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Carolyn Jones on playing Ursula Titchener

Getting to know the mother of has been an uncomfortable, but nevertheless enlightening, listen. While made some good first impressions when she arrived in Ambridge, she is now vilified almost as much as her son.

While many may seethe at the sound of her voice, the actor who plays Ursula - Carolyn Jones - says she has enormous sympathy for her.

Here, Carolyn kindly answers some questions on her experience of being a part of The Archers.

What’s it like playing Ursula Titchener?

It’s very interesting, particularly in regard to other people’s reactions to her, which are very strong. I believe she’s even referred to as “Cursula” by some.

What have you learned about her as the Helen and Rob storyline has unfolded?

I have realised how deeply she loves her second born and that she has always defended him in some very strained family situations.

Do you have any sympathy for her?

Enormous sympathy. She’s always tried to do the right thing. She was desperately worried that Robert might die, which was indeed the case, his whole physical life will be changed as a result of the stabbing, he’s treated as a pariah by the whole village, completely ostracised those who were prepared to befriend him in the past.

She truly loved little and is now forbidden to see him, and I think it is more than cruel that she cannot even see or hold her only grandchild. Her own husband and first-born child are less than kind to her… Oh yes, enormous sympathy!

If you could have a word with Ursula, what would you say?

I do have a word with her every time I portray her, in an attempt to make her real. Our conversations lately have touched on the subject of “denial”. I know Robert better than anybody, have looked after him and defended him against a lot of things in the past. I know how difficult he can be.

She’s always tried to do the right thing
Carolyn on Ursula

What’s it like being part of The Archers’ cast?

It’s got a ‘full circle’ feel about it in that my father-in-law was Edward J Mason, one of the original creators of the programme and my husband, Jeremy Mason, made an honest woman out of (then Archer), when he played Roger Travers-Macy!

What’s it like playing a character who’s unpopular in Ambridge?

It’s odd really but people always seem to react with more enthusiasm to characters they dislike. That makes it very interesting. Everyone has an opinion. Even when they are not exactly sure of the facts, they seem to want to express their strong opinions.

Have you got a favourite scene that you have recorded as Ursula, so far?

I think the few scenes I’ve done with Ursula's husband Bruce have been very interesting to explore. There is a serious storyline there which has definitely contributed to the wildly dysfunctional family I think the Titcheners are.

How do your cooking skills compare to Ursula’s?

Like many an actress over the years I’ve bluffed my way through lots of different jobs to pay the rent, and yes, one of them was cheffing! And of course dripping every time.

My skills with pastry are not so developed having lived with a pastry chef for 15 years. I love the idea that they are referred to as ‘sponge monkeys’ in professional kitchens. When I was winging my way as chef serving up posh directors' lunches my particular monkey used to have very impressive sweets biked over to the tiny corporate kitchen I was working at from the salubrious mega hotel kitchen he was working at.

The mind boggles [what he's experienced] – even by soap opera standards
Carolyn on Henry

What would be your fantasy storyline for The Archers? (This can be as wild or unrealistic as you like!)

Perhaps the person who’s going to be the most affected by the recent tragic is young Henry. He’s only been on the planet for coming up six years and think what he has experienced! The mind boggles – even by soap opera standards.

As the rest of Ambridge closes ranks and tries to expel the evil Titcheners, I imagine Henry siding with his Daddy and his Grandma Ursula, looking to them as his protectors. It’s only with them that he feels secure and truly loved and longs to spend the time with them, which he feels he deserves.

He comes to regard his baby brother as his enemy. His mother, , loves ‘Jack’ more, but where has his brother Gideon gone? Next, he becomes unruly, a bully at school and demands to see his Daddy and Grandma. He continually keeps trying to run away from home to look for Rob, even goes missing trying to find Grandma’s house. The seeds of severe delinquency can be sown now and just get worse and worse as time goes by. I do not consider this wild or unrealistic in any way!