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Entertaining with The Archers: how to play a retro boardgame based on life as a farmer in Ambridge
In The Archers office a hidden gem was discovered – a boardgame from the 1960s based on the cut-throat world of making it big as a farmer in Ambridge. There was nothing for it but to put the game through its paces!
As an unsuspecting family gathered for Christmas, little did they know they’d be subjected to this example of 50-year-old parlour entertainment that’s full of dated Archers’ references… what’s not to like?!

The game is similar to Monopoly with each player building up their fortune but in this case it’s not in sought-after London properties, it’s cows, sheep and hens.
Each player has to complete their farm card by buying livestock at market. Whoever acts as Banker and Auctioneer gets to wield the little red hammer.

First, players have to make their way to the Market Square, trying their best not to get waylaid. If you land on “Talking to Tom Forrest” you have to miss a turn, if you land on “The Bull” you have to pay £1 for a meal and drinks and if John Tregorran buys you a drink in the Market Square you're prevented from bidding!
Similarly to Monopoly, a lot of time has to be dedicated to complete the game. Perhaps it’s a deliberate reflection of a real-life farmer’s career – a large, successful farm can take a lifetime to create!

It's not clear whether the player counters are modelled on real Archers characters. Is there anyone you recognise?
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