Wednesday, 23 January, 2008
- 23 Jan 08, 06:54 PM
The . The measures will add around Β£10 a month to household and include a new emissions trading scheme and targets for producing energy from renewables. But how damaging will these measures be for European competitiveness against emerging markets in India and China - especially in a period of global economic uncertainty, when already many are expecting growth to slow, or halt altogether? A number of economists and scientists are questioning whether it is possible to tackle climate change while continuing to pursue a go-for-growth economic strategy. So do we need to give up on growth?
For once it is possible to state with certainty that the number of police attending matched the number of people taking part in the march. to protest about a pay rise which they say amounts to 1.9% in spite of a recommendation from the Police Pay Review body of 2.5%. David Grossman will have the latest on whether a compromise can be reached.
to buy essential supplies after part of the border was destroyed. Food and fuel have been scarce since Israel blocked access to Gaza, following rocket attacks on southern Israel. The Egyptians seem to be turning a blind eye to this breach of the border. Mark Urban will explain what's happening.
How far should parents go to get their children into the school of their choice? , David Cameron refused to criticise "middle class parents with sharp elbows" who pretend they are Christians to get a place at a church school. All parents want to ensure they are getting the best education they can for their children, but is lying about your faith a step too far? And is David Cameron right to condone it?
Newsnight has uncovered a previously unbroadcast recording of the Courtauld Institute's controversial but influential Director, Anthony Blunt. Though better known for his political activities as a Soviet spy, he was also passionate about art history and was adored by many who were taught by him. Our Culture Correspondent Madeleine Holt will be looking at the softer side of Anthony Blunt and the eccentric world of the Courtauld - which celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. Read more about .