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28 October 2014


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Metrolink: are you being taken for a ride?
On the right track? Metrolink in Manchester
Outside Manchester, Metrolink is seen as a model for modern urban transport.

But closer to home, we're not all fans of the trams.

What do you think of Metrolink?

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When they first arrived in Manchester, we all fell in love with the trams. Quiet, quick and efficient - they seemed like a dream come true.

But Metrolink has its faults.

Fares have risen steadily. An adult weekly season ticket costs more than £20 to commute from the suburbs to the city centre. A peak return from say Bury to Manchester costs £4.00.

Services are frequent but not so good if you want to stay out late in town on a Friday and Saturday night. And the trams are now showing their age, ticket machines don't always work and the network breaks down frequently.

Are you happy with the service? Or are you a long-suffering passenger? And what about the thousands of commuters who endure the 'sardine trip' every morning and evening?

Does Metrolink deliver value for money? Or are you being taken for a ride?
Have Your Say >>>

From Frank in St Helens

From Guy in Manchester
London Underground struggle to run a geriatric system that is very complex and over used. Sometimes it fails but usually it works. Serco run a very modern system that is extremely simple and has a much smaller number of users. Nonetheless, the quality of service is worse, the state of the running stock poorer, and the prices for users are higher. Anywhere else this would lead to them going bust/losing the contract. Somone must be winning somewhere. Shame it's not the public!

From Richard Slater in Sale, Manchester
I live in Sale, about 5 miles from Manchester City Centre. Rush hour trams are supposed to run every three minutes, but the delays between services are usually more like ten minutes. By the time a tram arrives, it is invariable full and you are left on the platform without any room to board. Not the service you expect at a cost of over £4 a day. I pity people living closer to town as they rarely get to board first time.

From Duncan Parkes in Hoylake, Liverpool
I am sorry to hear that the trams are not as popular as they were. On my last visit to Manchester I did notice they were dirty and showing their age. Things must be improved if people are to be persauded not to use their cars!

From Andrew Smith, Manchester
I have never used Metrolink personally but from what I hear here is the consensus that it is expensive and unreliable. Sounds like the trains and buses as well then. I don't think London is the shining example of Public Transport people believe it to be. I have used the underground before and it seemed the same as all others unreliable overcrowded etc etc etc. I think a better example of public transport is the Metro in Newcastle. Fast, Frequent and cheap the last time I used it about 2 years ago. There is a train every 5 mins dropping to 10 mins in an evening. It is cheap. I completed a journey equivalent to Altrincham to Manchester in about 15 mins and for about £1.50. If the Geordies can do it why can't we....

From ados, Bury
To Darrn Evans, surely you don't actually believe this governmant has any idea of transport policy. Lets get people off the roads by reducing the rail services. Sounds like something Monty Python would do.

From maria
Metro link is far too expensive, basically its a rip off, fare prices for trams seriously need to reviewed by the council. Bus weekly ticket costs around £7.00 and the service is fairly good, why the heck should any one in the right mind want to pay £20+ when the bus is cheaper and the time keeping is the same as the metro. Metro link and the council need to wakeup and put them prices down, people are not stupid!!

From Darrn Evans, Manchester
Since the tram system first started 10 years ago I have seen a decline in service. You can wait up to 20 minutes at times for a tram in rush hour, Metrolink advertise an every 6mins service?? The prices are also very expensive. I travel from Bowker Vale to Altricham and I am expected to pay the same price as if I were traveling from Bury which is 6 stops away. It now costs me £20.70 per week for a pass on the system. If the price goes up further I will start using my car. Is this really what our government wants??

From Neil Williams, Milton Keynes (formerly Manchester)
To the poster from Bury - the bus service running alongside the trams to/from Manchester is very good - the 135 bendy-bus - why not give it a try? As for the football supporters, on most match days, I recall that First North Western run 3/6-coach mainline trains (an extension of the Stoke-Deansgate service) to and from Manchester United Football Ground Halt, which is actually attached to the ground rather than being a walk away. Yet these often run well under capacity. Why on earth don't people (coming from the City or the north) use them rather than cramming onto trams and having to walk at the other end?

