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Oops Almost Forgot.

Chris Evans | 18:56 UK time, Monday, 24 January 2011

Can anyone else beat three colds this winter? I am definitely on my third. What's all that about? That's where the mucus takes me - takes me to another sneeze, snotty nose and sore throat. Surely three colds should warrant some kind of prize or badge, or at least a year's exemption.

And as you may have heard, I also have these new adult invisible teeth braces in. They are a true wonder of modern medical science and probably wasted on me, but I'm giving them a go. I have decided this is the year for my ground up restoration. If it's good enough for a car - it's good enough for me. Bodywork first and then we'll get on with the respray.

Ha ha.





  • Comment number 1.



  • Comment number 2.

    Evenink Christoff

    I have to admit, the thought of braces just sends shivers down my spine. It;s the same with gum shields for sport - yuk! But if it's what you feel you need, then good luck with it!

    Colds? My little malady began the 2nd week of December, as as said on the previous blog, it's not manifested itself into full-blown tonsilitis and I feel foul. Not good as we're off to see The Cult on Wednesday night.

    Glad you made it!


  • Comment number 3.

    Not? Now! And a sinus infection.



  • Comment number 4.

    Just posted this on the last blog

    Deevs, micro-pigs are ickle teeny tiny pigs that grow no bigger than, say, a cat or small dog. They've been specially bred to be stay very small

    Many people buying them don't realise that pigs are farm animals and you have to have special licences to keep them

    Also, some unscrupulous people are selling normal pigs telling people they are micro-pigs

    Imagine expecting something the size of a scottie dog and getting a great dane!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 5.


    I am thinking that I would like micro pig. I would call him Spud.


  • Comment number 6.

    That was a 'yeehaa' for the new blog Clp.

    Of course, I am very much in awe of you going for the braces too.

    I hope you dont suffer any discomfort, I know they say no pain no gain, but have the paracetamol on standby just in case.

    Hellooooo to everyone else.

    Loved your post earlier today Roo. We had to have a 6 month old lab put down a few years ago.

    Back early tonight, it was a joy to get home in daylight.


  • Comment number 7.

    Chris, as a household that's going through the whole braces thing at the moment, we were very impressed with your speech this morning

    Some of us have been an awful lot more sloshy, shall we say!

    The whole taking it out to eat thing is a bit of a pain though. :-(

    Keep it up! We've seen the results start to happen very quickly

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Deevs, if you don't get a real micro-pig, you could have an awful lot of spuds with it!!

    Hiya MTF, the evenings are really starting to draw out aren't they

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Sezza, its good that they can take them out to eat. GDs were cemented onto her teeth and we were so worried about brushing etc..

    18 months of tolerance certainly paid off :)


  • Comment number 10.

    MTF, Boy1 has them cemented on. Boy2 has removable ones!

    Like you say, we worry about brushing the fixed ones but I can't bear to watch boy2 taking his out - EEUUWWW!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    GD has gone back to uni.

    I am just about to text her with a list of what she has left behind.

    Limbs as heavy as lead.
    Red raw throat.
    Eyes with styes.
    Ears that feel like they have been stabbed with spears.
    A nose that just flows.

    And dizziness, thats just the business.

    Just working out how to return it to her!!!


  • Comment number 12.

    Sezza, I hope you get appointments together. We spent so long with each visit.


  • Comment number 13.

    Evening CLP and the rest, hope you're getting on ok with the new braces. I have the dentist on Friday, just for a checkup, and hopefully no braces required!

    It sounds like there are some horrendous bugs going round at the moment, somehow I have managed to escape them so far this winter, which is not like me at all! But I'm not complaining, although I'm worried I've just jinxed it by saying I've escaped!

    Anyway hope everyone who is feeling rotten gets better soon.


  • Comment number 14.

    Cor your late CLP

    they say things come in 3's so hence all the colds, you need some vitamins my friend. I have been lucky, dare I say it as no colds yet!!! Maybe CLP is having mine for me, thanks for that CLP.

    Like the sound of the invisible braces especially if you can loose lots of weight.

