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A Meeting Room With A View.

Chris Evans | 12:59 UK time, Tuesday, 25 January 2011

In a meeting, in Central London - wondering whether or not to capitalise the word Central. But then again this morning I said the phrase "more leaky" as opposed to "leakier". Oh forsooth the English language! What goes on wi' it.

Anyhow, this meeting that I'm in the meeting room for, s'one of those that you don't really want to have, but you have to have because you're a grown up, and grown ups have to do all this kind of business. When did that happen? When does the management of your life become a dagger in the stomach of consentitude?

Consentitude is a word I have just made up by the way. Shakespeare used to make words up all the time. He didn't actually have more words in his vocabulary than the average person, he just invented one he might need.

Right, goodbye for now but rest assured, I shall be back in touch one way or another.





  • Comment number 1.

    CLP - that isnt a happy post, but a worrying one

    Hope all is okay with you

  • Comment number 2.

    Am liking consentitude! More leaky is fine too, however...more leakier would be just wrong.
    Don't envy you your meeting, hope it's over soon.
    Have a good day.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 3.

    Afternoon Chris,

    Does the room have a view? I mean a vista, an outlook, a panorama......not an opinion!

    Btw - totally agree with you regards the M4. Whilst the M40/A40 is my obvious route in - I would always and often do choose it it over the M4/A4 combination, even if I'm the M4 side of town. And ohhhh, those bends from the M25 to the M40 - so much fun! As long as some twerp isn't planted in the right hand lane....

    Just re-read that last paragraph, and while I will leave it there, I think i have provided enough evidence that this is not a conversation for the radio....ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Super Beep - don't worry about Cruella Deville......Whilst you are clearly a match for her 'looks' wise. She's probably dead boring - whereas - you're nuts!! And I mean that it the most positive and lovely way!
    Nuts wins every time ;0)

    Hi Gingembre - Good luck with the half mate - I shall chuck a bob in.



  • Comment number 4.

    rips, other then being an accountant she seems to have an active circle of friends and a rich partner who is taking her skiing next month.

    jelaous? me? not at all - I have mr bp and I wouldn't change him for the world

    and I like being nuts, makes me interesting ;-)

  • Comment number 5.

    My friend's favourite made up word is fabbity but this blog post is not fabbity. Hope it all goes well CLP!

    Well I got to page 176 of my reading book in my lunch which is fab - another one down soon I think (I'm reading a series - each book has about 400 pages ish and I'm on part 4 of about 13 - fun times!). Now going to be ranted at by our courier who is useless.

  • Comment number 6.

    Greetings CLP & ALL Of The Blog...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Sounds like a meeting you'd rather not 'ave ter be involved in if yer 'ad the choice!!!!!!
    A 'ope it's not to do with the 360 staff the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ are making redundant to do with the online department :((
    'eard it on the R2 News the other day.... Absolutely shocking the destruction the politicians 'ave made of the UK recently... But their all free to go on messing things up yet more!!!!!!!!

    Oh well... got to try & train The Mind to be strong & ignore all the bad news that seems ter be everywhere presently!!!!!!!

    All a can say is a VERY much 'ope yer blog survives the cuts ;))

    Ok... Onter something 'appier.....

    Bingo Star's 1m Foot From Getting Cheryl Cole's Phone Number Story:

    So before Christmas this year arrives a will tell all about last Christmas, aka me Christmas night out where a came 10 feet from getting Cheryl Coles phone number & the night out with 6 beautiful women on me arm!!!!!!!!! (me being the only bloke with them ;)))) )
    All 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Basically recently while out in Liverpool a met a very nice lady & 'it it off with 'er immediately!!!
    When a say 'it it off... A don't mean there was violence... A didn't get inter a fight!!!!!
    Am not of that kind... What a mean is we 'it it off chemistry wise!!!!!
    But the lady in question isn't any ordinary lady... No!!!!!!!
    She is a beautiful Thai lady... And since 'ave always 'ad a thing for women with amazing dark eyes... enough ter 'ypnotise me at 100 paces & get me 'eart racing at 100 paces/ beats per minute!!!!
    In fact only this morning a sent 'er a text, in Thai, saying 'Your eyes are more beautiful than the rising sun over both Japan & Bangkok!!!!!!!'

