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28 October 2014


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Tuesday 15th October 2002
Have your say: Fireworks, is a ban right?
Remember remember the 5th November...

Manchester, Salford and Oldham have been named as some of the worst accident 'hot-spot' areas in the UK for injuries caused by fireworks.
In the last year injuries among young teenagers have gone up by more than 50%.
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Here's a further selection of your views.

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From Ken, Accrington
A series of air bombs exploded near my flat at 3:00am, now I am certainly for banning them. I have an elderly mother who lives in sheltered accommodation. She is afraid of answering the door at the moment due to trick or treat kids. I told her to tell them to go away, she replied, β€œI am frightened that they will push fireworks through my door”, she now sits in afraid to answer the door at all. The fact the children will use fire works to terrorise old people and older youths who’s parents let them set off fire bombs at 3 am is a reflection of our society. The banning of fireworks removes the tools that they use to terrorise but does not remove the fact the children have no morals and no knowledge of the consequences of their actions. I am sure that it is a small number of extreme youths with irresponsible parents. Lets have a solution that hits the parents who provide access to the fireworks. Stop and search suspected children, if they are in possession of fireworks and they are under the age of 18, fine the parents Β£100 per child. Bet that stops them! In addition, lets ban the noisy ones. Why do we need air bombs? I thought fireworks were about a wonderful visual display.

From Andy, Manchester
"stop me enjoying what is a part of Britishness and a happy season for me!" Its not a fireworks season, its bonfire NIGHT, one evening a year, not 6mths. You list the things that YOU dont do, would you like to make a list of the anti social activities many teens take part in, and include the deaths and injuries that occur each year, needlessly. "I will NOT listen to dogooders and safety campaigners or have advice forced down my throat by anybody NCFS/Fire Brigade/ROSPA " You're attitude is very disturbing bordering on blind ignorant addiction, and coming from a 32 year old is even more worrying.

From Anthony, Accrington, Lancashire
I'am going to enjoy fireworks every year;I don't see why I should be curtailed because I never set them off at antisocial hours and I use them properly and safely as per instructions and I don't set out to injure animals/people and nor do I set out to damage property with them. I will NOT listen to dogooders and safety campaigners or have advice forced down my throat by anybody NCFS/Fire Brigade/ROSPA whoever that I SHOULD attend organised events because I will NOT do it at all whatsoever. The namby-pambys can go on banging their drum-none of it will stop me enjoying what is a part of Britishness and a happy season for me!

From Anthony, Accrington, Lancashire
I'am 32 and still enjoy fireworks, but I don't go setting them off at stupid and antisocial hours and I DON'T like airbombs NOR do I buy them anyway (and I'am glad the UK fireworks companies are NOT selling them next year); I always buy pretty fireworks with some noise sometimes with a bang or two and I don't feel these should be banned.

From Andy, Manchester
I should imagine i would have responded the same way Anthony has, when i was of school age. I'm asuming Anthony is of school age. one question Anthony, when you start work you may have to be up at 6am, will you be happy to listen to air bombs outside your house till 2am, 3am, for 6mths of the year. I promise you , you wont.

From Anthony in Accrington Lancashire
I enjoy using and setting off fireworks because I'AM responsible and sensible with them,why should I be banned from doing so if I do NOT cause property damage or personal injury with them? You are ALL a bunch of killjoys!

From Terence Sullivan
Few would disagree that something has to be done to curtail this inreasingly serious nuisance. Three obvious recommendations might be:
1.) No more high street and corner shops selling any type of firework - to anyone, period. Sale of all fireworks only through specialist, vetted, registered, and licensed vendors.
2.) All year round sales? Yes, but more expensive and limited in quantity with rigorous 'proof of age' AND identity procedure enforced by supplier (just like hiring a car).
3.) Better enforcement with much, stiffer penalties and, if appropriate, revocation of license for anyone found guilty of supplying or storing explosives/ fireworks illegally.
The trick is not to make fireworks unavailable, just less readily available. Pricing them and placing them out of the 'pocket-money' market and firmly into the adult market where they surely belong.

