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The Tour Is On, The Pen Is Out, Let The Signing Begin

Chris Evans | 11:39 UK time, Monday, 5 October 2009

So zoomed up to Leeds yesterday afternoon with ye old faithful driver Marky Mark, the sixteen stone West Ham fan.

Stayed in a spa hotel half an hour outside the city centre, I went straight to the gym, Marky Mark went into Leeds to do a recce - he is the most unlikely professional.

Met up in the bar just before nine, for a half a lager before settling down to a romantic dinner for two.

After declaring he finds it hard to sleep after eating anything substantial, Marky proceeded to polish off two bread rolls, roast lamb, rosti and veg, plus both his and half of my cheese plate.

"How did you sleep ?" I asked him this morning.

"Went out like a light," came the reply - hilarious.

I have to say I slept lilke a log as well, I often sleep better in a strange bed. Have no idea why, maybe it's because it is largely stress free, or the energy of all those other people who have slept in it work in some powerful cosmic way.

Watched the Andy Warhol doc last night, thought it was very very good. Never stopped working apparently - see, nothing comes easy.

Right, need to find a stationery shop to get some good old fashioned ink for me fountain pen. I'm going for green !

Will defo keep you up to date with our travels. Manchester tonight and then Glasgow, Newcastle tomorrow.

Also twittering on my personal account: "achrisevans"





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  • Comment number 1.


  • Comment number 2.

    Oh I love green pens Chris!!! Have fun up north and see you even norther tomorrow!


  • Comment number 3.

    Oohh...will see you later LambiePie...me,AF,MC and JG are descending on Manchester and you! You have been warned! Liking the green pen tho..very cool!

    And my ramblings on the last blog will now go into the ether..or i may just post them below..cos i can!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 4.

    Now following you on Twitter - very close to becoming a stalker I should think.
    I was always told that people who wrote in green ink were nuts!

    No offence mind.



  • Comment number 5.

    Morning each!

    Will you all please slow down?! Takes forever to catch up..hee hee..

    Meet sounds a blast.. glad everyone had fun...now 33 sleeps and counting to `Pool! Oh, and well done on the drive Crumpy..reckon you deserved a bottle of gin at the end of that!

    Meal Heaven..Roast Beef/Lamb with all the trimmings or a nice Filet Mignon..basically, if its run about then i`m happy (sorry to Annie,MRF and the GM and any other veggies on here!). Followed by chocolate bread and butter pudding with cream..yum! and washed down by a nice Rose of course.

    Hell.. Salmon something..as much as i want to like it i dont! And Tiramisu for pud..coffee is for drinking NOT eating!

    Also looking forward to the meet tonight with MC,AF and a poorly JG..think weve just about planned meeting up! Of course we`ll say hello from everyone..but nooone said anything about photos..should have had me hair done! hee hee..

    Annie...any news yet?!

    Dook..happy birthday! x

    And Darce..dont know if you reading this at the mo but if you are then hope you are doing ok..x

    Right..am stuck in Health and Safety Policy hell today..anyone wanna swap?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 6.

    Awwww, isnt that nice, a new blog, I thought we would be on NEXT for a long time.

    Hey Chris, what about your Heaven and Hell foods??


  • Comment number 7.

    Rips..my A level coursework was in either Green,Pink or Purple ink..what does that say about me.. in fact..forget i asked!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 8.

    WOW! All go eh!?!

    Good luck Mr Evans, and good choice with the green inkage.

    Off to find you on Twitter now aSuffolkDiva

    x x x

  • Comment number 9.

    and i may just have to relent and join Twitter...

    ..can anyone tell i will do anything to get out of policy writing today..?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 10.


    Like you have never never never followed anyone in my life! And like mSc about to join twitter! And i have never never never been to a booksigning in my life. So CLP see what you have done, us seemingly 'normal' people have transformed into stalker Christoph types....beware! Having said that I along with many others on this blog seem far from normal!


  • Comment number 11.

    Scoobs, how do you do that ??

    Do you have to write the whole thing again or is there a magic way?

    It always seems to go to new blog just after one of my essays!


  • Comment number 12.

    OH this is so exciting, now I see Deevs and Rips on the tweet! Not got time to join but will see you laters!!!