    INDEED.... After all the searching for me other 'alf, all the years of looking, all the dating... even going abroad ter Ukraine after striking up friendships on the net.... 'ere a am in me 'ome city of Liverpool & a bump inter a Thai babe!!!!!!!
    Maybe... Just maybe... The One!!!!!!!!
    There's just something about 'er that sets 'er apart from all the others ave met.... Even for me birthday a still can't believe all that she bought for me.... And all the kindness from 'er.... For once ave found someone who gives.... And not only takes!!!!!!!
    A little like the band Take That some might say... They give that & don't take... Take for example the VERY Gaz Barlow on CLP's show last week... Giving 'is time ter take time that allows 'im ter give time... ter CLP & 'is most nice show!!!!!!

    INDEED things ave been going so well... that she told me would I like to come out with 'er friends for their Christmas do... So a said a do, a would like ter come ter yer do!!!!!

    So a went ter meet 'er for one of the best nights out ave ever 'ad!!!!!
    We arranged a would meet 'er & 'er friends at one of the most exculsive restaurants in Liverpool.... A found the place & in a went.... Not only ter be confronted by 6 of the most beautiful women ave ever seen!!!!!!!!
    But not only that.... A VERY famous beautiful english woman was sitting only ten feet from our table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PART 2 ter follow tomorrow!!!!!!

    Bingo Star, Striving For A Substantially More Sustainable Future ;)))

  • Comment number 7.

    Aye up Christophe!

    Let's hope the meeting is over soon and you can get back to being you.

    I make words up sometimes. Some work, some don't but I'm getting bettererer at it. Ha! See what I dud there!

    AliB - from previous blog. *THUD* ! Blimey, thank you. Guess I now need to work on my ellowkewshun as Helena talks a lot betta than me.

    And Baggy - being nuts is fun, innit!

    Muchos Amore

    Deevs la Nutjob


  • Comment number 8.

    Chris, you sound something in this post that we never normally hear you sound and that is bored!

    Hope your meeting's finished now and you're off home with the family

    Ripsw, sounds like you're not exactly enthralled by what ever it is you're supposed to be doing at themoment either!

    Hannah, Fabbity is a fabbity word and I might just have to steal it!

    Bingo, lovely post - have a feeling this is going to be your year

    Hi to everyone else - will catch up with you all soon

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Contrafribularities for making up the word consentitude!

  • Comment number 10.

    Chris, Can I swap with you it's got to be better than the pants day I'm having! Hope whatever it is you are doing finishes soon and you can get back to being you rather than grown up ;) xx Sometimes I hate being a grown up!

    Going to have a cuppa as I need to step away from the computer before I throw it out of the window!

    Happy Burns Night to my Scottish friends xx


  • Comment number 11.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    A mild day here in Wirral.

    It's essental to have a room with a view when at one of those boring meetings when you have to act and try to find an expression of interest to put on your face. You can always pretend that you've seen something outside the window which distracted you when someone asks you to respond to a question.

    I don't usually make up words but I sometimes use the wrong words but I know what I'm talking about even if nobody else does.


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    About 12 years ago I was a PA for the MD of a sales company. Our offices were quite small, so we used to hold our sales meetings (every 6 weeks or so) external to the office, due to no conference room. After booking conference/syndicate rooms at various local hotels, we tried Ipswich Town Football Club (the MD was a HUGE Tractor Boys fan) and the room really did have a view - right out over the immaculate pitch at Portman Road.

