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24 September 2014


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Last updated: Wednesday 22 January 2003
Do you support the firefighters' strike?
Fire strike picket
On strike: A firefighters' picket line
Firefighters in Manchester have returned to work after stag their latest 24-hour walkout.

Do you back the strike? Have Your Say
Strike dates:

4-12 December - CANCELLED
16-24 December - CANCELLED
21 January -

28 January -

01 February
see also
Fire strike: the latest in Manchester
Fire strike: more comments

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But now there is some hope that the strike may be the last. Andy Gilchrist, the leader of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), told the Â鶹ԼÅÄ there was "every chance" that two further strikes - scheduled for 28 January and 1 February - may be suspended.

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Green Goddesses

The FBU's position so far is that qualified firefighters should be paid £30,000 a year, a rise of 40%.

But the Government and council employers insist that any pay increase above 4% must be linked to modernisation.

The FBU is worried that proposed changes to working practices - like joint control rooms - could mean thousands of job losses.

Are the firefighters' right to strike?
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From Mrs S Gregory in Elgin, Scotland
As a wife of a RAF serviceman I would like to ask Mr. Gilhurst why it is acceptable for service personnel to cover for the strikes when alot of these men and women are on less money than the firefighters. They are not allowed to strike for more money. But then i don't think that any of them would even if they could. You see my husband, like many others joined the services so that he could serve his country. It wasn't for the money, pension or for any other materialistic reason. Why did these firefighters join the service if they didn't want to put their lives on the line. What's more at the moment with the Iraq situation, the FBU should sit down and think about the pressure the forces are under already. And lets not forget the families of the personnel covering the strikes. Three times now we have had to cancel plans because the firefighters want more money. Please stop being greedy, accept that there is no more money in the pot. Your Men and women are out fighting for a better world. Let them get on with what they have been trained to do. Could you cover their job??????

From eric smith in Manchester

From Natalie Johnson in Salisbury
No I don't. It must be a hard life being a fire man by day and received £30,000 then having an additional occupation be it a taxi driver or a painter and decorator oooh how money must be tight!! My husband is in the army and I have not seen him much this year. He get's paid significantly less than a fireman and has more life threatening instances. I would like to know if a fireman would be prepared to stand in for the army. My overall comment is Lads your life is cushy compared to the majority of the population. however it must upsetting to know that the army with half the staff are cutting your response times in half and still managing to attend fires efficiently. So watch out pay might not be an issue there may be redunancies as well. Cutting your nose to spite your face comes to mind.

From Ted in Glasgow
I am a serving firefighter who even after the last strike drove Green godesses to fires,answered 100% not just 40% of calls,worked 3days followed by 3nights,low manning prevailed because no one wanted to join the service.Now we have become victims of doing such a good job,some people want the service to modernise,ie go backwards. Pay peanuts you get monkeys,if that is what the public want then fair enough.

From Anon
As a serviceman that is now having to do two jobs for less pay than these "fire-fighters" (skivers?) get for doing half a job, I say sack them all. You will get plenty of people willing to work for the current rate of pay.

From mujtaba zaka, birmingham
i think that goerment need to shape up and sort out the mess before more lives are lost.

From Nicole, Manchester
To Ian Templer in Rochdale - There are a lot of us that are on crap wages with bills to pay but your comments are not justifiable. Maybe you will change your mind one day if it is your house burning down with your child inside. Will you be the one running in or will you be screaming at the "blackmailing scum" to help you?

From catherine, llandudno
Why do people begrudge a hard working firefighter getting double pay when working on Christmas Day? Why is it if they have a 10 minute tea break, they get called lazy? The people writing these stupid comments clearly have no understanding of a firefighters job and probably deserve the level of service they'll end up with if prescott gets his own way!

From Huw Evans, Glasgow
I think the dispute has been allowed to drag on for far too long. It has been made into something more political than it should have been and I believe people are now bored with it. The FBU should understand that, if they want more than 4%, they *HAVE* to modernise. They can't have it all their own way and this government isn't going to let them.

From Anon
40% is out of order i think they deserve 20% but no more.