  • Comment number 13.

    Hey Chris

    Hope you have a fab week. Watch out for those bloggers, they're the ones who hugs big time.

    Have read quite a lot of the book over the weekend and all I can say is Wow, you've been busy.

    Looking at when everyone is getting their copy, I think we'll have to discuss it somewhere else. Did I see a Boggers who Read group along with the Bloggers who Cook? Will post there for anyone who's reading or even finished.

    Have a good week. Will be looking out for you on the old telly box this week.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi MTF..i always copy my post before i post it if that makes sense?! Force of habit after going thro a phase of losing my missives as i post!

    And Dreamer..see you on the T site!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 15.

    Sccobs - I think you may just have confirmed it!!!!

    Dreamer - I am a bit of a serial stalker, but it pays off.
    I follow Will Carling amongst others on Twitter and sent him a message last week asking if he could spare anything for the raffle at the rugby club on Saturday (last) which is raising funds for the U10's tour.
    I heard nothing and did include in the message that I wouldn't take offence if he ignored it....anyway....about an hour ago he sent me a message saying "can get something signed in November - is that too late?".....

    What a top bloke!

    I've asked for something for the Christmas raffle now instead.



  • Comment number 16.

    Rips..was going to say..not true etc but to be fair..spot on!

    And what a top bloke Will Carling is..fantastic!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 17.

    Bet you have a great time in Manchester Chris..

    Barney I think you are a bit of a cheap skate, looking for bargain books so I'm making cakes to sell and raise enough to buy you a book voucher.

    However the recession is biting and I have now discovered that ELH is selling Tomato Soup for just 17pence. I can live like a King for pennies.

  • Comment number 18.

    Christoph, thanks for the new blog.

    Good luck with the signings, wish you were coming our way. Methinks the green ink will match your book colouring nicely!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Scoobs - forget the Filet Mignon.....we could share a Chateaubriand.

    Name your choice motorway services and I'm there......

    Could be small flaw in that plan!



  • Comment number 20.

    Mr c

    Thanks for that.

    The whole book price thing, though, just goes to show the power that the big supermarkets exert. The publishers set the price at Β£20 in the full knowledge that nobody is going to pay that price.

    This means that an independent book seller will not bother stocking the book, knowing that it can be bought for half the price elsewhere.

    The big bookshop chains and online sellers are forced to follow the lead of the supermarkets in order to maintain market share.

    The question is how can a supermarket afford to sell a product at half of its price? At that level of discount it is not just a loss leader to get people into the shops. To my mind it is a con job, the price was never intended to be Β£20 but was set at this in order to make people think that they are getting a bargain when it goes on sale at Β£20.

    The real bargain will be when it comes down to a fiver.

    As for the cheap food, the real shame is that these prices are not available to the poorest people in the country who really need them as they do not have access to the large out of town shops and have to shop at small local shops where prices are higher.

  • Comment number 21.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 22.

    PS Barney remember the film you got mail.

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi guys! Back from my jollies in Dorset and a lovely time I had too - even went skinny dipping - oh yes I did!!!

    Have a fab time at the book signings CLP - and enjoy meeting the lucky bloggers who can get to them!! (Jealous - moi?? oh yes I am!!)

    Much love to all.
    T xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Afternoon team!

    It's really vile here - raining, dark clouds - ugh! Might even have to put the heating on this week, or dig out me thermals .... now there's a thought to put you off your lunch!

    Battled to Wickerman's store at lunchtime - got some beer for Mr Deev and the stuff I need for tonight's curry, save getting it on the way home. At least we'll dine at a respectable time now, before heading off to bed at half nine .....

    My life is so Rock n Roll!

    Anyone fancy a Diet Mass Produced Soft Drink Break!?!?!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 25.


    Green pen? - Are you sure about that? It immediately brings to mind Auditors auditing accounts for me - not a pleasant image at the best of times!
    I had a pen when I was a kid that had all the colours you could think of available - you just clicked round until you found the colour you liked - a big fat yellow thing it was.
    Have ordered your book, as I couldn't wait until that time in December that cannot yet be mentioned.
    Have fun on tour.


  • Comment number 26.

    Sgotta be sans caffeine deevs, me and caffeine dont mix well.