    So what colour will you be resprayed then CLP, I can see you as a pillar box red myself.

    Bloggies hope you are all well and not bug ridden like CLP

    Been freezing at work today as heating was only working on one side of the building and not my side :-). New job going well and love love loving it.

    Been good on the studying side and nearly completed my work for the first module and now to commence the next piece of work.

    Hugs to those who need them.


  • Comment number 15.

    Betty Driver.... A.. Bet she doesn't drive!!!

  • Comment number 16.

    Yayy! Nice to hear from Sir Chris of an evening.

    I want to put in a word for those invisible braces - my best friend used exactly the same things to correct her teeth about two years ago. She was always pretty, just as Chris is always a fine looking fellow, but was very self-conscious about her teeth. Her husband (thankfully now her EX-husband) used to call her "Horse-face" (that was one of his more pleasant ways of talking to her). I didn't realise how deeply it had affected her until she told me about it and burst into tears, poor thing. The braces-wearing process was quite expensive, somewhat inconvenient (especially when out for a meal) and a lengthy process. It involved changing to different-strength/shaped braces as the rΓ©gime went along and it was occasionally painful. BUT it worked and has done SO much to improve my friend's self-confidence and inner happiness. I know it sounds like a trivial change, but each toothy step was worth it and the difference in my friend (in herself) is positively tangible.

    STICK WITH IT CHRIS. It is obviously important to you and the braces DO work, I promise.

    The only experience relevant to myself that I can offer is similar, but different (!) But the beginning of it may SHOCK you all...

    When I was 17 (Clucking Bell, that's almost TWENTY YEARS ago!!! Where'd those decades go?!), I got contact lenses in place of my dweeby thick specs and had my nose fixed (Jewish great-grandparentage; I inherited the lustrous and thickly-flowing dark tousled hair [good], the gorgeous dark eyes, framed by thick dark lashes [even more good]. And the nose [b*gger]. Oyy-vey...). And those slight correctional procedures helped me to mature into the person I was always meant to be (irrepressibly and annoyingly chirpy, extrovert and upbeat though I may be).

    The very mention of my pre-improvement self brings disbelieving mockery and laughter from my colleagues and non-childhood-friends. Want to hear the shocking truth?


    Are you SURE...?

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Oh I have a holding number so I can get a micro pig but as you say lots of cowboys selling cheaper micro pigs that turn out not to be so micro

    Like everything you need to spend more to get a true pig plus you wouldn't be able to take it out for a walk unless you state where you would walk and the route then has to be verified and you have to have a license to walk it in the said place. Phew


  • Comment number 18.

    Thanks MTF. So sorry about your Lab, but what a lucky dog, to have lived alongside (and loved) you. x

    Deevs - I would call MY micro-pig Spud!!! Top name! Some of my colleagues run a farm and rural (I want to say 'petting-farm', but fear it may be misconstrued, hehe), erm, 'animal interaction centre' - a top visit for the kiddies. Last year, they had their first micro-goat (aka a pygmy-goat) born. SOOOO sweet!!! I think they called it Smokey.

    Pigs are incredibly intelligent - and, contrary to common belief, very clean. Unlike Jasper.

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 19.


    I am going to have a goat one day - it's an ambition of mine. She will be called Mabel.



  • Comment number 20.

    Deevs - can I put in an order now for some goat's cheese?



  • Comment number 21.

    KKs, that's what I heard but I couldn't remember the details

    Do you keep animals then?

  • Comment number 22.

    Roo - you'll have to come and make it first!

    Right, time to switch off as my head is pounding. Will catch up with everyone and everything tomorrow.

    Have the rest of a lovely evening.


  • Comment number 23.

    But Deevs, we KNOW what you and Levi Roots would do with the goat!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 24.


    I have seen your recipe for 'Mabels!'


  • Comment number 25.

    Snap Sezza.


  • Comment number 26.

    Bad luck re. the head Deevs. Sleep well. xx

    The "goat curry" posters - shame be heaped upon you. Examine your collective conscience... ;-)

    R xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Aww micro pigs on ITV now.