From Eric, Eccles
I agree with the comments about the Eccles line. You have to wait ages and if something goes wrong, you're really up the creek. I used to travel regularly between Eccles and Altrincham and was regularly kept late for work when the tram terminated two stops before Altrincham. And on the return journey there were often long delays at the Cornbrook interchange. To make matters worse, that station is very exposed and it can become bitterly cold standing there in winter, particularly in windy conditions. Also, why is Cornbrook only an interchange? You used to be able to access it from street level, but now it is all boarded up, forcing some locals to take desperate measures. I recently saw three teenagers get off at Cornbrook, walk across the metro track then, dodging a freight train, cross the railway line before scrambing down to the street below. A tragedy waiting to happen. Why don't the penny pinchers make it into a regular station with proper ac! cess for the benefit of the locals, like the rest of us have?

From aos, Bury
Your having a laugh, cheap! I think not. Prices have just gone up! If only the service improved by as much as the fares it might be approaching decent by now. Take the contract of SERCO and give it to someone who can actually run trams and not waste money buying second hand trams which then don't fit the line (I'm talking about the farce of the San Fransisco trams).

From Very annoyed in Timperley
where do I start!!!?
1/ I wrote a letter of complaint to Metrolink customer services on 4/01/03 regarding the poor service and safety on the trams. They finally decided to reply on 18/02/03, only to fob me off with excuses and not answer any questions I raised. ( A service almost as efficient as their tram service on football match days!)
2/ The ticket machines are always broken, or will not accept the coins, therefore I'm not always able to get a ticket. Am I supposed to get off at every stop on my journey with my baby and pushchair to find a ticket machine that actually works? What would happen if a ticket inspector got on? Would they try and charge me the standard fare? I don't think so!!!!
3/ Trams are dangerously overcrowded on match days. What would happen if someone was taken ill of if there was a crash? There are no constraints on the number of passengers allowed to cram onto the tram, it resembles cattle being transported to market, although I'm sure their conditions are far better than what we have to endure!!! this surely is unacceptable and should be brought to the attention of the health and safety executive before someone is seriously injured or killed!
4/ Football supporters are given priority on match days. I've stood with my young baby on Market street platform for over half an hour (6 minute service- don't make me laugh!!!) waiting for a tram to Timperley only to discover that the Altrincham trams are driven straight through to Old Trafford to transport the supporters away. Are they more important than the loyal users of the tram who use it regularly throughout the whole year, not just during the football season? It certainly appears that way!
5/ The trams and stations are disgusting and filthy! The seats are encrusted with chewing gum, for such an over priced transport system Metrolink have a LONG way to go to bring the system up to date and value for money!!!!!!

From David bradbury in BURY
another example of an organisation profiting from a captive market if the bus service from Bury was improved no one would use it Its also the home of free travel for teenagers who think they can get away with none payment

From mrs e boardman in Altrincham
Frequently either one or both of the ticket machines are out of order. On a Saturday when Man Utd. are playing at home it is impossible for someone with walking difficulties or someone with a pram to board the tram as they are so congested. Trying to get home to Altrincham after the match from Manchester Market Street means a long wait as the trams go straight through to Old Trafford. Why do they not put double trams on when they know it is going to be busy?

From a johnson in manchester
residential development is increasing in the city centre and parking spaces associated with these properties demand prices upto £25k. city dwellers must then rely on public transport. we need to consider that although city living works in london, city dwellers are heavily reliant on the transport system. manchesters transport system doesnt come near to londons. it doesnt cater for the needs of city dwellers and commuters. trams should run more frequently during busy times and later in the evening for people who want to enjoy the late night entertainment the city has to offer.

From David in Salford
It is expensive compared to the bus - £1.70 single Salford to Manchester city centre peak, with the same bus journey costing around £1. The ticket machines break down too often - surely it is not that difficult to ensure they work almost all the time? The trams are dirty and damaged (bits of seats missing and so on) - haven't they heard of cleaning? Why don't they have priority at traffic lights - having to wait while cars pass defeats the object of the system - the lights should automatically change to red for traffic when a tram approaches a junction. And when a tram breaks down on the Eccles line, you might as well walk. A good service when it works, but Metrolink have to get their act together.

From Paul Mathers in Manchester
they are wonderful

From Eugene Maggi in MANCHESTER

From brenda in bury
Plans for a second tram station in bury is ludicrous! I don't know of anyone who wants a station so close to the main station! Metrolink are supposedly consulting with the local residents on which part of their historic neighbourhood they would like demolishing to provide acess to the station. The proposed site is in a quiet residential area adjacent to the town centre with a dense population of schools and traffic problems already! I support the residents of Buckley Wells, in opposing scheme. Why can't metrolink build stations where they are needed and wanted?

