Benvolio and Mercutio take Romeo to the Capulet ball where he meets and falls in love with Juliet.

Romeo and Juliet animation

2. Love arrives at a party

We join Rosaline at the Capulets' masked ball, where Romeo arrives with Benvolio and Mercutio. Romeo is spotted by Tybalt - a Capulet - who wishes to confront him. He is intercepted by Lord Capulet who insists that he keeps quiet and does not spoil the party.

Romeo sees Juliet and falls in love - wondering 'Did my heart love til now?' - which leads Rosaline to reflect on how quickly things can change. Romeo introduces himself to Juliet and Rosaline comments that they look very sweet together, before remembering that Romeo is a Montague and that any relationship with Juliet will mean trouble.

Romeo learns that Juliet is a Capulet and says he is 'in debt to my greatest enemies for bringing me my greatest love'. Juliet too learns that Romeo is a Montague and says 'My only love comes from my only hate!'

Romeo, Benvolio and Mercutio leave the ball and Rosaline comments that the story of the 'star-crossed lovers' is underway.

The adaptation is intended to be broadly suitable for upper KS2 - that is, pupils aged 9 years old and above. However, be aware that the content deals with a number of sensitive issues including deaths during street fighting and suicide. Teachers should ensure they have watched any content they intend to share with their group in order to assess its suitability.

This film is relevant for teaching English within the National Curriculum at KS2 in England and Northern Ireland and equivalent levels in Scotland and Wales.

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Teacher Notes

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Episode transcript
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Other videos in this series

1. Two families in Verona. video

Meet the Montagues and the Capulets - two families in Verona who share an ancient feud.

1. Two families in Verona

3. Promises from a balcony

After the ball Romeo climbs into the Capulet garden hoping to see Juliet again.

3. Promises from a balcony

4. A secret wedding. video

Friar Lawrence marries Romeo and Juliet in a secret ceremony witnessed by the nurse.

4. A secret wedding
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