  • Comment number 28.

    MTF - I saw a photo of one once, peeping out of a teacup. Cute beyond belief!!

    I am enjoying Radcliffe & Maconie on R2. They're my favourites after Chris!

    Roo xx

    (Wish I was a micro-Roo!) x

  • Comment number 29.

    I saw goat meat for sale somewhere locally here recently but I can't remember where.

    Made me think of you Deevs!

    Roo, I just had a picture of a Micro-Roo in a Kanga pocket!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Me too Roo.

    'Fairy' stretches the imagination somewhat ;)


  • Comment number 31.

    Evening ALL,

    Sorry to hear that you've got yet another cold ,thats what you get when you galavanting all over the country like you have been doing of late and mixing with so many different people .
    A good strong hot toddy would be the order of the day I think .

    Braces ,not had them myself but both our girls have .Eldest for three years cemented in .youger daughter poor thing had the same for three years had them removed then all her teeth moved back so she had to have more teeth out and another three years of brace wearing .
    they both now have lovely teeth .

    I don't mind pigs ,and yes very clean animals ,but I do prefer them in a buttie.

    crissie ,Love and {{{Hugs}}} to you and your sister .

    CG,and the very same to you {{{hugs}}}.


  • Comment number 32.

    Oink oink Bids.


  • Comment number 33.

    Or roasted with crackling and apple sauce! yum yum!

    I saw a clip of a woman who thought she had a micro pig and ended up with this ginormous beastie in the living room. She felt she couldn't dispose of it but I'm afraid I was thinking dinners!

    Have just printed off a Nigel Slater receeeep for pork with ginger cardamon and yoghurt that looks delish!

    That reminds me, need to go do shopping - from the comfort of my sofa!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Jamie oliver has a nice recipe for belly pork slow roast.

    Oink Oink Mtf;)


  • Comment number 35.

    Sorry, haven't caught up, have had one hell of a day...!!

    Just posting really to prove I'm still around-ish!

    Been a bit pre-occupied by stuff

    JG x

  • Comment number 36.

    Just had the best ever Christmas sandwich, a micro portion of pig included!


  • Comment number 37.

    Yikes JG.


  • Comment number 38.

    You ROTTERS! Didn't none of you see 'Babe'?!

    Roo x

  • Comment number 39.

    Read you blog earlier JG,really funny about Finlay ,but not for you ,and your early app ,that is early,not even awake at that time in the mornings .


  • Comment number 40.

    Evening all

    Have just sat down with a mug of hot choc, and as soon as it's cooled a little I'll be following the instruction on the mug: "drink me" :)

    Roo: Have the dvd, but much prefered the book on which Babe is based, even if I can't find my copy now :( The author died not long back, seems he wrote more books than I knew about, might have to go on a hunt...

    Hugs to all in need

  • Comment number 41.

    I cant keep up with more than two blogs.

    As for facebook dont even get me started.

    Someone is pulling my plonker!

    I might have to close my account and set up a new one or not!

    I am concerned about how much it is getting to me.

    So, maybe time better spent doing what I really love, getting the garden up and running for the Spring season.


  • Comment number 42.

    Roo ,it's not that we don't care we do but you must admit yourself the B word is so yummy ,now you're going to tell me that you're a veggie.
    Then I will will cup my face and bow my head .LOl.


  • Comment number 43.

    HI oz didn't see you there ,enjoying your choc drink.


  • Comment number 44.

    Hello Chris.

    I knew about your teeth braces because I saw your lovely smile on facebook this morning LOL! But you already have a friendly smile as it is. It's good to have a bit of restoration done but you have to know just how far to go. Don't go down the Simon Cowell road and start blinding us with your whitening and don't have a crew cut with a parting down the middle. I hope the respray doesn't involve fake tan and bright red hair. Just be yourself CLP!

    As for colds, I try to avoid them as much as possible because of my COPD.I do believe that my medication protects me most of the time but, should I get a virus, it could mean a short stay in hospital.

