
麻豆约拍 BLOGS - Newsnight: Mark Urban
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Israel's critical timing - from start to finish

Mark Urban | 19:10 UK time, Monday, 5 January 2009

gaza.jpgOn the Israel-Gaza border - Timing is a critical factor in war. Having chosen with great skill the moment to start its onslaught on the crowded Palestinian territory, there are signs that Israel's government does not quite know when it should end.

The launch of Israel's campaign, 10 days ago, could not have been better timed. It caught the world's political elites on holiday, unable to concert an effective response, even if they had been minded to, and it caught , which runs Gaza, on the hop too. Hamas had ended a six month ceasefire with Israel but the Islamic movement's leadership did not apparently reckon on such a swift response from its enemy - as a consequence a majority of those killed in the first few days of bombing were party members, security men, and police who had not been dispersed for their own safety.

America's upcoming change of administration also played a key role in choosing this moment. Those Palestinian factions or the Lebanese movement, , that might have been tempted to act elsewhere in solidarity with the people of Gaza have not so far done so. Some feel this may be due to their reluctance to get off on the wrong foot with the Obama Administration.

gaza2.jpgIt is however a different electoral cycle - Israel's - that is now greatly complicating the decisions about how far to push this military action. Within the government of outgoing Prime Minister there are differing views. , the Foreign Minister and his successor as leader of the Kadima party, reportedly favours pushing on until the Hamas government in Gaza collapses. The Defence Minister (and former prime minister) apparently favours more limited objectives of creating a longer term cease fire with the Hamas government. His Labour Party will be battling Ms Livni's at the polls next month.

So Mr Olmert will have to referee this disagreement among his Cabinet members. In the meantime, other factors in the timing equation will militate against open-ended action in Gaza. With stark reports of infrastructure collapsing within the strip as well as more than 540 dead at the time of writing, the growing cost of this offensive is creating ripples of outrage around the world.

Many Israelis don't care too much about that - or rather they put their own security first - but the longer this goes on the greater the possible damage to relations with the United States and the possibility that Hezbollah or one of its Palestinian allies will launch attacks across the Lebanese border. There are risks too that if the Israeli army becomes too much of a static target on the ground in Gaza, its losses through suicide bombing and other resistance may start to multiply.

So the key questions about timing are now those about when all of this destruction should stop. Given these pressures, Ms Livni's more ambitious ideas about toppling Hamas may get shelved. But rest assured that however this ends both she and Mr Barak will try to take the credit for the timing of the campaign in the first place.


  • Comment number 1.

    They might have used enormous skill in picking the right date, but the killing of large numbers of innocent civilian children, women, the elderly, disabled and men who have done nothing is still a shameful atrocity.

    That the world is standing by and letting this go on is simple disgusting.

    The people of Gaza have been blockaded, food and medicines even have been blocked from entering this little strip of land that the Palestinians have been forced onto, now they are using overwhelming air and infantry power to destroy hospitals, schools and infrastructure, the little that these people have.

    History will show Israel as committing outrageous genocides on a defenceless people, and it will show that the USA was complicit in this genocide by not only its tacit support of that regime, but also by its funding and supply of arms which is enabling the wholesale slaughter of the Gazan people.

    The world has the means to stop this outrage if politicians showed the will, people the world over are sickened and disgusted by this genocide going on, any sympathy Israel may still enjoy is slowly being eroded away until only die hard Zionists will remain as the apologists for this pariah state.

  • Comment number 2.


    the invasion has more to do with the israeli election in a month's time. so we can expect it to last till after the election as the politicians hope people will still be euphoric over military action?

    no one in the west seems to report the use of cluster bombs even though the israeli press are quite open about it?

    in lebanaon israeli dropped more than 1million cluster bomblets.

    there is no realistic military objective so its political which is why they are using the mass dispersion weapons like airbursts, cluster etc

  • Comment number 3.

    The Israelis wouldn't be bombing Gaza if the terrorist party, Hamas (they do not believe in the State of Israel and want to kill every single Jewish person), wasn't firing rockets into Israel! Israel has every right to defend itself.

