
Higher PE Scenario - Answer technique

Scenario questions can seem daunting, however using a specific technique can help. Below is one way in which scenarios can be simplified.

1. Read the question(s)

  • What factor(s) do you need to consider?
  • What aspect of the course is it related to?
    • factors impacting performance/performance development
    • a part of the cycle of analysis
  • What is the ?

2. Identify any aspects that might link to the question

Data typeAspects
Data collection or evaluation results
  • Which factors were under investigation?
  • What scores were achieved?
  • Were these good, bad or average?
  • What buzz words link into the factor(s) in the question?
  • Note the factor(s) it ties into and whether it had a positive or negative impact.
  • Circle what you consider to be important in the picture:
  • Is there a clock with the time of the performance?
  • Is there a crowd in the background?
  • What is the performer doing in the picture?
  • How does the performer look?
  • What is on each axis?
  • What is the shape of the line graph throughout?
  • Can it be separated into different trends?
  • If a bar chart, what is high? What is low? How do they compare with one another?
Data typeData collection or evaluation results
  • Which factors were under investigation?
  • What scores were achieved?
  • Were these good, bad or average?
Data typeScript
  • What buzz words link into the factor(s) in the question?
  • Note the factor(s) it ties into and whether it had a positive or negative impact.
Data typePicture
  • Circle what you consider to be important in the picture:
  • Is there a clock with the time of the performance?
  • Is there a crowd in the background?
  • What is the performer doing in the picture?
  • How does the performer look?
Data typeGraph
  • What is on each axis?
  • What is the shape of the line graph throughout?
  • Can it be separated into different trends?
  • If a bar chart, what is high? What is low? How do they compare with one another?

3. Make a checklist

Write a checklist on the side of the question paper using the information you have gathered from steps one and two. This will help you answer each identified area.

Go through the checklist, ticking off each identified area as you go!