    Skinny dipping !! Not these days, but late teens, ahem, wont disclose too much, would hate to tar my image.LOL!!


  • Comment number 27.

    Actually, forget late teens, throughout most of my twenties as well, those were the days my friend, cue Mary Hopkins....


  • Comment number 28.

    Don't know why my comment was moderated.

    Perhaps I should just talk about high heel shoes and goth stuff, selling cup cakes, eating Mars Bars while buying stuff on ebay.


  • Comment number 29.

    Mr C

    What did you say this time to arouse the wrath of one of our sweet natured fellow bloggers?

    Sorry to say I've not seen the film in question, wasn't it one of those rom-com jobs? If that is the case, then I am highly unlikely to see it.

  • Comment number 30.

    LOL MTF, never done it myself before, but it was just tooooo tempting - empty beach, sunshine, gorgeous clear water ...

    Those were the days indeed!!

    T xxx

    PS very excited, just got my new DMs delivered - Darcie - black patent, very cool, am wearing them with joy!

  • Comment number 31.

    Rips..ooh..you`re on! However, i believe a slightly more upmarket establishment should be reserved..a Berni inn at least i would have thought!

    and speaking of the USA earlier..the best piece of meat i have ever eaten was indeed a Chateaubriand in Nooo York..shared with the ex husband (shame!) and just absolutely gorgeous.. salivating at the thought now..and that is NOT a good look! But worth going back the city that never sleeps purely for that meal again..mmmm.

    Will join you on that break Deevs..but full caffeine version for me ta..if i`m tackling the Pennines later then i`ll need all the energy i can get!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 32.

    Tins..welcome back, glad you had a fab time! Skinny dipping..done it a few times in my youth..never now tho! A certain lake in New Zealand saw more that it should have..`nuff said!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 33.

    Tins , were you in Studland where it is legal and above board or were you daring enough to do a Reggie Perrin elsewhere ??


  • Comment number 34.

    Nothing Barney I take not much notice.

    But if you have not seen the film you simply must Joe Fox alais Tom Hanks and the battle between an a samll book shop and a supermarket book giant.

    Right my boss is looking at me and I think he has now realised that I spend most of my day on ebay, facebook, twitter blogging and I think to be honest I deserve the sack

  • Comment number 35.

    Hey Tins!!!

    New DMs - worth the ouchiness of breaking them in! Best pick up some of those second skin blister plasters on the way home to avoid the nasties forming on the back of your heels.

    Never done skinny dipping - wouldn't want to scare anyone with my monstrosity of a bod!

    Now, I have a pair of killer heels ending on eBay soon .... catch y'all later .....


    Deevs, unburstable
    x x x x

  • Comment number 36.

    Outdated stereotypes maybe? - I'm sure the moderators have their own views.
    I have never complained as I'm sure most haven't.


  • Comment number 37.

    You can be moderated by the moderators, can't you? You don't have to be "reported" by another user??

    I'm guessing that's how I've ended up on the norty step in the past.


  • Comment number 38.

    Mr C

    I may take a look then.

    To be fair it is not just the supermarkets that are killing off the bookshops, the online sellers are playing their part. I drove past one of their warehouses recently and it is huge. A small business simply cannot compete.

    Half of the pleasure of reading is browsing in a proper bookshop before selecting the book. It is just not the same clicking a mouse and awaiting the postman.

  • Comment number 39.

    All posts are reactively moderated What does this mean?

    Reactive moderation - messages are only checked if a complaint is made about them. This approach is only used on boards for adults.

  • Comment number 40.


    I was horrified with the invention of those electronic books and that you can now get the "Classics" to read on a DS Lite games consul.

    Everyone knows a DS Lite is for playing Scrabble and doing Sodoku puzzles - not reading Jayne Eyre!


  • Comment number 41.

    As someone who has one of those electronic books i have to say i use mine quite a bit for hols (saves me taking 5 books for a 3 day break!)or taking to work to read at lunchtime...but thats it..love real books still..nothing beats them!

    And Deevs..correction: DS`s are for Scrabble (granted) and Professor Laytons mystery games...or is that just for the less intelligent ones like me who cant do Sudoku to save my life! hee hee..

    mSc x

    PS - Moderators read all posts and automatically remove if found to be insulting or against the `flow`. Noone has to complain.