From Andy
I must admit, i'm begining to become convinced that there should be a complete ban, but who is really to blame, the kids that are buying them, or the companys and stores that sell them. The supermarkets (that earn millions in profit)are now also selling them, usually sold by a spotty post pubesant in the entrance of the store,lets face it kids will do what they are allowed to do, and because of the greed and disregard companys have for the misery the product causes for millions of people, the growth in sales continues to rise.... as does the contempt for a product that once gave so much joy. Its now 11:15pm and my home is continually being shaken by air bombs.

From Jan
The fireworks available today are not like those on sale when I was a child (I'm in my 40's). They were really beautiful to watch, and not too noisy - they never bothered my pets at the time! Unfortunately today they really are more like explosive devices, so if you put them in the hands of the foolhardy, inexperienced and irresponsible you're not only inconvenienced by the noise but asking for trouble. I say BAN ALL FIREWORKS except for sparklers and those strictly for use at organised events. Or at least only sell them for 5 days prior to 5th November, thats time enough for those who want them to get them, and certainly DON'T ALLOW THEM ON SALE FOR THE NEW YEAR. We don't need a repeat of November 5th every December 31st - or must we follow like sheep from wherever the stupid idea originated? Millennium New Year I agree was an exception, but whats so special about each normal New Year's Eve? Why do we, our pets and "old people" have to suffer all over! again? And don't talk to me about "infringements" of people's rights to enjoy fireworks - what about my right to peace & quiet in my own house? it wouldn't be so bad if it was for a couple of nights only or a weekend, but it starts in September and goes right through the dark nights season. And to those who make their living selling fireworks all year round, I wish your business a prompt & total demise - you are no better than drug peddlers because you don't care what harm your business causes so long as you make your living.

From Greg
Current legislation on private use has been proved to be unenforcable. We have to have a complete ban except for properly licensed displays.

From Lyn
Fireworks should only be used in displays. They should not be on sale throughout the year. We are now persecuted throughout the year with fireworks going off at all hours of the day and night. If shops must sell fireworks, then they should go back to the old system of selling fireworks 2 weeks before Bonfire Night only. If youngsters want explosions, then perhaps they should be drafted into the army and sent to a war zone where there are plenty of explosions.

From Tony Thomas
I Am not against organised firework displays. I like to go to properly organised and safe displays. But i am against the sale of fireworks (explosives) to the general public and the idiots that set them off with no consideration for animals the old and infirm and people working odd shift patterns. How many more children have to be maimed and killed for the profits of shops selling them. I hope the byers at all the superstores can sleep knowing that the fireworks that they have sold to someone will probably have injured someone, frightened an old person and scared silly the local cats and dogs.

From Mike P
We have two dogs and every night (and sometimes in the day) for the past month they look like they are going to die of heart attack!. 2, 3, 4 & 5 o'clock in the morning, BANG, my wife & I get very little sleep during Sept, Oct, Nov & Dec because we have to attend to the dogs. Lets at least follow the Isles Of Man and take steps to putting a halt to the sale of fireworks until near 5th of November and lets reduce the number of outlets to the absolute minimum, controlling the sales to organisations only and NOT to individuals.

From Andy
In reply to Anthonys query about setting off fireworks in public places, it is indeed illegal to set them off and the last time i heard, there was a fine of at least Β£1000 and in the very worst incidents (where it causes personal injury) ,a prison sentence can be given. The problem is proving a case, but with the widespread ownership of video cams, those that are suffering really badly might consider the use of them. I loved bonfire night as a kid, and i dont wish to deprive future generations of the same thrill i used to get, but the situation as it is, cannot reamain unchecked. I can put up with a couple of weeks of it, but 6mths is a joke. I think Anthonys comparison with Soya products and Fireworks is invalid, the users of soya dont interfere with peoples choice for a peacefull life.....where as fireworks.....

