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Blog posts by year and monthApril 2013

Posts (4)

  1. Eurovision party gets London buzzing

    Eight of this year’s hopefuls made it over to Blighty, all keen to give a good account of themselves in front of the UK’s most ardent and passionate Eurovision fans and we were on hand to welcome them. Find out their hopes, fears and costume choices for Eurovision in this exclusive video.

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  2. The London Eurovision Party 2013

    The 2013 London Eurovision Party

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  3. Eurovision Fashion Disasters - The Douze of the Don’ts

    Over the years there have been so many Eurovision entries have been somewhat overshadowed by the choice of outfit on the night. Compiling a short list of Eurovision fashion 'disasters' has not been an easy task for several reasons. Firstly, there are so many dodgy costumes!

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  4. A Bonnie Postcard from sunny Wales

    We travelled to Wales to get a sneak glimpse into the filming of the UK's 2013 Eurovision Postcard.

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