Tybalt is looking to fight with the Montagues. Romeo refuses his challenge but Mercutio draws his sword. Romeo intervenes but the fight ends in tragedy.

Romeo and Juliet animation

5. Blood is spilled

NB: This episode includes sensitive issues including the deaths of both Mercutio and Tybalt during street fighting. Teachers are advised to watch the episode before sharing with their groups to assess its suitability.

Benvolio and Mercutio are on the streets of Verona when Tybalt appears accompanied by fellow Capulets. Hot-headed Tybalt challenges them but Benvolio reminds them of the Prince's warning regarding further violence and urges them to calm down.

Romeo arrives and is also challenged by Tybalt but Romeo refuses to be baited, knowing that he is now related to Tybalt through his secret marriage to Juliet. Mercutio is unhappy with Romeo's refusal to fight and takes up Tybalt's challenge. Swords are drawn and despite the efforts of Romeo and Benvolio to keep them apart Mercutio is stabbed and dies a short time later.

Romeo is enraged by his friend's death and now draws his own sword. He fights with Tybalt and the Capulet is killed. Benvolio hurries Romeo away from the scene while Rosaline wonders what Romeo can possibly say to Juliet about what has happened.

The adaptation is intended to be broadly suitable for upper KS2 - that is, pupils aged 9 years old and above. However, be aware that the content deals with a number of sensitive issues including deaths during street fighting and suicide. Teachers should ensure they have watched any content they intend to share with their group in order to assess its suitability.

This film is relevant for teaching English within the National Curriculum at KS2 in England and Northern Ireland and equivalent levels in Scotland and Wales.

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Further resources

Download / print the Teacher Notes for this series

Teacher Notes

Click to download / print the episode transcript

Episode transcript
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Other videos in this series

4. A secret wedding. video

Friar Lawrence marries Romeo and Juliet in a secret ceremony witnessed by the nurse.

4. A secret wedding

6. Exile. video

The prince banishes Romeo in punishment for Tybalt's death. Romeo visits Juliet in secret before leaving.

6. Exile

7. A sleeping potion. video

Juliet's parents demand she marries Paris. Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence who gives her a sleeping potion.

7. A sleeping potion
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