  • Comment number 4.

    given israel has no borders with palestine where is 'itself'? wherever they say? israel will never willingly define borders with palestine because that will bring it into conflict with the settler terrorists.

    which is why the settlements go on and on and on?

    there is no need for anyone [including palestinians] to use violence to make a state ungovernable. with a proper program you can bring any country conducting an occupation to its knees within 18 months.

    uk gave up its empire not because it was the right thing to do but because it was too expensive to maintain.

  • Comment number 5.

    the bbc with it's pro-Israeli agenda will suppress any blogs with a fare analysis in regard to the Palestinians....you have been warned. 14 pro Palestinian blogs have been deleted already and it's only half past four !

  • Comment number 6.

    The coverage of Israel's war on Hamas by the 麻豆约拍 is so unbelievably anti-Israel, pro-Hamas that it's simply disgusting. The very asking of the question "will this be the turning point in the war" with respect to the unfortunate striking of a school and the deaths of children there makes the question a rhetorical, self-fulfilling prophecy: the 麻豆约拍 WILL guide its coverage to make sure, just as it did in the "massacre" at Jenin, a fantastic creation of the imagination of the Palestinian PR machine, aided and abetted by the likes of the 麻豆约拍 and other "news" organizations.

    I sincerely hope that the 麻豆约拍 will make more concerted efforts to remind its readers and viewers of 8 years of terror inflicted upon Israelis in the Negev desert, people who only want to live in peace.

    You need only answer one question to resolve any questions of coverage of the correctness of the Israeli action: "Would Israel have unleashed its military on Gaza if Hamas would have left it alone?" The only answer is "no". Israel is too busy building wealth and life; Hamas is too busy building institutions whose only goal it is to maintain their own power by whatever means necessary, including keeping their own people as hostages to their theology of hate of Israel and of Jews. Hamas has no place in a civilized world, and I hope for everyone's sake that the people of Gaza wake up and rise up against their thug masters.

  • Comment number 7.

    What a load of rubbish @ leftieoddbod! If you bothered watching Jeremy with both a Hamas leader and The Israeli Ambassador to London, Proser, you would have seen that it was a fair arguement where both sides were given a voice to speak. Perhaps you were sleeping - or like a certain actress ( I can't remember her name, but Jeremy did mention her last night) who doesn't watch Newsnight as she ends up worrying all night. :p

  • Comment number 8.

    Also leftieddbod, had you not read the first post on this Comment by HovellingHermit? He refers to Israel "committing outrageous genocides" and it being a "pariah state". This does not support the idea that inflamatory anti-Israel rhetoric is being supressed here. One the contrary, his misuse of the well defined term "genocide" here, is completely defamatory of Israel and the IDF and it really needs deleting by the moderator. It is obvious that war is ugly, but the purpose of the military action is to stop a daily rain of untargetted rockets on the inhabitiants of Southern Israeli towns by Hamas.

  • Comment number 9.

    just testing......

  • Comment number 10.

    Since did physical warfare have any truly good results for either side in the middle east or the world period. This war isn't about timing its about unfounded hatred. Our own egoism that is cause for all the global crisis that we are experiencing.

    On the level of this world, there is room to feel suffering for both nations. However, it is written: 鈥淗e who raises a sword against you, let him die by the sword,鈥 and, 鈥淗e who rises to kill you, kill him first.鈥 After many years of watching the civilian population of Israel being bombed, I don鈥檛 think there鈥檚 any alternative but to destroy the enemy 鈥 Hamas (but not the civilian Arabic population of Gaza). Hamas aspires to kill as many civilians as possible, and the fact that they are using their own people as a shield is no reason to sit and wait for them to destroy. Let the population of Gaza rise up and deal with their own government, whose actions are forcing them into this catastrophe.

    By the way, Israel regularly sends humanitarian aid to Gaza. The wounded civilians of Gaza are admitted to Israeli hospitals and treated free of charge. However, as for whether the humanitarian aid (hundreds of trucks a week) actually gets to the people 鈥 that is the UN鈥檚 job to monitor. These international organizations shouldn鈥檛 blame anyone but themselves for their indifference toward the hungry residents of Gaza!!!

    And after all, wasn鈥檛 it the people living in Gaza who voted for Hamas to be their leader at the free elections? So indirectly, aren鈥檛 they also responsible for what is happening and are accomplices to some degree? 鈥淭he people suffering are the civilians and the innocent children鈥 - but they are suffering because of their own choice to have Hamas be their government! A person can say that this is their fault, and today they are reaping the fruits. By the way, most Arabic countries hate and fear Hamas: just look at their reactions to what is happening.