  • Comment number 42.

    Surely the moderators can react - themselves though can't they.
    I've seen plenty moderated which couldn't possibly have drawn complaints and also those with foreign language content.

    Any help here mods?


  • Comment number 43.

    Also - not much of a reader (surprise surprise!) but feel the same about record shops.


  • Comment number 44.

    Re the PS on post #41, where did you get that from?

  • Comment number 45.

    Actually do you think the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ has the resorces to read all these messages. I doubt it, certain words will triger an automated response.
    This blog is self moderating.
    I don't think buying soup at ELH's warrrants being moderated. However I'm getting bored so when I get bored I tend to dissapear.

  • Comment number 46.

    #44 Something i asked a bit back when i modded one of my own posts...that was the gist of the reply i got.

    Rips is right...Moderators..please help us out here to clear it up!

    mSc x

    PS - Of course the best solution is not to put anything that would require modding..job done! but i guess thats not gonna happen in some peoples worlds! Hey ho!

  • Comment number 47.

    Pop goes the Beezer !! Had some choc in the fridge for about a month and thought I would have a square or two. Why do I always feel full and 'ick when I've eaten chocolate? Ah well !!

    Green ink Christoph ??? I half watched the Warhol thing too. Twitter - not for me ta - always have too much to say and I understand it is restricted?

    Tins you little devil - wasn't it a bit on the cold side? Saying that - been there - done that - in my mis-spent youth.

    Scoobs/Rips pleeeeease may I come too? Would it be really norty having scoffed roast beef yesterday if I did beef wellington tonight?

    Right - work to do - people to yell at

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 48.

    So what would the 'flow' be exactly?

    If the moderators removed all those posts which did not relate to what was in the blog then some people would never get to post at all.

    As somebody pointed out there seems to be no rhyme or reason why some posts are moderated so how can anybody ensure that a post will not require modding in the view of another individual.

  • Comment number 49.

    #39 was quoting the Beebs own definition.
    So it seems that there must be a complaint before a post is checked.

    Click on the blue bit that says 'what does this mean?' above the box where you type your comment.

    We are being watched..........and complained about!


  • Comment number 50.

    Barney, there was a spell of moderation recently based on post being off topic.

    There were more removed than remained.

    Most of mine stayed, but that's probably because nobody can understand a word I'm on about anyway.


  • Comment number 51.

    Ah Rips..ta..i obviously misunderstood the definition of the reactively bit..see..yous was right about the green ink thing!

    And yeah...seems we are being watched..but better than being ignored eh?!

    Now then Beez... in my book the Beef Wellington is a must..there is absolutely, totally nothing wrong with having beef every night of the week if wanted. Well your digestive system may complain but my goodness you`ll have enjoyed it! And please feel free to come along..we may just have to order 2 now tho!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 52.

    Okay I'm following too and I think just me tweeting about it gained like 3 followers too!

    My friend @ added you - she said it was a good thing.

    You can get an app for your raspberry so you don't have to update by txt - should you wish lol.

  • Comment number 53.

    At long last CLP on twitter. I am completely twaddicted myself - pls be an interactive tweeter Chris - it would be great to get some dialogue going with your followers

    If anyone wants to follow me on twitter - it is @thecatmel

  • Comment number 54.

    Deevs - these new DMs are really really comfy so far!!!

    MTF, wasn't in Studland - how aptly named is that place - never seen so many tanned, hair free men striding boldly out ... not a naked woman in sight though, and I lost my nerve!! So did a Reggie on a very deserted beach the following day - didn't want to scare anyone lol!!

    T (now fully clothed, you'll be relieved to hear!)


  • Comment number 55.

    CLP has just read the blog. Loving Tweeting Lambie Pies!

    I'm sure he'd rather read a happy blog tho ....

    x x x

  • Comment number 56.

    Yo CLP, Marky Mark & ALL.......

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP - As usual a glance at yer blog and yer get me writing juices flowing.... funny blog about The Mark Dude!!!!!!!

    And.... FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!! Am in Leeds wreet know, sorry now, wreeting this blog.... 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That's if yer mean the one near Bradford.... noot the one in Kent by the castle!!!!!!!!

