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Lucky Simpson

Played by VIneeta Rishi

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24th November 2020
Mental Helath Nurse

Warm, empathetic and unnervingly intelligent, Lucky is the sort of woman who could easily have you divulging your life story in a matter of minutes. And it’s just as well,as getting people to open up is her life’s work. She’s both an avid listener and a vivacious talker – the sort of person who makes you feel instantly at ease. With an infectious smile and a mischievous sense of humour, it’s hard not to succumb to her charms.

So far everyone seems lovely. Damaged and mentally unstable but, who isn’t?
Lucky Simpson

Lucky’s always up for a good gossip session round the water cooler. But when people discover she’s a Mental Health Nurse, they often become wary – scared she’s about to psycho analyse them. Lucky can’t resist playing on this – pretending to diagnose someone with daddy issues before bursting out with laughter and admitting that she’s just messing with them. But being the smartest person in the room does have its setbacks, as we’ll soon discover that Lucky always thinks she knows best and doesn’t take well to being proven wrong…