Research & Development

Chris Pike (MEng PhD)

Lead R&D Engineer - Audio

Chris Pike

Chris led the audio team in Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D and the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Audio Research Partnership until he left in 2021. He is passionate about using technology innovation to enable new creative possibilities in sound production and storytelling. Chris has led the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ's work on spatial audio for several years, which has led to productions on major brands such as Doctor Who, and the . He was director of sound on the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ's first public VR app, The Turning Forest, and worked with BjΓ¶rk to create an for her exhibition at MoMA in New York. As part of his role at the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ, Chris was active in standardisation bodies, working to ensure open interoperable technology for spatial audio production. He also completed a PhD with the during his work at Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D, on binaural technology and its perceptual evaluation. His thesis is .

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