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Tagged with: Governance

Posts (24)

  1. Human stories inspire positive change

    Katy Williams

    Research Editor, ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action

    Human stories inspire positive change

    Katy Williams asked political debate show presenters in Nepal and Afghanistan about the real-life changes their programmes have helped achieve. Successes include getting more people with disabilities working in government ministries and prompting other organisations to support communities.

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  2. Governance and Accountability: What role for media?

    ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action Policy and Learning team

    Governance and Accountability: What role for media?

    A hub for content relating to our 'Governance and Accountability' event, including a film recording and links to blogs, reports and a Storify.

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  3. How can media inspire accountability and political participation? Findings from massive ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ programme.

    Duncan Green

    Senior Strategic Advisor, Oxfam GB

    How can media inspire accountability and political participation? Findings from massive ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ programme.

    Duncan Green, Senior Strategic Advisor for Oxfam GB, shares his key takeaways from our Governance and Accountability event.

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  4. What does the new World Development Report say?

    Will Taylor

    Senior Adviser (Governance and Rights), ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action

    What does the new World Development Report say?

    Senior Governance Adviser Will Taylor offers his verdict on the World Development Report 2017.

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  5. Top five blogs of 2016

    Melanie Archer

    Digital Editor, ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action

    Top five blogs of 2016

    Our most popular blogs of the year, featuring: discussion of alternatives to counter-propaganda, tips for successful health communication and recommendations of both development films to watch and Twitter accounts to follow.

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  6. Media, participation and social inclusion: what are the links?

    Chris Snow

    Governance Research Manager, ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action

    Media, participation and social inclusion: what are the links?

    Reviewing the results of a survey of 23,000 people across seven countries, Chris Snow looks at the potential of media to engage even hard-to-reach groups in politics.

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  7. What are the challenges facing young people in East Africa?

    Alasdair Stuart

    Senior governance advisor

    What are the challenges facing young people in East Africa?

    Alasdair Stuart shares the challenges faced by young people in Tanzania, Somalia and Kenya and outlines how they themselves think the media can help.

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  8. Will the World Development Report miss out the media’s role in public dialogue?

    Will Taylor

    Senior Adviser (Governance and Rights), ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action

    Will the World Development Report miss out the media’s role in public dialogue?

    Will Taylor reviews the β€˜green cover’ draft of the World Development Report, which puts a spotlight on the media but could do more to lay out how to support inclusive public dialogue at scale.

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  9. Public service broadcasting in fragile states: are we flogging a dead horse?

    James Deane

    Head of Policy

    Public service broadcasting in fragile states: are we flogging a dead horse?

    James Deane argues that the concept of media systems capable of: engaging everyone in society, acting independently and enabling dialogue across divides appears increasingly – rather than decreasingly – relevant in the 21st century.

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  10. Are there alternatives to counter-propaganda in an information age?

    James Deane and Will Taylor

    ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action

    Are there alternatives to counter-propaganda in an information age?

    Looking at information responses to extremism, James Deane and Will Taylor reflect on the challenges for media development organisations and call for an evidence-based debate that accommodates different approaches.

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