    A lovely setting, but the Chair (Mr MD) couldn't participate properly in the meetings as he was so distracted as to what the ground staff were doing, what players were milling around etc etc!

    It weren't cheap either!


  • Comment number 13.

    This is my type of meeting>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Deevs, I regularly get invited to meetings at the Reebok and Old Trafford (footie and cricket grounds), it's good to get out of the office sometimes.

    But the best one was going on a jolly to Haydock Park races a couple of years ago, turning around and finding the majority of Man Utd's first team stood right behind me!

    To say I was shocked is an understatement...lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 15.

    Deevs talking of Tractor boys i hope you will be watching tonite to see if they turn your boys over !!!

  • Comment number 16.

    HELLO Wickerman! Where you been hiding? Great to "see" you back.

    Yes, I shall be glued to Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ2 (weird eh!?) watching my beloved Gooners getting knocked out by them there Tractor Boys. It'll be like 1978 all over again, but at least my Suffolk friends will be happy on Facecloth!


    ps: JG - I too would have been slightly impressed by that, even as a Gooner! x

  • Comment number 17.

    Have been busy lurking and have been enjoying the banter on here but thought it was about time i started to add my 2pence worth hope your on the mend and the dreaded job hunting comes to a good conclusion for you

    wickerman x

  • Comment number 18.

    wikerman, hi

    saw a wickerman on the way to Devon - very odd!

  • Comment number 19.

    Thank you WM. I think the antibiotics are starting to kick in, and I'm sure a job will happen soon.

    Take care.


  • Comment number 20.

    Afternoon All,

    Used to go to meetings and little mouse me sat quiet for ages (always feeling so inferior), till one day decided nuff was nuff and piped up 'Please don't use the big words when the wee ones will do' - it was all so pompous and I was never relaxed. Seemed to do the trick though and the meetings became 'enjoyable' (if they ever can be)

    Haggis, tatties an neeps for T tonight, ooooo and a wee dram too - D lishush.


  • Comment number 21.

    Hi Chris
    l also like to make up words my fav is countryfied meaning a place not in the county but looks like it should be !

  • Comment number 22.

    Deev, there were about 9 of them, all just chatting and milling around with everyone else, my boss was star-stuck and got all their autographs!

    JG x

  • Comment number 23.

    Cool! I think I'd be star-struck and too scared to ask, to be honest.

    30 minutes til Arsenal and the Tractor Boys meet - yikes!


  • Comment number 24.

    Evening all

    I'm feeling a bit under the weather today.

    Chrissie and Deevs, hope you both feel better very soon. xx

    Can't believe first the washing machine packed up and today I've had to order a new dishwasher. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Aww csn, not a good day for you then?

    Hope you feel bettererer soon, but make sure you do as little as possible and listen to your body.


  • Comment number 26.

    Anyone watching The One Show? They're showing clips from "Threads", which was made and broadcast in the 1980s about the after-effects of a nuclear blast. Its made me go cold - I remember having nightmares about it for weeks after seeing it.


  • Comment number 27.

    Thank you Deevs.

    Hope your feeling a bit better tonight.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    aaahhh Deevs, So glad I've only just turned on and missed that. Just the thought of it has made me shiver

    Last year, I took the boys to the secret nuclear bunker (just follow the signs!) and that brough it all back to me

    Ann, know what you mean by countryfied - makes me think of olde tea-shoppes!

    CSN, take care won't you. Hope you're not coming down with something too

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Back, for a while..

    Have kept the TV turned off, am I bad for not telling his game is on ESPN?

    Sometimes I feel strong, othertimes I'm in pieces!!

    I guess this is just normal reaction...

    JG x

    PS, feeling quite strong right now!

  • Comment number 30.

    Evening all. I have a theory. I reckon old George Osborne has been tinkering with the clocks or something to increase productivity and thereby reduce the deficit. I swear this January has been going on for MONTHS.

    Love to all of you, especially the poorly ones.

