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Kylie Maddon

Played by Amy Murphy

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10th February 2021
Never underestimate a nurse.
Kylie Maddon

A bubbly breath of fresh air, Kylie exudes warmth and positivity as she bustles around the ward – talking the ears off anyone and everyone and jumping in to assist wherever she can. Kylie loves to make others laugh and, though she can be genuinely ditzy and clumsy, will sometimes play the fool in order to entertain and make others like her. Her tragic love life is something that genuinely gets to her, but she’ll parade it round the ward if it means she gets a few laughs and makes others feel better about themselves. But don’t mistake her for a pushover, as Kylie possesses a surprising strength of character – she may be insecure herself, but she does not shy away from confrontation and will always speak up against injustices.