    Looking forward to Elton on the show on Friday!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Bids: that's cos I'm tucked in the corner with it :) Well I was... all slurped now, so ought to bed next door to bedfordshire in preparation for another day at the grindstone and taking the car for it's MOT.

    Night all

  • Comment number 46.

    OZ,god luck with the MOT.I'm taking my car in next Monday to be repared ,recieved a letter today that took six days to come 5 miles .

    MTF ,you must have smelt a little bit of spring in the air as I did last night when I popped my head out the door ,and have been for a little walk tonigh .


  • Comment number 47.

    Hi Chris & gang: great show. was listening to Fr Brian earlier, it was brill again. heard you say he should write a book - well he has 14 books out!! The latest one a 'little bit of healing' was out last year which i think you would like, another one 'through the year', a little reflection for each day was out about 2 years age: keep up the good work. i really love the PFT part of your show.

  • Comment number 48.

    Oz - Dick King-Smith; I think he passed away last week. He used to be on Sunday morning telly, reading stories ("Dick and Dodo", with his little dog called Dodo). He was a top bloke.

    Bids - I'm not a veggie! (Though I don't eat meat unless I know from whence it came, so I tend to order veggie when eating out). Ah, there's NOTHING like a good bacon sarnie!!! (Jasper likes his rashers soft; I like 'em crispy - we're a partnership based in Heaven itself!).

    Actually, one of my culinary specialities is "Mediterranean Chicken", which involves both chicken AND bacon. But I don't like roast pork.

    Tip for the top - M&S or Pret a Manger Bacon Sarnie. Helloooooo soldier!!

    Keep smiling!

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Pati - I love Father Brian too. He has such warm comforting tones. Wise words too. Chris is excellent with the PFT segment too. Respectful, reverent and sincere - but without being over-the-top.

    Roo x

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi Pati, might have to look for those books, love Fr Brian - he always has a smile in his voice

    Maddy, how's your neck now? Hope you're feeling better

    Bids, there's always something with cars isn't there

    Oz, hope your car does alright

    Am just waiting for the fire to die down a bit before i go to bed

    Sleep well all

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Sezza - Jasper says that if you pop a splash of kerosene on the fire, it'll die down a treat.

    Roo says - ignore him. He is a dog and knows not of what he speaks.

    Wish I had a real fire...


  • Comment number 52.

    Hmm, Roo can I suggest matches well out of Jasper's reach please!

    We only opened this up a few weeks ago but it is a real treat

    S'gonna be cold when I go out of this room though! :-(

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi Pati,yes i think One of our other bloggers the lovely clodagh has metioned his books .

    Sezza ,my repair is from my bosses son in law backing into my lovely new car .

    Roo, funnny you should say that but I don't eat roast pork as it sits heavy with me if I do eat it.

    Hi Maddy ,how you doing ??.

    Sezza ,nice to watch the fire die down ,it's the time when you seem to sit and reflect don't you think .


  • Comment number 54.

    Sezza & Bids.

    Thanks for asking. Been reading my medication leaflets today and found the one that says a side effect can be neck pain so have stopped taking it for a while to see what happens. It's an anti-sickness pill given following my heart attack four years ago. As it's not vital to take I'll stop it and see if the neck pain disappears. If not I'm off to the doctors.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Night-night - love to you all.

    Roo and the never-near-matches-due-to-flatulence-issues Jasper! xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Maddy ,these medications these days have so many side affects ,you have to be so careful,wen you read the leaflet that goes with the meds ,it makes you wonder if it's worth taking them in the first place.
    hope it works for you Maddy ,just leaveit too long before going to the old doc's.


  • Comment number 57.

    night Sezza ,night Roo.

  • Comment number 58.

    Nice to have had a quick oink with you Bids.

    I was shocked to find out, that you should avoid grapefruit, if you are on BP tablets!


  • Comment number 59.

    Nice to chat with you too MTF ,take care .


  • Comment number 60.

    Well it's looks like it's time to hand over to the night watch ,so I'll bid you all a very Good Night .