    Barmy (who completely understands the offside rule, by the way). xx

  • Comment number 31.

    I should hope so too Barmy. It can't be that hard to grasp, after all, it was a rule made up by men in the first place!

    Sezza - that's always made me laugh, the signing to the "Secret" Bunker. One of Essex's finest tourist havens?!

    CSN - I think the antibiotics are starting to kick in. Think I'll stay home tomorrow then go back to work on Thursday.

    Jakey - you could always watch the Norf London Reds on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ2 .....!


    C'mon Arsenal!!!!


  • Comment number 32.

    JG Surely if he was that interested, he'd have checked the times and channel for himself and made sure he was watching

    Barmy, I think you could be right! I keep trying to convince myself the nights are drawing out but I'm really not feeling it.

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Deevs...never!! LOL

    Sezza, I think he has it worked out on his puter, I hope so anyway!


  • Comment number 34.

    Evening All.
    Well all you poorly people ,what have you been up to to get all these bugs and lurgeys ,I must say i've been very lucky and not to have had anything bar a cold and that wasn't too bad .
    I must have the hide of a Rhino.

    Chris ,I also am a little concerned with your post today.I do hope that we are not going to be one of the Beebs cuts .
    and I hope that you put forward a good case of need for us if that was the case.

    CSN ,I thought you had just puchased a new washing machine .Has it broken already ,if so thats not a ggod sing is it .

    JG ,glad to see you're in a strong mood today .

    Just like to wish All the lovely friends North of the Border A very Hapy Burns night ,and hpoe that you are all celabrating in style.

    Hope everybody else is OK.


  • Comment number 35.

    Sorry about the spellings ,no excuse .


  • Comment number 36.

    Good evening all.

    We had a phone call today, that has put a big smile back on my face. It was from the local police station.

    It now means that 17 year old can continue his college education.

    Last Saturday, he got off the bus to discover that he had lost his wallet.He had had it on him to board the bus.

    Now, most people have a good idea what 17 year old 'boys' rooms can be like. Golly, I am still getting over discovering a 3 month out of date pack of ham in there a year or so ago!

    So, we went in, then came up for air on regular intervals. ( the rest of my house is NOTHING like this I hasten to add.)

    To no avail :(

    As there are no buses on a Sunday ( tis Zummerzet!) we left messages on various answer phones, equally so at the Police station.

    Thank goodness for 24 hour banking, cancelling his bank card was simples.

    No, the big issue was his bus pass.

    We pay in the region of Β£550 per year for it. Broken down, this works out quite reasonable and you find it, if you want to send your child onto further education. There are no concessions, no grants etc, no matter what your status is.

    When we purchased said ticket, there was a 10% discount, if you paid the whole amount up front. Now in my view, this was only rewarding one type of family. Those with the access to such funds!!!

    So, we opted for the monthly payments, which we cut down on some things to achieve.

    We were also warned, that if the ticket was ever lost, that we would have to pay the whole amount over again to replace it, unless, we would like to pay a payment protection of Β£100 pounds which would cover a 'once only' loss.

    So, we drummed into 17 year old, that he must treat that ticket as if it were made of gold.

    Well, the last few days have been very fraught in the Mobs household.

    I would like to call on the varied intelligences of bloggers, to see if there is any way of insuring the bus pass against future mishaps?

    It would be nice to beat the 'scare mongering' system for once and to have peace of mind.

    Thank you.


  • Comment number 37.

    MTF Don't know but I'll ask my friend tomorrow as her daughter has a buss pass

    Good to hear he's ok for know

    Have you stapled it to his forehead?


  • Comment number 38.

    LOL Sezza, we are wondering where to put it!

    We paid for his return trip today. He came back with a little bit of change from a tenner!


  • Comment number 39.


    That is good news that the bus pass is safely returned.