From Mark in Leeds
I think you'll find Croydon Tramlink a model for modern transport systems, not Manchester's tatty, outdated Metrolink systems. They don't even issue proper tickets, just pieces of paper to put your chewing gum in when you've finished with it.

From Chris Higginbottom in England
...and while we're at it, let's bring back diphtheria, smog, beating your washing on a stone and the halfpenny! Rose coloured specs are all well and good, but they should always be used to look forwards, not back!

From John Neary in Dukinfield
Excellent system and much needed, but why do we need to demolish factories, schools and homes to provide the link to Ashton-u-Lyne when 2 perfectly good railway lines already exist, one via Guide Bridge and one via Phillips Park?

From Scott Cooper in Oldham
Can we organise more steam tours on the Oldham Loop. Before its closed why not have a normal timetable but have all the trains steam-hauled. A Sunday would be great as the timetable isn't as intensive. Then why not have a few steam-hauled freight trains!!! Just like the 1960s. It would be like a festival of Oldham's Railways. Using probably about 3 or 4 steam engines like 45407, 76079, 80097 etc (These are all from the East Lancs Railway). It might just have one last hope for the Railway. We may not be able to do the whole loop becasue of the Yorkshire Mainline but why not do Victoria via Oldham to Rochdale then turn them round again. They may have to do tender first working a few times but it doesn't really matter. Also the trams didn't work in Oldham last time thats why Manchester got rid of them in the 1920s! Now were making the same mistake again!

From Alix Barker in Manchester
I live less than a minutes walk from GMEX and work less than a five minutes walk from ALTRINCHAM, yet I no longer use the Metro. Why? Quite simply it is far, far too expensive.

From Scott Cooper, Oldham
If this metrolink takes over the Oldham Loop, years of railway history will be put down the drain. Wakes double-headed steam-hauled expresses from the 1950s will be just for the record books. The climb up Werneth bank will be unheard of. This Easter it is said that the last ever steam locomotive & diesel locomotive hauled trains will run over the loop. BUT CAN WE FIGHT IT! Hundreds of people will probably travel behind these special trains on Easter Sunday & Monday, but its unlikely that it will never be repeated as steam trains can't travel on tram lines! Also the metrolink trams will ruin the enviroment by running wires all over the place, I.e. through the small bit of countryside which 'Has been untouched!' between Derker & Shaw. Being a fan of railways I would hate to see this line close as this was the first 'Normal' railway i travelled on (My first journey was behind steam on the East Lancashire Railway!) SAVE OUR RAILWAY!!!!!!!!!!!

From Leon, Saarbrücken/Manchester
Oh for crying out loud! I live in Germany at the moment and the UK seems better and better each day! The trams here in Saarbrücken are newer but not as regular, even more expensive (almost five pounds return all day, even off peak), don't go as far as our tram and are also prone to big delays if something goes wrong. Yes Metrolink has its faults, but it is still very good and could be even better once the extensions are finished and the old lines and trams refurbished, which, let's face it, they need badly.

From Kirk in Manchester
Those ticket machines get worse and worse...hands up all those people who have had the last of their change eaten on by these useless machines and then had to "fare dodge" as a result...it's pathetic! Mind you, nearly everything in this cold, wet, stinking country is pathetic!

From Michelle in Rochdale
I travel on the metrolink each weekday morning & evening and yes it is like being in a sardine tin,it's horrible & now the metro is going to replace trains on the rochdale & oldham loop line too. It's bad enough some mornings on the train now from Rochdale but I bet it's going to be much worse when they have gone, what about people with bicycles and pushchairs & off course disabled people & there is not much leg room for tall people. Off peak travel is probably fine but there are definately not enough double coaches on at peak time. Also a couple of weeks ago I saw a tram hit a post at St Peters square & a bit of the front bumper came off it!!! People will be saying bring back the train but it will be too late then.

From Steve in Salford
After using trams in Holland while working in Rotterdam & Amsterdam last year I realised just how bad the Manchester Metro really is. They are cheap & reliable (even though a lot are older than our trams). The price of car parking in Manchester is increasing year on year making it cheaper to use the tram, but at ridiculous rates. I work in Altrincham & travel from Eccles. A peak day return is £4.40. I can park on the street in Altrincham for nothing so I use a £2 of fuel each day. Why then would I ever consider using a tram to work. If it was £3, I would use it for convenience, but only if reliable which the Eccles line is far from being. They need to update the network, reduce fares, increase the frequency & allow people to purchase tickets on the tram when machines are not working, not just hand out £20 fines.

