Research & Development

Posted by Matt Firth, Richard Bailey, Chris Pike on , last updated

We are delighted to announce the launch of the , a set of open-source software tools for producing next-generation audio (NGA) content using open standards. The work is a collaboration with through the . In this post, we’ll explain more about why we’ve built the EAR Production Suite and what it can do.

Why have we built it?

The term is used to describe a family of new audio technologies that offer a more personalised and immersive listening experience for audiences, using the ideas of object-based media. Recently we’ve shown the benefits that this can have for accessibility with our Casualty trials, allowing listeners to adjust the clarity of the mix to their needs and preferences. NGA coding technologies are gradually becoming available, enabling efficient delivery of these capabilities to audiences over the internet and broadcast. With several different codecs on offer, an important piece in the puzzle is to have an open, interoperable format for production and archiving. Our programmes reach the audience in many different ways, and having one production format that can be encoded and delivered using the range of available solutions is very useful. For NGA, this format is the Audio Definition Model (ADM).

The ADM is a metadata model that can describe audio programme content and its format, using a range of different elements types or objects ( gives more background). Over recent years, we have worked closely with EBU colleagues and other industry partners to develop a family of standards for the ADM. First, we developed the itself, and more recently, we have defined (the EBU ADM Renderer or EAR). The EAR specifies how an ADM representation is converted into loudspeaker signals, so we can actually listen to them. With the ADM and the EAR in place, we have key standards for interoperable NGA production. What we didn’t have until now were any production tools available that make use of the standards. So… we built the EAR Production Suite.

Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D - Casualty, Loud and Clear - Our Accessible and Enhanced Audio Trial

Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D - Libear - An Open-Source Library for the EBU ADM Renderer

Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D - Looking into the EAR - Turning Audio Research Into Practice

We have two main goals in releasing the EAR Production Suite. Firstly, we think the tools are useful in their own right, to allow people to produce NGA content with the ADM standards. But, perhaps, more importantly, we also want to encourage the adoption of the ADM standards across the industry. We’ve made the code open-source, and the core capabilities are available in libraries that can be used by others in their software, whether digital audio workstations or encoding tools. With these tools, we hope to demonstrate the value of the ADM and show how to make use of it in practice.

How to use it

The EAR Production Suite (EPS) includes a collection of VST® audio plug-ins for use in digital audio workstation (DAW) software; the core EAR Production Suite plug-ins and a supplementary plug-in to support using the ADM with third-party tools. We have put together . The EAR Production Suite also includes an extension for (DAW) software which gives ADM import and export capabilities. This is also covered in the guide.

Where to get it

, along with the above tutorial video which you can watch. . The EPS is distributed under the GPLv3.0 to comply with the binary distribution requirements of JUCE and VST®3. However, if you would like to work with us and require portions of the source code under a more permissive license, please get in touch.

The component libraries , , and are also available. These libraries are all distributed under the Apache licence, version 2.0.


Tell us about it

We're really keen to know what you think of the EAR Production Suite. For feedback, feature request and bug reports, we would appreciate it if you . You can also contact the EPS team at: ear-production-suite-admins@list.ebu.ch. If you are considering adding ADM support to your own tools, we would be very happy to discuss and advise.

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Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D - Libear - An Open-Source Library for the EBU ADM Renderer

Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D - Looking into the EAR - Turning Audio Research Into Practice

Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D - Casualty, Loud and Clear - Our Accessible and Enhanced Audio Trial

Immersive Audio Training and Skills from the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Academy including:

Sound Bites - An Immersive Masterclass

Sounds Amazing - audio gurus share tips

This post is part of the Immersive and Interactive Content section
