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Cameron Dunn

Played by Nic Jackman

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8th January 2019
Core Trainee 1
Im here, ready to roll up my sleeves and I’m pretty experienced with the sharper end of medicine now so none of this should pose much of a problem.
Cameron Dunn

Cameron is an eternal optimist; a naïve but charming puppy dog chasing dreams and dropping them when he finds something new and more exciting. A product of a wealthy and comfortable upbringing, Cameron doesn’t take well to responsibility. This security blanket bred an entitled recklessness within Cameron, gifting him a sense of immortality and optimism that things will always work out. Cameron, therefore, wouldn’t hesitate to stand up to figures of authority, challenging them with his strong sense of self-belief. He is easily caught up in the thrill of rebellion, and his occasionally pointless heroics can land him in hot water. Cameron avoids taking responsibility for his actions, and though he would never deliberately offend, he makes decisions through the prism of what will be easiest and most enjoyable for him. To those in Cameron’s inner circle, of whom there are not many, he would go the extra mile. Non-judgmental in his choice of friends, Cameron is liberal and open minded, making him slightly thin-skinned and irritable to those who challenge his worldview.