was brought to tears by the performance of Bob Dylan's "Make you feel my love" .....Nicky was brilliant. I will be catching up with Episodes 2 and 3 tonight (avid viewing). We mustn't forget our brave armed forces, but netiher should we forget the brave women/loved ones they leave behind.

    suzygogo xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Ok, I've been working it out - I think!

    I know Chris said the 5th Dec was too early to relase the Military Wives (as it were!!) but because Christmas is on a Sunday, the 5th is only 2 Sundays before if you see what I mean.

    Now, It's a loooooooong time since I paid any attention to the charts but assuming they still work the same way, is the Christmas number 1 the track that is the bestselling in the week before the last Sunday before Christmas?

    That means we all need to buy this track between 12th - 17th December to make it number 1 on Sunday 18th December

  • Comment number 72.

    Lovely comment Suzy.

    Great blogginbg today all xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Unless there is a chart released on Christmas Day! So do we need to buy it between 19th - 24th December?

    Help!! Someone needs to tell me what to do!

    Marinesmrs, bet you never thought you'd all cause this much discussion! Or increase the sales of water-proof mascara ten-fold!


    Sezza xxx

    ps in case anyone is wondering why their posts are being moderated, it happens if someone is new to the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Blogs - all posts are checked for a short while - it'll soon wear off!! Do stick around though

    pps 2 part post - must have been wittering too much!

  • Comment number 74.

    I love your planning Sezza! I was wondering as Christmas is on a sunday so which sunday counts?? Christmas day or the week before? Lol I was blubbing myself in the car this morning and I'm not normally a blarter......... just heard my hubster is being sent away again so wont be here for the release date :(

    Nikki was fantastic - she really put her heart into that song when we sang in the Pannier Market..... and shes such a lovely woman too!

  • Comment number 75.

    Morning all!

    What a lovely bloggy atmosphere today partly cos of great CiN memories, but mostly because of the effect the lovely MarinesMrs and the rest of her choir buddies are having on us!!

    I confess I got sidetracked from iplayer yesterday but now have a big box of tissues to hand, ready for sobbing into... once I've dealt with overnight email bugs in h@tmail, sorry if anyone here got a dodgy email from me earlier.

    AnnieOakley - wondering if the scratchy nits and the email bugs are related, both yucky!

  • Comment number 76.

    ahhh MarinesMrs I was blubbing like a baby this morning when Chris played the single as I was on my way to work. Have just beentalking to my boss too who is all at sixes and sevens because he stayed up late last night to watch the last episode on rerun and he was emotional when he was telling me. We had a long conversation about getting the single to number 1.

    I love make you feel my love have been known to bash it out occassionally when I get the chance it is a lovely song and I watched that clip the other day, the most moving bit was the old lady in the wheelchair clutching her face and patting her mouth trying not to cry. She has seen all this first hand. Very touching.

    I am a fellow midlander too but like Deevs I am originally from down south and moved up about 21 years ago for love too, arent we a romantic soft bunch.

    No scratching here I have me mitts on....

  • Comment number 77.

    CB - I'm really not a cryer but found myself blubbing in the car outside work when I hear CE play it! That lovely old lady comes to most of our performances..... shes amazing and on the weekend came on stage with us at the local lights switch on!!! Love her xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Afternoon all

    Chilly here but the sun is shining.

    Marinesmrs. It was lovely listening to the single on Chris's show this morning. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Hi Everyone,

    Chris - thank you for getting behind The Choir. I love it, have followed him from the beginning (thanks to our lovely ChrissieS) each time you think it can't get any better but it does. MarineMrs hats off to you and all the other military wives you are an amazing group of women and deserve the glory and number 1 that is coming your way.

    Hello and welcome to all the new bloggers xx

    Have a good day folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 80.

    New blog btw

  • Comment number 81.

    I loved it. Does anyone know the name of the piece of music being played when Hayley is talking about when her husband returns???

  • Comment number 82.

    What a brilliant idea the releasing of that wonderful song would be, with maybe, all proceeds going to the armed forces charities or at least a good percentage of the proceeds. I don't think we do enough for our lads & their families, especially those that are wounded or traumatised by their experiences.



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