    Az for cosmic forces on beds... am similar... lately me own bed seems the most uncomfortable, 'ard, stale of anywhere!!!!!!
    Even though it's clean, newish, cozeeee, quiet and of substantial spring qulaities!!!!!!!!
    Yet when ever am in a 'otel room or somewhere different.... a sleep better!!!!!!
    Maybe the reason iz it's cos am at 'ome alone..... where az in a 'otel room..... passion beckons!!!!!!!!!!!
    'aving vision of yersen and Marky Marks romantic dinner 4..... 2!!!!!!!!!!

    Talkin' of cvosmic forces ave goot a BIG dilemma.... do a come ter Liverpool ter try and get CLP ter sign me copy of 'is booook???????
    Or do a come ter R2 Aych Q in a week or two????????

    At R2 a can feel a STRONG cosmic energy..... it's all those creative minds of the rich, famous and 'ighly tlented that 'ave graced the floor that am...... errrrrr...... standing on!!!!!!!!!!

    BIG decisions all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Plus if a do go ter Liverpool shopping centre it'll bring back bad memories of a BAD incident with a shop security guard invloving a bag containing two bottles of baby oil, extra large facial moistrizer, cotton wool buds and 'emerrhoid cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    All most embarresing ter say the least of the situation in question!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gotta go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - Glad yer BIG Booook friends and family party went most nice!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh PPPPS - Me stomach bug iz totally better!!!!! Went ter see me acupunturist and that even started ter feel better!!!!!!!
    Plus the very nice friendly lady.... she 'as lovely aurua of calm surrounding 'er in the mad world... a welcome relief... any way, she gave me the acupunture, acupressure then some tablets and powder ter take 'ome... one in case it's a virus aka Stomach Flu and the other in case it's food poisoning aka food with added activity!!!!!!!!
    A tell yer that night a felt fine... pain gone in tummy.... bowels... errrrr under control!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!@@!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Eastern medicine.... the best kept secret since..... errrr acupunturist practices started ter open up in every town centre across the country.... butta notice few seem ter use them and prefer the laboritory chemicals that uz westerners seem ter prefer that usually 'ave side effects and often make yer feel worse in one sense but better on the bit that yer trying ter 'elp!!!!!
    The acupunturist gave me a session and a waz lying there thinking my goooodnesss... this iz so, so, so good.... it's a secret that most don't know about or beleive!!!!!
    A mean imagine a shop selling 800 quidda tvs for 200.... the would be a queue arooound the block.... or even ter be train driver..... why do 1500 people apply for 6 jobs??????
    Now if all knew about acupunture and 'ow it really works... then suddenly it'd be like trying ter see yer dentist.... 3 week plus wait and the price... 160 instead of 30.... makes it feel all the nicer ter be lying back and getting me treatment!!!!!!
    Funny 'ad an argument with both me parents who don't believe in it!!!!!!
    Me father very sceptical.... but when a know am wreeet.... a won't back down.... if ever am wrong or make a mistake am adult enough and the first ter say.... "woooow, soz a admit am totally inoperatative on this one!!!!!@!"
    But a would noot back down..... noot back down all.... in fact a stumped me father inter silence with case argumentations like "it's all natural unlike all the western stuff made in laboritories!!!!"..... so what does 'e say in the end....... "well if everyone waz talking ingredients out of the ground.... the world would be stripped bare!!!!!!"
    Yer just can't win blog friends, can't win!!!!!!
    Funny 'ow some people will never change their point of view on things!!!!
    Me mother the same with 'er 'eart and lung problems... a know abitta acu would boost 'er 'earty and lung power.... release any blockages inside and 'elp both the bloodflow and energy of the mind flow more freely.... but no!!!!!!!!

    Anyway better go.... tatty bye ter each!!!!!!!!!!! No time ter spell check.... gotta go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 57.

    #56 - Reminds me of the speed me rig iz limited to in m..p... aych!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Bingo...just outside of Leeds..as is Flower..slight detour and relieve me of this H and S hell..?! Glad you feeling better..

    and really, really am off to join Tweeting..

    mSc x

    PS - Thorpe Park or Oulton Hall for the comfy bed last night CLP..? My 2 guesses..

  • Comment number 59.

