Research & Development


Next Generation Audio codecs are gaining traction in consumer devices. Using object-based audio techniques, they can offer significant personalisation and accessibility benefits. However, the type of interface and degree of control desired by audiences remains unexplored. This paper describes two investigations. First, a paper prototyping study to broadly understand the most desirable features of object-based audio (n = 11 normal and hard of hearing participants). The second study determined the preferred level of control granularity for a foreground-background control for a cohort of normal-hearing participants (n=18).

Participants trended towards the more granular controls, with the graduated slider significantly preferable for the documentary and drama content presented. Qualitative data highlights that ease of use and clarity of purpose in controls is key.

This paper was originally presented at the 148th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), June 2-5 2020, Online (AES Virtual Vienna Convention) and is also available from the AES’s electronic library:

This publication is part of the Immersive and Interactive Content section