    The commentary above is a dual-sided look on the level of our world.

    Here is a look at the situation on a deeper level. Everything taking place in the world is the revelation of man鈥檚 evil nature, the recognition of this evil, the search for its correction, then its correction and the attainment of the goal of creation. All the conflicts throughout the entire human history gather together into one sensation of evil, and they must bring us to the feeling of, 鈥淭hat鈥檚 enough!鈥 And this will take place in our time. It's written that the final clashes taking place in the world will be against Arab fundamentalism.

    The Arabic world also includes voices such as Wafa Sultan. Look her up if you don't know about her. She like many others across the world, see the necessity of unity needed now before all of humanity leads itself to self-destruction. This change of our egoistic relationships with one another. Also if any unity is done for the sake of others, and moreover, if it is done in order to pave the way for future universal unification, then it strengthens them. However, if the unification is private, done in order to set them against others 鈥 then it will destroy the people who do it!

    In the future, the world will not have to become one country; there may be many countries and nations, each with its respective culture. However, the relationships between them will have to be harmonious and amicable. It鈥檚 just as in a body, where all the parts are different, but each one is exactly what the others need. For the time being we are like cancerous cells in a body. And our own egoism causes all levels of crisis in the world including this war. In the near future instead of suffering and global crisis pushing us to the point of no return, I hope that it awakens all of humanity sooner than later and at least the majority will see coming out of self love to the love of others is more important than selfish pride.

  • Comment number 11.

    I suggest two detailed maps of Israel and Palestine be posted at the back of every relevant news bulletin both from 1947 and 2009.

    The world should either remove or give both sides the same number of bombing planes and land militia and turn this into a fair fight. I am tired of seeing the bear swot and humiliate the defenceless fly and listeneing to psychotic spokesmen and politicians justifying barbaric behaviour.

    We are surely sickened by such propaganda.

    The true test of a man's love of his homeland is his respect for another man's.

  • Comment number 12.

    @ MrUnstoppableOne

    After the unilateral pull-out from Gaza and the subsequent elections, Israel imposed a land, sea and air blockade on Gaza, also forcing Rafah to be shut.
    Fruit and vegetables ready for export from Gaza was left to rot at checkpoints, students and people requiring medical treatment were denied free passage.
    This summer, Hamas agreed a cease fire with Israel in which not one Israeli was killed by rocket fire. In return, Israel broke its agreement to open the borders.

    Boats carrying medical aid to Gaza were rammed.

    If not careful, Israel will be left with a single state in which it will have to retain its apartheid legislation.

    Hamas has agreed to accept a two state solution based on 1967 borders. Israel refuses to want a fair and lasting peace.

  • Comment number 13.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 14.

    I might add to the 'timing' details, that Israeli officials and their supporters have been saying that the missiles fired out of Gaza were provided by Iran. This has been repeated insistantly. It occurred to me in the middle of the night last night, that Israel (G.B. and U.S. ...?) is trying to provoke an attack from Iran.

    What to do with this incredible stockpile of weapons of mas destruction?
    Israel is worried about Palestinian population growth. How can this region of the world live in peace?
    Not a two state, but a one Palestinian State called Israel, with its diversity - Arab/Muslim, Jewish (practicing or not), atheist, secular and Christian - as a real democracy, not what has been since 1948.
    All must be done to keep the few in power to bring the world to war.
    In the 1960's people talked about population control. It was not a bad idea. The manner the U.S., Israel, Europe, and Russia have been working on the problem is horrifying.

  • Comment number 15.

    No sane person can not be shocked and disgusted by Israel's assault on Gaza and its people. It is clear that Israel will not abode by the requests from the UN or any other Country all the time the USA supports them. One way People could show their feelings is to boycott all Israeli & USA products. Such as food in the Supermarkets and all other goods. Then place a world wide embargo to prevent Israel from importing any goods, untill they have fully paid for the damage that they have done in Gaza, and leave ALL occupied land.

  • Comment number 16.

    They also made sure their arsenals would be replenished as noted here.


  • Comment number 17.