From J Riley
Thank goodness someone has had the sense to ban those noisy kind of fireworks. Every year we wait with a sinking heart for september to approach- yes september- which is when the bangs and screaming noises start. what amazes me is the bangs in the middle of the night! if it's kids doing it, where the heck do their parents think they are at 2am in the morning?? and just to change the subject, but kind of in the same vein, stop parents letting their hooligan kids wander the streets til all hours of the night anyway.

From Charles Tomkinson
The sale of fireworks should only be from licensed and approved dealers. Anyone found selling to under-age youngsters should automatically be banned from dealing in firwroks as should anyone with a criminal record. We should also move towards sales only to authorised users - people who have passed a simple test to show that they know how to handle fireworks safely.

From Di Norton
Ban fireworks from public sale. Year after year shops show they're too irresponsible about who they sell to and when. People who buy them are not responsible either. Official designated events only.

From Anthony
I agree that the sale period of fireworks should be restricted to a maximum of 2 weeks prior to Nov 5th. The effect of earlier and earlier sales seems to be exactly the same as it is with christmas goods. There is no need for a ban to prevent school children from setting off fireworks as the sale to them is already illegal. Here we simply need more rigorous enforcement of the laws already in place. Setting off fireworks in public places is something I certainly don't agree with, and would be surprised if were not already illegal. Simply for the same reasons you are not allowed to fire guns or light fires in the streets. Legislating against particular firework effects would be tricky, leaving large grey areas and potentially restrict the creativity of our firework manufacturers. Let us not lose the right to be proud that the UK produces some of the finest fireworks in the work. Ban public displays?! Why on earth would you want to remove the most controlled, environmentally friendly and safe way to enjoy Nov 5th? To me this sounds like groundless opinion of someone who personally does not enjoy firework displays, and therefore believes that no one should be able to experience them. I take a dim view of such closed-mindedness. Banning all fireworks is not an effective way to eliminate their misuse. You will simply drive the industry underground to the black market. Except that the fireworks will then be completely unregulated and would likely be considerably more hazardous than legitimate fireworks. Let us not forget that the banning of handguns did not prevent their misuse. In fact, handgun crime has doubled since the ban. On a somewhat related note, we shouldn't allow our country to become a complete nanny state. We should have the liberty and freedom to chose to partake in slightly dangerous activities, such as using fireworks, if we so chose. The answer is not to ban all things dangerous, else cars would be the first thing to go, and before you know it we're all forced to use plastic cutlery... I noticed that most of the replies on this page were from people opposed to fireworks, I thought that I might address the balance. I am a fireworks enthusiast and enjoy the safe use of fireworks in an appropriate area. I have never had an accident and I set of my fireworks either on the 5th Nov itself, or the closest weekend. The "display" is always held within reasonable hours too. Whilst I fully realise that not everyone will like fireworks, personally I do. I enjoy the dazzling effects, the smell of the smokes, the chest thumping reports, the anticpation after lighting a fuse. I personally do not like soya, or vegetarian meat substitutes, but I respect the wishes of the people that do. Similarly, I'd expect those that do not like fireworks to respect that some people do.

From Maria Berry
As a kid I absolutely loved Bonfire Night and I would like my son to feel the same way when he's old enough, but the fact that anybody can buy fireworks at any time of year is just ridiculous and is ruining the whole point of the day. Fireworks create the most horrendous noise pollution from September right through to January. Why not just sell them from 1st to 5th November? If that were the case, my 18-month old cat wouldn't have died from a heart attack last week when some kids were messing with screaming rockets and bangers outside my house.

