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Wednesday 16th October 2002
Do you hate to shop?
Shopping, Does it leave you needing therapy?
We are constantly told that a spot of retail therapy is all a girl needs to pick herself up. But a new report from Manchester Metropolitan University says the fashion industry is more likely to leave you needing therapy.
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Shopping in Manchester

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Authors of The Unhappy Shopper shatter the accepted wisdom that shopping is leisure and pleasure orientated.

A large percentage of regular clothes shoppers are unhappy with the lack of choice, ill fitting sizes and images of celebrity. They shop and shop and never find what they are looking for.

Does the thought of a shopping spree leave you cold? Are you a woman who hates to shop? Have your say here.

From Vicky
Shopping is my worst nightmare. I can't think of anything worse then going into crowded shops & having to push your way through to get what you want. 24 hour shopping is a great idea (if you don't work in retail that is) because early risers can go at get their shopping done at 6.00am & it'll be done in a 1/10th of the time than if I go at 11.00am. Retail therapy? If a headache & a bad mood is therapy then the experts must be right!!

From Kaylee Rhodes
I like Manchester city and Trafford Centre are best !! They are very good shop. I use to shop called DKNY, LE FCUK, ELC .. I wish meet David Beckham and Vic Beckahm both alway go to Trafford Centre.I alway go Manchester on by train from Blackburn.

From Mark
Mr Payne in salubrious Stoke, WAKE UP will you?? Manchester offers superb shopping, both in the city centre and Trafford Centre. The place is now cleaner, better looking than it's ever been and a pleasure to come back to. What has Stoke got? Not a lot mate! The majority of the Potteries area is a non-descript run down eyesore and your city centre, strangely in Hanley, is stuck back in the 1960's. Look at the area around the bus station. For decent shopping, you lot have to go to Manchester, Liverpool or Birmingham.

From Kelly
Those people who think shopping is rubbish in Manchester all I have to say is are you lot daft! All these shops and you can't find yourself loving it you must be mad. The shopping in Manchester for all you people who want to know is fab and there is such a variety of shops from cheap and cheerful to deadly expensive for all you designer lovers, why don't you decide for yourself and come shopping to Manchester, Kerry my good friend agrees that you should not miss out!

From joanne
i find that spending money on clothes and other bits and bobs does make me feel better but on the other hand also feel a little bit upset at the amount of money that i have spent on these things. This however is a fault on my behalf but in the intrim does cheer me up.

From Alan
Shoping with my wife is good theropy when we come up to the city, I love shoping for my things and hers, Which the steak bar under the Exchange builing was still open, We would like to find another good steak bar in the centre of town, The stress part of it all is getting to the car part on oxford st. and Well put MO

From MO,

From Katie
I am constantly despondent after a day of 'shopping'. I am a size 14 in Australia but over here I seem to be anything from 14 to 18! If you are a size 14-16 it is vitually impossible to get clothes that fit you. Especially trousers or jeans. It makes you feel huge, when that is an average size for a woman. We're not all size 12's - I wish the designers/manufacturers/buyers would realise that.

From Wendy Falk
I have always HATED shopping! I hate the way people barge into you or when you let them through the small aisles they never say thank you! If I have to go shopping for anything I try to go after work when it is quiet, but then the shop assistants are very tired and grumpy too! You can't win! People used to be friendly, now they just 'do their jobs' and they are not 'paid to smile, just to serve you!'. It's a horrible experience - it certainly isn't therapy - it makes you need therapy! PLUS When something is in fashion you can't find anything else! Wherever you go you are surrounded by shops telling you what to wear. My worst nightmare over the last few years has been trying to find "old-fashioned" court shoes (remember, those dainty, high healed things). Could I ever find any? Oh no! The shops only sold great big black hobnail boot type shoes with huge square heels. Finally, they brought out the correct heel but then they were really pointed at the toes and made your feet look about 3 sizes too big! In the end I did a search on the internet and bought shoes from a web site - very relaxing!

From Robert Payne
I love shopping, but not in dump like Manchester, much better in Stoke on Trent

From AW
I love the idea of going shopping but often come home early really annoyed. I hate busy shops, pushy assistants and ill fitting clothes. I've been looking for 3 months for a pair of plain black court shoes and I can't find ANY that fit - I'm sick of it. I'm glad to see more clothes for tall women - but some of the fashions at the moment just don't suit anyone! Going window shopping is generally great, apart from at the weekend or in school holidays - why can't peopel control their children in city centres!?! However, going shopping for that one specific item is usually a nightmare!

From Joanne Ball
What a bunch of moaners. I enjoy shopping (more for clothes than for food). If you dislike the crowds then take a day or an afternoon off work whilst the kids are at school & go then (when its quiet). For the people who really hate shopping then they should shop online or out of catalogues - thus leaving the city centres & shopping malls a bit quieter for the rest of us. As for problems with sizes - that has always happened. And I bet that when they are a dress size smaller in one shop they are really pleased. SHOPPING IS FUN!