    Afternoon chris & mark

    Sounds like you are both having a blast

    Have a good tour . Good luck with the book
    formula 1 is getting so boring I turned of again for the third race god help us

    Bring back senna &mansel true racers nobodys over taking anymore

    Safe motoring you both me old flower

    Kind regards Stewart the Chauffer

  • Comment number 60.

    Afternoon CLP

    Looking forward to seeing you later in Manchester - hope the M62 is clear for you, and for AF and Scoobs!

    Can't do twitter from work, and can't set it up on my phone at the mo either, getting funny looks checking FB so much today cos of our mini-meet!

    Better finish this work off!

    JG x

  • Comment number 61.

    Haven't signed in for a bit, but there seems to be a lot going on, so I've stopped by. Hmmm. Book Signing. Nice. Not coming though. I get thoroughly fed up with big queues and people pretending to be THE WORLDS GReATEST fan, I like books, and queues for people upset me. I like to wander round the bookshop, not be guided in different directions away from personality. If perchance Mr Christophe you were strolling round shop I may stop by and say "hey, nice show", but I aint queuing up. do you know I was in Edinburgh one day, and there was a queue about a mile long along Princes St for Mr Barrowman. My daughter and I decided we would just go in and jump him - BUT THEY WOULDN'T EVEN LET US UP THE STAIRS IN CASE WE SAW HIM WITHOUT PAYING. ARgh.

    Anyhoo -Behave Everyone. Life is too short. Sit Long, Laugh Lots and Dance.... like no one is watching.


  • Comment number 62.

    Chrissybear.....I am gutted!! I am here in Sunny Spain and you will be in my local Waterstones on Wednesday -Liverpool ...What is a girl to do??? I must have one of your signed books.will you save me one? Have a great time in Liverpool mate xxxxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Afternoon all,
    Nice to see that you were able to blog today Chris ,and good luck with the book signing .

    Bridge .xxx.

  • Comment number 64.

    Happy birthday Dook.
    bridge .xxx.

  • Comment number 65.

    Oooo the blog's a bit edgy this arvo.

    To all the bloggers having a minimeet at the book signing - have fun and let us know how you get on!

    Green pen - lots of school have a green pen policy these days as it is supposed to be less intimidating and threatening than red. Methinks it's the amount of scribbling over your work that matters, not the colour, but I'm not a child. Alls I know is that Boleynman buys the blighters (biro only though) in bulk and it's the only flibbin colour pen you can find chez nous.

    Chris, have a fab time!

    Dookegg, believe it or not I was thinking about you the other days in a wistful "whatever happened to..." moment about past bloggers. Happy birthday X

    Cheap books, I totally agree with you Barney, and it is quite painful to see our local bookseller hanging on by his nails, BUT here's the rub - I am an avid reader and buy books regularly, and I'm not altruistic (or loaded) enough to pay full wack for something I can obtain for half the price. So on this occasion I can talk the talk but not walk the walk, so to speak.

    Rips, hope the CMM's Ofsted was OK, I found out one of my schools has it on Wed.Thurs and I AM IN BOTH THOSE DAYS! Anyway, bring 'em on I say. Still, I'd better get up early those days and wash my hair.

    Right, now Boleynteen the younger has her boyfriend in her bedroom (no shennanigans, just popped in to say hello in a rather manically over bright manner) - and I need to go shopping, thank goodness boleynteen the elder has just come in - still - HELP where's Annie when you need her..

    A x

  • Comment number 66.


    I always dance like no-one's watching .... round my office, every day!

    x x x

  • Comment number 67.

    afternoon all, hope you're well?

    I always use a green pen in my diary for bdays n stuff, is it a ginger thing or a mere coincidence??? the latter methinks.
    Have to admit to being a tad envious of those getting signed copies this week, heyho, I do have a plan (not cunning) so let's see eh?
    Good luck with this week Christophe, hope it all goes well. As for twittering, well I'm on there, haven't a clue how to use it though.
    My pic is my half of our pair of boots!

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 68.

    Am there! On my own so far, and there's not much of a queue, yet!

  • Comment number 69.

    I think I'm gingembre13

  • Comment number 70.

