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Governance and Accountability: What role for media?

Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action Policy and Learning team

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A hub for content relating to our 'Governance and Accountability' event, including a film and Storify summary of the panel discussion as well as links to relevant blogs and reports.

Watch the film of the  with top panellists from Oxfam GB, Article 19, the Omidyar Network, the World Bank and Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action.

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You can also scroll through our with photos and top tweets on a range of topics, including: the state of governance research, sustainability of the media and fake news.

Read panellist , which was originally posted on his . Duncan highlighted the importance of enabling discussion not just providing information; he also reflected on the transition from linear theories of change to systems thinking – among much else.

Also be sure to take a look at Will Taylor's report, which explains how media can influence accountability by empowering people, facilitating constructive public debate and creating opportunities for influencing leaders. 

For more on how our governance programmes can help improve social inclusion, read looking at the potential of media to engage even hard-to-reach groups in politics. To make his case, Chris reviews the results of a survey of 23,000 people across seven countries. 

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