From Paul in Manchester
Must say i'll be glad when the tram goes to Wythenshawe Hospital then ill be able to get there faster than the 109.

From Ian Scholes in Manchester
way too expensive. there is no incentive to use the service.

From Jon Reid, Manchester, Middleton
I enjoy travelling on the metro and i think the prices are fair for the efficent service they offer.

From mo heath, greenfield
Stop moaning! You wanna try living in Greenfield where the only trains are once an hour - no Sunday surface - never on time & the fare is £4+ I think the metro is great, and you dont seem to know when you are well off!

From Neil Williams, Milton Keynes (formerly of Manchester)
GMPTE could do with taking a look down the other end of the M62. While Metrolink is starting to look tatty and expensive, the (much older) Merseyrail network is being improved all the time. Staffed stations, new station buildings, trains soon to be refurbished - and a unified season ticket scheme for all modes of transport. The difference? Metrolink is paid for from the farebox, Merseyrail is heavily subsidised. Would I be too much of a cynic if I suggested that the reason for converting the Oldham Loop is just to reduce the required subsidy for heavy rail in Manchester? As for the poster from Hamburg - I agree 100%. I lived in Hamburg for a year and used a bus and underground train to get to uni every day. The *system* (important word) is fast, frequent, cheap, clean and reliable - I didn't run a car and felt no need for one at all. London's the closest this country gets to that - but it's not even near in the great scheme of things.

From jojo, manchester
we are being taken for a ride i et on the metro everyday to get to college and most days i am late due to the metrolink i waited 1/2 an hour for a tram to come from altrincham to town i saw 5 go the other way in to altrincham.

From mark alliance, manchester
well i think metrolink is very good to ride as it is soon going to going to link up to manchester airport to the trafford centre to stockport and to other places in manchester.

From Johanna Krasij in Manchester
It's all very well for people to complain how expensive the trams are but still they pay their fare. There's only one thing a company like Metrolink would understand and that's people voting with their feet. If people stopped getting the tram for just one or two days and they ran empty, I'm sure Metrolink would sit up and pay attention. Until people are prepared to do that however, Metrolink can charge what they like because they know people will still use their service. I use buses wherever I go and only use Metrolink if there is absolutely no other alternative.

From simon, stockport
With piccadilly station being so overcrowded and platforms 13 and 14 stupendously busy attempts must be made to reopen GMEX as a station. The closure of central stations lines,only some of which are being used by metrolink, was a disgrace. The fact that some of these are now being considered for reopening as metro lines,to much acclaim,is really a bit of a let down for the travelling public. The metro really does little for national travel and no more (perhaps less) than what we had in the sixties. It is an expensive smokescreen for what is really needed.

From Nick Earle in Altrincham
The Metro must invest in more NEW trams - it has some of the most expensive tickets in Europe but will not buy new trams for the Altrincham Bury route - it is looking at buying second hand trams from other countries.

From Russ Booth in manchester
Metrolink is a rip-off! It's overcrowded, infrequent and it breaks down regularly, leaving people who've already paid over the odds for a ticket (if the ticket machines are working) with no viable alternative. The replacement bus service is full and at least half an hour between each. It definately doesn't run late enough into the evening and early mornings and the rolling stock is dirty, vandalised and generally shoddy. It doesn't inspire much confidence in the service to see the ticket prices steadily rising each year as the service becomes steadily worse. Someone must be making a lot of money from people like me, and it's about time some of it was re-invested in the system. This is a true reflection of the service by someone who's used it to commute for six years.

From Phil, Manchester
I hate to echo what others have already said but a better frequency would be better, especially at night where they stop far too early. The system as a whole is looking shabby - the stations, inside with all the litter and vandalism from the scallies, and the drivers themselves. I've lost count how many times I've seen a driver slumped in his seat reading a paper and one even had his feet up in front of him! Still, with its faults, I'd rather it be here than not.