    Take care and stay safe .


  • Comment number 61.

    Morning all

    Early morning blog post if you feel so inclined ....

    Back later.


  • Comment number 62.

    Morning all

    teeth - both my parents have awful teeth so from the ages of 14 to 18 I had 3 plate braces (the removeable ones) and train tracks - but now have pretty good teeth, apart from the one at the back thatas growing sideways!
    My friend has bad teeth and is have an operation today to get them sorted including bone work so more teeth can be added later - more for his confidence then any medical reason.
    I was born with two teeth - fact!

    Pigs - would love a micro pig, not sure how the cats would take to it though. Mr bp bought me a pug keeping day for my birthday so really looking forward to that - bacon sandwiches after apprently, although they do do veggie options for freaks like me :-)

    Ginge - great to see you, will find your link on fb


  • Comment number 63.

    Diock king smith - amazing bloke, kept pigs and wrote many childrens stories about them, including babe but saddlebottom was my favourite which is probably why I want a wessex saddleback as a pet :-)

  • Comment number 64.

    Morning Baggles.

    Why do things taste weird when you have a bad throat? I'm a coffee-a-holic on a normal day but when I'm not well I just can't face the stuff. Tea all the way. I also appear to have turned into a sleep monster. I was out of it for most of yesterday, and slept almost 8 hours last night too. Will do my best today to remain conscious. Promise!


  • Comment number 65.

    deevs - well you might be the sleep monster but since Friday I have gone off food, I feel okay just don't want to eat. Then when I do eat I feel ill - it's a funny old world in which we live

  • Comment number 66.

    BOB GELDOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    THANK YOU Chris!

  • Comment number 67.

    Baggy, maybe it's your body trying to tell you something? I am a true believer that sleep is a great healer. When I am stressed or angry or upset I don't sleep. Now I have been whammed with this tonsilitis/sinus thing, I've been forced to stop and just listen to my bod. Bod says sleep. I sleep.

    I also get to a point (with food) where I just can't be bothered with the same old, same old. That's when it's time to look at meals/lunches etc and try something different.

    Good luck - and if all else fails, go see the Doc!


    ****still in a Bob Geldof trance****

  • Comment number 68.

    Deev - normally it doesnt last that long so it doesn't bother me but now I'm getting headaches etc - Mr bp is cooking my yummy foods so I should be okay soon - just got to trick myself into eating without realising thats what I'm doing.

  • Comment number 69.

    Morning all

    Deevs, so it wasn't just me walking into work with a silly pretty grin on my face today after 3 minutes with Lord Sir Bob of Geldof?

    I have to say i love those 3 minute interviews - always so different!

    Baggy, Maddy's got some anti-sickness tablets going spare! Maybe you could share!

    (Sorry Mods, promise that was a joke and you really mustn't do it!)

    Ok, best look busy and hope my bad dream doesn't come true!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 70.


    I am still in a Bob Trance! I adored him when he was a Boomtown Rat, was in awe of him with Live Aid, and was gutted when he married THAT woman (who later went on to break his heart).

    The man is unique. A legend. A saint. And sexy as hell!!!



  • Comment number 71.

    Losing weight is a doddle!

    Eat sensible food - little and often, and exercise frequently .....

    There! Simple! Apparently.......

    Sadly, none of that accounts for Beer, or for Scotch eggs or for why I am still a tubster.

    Doddle? My Harris!

    Good luck to all of you, who are, like me, trying to achieve the body of a God - so far, I've made it to Buddha....

    Get well soon Deev, Chrissie and anyone I've neglected



  • Comment number 72.

    Rips - yesterday my colleague, a lady of about the same age but built like a nymph, mentioned that she was surprised I weighed so much, yes hefty old baggy le puss cat ;-)

  • Comment number 73.

    Hey Super Beep!

    She sounds like a right charmer.....
    How's things?



  • Comment number 74.

    Nowt wrong with Bhuddas. I have a house full of them - they like to have their bellies rubbed!