    First let鈥檚 set the record straight, no you don鈥檛 have to be a Pro-Nazi to be Anti-Semitic, the idea of using the Nazis 鈥淪wastika鈥 the emblem of the Nazi Party and the Third Reich, is nothing more than a cover for what is really happening it鈥檚 not Neo-Nazism in total but yes they are Anti-Semitic and one is not the same as the other. You can have Rick tell Sam the piano player to play it again Sam, or press, hit, reset, replay, rewind it just doesn鈥檛 matter Anti-Semitism is Growing and Thriving, Brazil (Do Aryans come in pairs from Brazil, 鈥淭he Boys from Brazil鈥), The Czechs fear rise of Anti-Semitism, Germany slates 鈥淎nti-Semitic鈥 number plates, Anti-Semitism mars Spanish sport, "Shministim" Anti-Zionist sentenced in Israel, Anti-Semitics hijack pro-tolerance campaign, now it鈥檚 the youth around the globe (17 to 21) seventeen to twenty-one, but in one generation they will run from (17-41) seventeen to forty-one and will turn Anti-Semitism from racism to a Geo-political reality, the (USI/MC) United States of Israel, Military Industrial Complex, is last Ally of Israel, and the world is in an Epic Period of Change.

    In Europe, Israeli embassies were the site of large demonstrations. police officers in the (UK) announced the arrest of (6) six more individuals who had participated in violent protests at the Israeli embassy in London at the end of December. Even the world of Israeli sports suffered a recent snub over the Gaza conflict when Israeli tennis player Shahar Peer was denied a visa to participate in the Barclays Dubai Tennis Championship over 鈥渟ecurity


    The Empires Real Government
    The Empire is (COS) Chief of State Rahm Emanuel and (ACOS) Assistant Chief of State David Axelrod both, Mossad agents, pro-Israel party hacks and henchmen in a special place, to guarantee that the Empire鈥檚 Mid East policies will go where the (AIPAC/AZC) and Israel what it to go. The (AIPAC/AZC) American Israel Public Affairs Committee/American Zionist Council, a (100K) One-hundred membership neo-conservative Jewish lobbyists group, connected to various caucus members of influential members of the Empire鈥檚 pro-Israel lawmakers, who want a war with Shi-ite Persian Iran, and is the Empires government.

    The (AIPAC/AZC) has control of the policy process ending any serious public discussions, or ability too exercise independent judgment about matters of great importance to the Empire or it allies, through the exercise of a veto (pack the audience crucify him, crucify him), over the appointment of people who dispute the wisdom of its views, the substitution of (AIPAC/AZC) political correctness for analysis, and the exclusion of any and all options for decision other than those set by the (AIPAC/AZC), the dictation of the Empires foreign policies is squarely the venue of and will be set by the

    (AIPAC/AZC) Israel lobby.

    (AIPAC/AZC) Victims Past
    Past victims of the (AIPAC/AZC), include no less than, The Speaker of the House California Representative Nancy Pelosi, who on (March 19th, 2007), felt the sting of the (AIPAC/AZC) and was forced to capitulate, and not require any Imperial President from appearing before the Congress of the Empire, (when) the scheduled pre-emptive Nuclear Attack against Shit-ite Persian Iran begins and (B-2) Stealth Bomber, are dropping them on Arak, Natanz and Bushehr. Nancy鈥檚 sin was to try to strip from a military appropriations measure a provision to weaken any Imperial Presidents ability to respond to 鈥渢hreats鈥 from Iran, Nancy was booed (pick up the stones, and stone her) by The (AIPAC/AZC) and pro-Israel lawmakers. Nancy is now in the bag, but Nancy is far from alone, 鈥淲e have the best government money can buy鈥.


    The Latest victim of the (AIPAC/AZC), Charles "Chas" Freeman, a former Empire ambassador to Saudi Arabia, an assistant secretary of defense and a senior Empire diplomat in China, and served on the (CNOOC) China National Offshore Oil Corporation board, 鈥淐has Freeman鈥 also serves as the president of the Washington, (D.C.) District of Columbia, Middle East Policy Council think-tank, which received funding from Saudi Arabia, 鈥淐has鈥 had initially agreed to chair the US National Intelligence Council that produces assessments of security issues. Charles 鈥淐has鈥 Freeman is considered, to (have been) a man of "strong views, of an inventive mind and the analytical point of view". The "with regret" withdrawal statement could have been avoided if 鈥淐has鈥 had used that inventive mind and analytical point of view before even thinking of going head to head with the