    Ooooo ---- JG 'Citing - is Christoph there yet?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 71.

    yes Beez! Cited now! Still waiting for the others! Q's ok.

  • Comment number 72.

    Hey JG - perhaps Christoph will join you on your mini meet !!! Now that would be brilliant!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Just a quick one,
    Boleyn, they got a good and the comments were all on the plan anyway apparently so not too bad.
    Thanks for asking!

    Hope yours go smoothly x

    If you get a minute check out the video about the school answer machine on my facecloth page 'ilarious



  • Comment number 74.

    Afternoon bloggers and CLP!

    Have fun and enjoy the book signings Chris - don't forget to mention all the bloggers you meet!

    Would love to come to a signing and say hello - alas, wrong place, wrong time. Can't even get the book here yet - have got a mate in the UK on the case for me though! Looking forward to it!

    Am also in twitter, but haven't the foggiest what to do with it. Can someone give me a ladybird book 1 type of help list?! Would be much appreciated. I'm the same on there as I am on here if that helps?


  • Comment number 75.


    Waiting for 15th October before I get 'the book'. That's when I get paid, every penny up until then is spoken for :o(

    Tried to catch up with what you lot have been up to but am soooo tired and gave up. That'll teach me for being online at work till 11pm last night.

    Caught something about Health & Safety Policies there Scoobs, I'm pretty fed up with H&S at the moment too. Have got myself another boss to work for, our H&S Manager.....who is trying to poach me away from my existing manager.....*sigh*....they're like buses.

    Took LM to work this afternoon as I had some bits to take back to my boss. He got to look through the office windows into the bakery and was fascinated. And he got spoiled rotton.

    Off to put the heating on, blooming weather.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 76.

    E Books - would never have one myself as it just does not seem right and also I can't stand thoses handheld games consoles. I'm not a technophobe by the way.

    In their favour, however, I will say that anything that encourages people to read has got to be a good thing.

  • Comment number 77.

    Evening everyone - only had a chance to catch up with this blog - will catch up properly in a bit.

    Chris - thank you for blogging today - I hope you will keep us updated during your GrandTour - good to know how you are going on - PS loved the marky mark comments - he is my type of guy! make sure he is around for a blogger hug in Bristol!!!

    So excited to hear how the Manchester contingent have got on - successful I hope! Let us know girlies!!!

    PS Chris - do you have a special 'Signing' outfit - thinking Katie Price esk - blue sparkly tutu perchance????


    Right you know the drill guys - sausage and mash time!!!!


  • Comment number 78.

    Hi Guys

    Isn't it dark!! Soon be............................no I not saying it, it's too cold & wet to go on the norty step

    Anyone heard from the Manchester gang yet? Maybe Chris has kidnapped them & taken them all out to dinner!! How cool would that be.

    Can see use of E Books but would rather have the real thing. Mind you, I'm a real sucker for the impusle book buy at the supermarket checkout. BG put it well.

    See you later

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    OK, I'm back! T'others are having a meal, but thanks to a gas leak, I'm home, nearly never made it at all!

    Pic on t'other side (not very good, but it's from my phone)

    CLP - you are such a lovely guy! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat to us all and for all the pics!

    JG x

  • Comment number 80.

    Oh, and I must say how lovely Scoobs, MC & AF are!! I really wish I could have stopped for tea with them :((

    Roll on the Pool meet!

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    WOWEEEEEEEEEE just seen it!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOO jealous.

    Christoph you are a star!!!!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Cheers Seza. E books definitely not for me, my favourite places to read are 1) Bed, and we don't have puters in the bedroom, no siree, not even laptops 2) the bath, and that would be downright dangerous. Of course there's also 3)the sun lounger somewhere hot, see 1). Also, my books are each a memory of where I was when I read them, whether its crinkly pages from the bath, spilt coffee... yep, don't ever lend me a book!

    Debs, Good Lord, is that what Jordan wears for a signing?

    Now, a quick question before University Challenge. You know Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel, Mayo played it tonight. Well I always thought it was "you will chauffeur me and I'll chauffeur you", which I thought was a very civilised arrangement. Anyhow Boleynman says it is "show for me" and "show for you" which apparently is all about s*x. But then again he thinks most things are about s*x. Can anyone put me straight?

    Right Paxo, sock 'em to us.