From Vicky, Stockport
Ian Templer in Rochdale, I disagree. How can you say firefighters are blackmailing scum? Do you have any idea of what they have to do for a living? I suggest you go down to a local station & ask them. There are far more issues here than just a payrise. The firefighters are also fighting station closures, still keeping the fire service free, attending every call out & not just ones they think are worth them doing (like the police) & for their pensions. They are currently facing the possibility of having to work until they are 65. Now, I know everyone else retires at 65, but would you want a 64 year old man climbing a ladder to save you & your child from a fire? I think not. Also, if you had ever had to be rescued by fireman from either a fire or a car accident, you would not be calling them scum & you would not think they were being paid too much. And finally, you are showing your total ignorance about the wider issues here - so get your facts right, stop! complaining & if you think they are paid well - apply to join the service - then we'll see how readily you'd run in to a burning building knowing that you are risking your own life for a total stranger.

From jane, edinburgh
we can see their point

From nina
would you risk your life for 21k a year?

From D.Timperley
During the last phase of the strike I found it extreemly hard to keep my opinion to my self, now I have decided to speak out. The firemen asked for a ridiculous rise but were offered a substancial one for the work that they do and for the work they DON'T do when they are on stand down and on call.I would like to point out here that they CHOSE to do this work and now that they have the job they think that they can hold the people, not just the government,to ransom. Even if they do feel they are underpaid I think it is despicable to put our lives and the lives of their own families at risk.They should be made to honor their contract of employment and to find another way to settle this dispute. Perhaps they would like to take up my job situation.I was earning a fairly good wage for my job which is delivering wine to private houses. The job is difficult and getting harder with time limits, speed restrictions and generally apalling road manners.To earn my good wage I had to put in ,on average, 12-14 hrs a day driving. Last year without any warning my bosses decided that I was earning far too much, on the system THEY implimented, and told me that I was to get a 25% paycut as of february 2002.They thought that compensation of £10,000 would settle the matter. As most people have long term commitments, bank/b.soc. etc. that amount is very soon swallowed up but the lenders still want me to honor my contract with them out of a vastly reduced pay packetwhich in real terms means going from £1700 to £900-1000 per month.I cannot do it and the situation worsens by the week so much so that I will probably lose everything some time in the near future.It is not too difficult to see why the firemen do not get my vote.

From Slavko Mykosowski, Manchester
If we can deploy 26,000 troops to fight a war in Iraq then we can pay the firefighters, just isn't excuse anymore.

From Michael in Ashton-under-Lyne
I believe that the firemen are currently behaving in the incorrect way.

From Ian Templer, Rochdale
They are no more then a lot of blackmailing scum. For what they do now they are paid too much. I have to keep a home & child for less then they want as a pay rise. Enough is enough.

From Margot Hoyte in Melbourne, Austalia Firefighters are underpaid anyway - so they should get a decent pay rise. Also, post-S11 we have an even greater expectation of our emergenciy services, so the government should stop being such a pack of wingers, respect worekrs who are working on behalf of the whole community and pay up.
From Thom in Lymm
to m campbell, i believe it isnt as easy as climbing a ladder in wellies, it takes alot of training and courage, im not a fireman as well and as for the strikes, they should not get a 40 percent rise, half of it is the most i would say, but still we manage to get enough money for other stupid things so...

From P Hagen in Manchester
Ask the many thousands of people in hard, dreary minimum-wage paying jobs who are on their feet for over 40 hours a week if they are cheering the firefighters on. They already earn much more than myself and many of the people I know, including many dedicated workers in the health service. It's hard to muster any sympathy. Would the firefighters be sounding their horn in protest and support when yet another annual sub-inflation pay rise is given to me?

From Gareth, Manc
yeah i support it. for wot their gettin paid at the moment, nobody in their right mind would run into a burning building to save somebody else.

From Phil Belcher, Swinton
im sorry but i cannot support thr firemans strike. They do a great job yes but so do most of us. Im an electrician and probebley have as much danger in my job as a fire man and i work much longer hours. Its not as if they didnot know there salery before joining. Come on join the real world.

From John Smythe, UK
Re: John in New York USA, Lets compare the pay to NEW YORK CITY FIREFIGHTERS USA /UK Start £23,052/£16,941 1 Year - £25,001/£17,208 2 Years - £26,250/£17,982 3 Years - £27,582/£18,843 4 Years - £28,941/£19,776 5 Years - £37,795/£21,531 15 Years ???/£22,491 and a GENEROUS pension after 20 years service for New York Firefighters. 30 Years for UK.