    I've been trying to come up with a solution here, the only thing I can think of is those gloves on a string we used at primary school. Put the pass on a string or alternatively, to be worn around the neck on a chain.
    Or sewn or glued onto a pocket!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hi all

    Grrrrr on your behalf MTF. It seems to me that you are being held to ransom by the bus company - how dare they make such stupid regulations? Things like losing bus passes happen. I assume if you are paying monthly they have a record of receiving the money - to ask for an additional Β£100 to cover loss/replacement is ridiculous. Something like that may actually be covered by your house insurance. Sorry about the rant but it really gets to me when I see these large corporations taking advantage of the general public and getting away with it.

    I hope CLP has good news for us when he gets back to us. I think we need it.

    Hugs to everybody.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    MTF ,can you add it too your house insurance ie in the personal property section


  • Comment number 42.

    Great minds eh Bids?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Its a county bus pass, so not necessarily any bus companys fault.

    No, I think its a council issue.

    In fact, I have just found the invoice.

    I got the figures a bit mixed up.

    It is only Β£505 pounds per year.

    I wonder if this is nationwide or just in Somerset?


  • Comment number 44.

    MTD,sure was just then .how are you by the way ?? you weren't so god the other day ,hope your feeling brighter now .
    Take care .


  • Comment number 45.

    CNS,it's been brought to my attention that I read your post wrong ,Its your dishwasher broke not the washing Machine .
    I do apologize .you need to get one like I've got ,very reliable and they never break down,but the do protest sometimes .


  • Comment number 46.

    LOL Bids.

    At least they dont need feeding with funny coloured tablets, or do they!!!


  • Comment number 47.

    MTF ,that could be debatable.hahah!!!!


  • Comment number 48.

    Promised my self that I would turn off early tonight ,
    so just popping in to wish you all a Good night .

    Take care and stay safe .

    sweet slumbers .Bids.xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Mtd and Marj, thank you both for your advice.xx

    I didn't mean to kill the blog, its nice to get some helpful tips.


  • Comment number 50.

    no 50?

  • Comment number 51.

    Now then, National hugging day was pretty good and I think the old oak tree on the way up to my workplace certainly looks happier for it BUT, and get this....

    Today is 'National Peanut Brittle Day!'

    They don't come any better than that, in fact, whoever invented it, deserves the biggest hug ever!!

    Oh Happy Days indeedio :)


  • Comment number 52.

    OOps, oh yes its National Australia Day too.


  • Comment number 53.

    Or maybe that should be Australia Day.


  • Comment number 54.

    wow - do my eyes decieve me? was that easyjobrob popping through?

    hiya, how are you? where are you? hows tricks?

  • Comment number 55.

    Good morning all,
    Feeling a bit heady this morning,don't know if I spoke to soon about the cols situation the other day ,or it could be that my glass of red last night was a little to large ,probably the latter ,so that will teach me wont it .

    Hope you all have a good and enjoyable day .
    Take care and stat safe .


  • Comment number 56.

    Morning Bids, Baggles and yes, EJR

    Day 3 of Deevs On The Sofa and currently watching the cricket live from Australia (sorry CLP). Why they can't be on the same time frame as us here in the UK is beyond me - stooopid global time zones messing with my mojo!

    I took ages getting to sleep last night but when I eventually did drop off I had the weirdest dream about being in service to the Queen, and the Head Butler kept telling me off for not serving Her Maj first when I poured the tea.

    What's THAT all about?

    Today I shall be mostly resting as we have tickets to go see The Cult tonight and it will be my first voyage out of the house since Monday morning when I got back from the Docs. Thankfully they are seated tickets - yes, I am getting old!

    There's also the small matter of a letter to write, a few emails to catch up on, some puzzles in a tacky magazine I couldn't resist buying on impulse, the ongoing project jigsaw and Dawn French's book to read.


    Have a Happy Hump Day whatever you're up to.


  • Comment number 57.

    Oooops. Missed MTF - morning sunshine!


  • Comment number 58.