From Daniel, Stockport
I used to live in Hamburg, which is more or less about the same size of Manchester poupultaion wise (including Stockport, Oldham, Trafford etc). For 59 euros you can buy a monthly pass, which you can use on everything, tram, bus, train etc. and the service is very good. they run regularly and are very rarely late.This works and lots of people use the public transport in Hamburg Thats 59 Euros which is about £40 per month, which is good value. I have a friend who relys on trains and buses to get to University and work. A pass which lets her use all public transport around Greater Manchester costs her £69 per month and the service is crap. The government might whinge about how much it costs to improve service and lower costs, but if they can afford it in germany then why not here?

From billy, manchester
When the trams first arrived, the busses became less frequent due to the expected demand for the trams. Unfortunately, whereas a bus would cost you 40p to get into town, the tram costs 2 pounds to do the same distance! it's rubbish! They're SUPPOSED to go every 6 minutes.. but sometimes (outside of the innercity zone) you can be waiting for half an hour. They frequently break down (this is REALLY noticable if you're unfortunate to travel on the frequently). And arent exactly convenient for travelling home late at night (every half an hour would be a start after midnight). Also a problem with kids being "rowdy" and antisocial (fixable with permenant inspecters?).. But this seems to be a problem with manchester in general....

From Jacki Henderson, Manchester
I work in Salford Quays and it's actually cheaper for me to take my car to work everyday than get the metro. It is a great service but it's too expensive and doesn't encourage people not to drive. Public transport should in todays climate be accessible to all and encourage people to use it but the cost is prohibitive and unecessarily high.

From Martin Molloy, Oldham
As I work in Salford Quays I have no option but to get the tram to & from work in the mornings and evenings. Like most of the other comments submitted I agree entirely that it is over priced, dangerously crowded at peak times and unreliable. When a tram breaks down on the Eccles Line there is nearly 24 minutes to wait for the next one, when it does arrive it is so crowded carrying its own passengers plus the passengers from the previousl tram that did not turn up, that you can't get on, therefore having to wait further for another one. I once asked a member of the gestapo (sorry an inspector) why there were no more trams on the Eccles Line. The reply that he gave was that there wasn't the demand. Is this inspector living in a parrallel universe or has he not experienced riding on the Eccles Line at around 08.30 or 17.00. I am extremely dissapointed that there is no alternative bus route directly from City Centre to Salford Quays as I would certainly prefer to use that than the joke of a metro system we have at the moment.

From Richard in Eccles, Salford
I use the metrolink daily only travelling a couple of stops on the Eccles line and find it a very reliable and efficient service however the pricing needs to sorted out. To travel one stop and then return at peak rate would cost £1.60 but after 9.30am I can travel the whole network all day for £2. Isn't this madness??

From Robert Forster in Stockport
In reply to Nigel Doran, bus and tube fares in London are cheaper because their subsidised! Trams, and most buses, in Manchester have to be paid for from the fare box. Metrolink's overcrowding problems also come from lack of cash. The original planners wanted more trams but the government, who control most of the councils' income, wouldn't pay for them. We will only get a decent transport system when we have a goverenment that actually cares about what happens outside London. And what are the chances of that ?

From Nigel Doran in London
I am from Stockport but live in London now. I am very surprised that the monthly pass is £60. I pay far less in London, believe it or not. We don't have a Tube near where we live, so I take buses. Livingstone might be a No 1 prat in many areas, but he is totally committed to getting buses back on the road, and improving public transport and open spaces in general. I get a book of 6 bus tokens for £3.90, which works out at 65p a journey. Daily bus passes, for all of London, right out to the sticks, is only £2 including night buses. Weekly passes are £8. Can you believe they actually came down in price last year, and that this year they have not gone up? I say get Metrolink onto GMR to do a major phone in and get them to answer all your questions. The increased network looks great on paper, but if they stop at 11pm, then it's not so good. Finally, just complain to the Metrolink bosses themselves, in droves! That's the only way they'll get the message. They ! wo! n't give a hoot that people are emailing websites about it. Get writing!

From Steph, Sale
The Metro Link is expensive, and is not doing what it is supposed to do-> persuade people to leave their car at home. I actuall just bought a car, due to the expensiveness of the MET going to work. The only time I would want to use the MET now, would be to go shopping...but it does not go to the Trafford Center, and if you want to go into town, well, you may have to cramp on with all the footie fans..if you are lucky that is. Most Saturdays you will have to let a couple of METs go past, cos they are too full. You do that during thw week already to go to work. Why would you want to do that at a weekend too? The trip itself, if you can get on, is not very comfortable either! Wobbling all the way.