From Sav in Manchester
I am sick of hearing how firemen risk their lives on a daily basis just to keep us safe. There are more window cleaners hurt or killed each year in the course of their work. That’s not to mention building workers and loads of other professions. They have the best training but practice the most outdated working procedures i.e. no overtime (of course this may affect their other part time job) refuse to work with their part time colleagues and generally don’t want to modernise. They should get real as semi skilled workers they are paid more than sufficiently and should not abuse their position by trying to hold the country to ransom. If one life is lost through any strike the blame should fall squarely at the fire brigades feet.

From Samantha, Australia
Over here in Australia at the moment we are enduring the worst bushfires in 30 years...do our fire fighters go on strike?? No, they get on with their job, which is, to put out fires and save lives. A huge 'Thank you' to them!!! What if the firefighters on Sept 11 in New York were on strike?? Yes, it is a dangerous job and these people are heroes, but they know the pay and conditions before they join If they are not up to it...they shouldn't do it. After all, the majority of us in the work force, aren't paid fairly for what we are do.

From Terry c carter, Salford
As an ex 22 yr soldier I support the firefighters they are in need of a reasonable pay rise without reducing firefighters.

From Vick, golborne
give it to the hospitals instead simple.

From Tony, Warrington
They do a great job, but 40% seems way to much. Isn't saving lives rewarding enough?

From KATIE BORG, Malta
Just ask the peole that have been saved from any life threatening incident if they support the firemen,i certainly do as i was helped on more than one occassion in the uk. GOD BLESS AND KEEP THEM SAFE.

From Kerry Fazal in Andover
I think the firemen should get paid more money but they should not go on strike as it is riskings peoples lives!

From Vicky in Stockport
Get another job? Are you people as stupid as you sound? If all firefighters took your advice, we wouldn't have any at all & then would you lot be? Firefighters deserve thier money - if the government didn't waste so many millions of pounds on pointless things such as the Millennium dome, sculpture that no one likes and thier own perks - they could afford the 40% rise & still have money to spare. Keep it going lads - you deserve every penny & I know plenty who back your cause.

From laura in Manchester
I can definitely see why they deserve better pay when other people earn much more doing very little!Look at the pay footballers get-and what risks do they take???I am a nurse within the Nhs and strongly feel that Tony Blair should reward all the good we do-the long hours,the unsocial hours etc-although i went into nursing knowing the pay wasn't great for all we do,i suppose i thought The Prime Minister would move with the times and give credit to those who live for their jobs not work to merely live i.e nurses,firemen and police.M campbell from Rochdale do you have any grey matter???!!!I'd like to see how brave you'd be fighting a fire-you appear very small minded in your opinion of firemen i hope your turkey doesn't burn you'll be on your own with comments like that!!!Merry christmas to all the firemen and women let's hope Scrouge from Rochdale doesn't need you!

From M Williams in Manchester
It's pathetic that this country is being held to ransom by a group of greedy firefighters, these people seem to believe that they are something 'special'. Full praise to the army guys & gals for their tremendous efforts & keeping our homes & businesses safe. I say get rid of the firefighters & lets put a dedicated team of army professionals in to do a proper job.

From Millie
people in france get paid alot less then our firefighters in england. and they all have madical training. if our fire fighters want more pay they should be trained paramedics also. im not saying they dont do a good job because they do. the government simply cant afford it.

From Mrs Bibby in Wigan
No I don't support the fire strike and, what's more, I have yet to meet someone who does. Since the last strike, infomation has become more widely available and the public are learning exactly what the day to day duties of a firefighter are. I should like to find a job where I can get paid £8 an hour for lying in bed asleep! Yes we all know that certain jobs they attend pose threat to life, but in reality how many are killed. They have officers to conduct on the spot risk assessment for this very reason. They do deserve the higher wage as it is they who shoulder the responsibility should anything go wrong. I put it to them that the police face far greater dangers on a much more regular basis. When a firefighter attends a situation, they can make certain assumptions of what to expect. A police officer can not. They may get called to what sounds like a minor fracas and be faced with someone armed with a weapon. We hear far more stories of this nature on the! n! ews. Then there's the paramedics. The number of unprovoked attacks on them, both verbal and physical, grows every year. They attend situations with the soul purpose of preserving life and yet their own could quite easily come under threat. There are certain jobs in this world that you don't do for the money and firefighting is one of them. So I put it to the members of the fire brigade who are putting personal gain before saving lives to get out and make way for those who do not.

