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Tuesday 07 January 2003
Drink drivers - getting away with murder?
the fatal crash in Prestwich
Carnage: the fatal crash in Prestwich
Carnage on the streets of Manchester - again.

The drink-driver who did this killed three people. His sentence: four-and-a-half years in prison.
We ask: are drink drivers getting away with murder?
Causing death by dangerous driving whilst under the influence of drink carries a max penalty of 10 years imprisonment

Drink-driving fatalities:
1976 - 1,600+ deaths
1999 - 460 deaths
2000 - 520 deaths
2001 - 480 deaths

In Greater Manchester, positive breath tests fell by 14% in 2002. But arrests rose by 26%

The new drink drive TV campaign is aimed at 17 - 24 year old men.
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19-year-old Aaron O'Reilly, of Grange Grove, Whitefield, had drunk vodka and other spirits when he got behind the wheel of a Ford Sierra one fateful night back in March 2002.

He had no licence, no insurance and had never had a driving lesson. Yet he drove at speeds of up to 90mph, on the wrong side of the road, before crashing head-on with a taxi.

THINK! drink drive TV aD
THINK! drink drive TV ad

The cab driver, Khalid Ejaz, of Grange Avenue, Coppice in Oldham - a father of ten - was killed instantly. His passenger Stella Shaw, of Brookfields in Prestwich, died in hospital. O'Reilly's 15-year-old Stepbrother, Arron Croft, of Windsor Avenue, Whitefield, a passenger in the Sierra, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Tests later revealed O'Reilly probably had about two-and-a-half times the legal level of alcohol in his blood at the time of the crash. He admitted causing death by dangerous driving, excess alcohol and document offences and was jailed for four-and-a-half years. The maximum sentence for causing death by dangerous driving carries a maximum penalty of ten years.

Not surprisingly, the relatives of hs victims said they were "disgusted" at the sentence.

Are drink drivers getting away with murder? Should they be given stiffer sentences? Or is education the answer? How can society rid itself of drink-driving? Have your say >>>

From mark lavelle in bolton
Why do you consistantly place thugs into the 'drink driving ' category. This person was more than capable of causing this whilst being sober! The only difference is that if he were then there would not have been such attention.

From john in pendlebury
I got a ban for drink driving; the re-habilitation opened my eyes. I believe the unit content of all drinks should be clearly labelled by law; then no one would have an excuse. There is no answer to 'high risk' offenders ; they often continue to drive after a further ban. Prison then must be the answer. The drink drive limit should be the same 3 units limit as our more responsible European neighbours. Let the police breath test without the current restrictions. Any alcohol, affects your judgement when driving. Give the courts the power to give those people who make these wreckless choices long sentences. Ban them from driving for life.

From Rich in Salford
I think that tougher punishments are the answer. People know the dangers of drink driving and that it causes death. People know it is a crime but some people are willing to take the risk. If the risk of being caught was very serious punishment I think this would stop many people. There need to be more police patrols as well randomly testing people, not just at Christmas. This gives the wrong signal in my opinion. Im shocked when I visit Lancaster. I see many more police vehicles on the road compared to a large city like Manchester.

From John McKeown in Tewkesbury
Whether it is murder has to be determined case by case; in the example given it's equivalent to bombing a pub - the perpetrator doesn't know whether anyone will be killed or who, but it's likely. I agree that the maximum penalty should be Life - but the current maximum penalty isn't being used so yes moral education of the judiciary is also important.

From Brian Bliss, Colorado, USA
It will not be long until you see the gangs taking up cars as their weapon of choice as the penalties are far less than if someone would have used a gun for the same purpose. The current penalties for this type of offense is embarassing. Like crimes deserve like punishment.

From olivia, woodrdge USA
I think they are getting away with murder! they no what it is coming to when you drink then head out on the road! drinkers know whats going to happen if they drive drunk! So why let them go! They Killed sombody just like other murders! Can you please send me some more information at this email adresses im doing a report on this for school! thanks!

From Brian Wellings, Farnworth, Bolton
when people past their driving test they should be restricted to driving small engine cars for a period of 2 years and put on probation with threat of licence being withdrawn for motoring offences. Drink drivers have no excuse for their behaviour and should be tried for manslaughter or murder.

From Rebecca Johnson in Manchester
I think that the justice system in this country is terrible. How can the law get their priorities wrong? The criminal took 3 lives!!!! If you call a 4 and a half year sentence for someone like O'Reilly justice, you're not thinking straight. The law has to judge fairly, and bring people to justice, but it seems to have failed in carrying out this task.I do not call a 4 and a half year sentence for a drunken idiot without a licence and insurance who killed 3 people justice. I really don't think the law took his character into account well enough. Everyone knows it is wrong to drink-drive especially without licence or insurance.How they failed to recognise this is highly questionable. The lad knew what he was getting himself into so he should expect punishment - but his punishment is not good enough. It does NOT give the families or friends of the victims any justice.

From Vicky in Stockport
They are getting away with murder. A car is a leathal weapon. Maybe the police should concentrate more on catching the drink drivers rather than the easy targets of drivers speeding eg: 35mph in a 30mph zone. People get drunk or drive whether thay have insurance/licesnse or not & hurt, maim or kill someone deserve to have the book thrown at them. Again it seems to be simple case of the judicial system being too lenient in the past & now there are problems with the increased traffic on the roads. Same goes for those who steal cars. What's the point in banning them? They drive anyway. Lock them up & throw away the key.

From J Smith in London

From Andrew king, manchester
Have more police patrols.

From Jon Lord, Knutsford
Of course they are getting away lightly for quite horrendous crimes. Our society has been run for too long on the basis of imbecile liberal ideas in respect of crime and punishment. We tend to ask where society went wrong in producing someone as vile as this murderer rather than endeavouring to inculcate in all a due respect for others and a structure of punishment that makes it clear that the perpertrators' rights are matched by their reponsibilities. Until this changes, tragedies like this will continue.

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