Monday, 11 February, 2006
- 11 Feb 08, 06:00 PM
Is the decision of the Pentagon to over their alleged involvement in the 9/11 attacks a seminal moment in the so called "War against Terror"? The US authorities promise a fair and open trial, but will evidence gained through "waterboarding" be acceptable to the military court, what rights will the defendants have and can justice be done and be seen to be done?
There has been an extraordinary lobbying campaign in the City over the issue of non-domicile residents - foreign nationals living in the UK who don't pay income tax on their earnings abroad. They are trying to persuade the Treasury to drop its proposals to charge so called "non-doms" a flat rate of £30,000 a year and to disclose details of their tax arrangements. There have been claims that City high fliers will leave the country and we could all suffer - so what’s the truth?
Kenya - John Githongo speaks out
On the eve of a possible peace deal in Nairobi, we have a rare interview with a former insider of President Kibaki's government who was forced out of the country for revealing evidence of widespread corruption. He has some frightening predictions for the future of Kenya.
Art Bluffing
How to bluff your way through the world of art - an idiot's guide by Steve Smith.