From VT
living with my partner who became a fireman about 18 months ago. people cannot imagine the mental and physical extremes they have to go through. after watching the events last year in america, when so many firemen were lost i cannot believe that people to not think that firefighters do not do a brave job. so they have to maintain their equipment and wait for a call, but that call could be a bin fire, a shed, major car crash, air crash, IRA bomb, or a major terriost attack. Every time he goes to work i do not know if he is going to come home, or if he is going to have a disabling accident. this is nothing compared to some of the situations that they have to turn up to. would you like to cut out three chard 17 year old bodies from a car? since then he has not tuched pork. The emotional cost is huge. yes you cannot put a cost on life, and i support nurses, doctors and all the emergancy service. if you can face death and disaster everyday then you a! re! a better person than a pen pusher sat in some cosy office.

From Richard in Macclesfield
I think demanding a 40% pay rise in any job is way over the top. Sure, I accept that firemen's lives can be put at risk on an almost daily basis, but is farming not the most dangerous proffesion around? And farmers are self employed, and are hardly making a fortune. If we end up going to war in Iraq, then who is going to put out the fires while the army is fighting? There will be people losing lives before too long. I accpet they deserve more money than they currently earn, but that's down to the government, not the people. It's bang out of order to hold the people of Britain hostage to blackmail the government. It's such a shame that most of the money that could be used is going to fat cats as pay-offs when they've messed up whatever they've been doing (ie the NHS management....that's a different story though) At the end of the day though, they're never going to get 40%, so either accept what's on offer and think yourselves lucky - I don't see nurses or any other service getting that sort of payrise - (my town doesn't even have a police station outside office hours!) or find a new job.

From Shaun in Bolton
i would like to inform everyone that we have one of the finest fire services in the world and i for one would like to keep it that way. our fire service is comprised of highly motivated professional people who provide fire and rescue services second to none and are willing to risk our lives to save yours. we do2 days from 9am until 6pm during that time we check all their fire appliances and equipment are functioning correctly, we have lectures to refresh us of all the various incidents we attend, we train for all the different situations we can be faced with ranging from fires to road traffic accidents to water rescues and chemical incidents after all there is no other service attending the incident who are as well equipped and experienced to rescue people or animals trapped or in distress. we also visit our local community in homes and business to provide fire safety advice, we also enfore the fire precautions act and workplace regulations to ensure public safety. we also attend all emergency calls within the gov response times. we then do 2 nights starting at 6pm until 9 am and then back on duty at 6pm until 9am the following morning with no shift allowance for nights or weekends. we then finish at 9am for 3 days having complted a 48hr week.during the night shift we still have lectures and do during perfomance inspections at various premises that open during the night. i am proud to be a fire fighter with greater manchester fire service and i have never had an incident where someone has been dissatisfied with our service but i have had plenty of letters of appreciation for a job well done. thanks to everyone who are supporting the firefighters and fire control staff during this very difficult time

from Catherine in Hyde
I dont agree with the firefighters strike. Where do they think the extra money is going to come from? If anyone deserves a pay increase it is the army for risking their lives tackling fires having only basic training and equipment

From Ann in Manchester
Would Tony Blair risk his life for £20000 a year? Cherie earns at least £150,000 per year and I bet she does a fair bit of sitting around as well! Perhaps they'd like to try and bring up a family, get a mortgage, etc. on £20000 a year. I think everyone who works full time should get a decent living wage. Some of these people in our so called 'Labour' government are completely out of touch. I'm not saying the firefighters should get 30% but they could have given them 16%. That's not too much to ask and I have a feeling they would have accepted that at first. Now it's become a war of attrition. Get it sorted Tony - otherwise we'll be heading for a Conservative Government!