    (AIPAC/AZC) To Set Mideast Policy

    Now, Max Blumenthal, a blogger and journalist for the Daily Beast website, see鈥檚 the whole process as having been catastrophic, but a catastrophic event is a (Sudden Event), which of course this is not, it鈥檚 simply business as usual the for the (AIPAC/AZC), a traceable 鈥渉it job鈥 with an email trail barrage of libelous distortions of the targets record, usual character assassination, selective misquotes, willful record distortion, fabrications, falsehood, with utter disregard for the truth. Admiral Dennis Blair, the national intelligence director who chose Freeman for the Middle East Policy Council think-tank called the (AIPAC/AZC) position "pre-cooked, pabulum judgments", and he was off the mark on that statement. Not, only were they prepared by master chefs, they were a multiple course servings of final verdicts, for the sins and transgressions of having ties with China 鈥淭he China Sea Dragon鈥 and Saudi Arabia, coupled with 鈥淐has鈥 having been guilty of critical remarks amounting to the blasphemy of Israel, over the isolated open air concentration camp of Gaza, saying "The brutal oppression of the Palestinians by Israeli occupation shows no sign of ending", in the face of the Empire鈥檚 pro-Israel lawmakers.

    The Wall Street Journal

    Walking down the street in my solidly upper-middle-class New York City neighborhood the other day was a neatly dressed man angrily cursing into his cell phone about "Jew Wall Street bankers."
    I was headed in the opposite direction and didn't stop to interview him about his particular grievances, but the brief encounter crystallized for me a foreboding that the financial crisis may trigger a new outbreak of anti-Semitism.

    It is a fear that is being articulated ever more widely. President Bill Clinton's secretary of labor, Robert Reich, frets on his blog, "History shows how effective demagogic ravings can be when a public is stressed economically." He warns that Jews, along with gays and blacks, could become victims of populist rage.

    In the New York Jewish Week newspaper, a column by Rabbi Ronald Price of the Union for Traditional Judaism begins, "In the 1930s, as Germany's economy collapsed, the finger was pointed at the Jews and the Nazis ascended to power. The famous Dreyfus Affair, in which a Jew was falsely accused of treason in France, followed on the heels of economic turmoil."

    At this juncture, the trepidation may yet seem like paranoia, or special pleading akin to the old joke about the newspaper headline, "World Ends in Nuclear Attack: Poor, Minorities Hardest Hit." Everyone is feeling the brunt of the recession; why worry about the Jews in particular? After all, Jews today have two refuges: Israel and America, a land where Jews have attained remarkable power and prosperity and have a constitutionally protected right to exercise their religion freely. In that case, why worry about potential danger to the Jews at all?

    One answer is that the historical precedents are exceedingly grim. The causes of the First Crusade, in which thousands of Jews were murdered, are still being debated, but some historians link it to famine and a poor harvest in 1095. As for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, the foremost historian of its causes, Benzion Netanyahu (the father of Israel's new prime minister), writes of the desire of the persecutors "to get rid of their debts by getting rid of their creditors." More generally, he writes, "it is an iron-clad rule in the history of group relations: the majority's toleration of every minority lessens with the worsening of the majority's condition."

    Lest this seem overly crude economic determinism, consider that the Jews have been victims not only of unrest prompted by economic distress but of attempts to remedy such economic distress with socialism. Take it from Friedrich Hayek, the late Nobel Prize winning Austrian economist. In "The Road to Serfdom," Hayek wrote, "In Germany and Austria the Jew had come to be regarded as the representative of Capitalism." Thus, the response in those countries, National Socialism, was an attack on both capitalism and the Jews.

    There are ample indicators of current anti-Semitic attitudes. A poll conducted recently in Europe by the Anti-Defamation League found 74% of Spaniards believe Jews "have too much power in international financial markets," while 67% of Hungarians believe Jews "have too much power in the business world." Here in America, the Web site of National Journal is hosting an "expert blog" by former CIA official Michael Scheuer, now a professor at Georgetown, complaining of a "fifth column of pro-Israel U.S. citizens" who are "unquestionably enemies of America's republican experiment." And over at Yahoo! Finance, the message board discussing Goldman Sachs is rife with comments about "Jew pigs" and the "Zionist Federal Reserve."