From Alicia Vroegop
I used to enjoy shopping in New Zealand... I just needed one day out on a normal weekend to cure that! There is no other activity that I could recommend more highly to analyse how over-poplulated this country is! I find more often than not, that if I'm in a shop, I often can't get to the item I want because there are 3 people in the way, and I'm saying 'sorry' or 'excuse me' to the point where I'm tempted to carry a tape recorder that plays those phrases over and over to save my voice! I'm a true convert to internet shopping!

From Marie Kinsella
Shopping Means Stress. It all starts on a Saturday Morning, having worked all week the last thing I want is to have to get out of bed early to get this dreaded job done, but if I want to beat the rush I have no choice. Firstly its the car parks, even at 9am in the morning the ques have begun. Once out of the car I make my way in to town pulling out my much needed checklist. God, I destest shopping this is why I only do it every 6 Months. If I need to purchase I either do it online, via a catalogue or just wait. I head for my first port of call, fortunately its quiet much to my releif. Second stop its looking for a new dress, this is the worst bit. I know what I want so I go for it, however there is the slight implication that I have go to the changing rooms and mess around trying to dress and undress its enough to get anyone in a fluster. Ive finally choosen my outfit only to find that I have to que at the checkout (by now the shop is getting busy). Task over and done with I head to the next shop only to find it jam packed with people and to many kids barging around. As I enter I can see the sales person waiting to pounce, do I run, no I can't if I don't do it now I will have to come back. At this stage I start sweating, the shop is too hot the sales man is feeding me banter that I don't want to hear and the shop music is just to loud. Why can't the sales man leave me alone. Here we go again, another checkout with a que. I reach the high street only to get continuousley barged into by prams, walking sticks and bags. Shppoing list half complete and it's 11am already I decided to make a dash for the car, heaven, or at least I though it was! Trying to get out of the car park is a horror every man and his dog has arived in to town by now and every car wants your space. Can I manouver, no I have someone jamed in front of me assuming that he can have the space. What I dont understand is how does the driver expect to get in if he wont let me out? Final stop, I cant find what I need in the toiletry section so look for help, no help insight or at least if there is help I can't see it though people. I finally find help by a young looking lad filling the shelves in the frozeen section. Unfortunatelly he couldnt help me because toiletries arn't his department. I gove up and manouver my trolley to the checkout and yet another que. As the good come along the escalator I panick, these bags just can't be filled quick enough and the next person in the que is looking aggravated as i try to pack as fast as I can. The checkout lady has rang my bill through but I haven't packed my bags yet, what do I do? I give her the cash and return to start packing my bags but she has started throwing her next customers goods down the escalator. Now I am angry for I have just received poor customer service, can't she see I am struggling. I now become thoughtless and barge my trolly out of the shop, Im not bothered if my eggs brake I just want a cup of tea. Finally home at 12:30 and feeling totally stressed out, what a day, I hate shopping, thank goodness I dont have to do it often.

From Peter Bird
Why is this just about women and just about clothes shopping? I love shopping for food!

From Lorraine Egan
I generally come home depressed, after looking at myself in mirrors that make you look fat & haggard, while trying on clothes that are never the same size or cut from not just one shop to another but from one design in the same shop to another. I can go to one shop one week & buy a size 12 & another week even size 14 is too small. When trying to buy clothes for my 2 teenage daughters I have the same problems. Shoes are another big head ache, OK if you want fashion shoes but where are the fashion with sensibility for work & school, how do shoe makers expect children to walk upto 3 miles a day in shoes with a minimum 3" heal?

From Christine Payne
Shopping is a necessary evil. I totally dislike it. To many people crouded into a small area. I try to not to go near any shops from ist week in December until end of January if not longer.

From Ann Murphy
I went to Manchester from my place of work in Heald Green yesterday (16/10/02) to meet my daughter, have lunch and do some shopping.............The bus journey took 75 minutes and on arrival in Manchester I was dismayed to notice how many slovenly people there were lounging about selling stuff or begging for 10p for a tea or 20p for the phone.Constantly interrupted by Market Researchers trying to earn a crust, " Excuse me Madam can you spare a minute?" Also there were suspicious looking individuals on mobile phones. Needless to say we had lunch, tried two ill fitting bras on and went to the loo ( gosh that was brave ) I then caught the number 12 bus back to Bolton where I enjoyed a leisurely stroll around the shops finding what I wanted in a charity shop ..! .........No thankyou I won't be visiting Manchester City Centre again in a hurry. Shame really cos I lived in Manchester area until 4 years ago and was looking forward to visiting some favourite shops -instead we were there for about 20 minutes in total excluding lunch time.

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