    A x

  • Comment number 83.

    JG they are all lovely aren't they?
    Roll on Liverpool - I agree!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Boleyn, it's definately "show"!

    JG x (still on a high)

  • Comment number 85.

    hey everyone does anyone know where chris is signing in london on thursday??? thanks x

  • Comment number 86.

    JG - yay!!! Nipping over to the Dark Side to see the piccies!

    Now, rememberererer the talk of us doing something for Children In Need ...? Well, please don't get mad at me but some of us are .....

    I say some of us because I was limited to 4 places. Honest. And it happened like this:-

    I emailed Hells Bells about the Dine & Disco but that was a non-starter as it already runs like clockwork and in a very confined space. BUT there was a glimmer of hope that we could help out on the phones, so after much careful deliberation and a few emails flying back and forth, 4 of us from this ere blog will be heading to London on Friday 20th November to assist with taking pledges on CiN Day.

    If it were possible I would have dearly loved ALL of you to come along, but sadly it wasn't to be.

    We will endeavour to do the blog and CLP proud, in that you can be sure!

    x x x

  • Comment number 87.

    Aw JG & Gang, so glad you had a good time. Chris looks very happy too. Well Done

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Deev, there's only one pic, but there will be more!

    Don't worry about it from my point of view, I'd never get to London anyway! But good on yer, and the other three!!

    JG x

    Pees - Thank you to my darling Finlay for being soooo good whilst I was late home! 10.75 hours was a long time to hold it! Bless!!

  • Comment number 89.

    I love that pic JG - everyone looks so happy! Fantastic!

    x x x

  • Comment number 90.

    Well I'm looking a bit spaced out, but had to get myself into a non-snivelling/sneezing state before I went!

    I actually got home at 7pm, took me ages to get the photo of my phone! Doh!

    But CLP was so lovely, I'm still buzzing from meeting him!!

    Oh and pushed Scoobs in first to meet him, cos I'm so shy!

    JG x

  • Comment number 91.

    off even...

  • Comment number 92.

    I've just thought of another disadvantage to E-Books - oo, no two disadvantages.

    You can't give an E-Book to your friend and say you have to read this, it made me laugh, cry, think.

    And second, you can't take your E-book to the lovely author to sign for you in green ink! (was it really green girls?)

    I'm so excited!!! Deevs is a top class Diva!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    OK, for all those going to future signings...

    You need to buy the book from that store, and have the receipt ready (unless you are MC, who picked up one on impulse and paid later (only cos we was bloggers))

    The price is hiked up 15 quid for these today, but worth every penny!

    Please tell CLP who you are, he KNEW how to spell Jakeygirl!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 94.

    Oh JG - fantastic picture - I am now soooo much more excited about meeting him on Friday now - hope he turns up and doesnt have 'sign lag' How fantastic hey - people at work are looking at me blankly about how excited I am meeting him - they are like 'why' I'm like 'dur'!!! its Chris flippin Evans!!!

    How grinning are you all in that photo too - spech MC - like a giggling girl MC!

    love it!

  • Comment number 95.

    Thanks JG - for the tips - I bought the book from the very store last week and kept the reciept and the bag LOL just in case that was the case!

    oh so cited now - how cool he knew how to spell your name! We love the CLP!

    PS Cheryl - seen your thing on CiN - good on you for being pro-active - I think we need to take up the challenge (Bids idea?) to do something on behalf of the bloggers and submit our 'monies' under the bloggers name

    shall we all work on that?

  • Comment number 96.

    Right, I'd better have me sad looking tea...

    Oh, did I say he actually beat me home, but it was too late to tell me to stay there?

    Anyway, he's had his comeuppance, and was called out again immediately!!


  • Comment number 97.

    Evening each

    Enjoy Newcastle tomorrow Chris, bet you can't understand what they're saying!!!!

    Can't keep up with the blog these days, sorry, but hope everyone is well. Little baby girl still not arrived - think she's going to be a thrawn little so-and-so.

    Back later xxxx

  • Comment number 98.

    JG - hows he feel about Pool meet now he knows you have had a mini meet with the lovely Scoobs, AF, and MC?


  • Comment number 99.






  • Comment number 100.

    Ok Debs, off to have a look.



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