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Blog posts by year and monthMay 2013

Posts (3)

  1. Ana Matronic's Eurovision trailblazers

    When you think of the Eurovision Song Contest, you might not always think of ground breaking music, or performances that push the envelope style-wise. But amongst the ballads and Euro-floor fillers there have always been acts brave enough to do their own thing.

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  2. Bonnie meets the European press

    No sooner had Team UK landed in Copenhagen for the short drive to host city Malmö, it seemed most of Europe's press had descended on mass with the news that Bonnie Tyler had finally arrived. Accomodating a Swedish crew on the Eurovision bus, we even made the evening news.

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  3. Eurovision: It’s all political though isn’t it?

    “It’s all political though isn’t it?” “We never do well because of Iraq” “Those Eastern Europeans only vote for their neighbours”. Just some of the usual hackneyed phrases attributed to the UK’s involvement in the contest. Do these really hold true? Is it all really a big conspiracy and opportunity for Europe to take revenge against their enemies?

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