From Dave B in Cheadle Hulme
I am fortunate not to be a regular traveller on the Metrolink, but anyone who travels regularly outside of the city must have a death wish. The trams shake and rock so much that the only thing keeping them on the tracks is the enormous volumes of people on the trams themselves. And as for the stations, can we please have a proper integrated terminal in Altrincham? The place looks so out-dated and delapidated it could've been the location for a war epic.

From Craig in Brooklands
Metrolink have decided to run the last tram out of the city to Altrincham at 11:45pm on New years Eve, there is nothing like serving the general public of Greater Manchester and this is nothing like serving the public of Greater Manchester.I guess the Bury and Salford lines also stop running at a similar time. I believe the excuse is that last year trams were damaged ? If the trams were properly Policed in stead of having grey suited thug like revenue collectors these offences would not happen. Yet again Metrolink you have failed to serve the people of Greater Manchester

From Lee in Stockport
I've stopped using the train/tram combination and have gone back to driving into work. I got sick of trams not turning up, never getting a seat, the gestapo-like inspection team... Having the two lines into Piccadilly is already creating delays while trams wait to get in to the platforms. What will it be like with three or four extra services?

From - Jay in Mottram
Metrolink has always been lauded and heralded, and yet it's a very cheap answer to what to do with the Altrincham and Bury lines. It's a cynical attempt at providing an alternative to the car. The trams already look dated, the fares are prohibitively expensive, the ticket machines don't work, the track's old, the stations are sometimes as dirty and shagged out as they were in the 1970s. Metrolink may be relatively new, but it's starting to let manchester down, even before it's properly started.

Still not going to the trafford center? and the grate idea of a mono rail was not backed. as mono rail's is the only transport to make money and a safty record like no other (see germany) is this not another way of showing the backward's thinking of british transport

From Vicky, Stockport
When I used to live in Sale, I wouldn't even consider driving into Manchester because the metrolonk was just around the corner & was cheaper than city centre parking. Since moving to Stockport 4yrs ago, I've been shopping in Manchester once - & that was only for my wedding. However, the constant price rises just encourages fare dodgers. So many people use the service already that it makes you wonder if price hikes = fat cats. Keep the prices low, keep the service regular, frequent & run a little earlier & a little later especially on weekends & everyone will be happy.

From JibJAb in Prestwich
I am a big lad and am always struggling to get on the tram. It is expensive and they keep on putting single trams on. I am going to move to Crime Lake and get a bowat.

From Mark, Manchester
Metrolink is getting an £800m expansion which is aparently the largest investment in public transport outside London (thanks for this crumb of comfort by the way whilst many billions are still spent trying to sort out London's traffic problems). Nevertheless a welcome funding boost which will more than double the size of the network, which to my mind is still an effective form of public transport.

From Andy in Manchester
So , the metro's coming to Wythenshawe, i cant wait , should keep the kids happy,...havin a moving target. And apparently the surfin is predicted to be great !!!

From Sarah, Sale
I think the metrolink is good but could be improved. I get it every day to work and hardly ever get a seat even though i pay £60 for a monthly pass. It would be useful if the last trams were later. Im sure there is a need for more transport in the early hours of the morning.

From Paul Anderson, Manchester
Metrolonk is now too expensive, the trains are dirty and noisy, and the line between Bury and Manchester is in such poor condition a derailment always seems iminent.

From neil vanden in sale
I use the metro every day and find it very helpful. It is more or less there when I get to the station, you don't have to worry about traffic jams and during the commonwealth games i think the metrolink did itself proud. I Also do hope they extend it all over the Greater Manchester area.

From Bob in Hazel Grove
Living in Hazel Grove, I don't have a choice, there is no Metrolink, the bus fares are a bit more competetive but the bus doesn't get a dedicated path into Manchester, I can use the train but this is as overcrowded as the Metrolink at peak times and the last train from Manchester to Hazel Grove is at 22:50 so don't complain about the Metrolink

From Richard Singleton in Abingdon/Oxon
A sign of Mancunian willingness to use public transport, how does Metrolink respond, price increases. Doesn't make sense, neither does the ridiculous time that the service stops on Weekends. Metrolink is a success but the reason it was a success was that it provided a viable transport alternative, if they're not careful, high prices and restrictive timetabling on weekends will drive the passengers away and maybe, once more, trams will disappear from the Manchester streets..

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