The Capulet family are preparing for Juliet's wedding to Paris when she drinks the sleeping potion and falls into a deep sleep.

Romeo and Juliet animation

8. The deep sleep

NB: This episode includes sensitive issues including Juliet's consumption of the sleeping potion and perceived death. Teachers are advised to watch the episode before sharing with their groups to assess its suitability.

The Capulet household are getting ready for Juliet's wedding to Paris and Rosaline comments that all their plans will come to nothing if Juliet takes the sleeping potion. Juliet enters and - acting on Friar Lawrence's instructions - asks her father's forgiveness, saying that from now on she will do as he tells her. In response Lord Capulet says they will bring the wedding forward to the following morning.

That evening Juliet asks to be left alone in her bedroom. She takes the sleeping potion and falls into a deep sleep.

The following morning Lord Capulet can be heard stirring the household to action and telling the nurse to wake Juliet. The nurse, then Lady Capulet, then Lord Capulet all fail to wake Juliet and, in tears, conclude she must be dead. Juliet is placed in the Capulet family tomb, where she will sleep for the next two days.

In Mantua Romeo has a visitor - but unfortunately it is not the friar with the letter from Friar Lawrence. It is Romeo's servant - Balthasar - who tells Romeo about Juliet's 'death'. Romeo is distraught and immediately begins to make plans to return to Verona that evening. Rosaline wonders what he can be planning to do.

The adaptation is intended to be broadly suitable for upper KS2 - that is, pupils aged 9 years old and above. However, be aware that the content deals with a number of sensitive issues including deaths during street fighting and suicide. Teachers should ensure they have watched any content they intend to share with their group in order to assess its suitability.

This film is relevant for teaching English within the National Curriculum at KS2 in England and Northern Ireland and equivalent levels in Scotland and Wales.

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Teacher Notes

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Episode transcript
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Other videos in this series

7. A sleeping potion. video

Juliet's parents demand she marries Paris. Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence who gives her a sleeping potion.

7. A sleeping potion

9. A last goodbye. video

Romeo is reunited with Juliet in the Capulet family tomb, where the story reaches its tragic conclusion.

9. A last goodbye

1. Two families in Verona. video

Meet the Montagues and the Capulets - two families in Verona who share an ancient feud.

1. Two families in Verona
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