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Film for development

Melanie Archer

Digital Editor, Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action

Films in the international development sector are often associated with fundraising but they can also serve as a form of aid in themselves. Films can help mothers manage a pregnancy, assist refugees as they navigate life in an unfamiliar country and influence perceptions of what politicians can achieve.

The annual is a prime opportunity to learn about some of the more creative films the international development sector has produced over the previous 12 months. From the , these Awards laud charity fundraising films that go beyond stereotypes in their storytelling.  

But what about films for people in development settings?  In parts of the world where radio is still king (though this is rapidly changing), it’s perhaps not surprising that there aren’t as many development films. But while not as plentiful in supply as those geared towards western audiences, examples of such films do exist and can be a powerful tool for meeting the needs of aid beneficiaries. Here are five examples. 

From Kakuma to Rio

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As this year’s , the Rio Olympics undoubtedly held the world’s attention over the summer. The 2016 Games made history by welcoming the , five out of ten of whom came from Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya.

To ensure that the people of Kakuma could witness the achievements of their fellow residents, a satellite feed was set up in the camp so people could cheer on the athletes live. This film tells the story of the broadcast, raising questions about what it meant for residents to see their peers achieve great things in places so far-removed from Kakuma. This video was shot and edited by Abdul Patient, a refugee from Burundi who lives in Kakuma, demonstrating the power of utilising local film-makers and photographers.  

Turning teenagers on – to safe sex  

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With top-quality production values and the unique resonance of the MTV brand with young people, is well-placed to get its audience of teenage urbanites across Africa to engage in less risky sexual practices. This Season 4 clip shows two characters make a rather embarrassing visit to a family planning clinic on a quest for condoms.

A of the show’s third season (produced in Nigeria) showed that those  who watched it as part of a randomised control trial were almost twice as likely to go get tested for HIV. And this isn’t just them saying they’re going to go – the researchers verified whether viewers actually visited a testing centre as part of their six-month follow up survey.

The next season will see the show move to South Africa, where it will continue to push boundaries by featuring a gay character and discussing , a medication to help prevent HIV infection. Shuga is but one part of a .

The West Wing comes to Kathmandu

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This is the opening episode of Singha Durbar, a from about the fictional first female Prime Minister of Nepal. Singha Durbar means “The Lions’ Palace” in Nepali, which is the seat of the country’s government.

for a drama about good governance. Having adopted a new constitution a little over a year ago, the country is going through a , all while grappling with high levels of corruption.

How to manage life as a refugee

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As they navigate border crossings and travel from one unfamiliar country to the next, . When people aren’t familiar with the local language, customs or bureaucracies, it’s especially important to let them know what their rights are, which services are available and the processes they’ll need to go through, as well as to provide them with some light relief.

This Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action film warns refugees against being tricked into paying for fake services. It’s part of a , where people often have to while away hours waiting to be seen by officials. From practical advice about  and , to information on trauma, immigration and domestic violence, these films help people cope with life as a refugee.

From one midwife to another 

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Media can be an effective way of and – with – there's clearly a pressing need for better maternal health knowledge and skills.

Founded in response to babies dying in Darfur from tetanus due to their umbilical cord being cut with a dirty knife, makes videos that provide health workers and communities-at-large with simple but life-saving information. This particular film talks midwives through how to negotiate obstructed labour.         

The organisation produces videos in a range of languages, from Haitian Creole to Indonesian Bahasa, and tweaks its animations so regional versions more closely resemble the parts of the world they’re targeted at. The number of views on YouTube doesn't really do justice to the reach of these films, which can be downloaded for free and are distributed on DVDs and USBs to later get played on TVs in waiting rooms in Uganda and handheld projectors in Zambia.

 is Digital Editor of the Media Action Insight blog; she tweets as . 

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