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Hannah Witton: Ask Me Anything

Hannah is a vlogger and author, covering topics such as feminism, body image, sexuality, and gender.

I don’t have a sex drive at all. What can I do to change this?

First of all, you need to ask yourself why it is that you want to change that. I think there’s a lot of pressure on everyone to be sexual all of the time and if you’re not, that’s actually fine.

How can you have a healthy and exciting sex life when you and your long-term partner have busy lives and are always tired/stressed?
So, it doesn’t sound sexy, but schedule. Schedule in that sexy time. So when it comes to it, obviously you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but it’s always good to just put it in the calendar.

Hannah Witton

Name: Hannah Witton

Occupation: Hannah is a vlogger and author, covering topics such as feminism, body image, sexuality, and gender

I’ve never really enjoyed sex and I’ve never experienced an orgasm with a partner. What’s wrong with me?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. But also, what do you mean by sex? There’s more things than just penetrative sex, if you don’t enjoy that that’s fine, there are other options.

When it comes to any new sexual experience, communicate.
Hannah Witton

My anxiety keeps me in my head when I have sex. What can I do to relax and feel present?

So, different things will work for different people, but a friend of mine had this problem recently and he said that the thing that really helped was meditation

How can I give feedback about something my partner does that I don’t enjoy and feel uncomfortable about?

First of all I think you need to approach the subject soon, ‘cause the longer you leave it the worse it might be, but also use positive language, so rather than “I don’t like this”, say “I prefer this”.

How can I find the best contraception for me that’s safe and doesn’t mess with my hormones? Any advice?

Unfortunately it’s a bit of a trial and error situation, but the non-hormonal options that are out there are Condoms and the Copper Coil.

How do you practice safe sex when you’re a lesbian?

Dental dams exist, or you can cut up a condom for oral sex. Latex gloves, condoms on sex toys. But also, watch my friend Stevie Boebi’s ‘Lesbian sex 101 series’, that has all the information you need.

How can I feel confident about being intimate with someone new when I’ve haven’t been with anyone for a long time?

When it comes to any new sexual experience - communication. Communicate. If you’ve got any insecurities maybe bring them up, but it’s all about making sure you feel comfortable.

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