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Apple Tart

165g of plain flour sifted
25g of ground almonds
one pinch of salt
120g of unsalted butter [salted will be ok]
55g of caster sugar sifted
one medium egg
two large Bramley apples or three medium

Measure all of the ingredients and have them at hand. Lightly oil a plate. Turn oven to 160C for fan oven or 180C for non-fan.
Combine flour and almonds, cut butter into small chunks and rub into flour mixture with finger tips or give a quick whiz in the food processor.
Add sugar and salt, give a quick stir.
Add the egg and mix with a round bladed knife until it all comes together into a soft dough. Do not add water.
Cover and put into fridge.
Peel apples and slice adding sugar to taste.
Cook apples in microwave high for 4 minutes and then give them a stir to make sure sugar is evenly distributed.
Divide pastry into two and turn out on to a well-floured board. Form into a circle and roll out to fit your plate.
Carefully lift pastry onto plate, [it's easier if you roll it round the rolling pin] and trim edges,
Place apples on pastry and roll out lid of tart.
Wet edges of bottom layer of pastry and put the top layer on using a fork to seal the two edges together. Make a little hole to let out steam
Place in oven for approx. 30 mins, but keep an eye on it as ovens vary, it should be a golden colour.
Sprinkle with a little sugar.

You can add cinnamon or cloves or the juice and zest of an orange with sultanas..