    So will the Jews come under attack? The existence of the Jewish state guarantees refuge for Jews around the world, but it carries with it its own risks. Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, has said that if the Jews "all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them world-wide." It's a comment all the more chilling as Nasrallah's Iranian sponsors are on the brink of making a nuclear bomb.

    As for the idea that Jewish professional, political, and economic success in America is a guarantee of security, that, too, has its risks. As Yuri Sleskine recounted in his book "The Jewish Century," in 1900 Vienna more than half of the lawyers, doctors and professional journalists were Jewish, as were 70% of the members of the stock exchange. In Germany, after World War I but before the Nazis came to power, Jews served as finance minister and as foreign minister. Such achievements have a way of being fleeting.

    It may yet be that the Jews escape the current economic crisis having only lost fortunes. But if not, there will have been no lack of warning about the threat. When Jews gather Wednesday night for the Passover Seder, we will recite the words from the Hagadah, the book that relays the Israelite exodus from slavery in Egypt: "In every generation they rise up against us to destroy us." This year, they will resonate all the more ominously.

  • Comment number 18.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 19.


    (The AIE and Chernobyl II)

    The (AIE) The American Israeli Empire has replaced the (USA) United States of America, if your now looking for the (USA) it does exist, it鈥檚 a small industrial community located in Japan that makes various items for export marked made in (USA), and they are made in (USA) Japan, but beyond that the former United States has become the (AIE). Russia at one time was Czarist Russia, then the Red Army beat the White Army Russia, became the (USSR) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, next came the fall of the (USSR) and the (RF) Russian Federation which is in the same place on the same land names change the land remains, people are born, live and die, and another generation evolves, so get over it the Good Old United States of America has gone the way of the way of all things.

    (Chernobyl II the AIE/NSS)

    Now, the (AIE/NSS) National Security Strategy doctrine, the (AIE) has the right to use FORCE, against anyone who it ultimately thinks is going to be a threat to it to preserve access to (RESOURCES AND MARKETS), and the main resource and market it is planning to use military force against to get what it wants is Shi-ite Persian Iran having to do with, The Caspian Sea Basin: to supply the Nabucco Pipeline with it鈥檚 estimated at (7.25 Trn.Cu.Mts.) Seven-two-five trillion cubic meters, yet to be developed underneath the Caspian Sea, along with (1/5th) One-fifth, (20%) Twenty-Percent of the remaining global oil reserves, to provide The Nabucco gas pipeline: which is to be laid through the territories of the Former Soviet Republic of (Georgia), into, Azerbaijan into the strategic Northwest Iranian territory or Shi-ite Persian Iran were currently (4) four- million Kurds are concentrated in Iran, waiting to declare a Kurdish state, and with Russian peacekeepers in place to protect the new formed Kurdish state from Georgian or Iranian aggression, onto Turkey and the Tabriz refinery, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria to connect Europe, with product.

    Chernobyl II The Effects

    It is not a question if Chernobyl II, is going to happen, it is only a matter of when it is going to happen, but no one have even brushed upon what will be the effects of it having been caused by the (AIE/NSS), not politically, as it seems that the ultimate belief of the (AIE) is that the back lash, or back blown in the world community will be manageable, but the term Fall Out is one that is not used. Anyone can look up Chernobyl to read up on what happened their, it was bad, radiations reading that were of human health risks radiated far outside the boarders of the Russian Federation. The question that Europe, Central Asia, and the Far East, should be asking is are they prepared for the Fall Out from a new (AIE) Chernobyl II, cause by nuclear detonations of small yield, in numbers that could reach as many as (50) fifty, bunker busting bombs, let alone what radiation will be released by such an attack from nuclear materials within the target areas. The global community has developed a laissez-faire, or what will be, will be, or maybe it is just (peregruzka) Russian meaning overloaded, more like over whelmed by the idea, that the (AIE) would be so indifferent to the global community, the environment, and humanity, its so out of touch with reality, no the (AIE) wouldn鈥檛 do it. (All that's needed for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing), and Chernobyl II, will be one of those unpleasant surprise, disastrous side effects of the (AIE) rise to and misuse of power.

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