Juliet's parents demand she marries Paris. Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence who gives her a sleeping potion.

Romeo and Juliet animation

7. A sleeping potion

Lady Capulet visits Juliet in her bedroom and tells her that she is to marry Paris on Thursday. Juliet is distraught - she is already married of course - and says she will not do it. Lord Capulet arrives and is incensed by Juliet's refusal. He tells Juliet either she will marry Paris or she will leave the Capulet household.

Juliet decides she must visit Friar Lawrence and seek his help and Rosaline expresses hope that the Friar can speak some sense to her, but worries that everything is 'getting out of hand'.

When Juliet arrives at Friar Lawrence's church she finds Paris is already there, making arrangements for the wedding. Once she is alone with the Friar she begs him to think of some way to help her. The Friar says there is a 'ray of hope' and gives Juliet a strong sleeping potion. Rosaline goes on to describe the Friar's plan: Juliet is to return home and say she agrees to marry Paris; then she should take the sleeping potion that night, which is so strong that her family will believe her to be dead; the Friar will send a letter to Romeo telling him of what has happened, so that Romeo can return when Juliet wakes up two days later in the family tomb; then the two of them can escape together.

Rosaline concludes that the plan sounds 'ridiculous' and hopes that Friar Lawrence knows what he's doing.

The adaptation is intended to be broadly suitable for upper KS2 - that is, pupils aged 9 years old and above. However, be aware that the content deals with a number of sensitive issues including deaths during street fighting and suicide. Teachers should ensure they have watched any content they intend to share with their group in order to assess its suitability.

This film is relevant for teaching English within the National Curriculum at KS2 in England and Northern Ireland and equivalent levels in Scotland and Wales.

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Teacher Notes

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Episode transcript
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Other videos in this series

6. Exile. video

The prince banishes Romeo in punishment for Tybalt's death. Romeo visits Juliet in secret before leaving.

6. Exile

8. The deep sleep. video

The Capulet family are preparing for Juliet's wedding to Paris when she drinks the sleeping potion.

8. The deep sleep

9. A last goodbye. video

Romeo is reunited with Juliet in the Capulet family tomb, where the story reaches its tragic conclusion.

9. A last goodbye
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