    As for the nymphette one Baggy - I'm sure men prefer to cuddle a woman of curves, rather than some bitter old twig who will snap at the first opportunity!


  • Comment number 75.

    The Great Man in action ...


  • Comment number 76.

    morning all, hope you're well?

    School run - check
    5mile run - check
    Ice packs administered - check!
    Correspondence caught up with - check

    Looks like I have a spare mo' to blog then (well there's a small matter of work inabit to goto at 12)

    How are you all out there today? baggy, I've seen you more than once and well, you're lush. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise x
    Ripster me ol' mate - how's life? I still owe you a cold biere. We did work in London recently and I ended up in the vicinity of R2. Caught myself looking out for the Ripsmobile but alas you were not to be seen on that day!

    Deevs - had a quick perusal of your blog - very good. May I be so bold as to recommend a weight tip?
    I have totally cut down on bread, in fact almost banished it from my diet. Especially the white variety. Of course you have to treat yourself occasionally but I have to say it works (for me). That 'bloated' feeling I had just went away and well, like I say, it works for me. Not to everyone's liking though I'm sure.

    Right, I need a snack, some coffee and to check my running schedule again. Less than 2 months to my half-marathon.

    *Unashamed charity plug alert* look away now if you're not interested...

    ...it's the 3 doubleyou's followed by justgiving, a dot com, a forward slash followed by kirkwilson - shimples

    Love to you all out there

    bonnet de douche


    note to self - let's not leave it so long next time eh?

  • Comment number 77.

    KW, you are spoiling us with your presence two days in a row ....!

    Thanks for the bread tip. I'm trying to cut down on that very same thing but my read bugbear in the war on fat is cheese. I love the stuff. Could eat it at every meal and inbetween and it has about a gadzillion calories per chunk. My all time fave - bread AND cheese! Ooops!

    I'm frustrated atb my lack of exercise at the mo. I was all geared up to get back into my swimming last night and then the barbed wire throat thing happened. Not good.

    Good luck with the training - this running malarkey has really taken hold of you and Matt (where are you Rudgwick Man - missing your lists!!)

    And yes, don't leave it so long next time Mr KW!


  • Comment number 78.

    aaaaaah the dreaded cheese sarnie, it's a must. Love it too.

    Go for cheese and biscuits then, nice local made chutney on top and Robert's your mother's brother!



  • Comment number 79.

    Oh and I'm just not in MfR's league, he's the running don of the blog

  • Comment number 80.

    I've just watched last night's Panorama on stalking. That poor woman, and how on earth has the man stalking her not been charged yet?

    I've done some research on harassment laws, and my main "issue" is that most sources of advice assume the stalker is a man, usually in the form of an ex partner / spouse etc.

    The laws really have to be reviewed and guidelines clarified for this deeply disturbing matter.


  • Comment number 81.

    LOL KW! MfR, if you're lurking ......... Running Don? Do you accept this Title bestowed upon you?!?!


  • Comment number 82.


    rips and ginge, thanks for the votes of confidence

    but colleage looks like a prettier version of Claudia Winkleman, there is no point even comparing myself to her, shes gorgeous ;-)

  • Comment number 83.

    Hmmmmm, disagree Baggles. I think Claudia is odd looking to say the least.

    We are what we are. We have to make the best of what we have. and be thankful that those who matter love us for it, no matter what!


  • Comment number 84.

    Although if I could look like anyone famous, Helena Bonham-Carter would get my vote .....


  • Comment number 85.


    You already look like her, I can never see her without thinking of you. You is both gorgeous.


  • Comment number 86.

    Deev - I personally think Claudia looks like my sister and therefore don't fancy her, but mr bp does thisnk she looks cute (and yes I realise what that means about my sister, but she is really scarey!)

  • Comment number 87.

    I fancy Claudia ;)


  • Comment number 88.

    Ali - lol ;-)

  • Comment number 89.

    NEW Blog

  • Comment number 90.

    I too have invisible braces which I have been wearing for 8 months and I am in my forties. They are working, but the saying "no pain,no gain" really is true!!!



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