    Morning all

    Deevs, Take it easy Tiger! Remember you're meant to be resting and getting better! Some of those puzzles can be quite taxing you know!

    Bids, take care too.

    MTF, Peanut Brittle day? Eeuuww! If it's all the same to you, I'll stick to Having a Hug Day!

    (((((x All my Blog Buddies x)))))


    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Can I have hugs whilst eating Peanut Brittle?

    What's not to like?

    Sezza, the Soduku foxed me for a while earlier but it's done and on the entry coupon now!


  • Comment number 60.

    Morning to all of you :)



  • Comment number 61.

    Wassup lovely lady?


  • Comment number 62.

    OK, here's the problem, I just know someone will probably have the answer...

    I'm typing this on my little laptop, as the screen on the big one has gone 'off centre' and I cant see the red box with the X in it to close any tabs.

    Dumbo, I know, but I am baffled.


  • Comment number 63.

    Does that make any sense to you Deevs?


  • Comment number 64.

    Try F12 on your keyboard


  • Comment number 65.


  • Comment number 66.

    Sounds like you've gone into "Full Screen" mode Toofy.

    Ignore F12. It's F11.


  • Comment number 67.

    Nope and nope!

    Its not moved, half the screen is blue and the rest is over to the right hand side,


  • Comment number 68.

    It needs dragging back over, but I cant work out how to.


  • Comment number 69.

    I've switched it off and back on again, but it still goes back to the same.

    Its happened before and I have given it to one of the kids who simply press something and hand it back to me 'tutting!'


  • Comment number 70.

    Have you tried re-booting your machine?


  • Comment number 71.

    Oh ok. Will have a thunkle.


  • Comment number 72.

    Sorry, I'm a pain.


  • Comment number 73.

    No you're not. Is at PC/laptop or a Mac?


  • Comment number 74.

    Sony Viao laptop. (get me!)


  • Comment number 75.

    The blue background on the laft is the screensaver.

  • Comment number 76.

    MTF, you click on the top bar to drag the screen over.

    Deevs, hope your feeling a bit better.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 77.

    That's what I've got, but it's never done that before!

    Still thunking.

    Where's our IT lurkers when you need 'em? Uncle Carl? BigNick?

    I keep pressing things to see if mine will do what you describe but nada thus far.


  • Comment number 78.

    Marvellous Csn. Thank you.

    Ta Deevs.


  • Comment number 79.

    Hi CSN

    The antibiotics have kicked in. Throat feels a little less barned wireish that it has done, but sinusses still yuk, which is giving me a headache and making me feel a bit woozy light headed.



  • Comment number 80.

    Your welcome MTF.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Yeeha, blogging from the big beast again. No more tutting needed from the teenagers eiher.

    Deevs, I expect you have tried most meds, but GD had horrendous sinus probs last week and the own brand tabs did help a little?


  • Comment number 82.


    Make sure you wrap up warm, when you go out tonight.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 83.

    What tabs MTF? I've tried the ones that start "sudo" and now am trying the sones that start "sinu" ..... x

  • Comment number 84.

    Morning Deevs good result for your boys last night hope you and Nic enjoy your concert tonight keep warm and hope you will back on your feet soon x

  • Comment number 85.


    It the spirit of our techy success this morning, I have finally worked out how to listen to voice messages on my phone!! Having inherited it from Mr Sezza i kept asking him to retrieve them for me but now I have found the little button to hold down to make it do what I want!!!

    Small pleasures eh!

    CSN, am I right that you were feeling poorly too? If you were, I hope you're better soon and if not, then I hope you stay well!

    Am I very wrong to have taken a whole day off tomorrow for a visit to the doctors? Technically I could come in first then go to the appointment and I will need to take it easy after but then my job's not exactly highly physical

    Normally i race round trying not to be everywhere but this time I just thought blow it!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Sinu... bums, they're not helping either?


  • Comment number 87.




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