From Carlos

From anthony
Garden and display firework airbomb roman candle type fireworks and other fireworks which bang too(cakes/batteries/barrages and report rockets and airbomb mines)plus screechbang rockets should also be banned. All fireworks with pretty effects ie crackles/colours/comets/spinners/ whizzers/whistles/colourful stars/colourful starbursts/glitter etc should be the norm and the only ones on sale;but even then there are you noise problems you cannot stop-roman candle batteries/cakes and barrages thump when they throw out the effects,plus there aren't many true no-bang rockets(this is merely a side-effect of the stars being thrown clear of the casing and there is little that can be done about this). Mines produce a thud when blowing the stars out. Launch thumps from fireworks are quite acceptable to me,as long as the effect doesn't bang it shouldn't be that bad to no-one. Often the bangs from colour and effect garden and display rockets are often over before anyone can complain. I have no problem with fireworks which produce pretty effects and sometimes with a bang but I have no desire to be amazed by fireworks which just bang with no pretty effect.

Ban them completely forever. No organised displays whatsoever. There are too many stupid kids and fireworks about and the two donot mix. Parents should keep their kids in at night instead of letting them roam about in the dark anyway

From Andy
I've always been a fan of fireworks, but when i was a kid , you could only buy them about 2 weeks before bonfire night, and the day after nov 5th they stopped selling them, its time to return to that system. We now hear fireworks from Sept right into the New year, and at all hours, 2am , 3am ...and local kds have a new hobby of using them to smash car windscreens. Why do the authorities wait years before they act to stop easily controllable matters like this, that causes misery for many people (and animals)?

From Chris Higginbottom
Fireworks should be like firearms, and require a licence for their sale and purchase. The licence should only be issued after a thorough training course has been passed, and any misuse of that licence should be punished by a life ban. This is the only way that we can be rid of this menace.

From A.Mallender
Fireworks should be banned from public sale. We now have to put up with them all year round but especially in the weeks approaching 5th November when they are exploding for hours every single night. I have a little dog who spends every evening trembling uncontrollably with fear from the loud bangs. Her life is a misery after dark and I'm sure other animals must suffer the same. We can cope with a few nights each year but it is all the year round. BAN THEM

From J.Holt
How many people have to be injured/killed before these lethal 'weapons' are banned? Fireworks should be used at organised displays ONLY

From Philip Hale
It is time that Fireworks were banned. The thugs now seem to rule communities just doing what they please. Fireworks, thats a laugh, try bomb's. The explosives set off round here rock the foundations of the house. No wonder people and animals feel vunerable 6 weeks before 5th Nov and 4 weeks after.

From D.Lees
The first air-bomb firework went off near us on September 7th. They have been going off on a nightly basis since. They will continue to go off all this month and the rest of November, with scant regard for the actual date of November 5th. They will then make a return appearance for the Christmas/New Year period. Bonfire night should be renamed Bomb Season, as the fireworks are being let off continually for over a three month period.

From Lisa Aldous
Fireworks should only be available for organized displays.At the moment they seem to be available all year round.I hear them every evening after schools have finished until the early hours of the morning and then some before schools open again.They get louder each year & our whole house shakes,which terrifies our little boy.Firework displays are wonderful to watch,but the 'bombs' which are on sale are frightening.

From Anthony
Airbombs and screechbang/whistlebang rockets should be outlawed as should anything which bangs with pretty or noisy effects ie flash report roman candles/barrages/cakes/batteries/maroon rockets and report mines. You can get nice ones;yes they bang or they sometimes have noisy colourful breaks and other nice effects and these shouldn't be outlawed. Also roman candles and roman cakes/batteries and barrages and fountain mines produce a loud thump when throwing the stars out(this cannot be helped and there is little you can do about it). Also very few rockets are true no bang rockets(this is a side effect of the stars being thrown out of the head,again little can be done about it)but the starburst rockets are quite pretty and the bang is often over before anyone can complain anyway.

From Andy
I've always been a fan of fireworks, but when i was a kid , you could only buy them about 2 weeks before bonfire night, and the day after nov 5th they stopped selling them, its time to return to that system. We now hear fireworks from Sept right into the New year, and at all hours, 2am , 3am ...and local kds have a new hobby of using them to smash car windscreens. Why do the authorities wait years before they act to stop easily controllable matters like this, that causes misery for many people (and animals)?

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