From Bert Wilkes in Bolton
Firefighters want a 40% rise why !Because they think their job is more dangeress than the average person who goes to work RUBBISH. I am a private hire driver in Bolton count up how many firefighters have been killed doing their job in the last five years, then count up how many taxi drivers have been killed in the same period doing their job, both supply a public service. So they say the job is dangeress so is my job but I just get on with it and so should they. I think the lads from our forces should get a pay rise of 40% they have been doing the same job has the firefighters on less pay and not complaind about it, these lads are on the brink of going to WAR but they cannot go on strike for a pay rise because they know what the job entaild when they signd up just has the firefighters did. They say the Labour party gave themself a 40% rise but no matter which party got in they would do the same.The firefighters do a very good job.but what they dont tell y! ou in the media that when they have been to a fire in Bolton they drive around Bolton Town Centre and stop on Bradshawgate to CHAT UP young girls that have gone out for the night, if you dont think this is true come down to Bradshawgate on a Friday or Saturday night and see it for yourself.I wish I could charge my passengers an extra 40% to chat up girls in between jobs.Just to finish it seems to me that the FBU rep is just another Arther Scargill and wants to bring the entire country to its knees like Scaregill did in the 70s just to make himself famous I think he has got more chance of taking over 10 DOWNING STREET.

From Dennis Carmichael in London
So Mr M. Campbell in Rochdale thinks It's ok to go running into a burning building or roaming round in toxic waste trying to clean it up before he or his family are harmed by it. and for £22k a year BEFORE stoppages, and it's ok to go to pile- ups on the Motorway and start cutting dead kids out of RTA's These men and woman are NOT just firemen THEY are rescue workers For God's sake. Remember KINGS CROSS how many nurses, ambulancemen,or police officers went running into that station time and time again bringing people out before they themselves died saving lives. NONE. REMEMBER THE FIREMAN WHO LOST HIS LIFE THERE Who was the first to get a 40% rise after the elections. AND how many of us knew about it before hand I know I didn't and I didn't hear any of them say don't give it to me as the country can't afford it, take a look at the house of Commons subsidy for the Bars and the rest of there perks AND remember Mr Campbell Which ever way you look at it! , three quarters of this country DID NOT VOTE FOR THIS goverment I went to the royal free hospital last week where I saw fireman putting breathing apparatuses not knowing on the way to a hospital if they would come out alive, things you take for granted cost them the earth, try getting life insurance after telling them your a fireman or car insurance. Tube drivers get £30k+ and more on the way, you see Firemen are a lot more than just glorified cleaners and as for sack the lot of them. You pray to god they are working at christmas for all are sakes.

From Anonymous
i agree with the statement why spend money on arms and killing innocent people when our minister cannot look after his own people, yet expects us to keep sending money to other places. It is time we british stopped sending money away and looked after ourselves for a change after all our government cannot do it properly.

From Jim in Macclesfield
Whilst I have a certain degree of sympathy for the firefighters I am afraid I do not support this strike.Come on lads if its such a badly paid job why are there 40 applicants nationwide for every vacancy. I work in local government and have recieved 7% over 2 years bringing my salary up to the grand total of 13,000 a year,21 grand sounds ok to me. The last firefighters strike had a major part in getting the Thatcher government elected,condemning us to 18 years of Tory anti-union legislation.Make no mistake,when they get back in,and they will,we will all be hammered again.This will lead to the weaker unions members, who havn`t got the industrial muscle of the fire fighters, suffering massive cuts in terms and conditions of employment again. I believe this strike is a short sighted and cynical attempt to cash in on 9/11 and its aftermath. Yes you should be paid more but don`t get greedy.Tory Blair and co might not be up to much but the alternative is far worse.Don`t forget the lessons of history!!

From A Bridgewater in Stockport
No, the strike reflects greed and a lack of concern for others. I value the work they do and have every admiration for them except in relation to their industrial action. They should return to work and instruct their union representatives to enter sensible nogotiations. They need to move into the 21st century!

From Trevor in Norley
YES - THE FIRE SERVICE SHOULD MODERNISE. also Manchester should have a third runway and actively seek to accommodate more direct flights, particularily long haul flights - not everyone wants to be routed via London.

From LC
Yes I back the strike because these people put their lives on the line everyday so why shouldn't they be paid for it, no one else puts themselves at risk in the same way they do

From John in New Rochelle, New York, USA.
I believe that the firefighters demand of 40% pay hike is out of line. I understand that their basic salary is twenty two thousand pounds per year. That converts to US$ thirty three thousand a year. Not a bad salary for either side of the Atlantic. If they cannot manage their finances, then they need some form of counselling in that area. Remember, while I agree that the job can be very dangerous, these people spend a lot of time sitting around waiting for a call, and they are paid for that. How many of you are paid just to sit around? Next, they get plenty of time off, so let them do what many firefighters do who I know, and that is GET ANOTHER JOB.Many who I know work in bars, or do painting and decorating for private homeowners etc. It seems to me that that the firemen should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves by their blatant disregard for the safety of the British public. Do they really think that they will evoke much sympathy for their unrealistic cause? My personal feelings are that if they persist with this outrage, then the Blair government should FIRE THEM.

From DARREN MOSELEY in prestwich
No i dont back them .They new the pay and the dangers of the job when they started.I Think they have been given a good offer.I hope the goverment dont crack and stick to yhe offer they have made.I agree thst the firefighters are intitled to a rise but make it realistic.And if there so hard done by why is the waiting list to get in the fire brigade so big?

From Barbara Betts in Hadfield Glossop Derbyshire
Can't believe some of the comparisons being made!! Who the hell could compare a Footballers wage to a fireman? Footballers wages are paid out of fans pockets--not the taxpayers..!! And if the poor fans want to make the footballers rich..that is up to them!! They're the idiots who do it I DO NOT agree with this strike at all - i supported them last time as they were then on a low wage..not this time. Now it is pure greed and they think they can win by putting all the blame on the government and holding the public to ransom...trying to make us feel sorry for them....SORRY LADS IT AIN'T WORKING!! I have not spoken to one person who supports this strike..I really think they need to look at themselves, they have a job that pays well (a little more would be deserved,) for every vacancy there are hundreds of applications!! Can't be so bad eh? Not all jobs that they are called out to is a life and death situation, on average it can be monotonous waiting around for a call. Meanwhile they watch tele, sleep, play games, videos etc..etc.. how many of us get paid for doing that????? I wouldn't mind their wages either for doing talks to kids in school or safety checks in homes or offices-- i've seen it done...a piece of cake. What are the averages of one station (unless they are in a city centre) dealing on a daily basis with a MAJOR call-out, against sitting around waiting for something to happen? I would love to get an average against time on a shift and time in that shift actually dealling with fires (not little ones either) or major incedents..bet its not that much in some cases..then there's the fact that they can do other jobs...and don't tell me its because they HAVE TO. Its because in most cases they get bored with the time at home. Hospital staff are needed more than ever now!! Do they go on strike? Nursing homes are closing every day--would they (Fireservice) give some of their wage to keep them open or help? COME LADS GET IT TOGETHER AND GET BACK TO WORK YOU'RE LOSING OUR VOTES AND SYMPATHY AS TIME GOES ON ------FROM SOMEONE WHO USE TO B! E ON YOUR SIDE--NOT ANY MORE....
From - Steve Sutherland in Little Hulton
The men and women of the fire service risk their lives several times a day every day. It's reported that they earn around £20,000 per year which is double my salary as a bus driver. But can there really be a price put on all those lives that are being put in jeopardy??? There should be no arguments. 30% is optimistic 16% is an insult. If funding a reasonable pay increase means paying an extra £20 - £30 per year council tax, well then send me the bill it's worth it. And with a reported £64 billion going to foreign aid every year....shouldn't we be sorting our own problems out with that money first? Come on Mr Blair, you're supposed to be running this country don't you think it's time you got your priorities right and sort our Country out?
From Mark Grimshaw in Leigh
they should settle for the modernisation and be happy, they will get 1.5 % in the first year and more after that, this is a damn site more than anyone else has been offered and they should be grateful. Other public sector workers have settled for 4 % why can't they, by doing this they are putting families at risk.

From M Campbell in Rochdale
£30,000 a year for: being able to keep standing when squirting a high pressure hose; climbing ladder while wearing wellies; cleaning a fire engine; being able to sleep during the night shift; being prepared to let people die just so they can get paid more. Sack the lot of them and start again. I notice one strike is due to end on Christmas Eve. Double time for Christmas Day and Boxing Day?

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