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I have decided to start a collection...

Chris Evans | 08:17 UK time, Tuesday, 6 October 2009

... pencils. Less expensive than cars, greener and ultimately more useful.

I have several from the last couple of days, two with rubbers on the end. May also start a parallel pencil sharpener collection. Pencil sharpeners I believe are the cheese graters of the admin world.

Stayed in a swanky bijou hotel in Glasgow last night and we all agree - hotels are too hot in the morning. We all convened in reception sweating from our showers, baths and panicky getting ourselves together.

The signing is going well, last night in Manchester we had less than Peter Andre but more than Freddie Flintoff ! Hilarious. Also met four fab blogettes, here they are -


Left - Right: Jackeygirl (kate greely), Msscoobycat (clare yapp), Alright_flower (lisa robinson), Manchester Calling (katy ashton)

This morning already on the road for a warehouse stock signing of a thousand books and then off to Radio Scotland to see my good friend Fred MaCaulay on his show, before another signing in the city itself and then on Newcastle.


Go Go Go babies..

Big kiss to Sal from our P.R. company whose head connected with my car door ten minutes ago, and now has the kind of egg you don't want for breakfast.





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  • Comment number 1.

    OOh - am I first?!

  • Comment number 2.

    Wow, where is everyone this morning?

  • Comment number 3.

    Not sure - but I'm not really here either!

  • Comment number 4.

    Oh wow

    Girls you are now very famous

    very jealous

  • Comment number 5.


    That is fab and I know 4 ladies will be grinning all bloomin' day now!! You are a star and no mistake!

    Good to "have" you on Twitter, and I am hereby copyrighting the term "CLP Bleeters" - those of us that Blog and Tweet - see what I did there?!?!

    Again, thanks Hells Bells for the help with the CiN thing on 20th November - we will do you proud! I'm also pretty sure some other stuff may go towards making some cash for the cause through this ere blog and everyone's generosity.

    Loving your work!

    Truly Madly Deeply Deevs
    x x x

    peeeeeeeees: I'll be your blotter!! x

  • Comment number 6.

    Good morning all you lovely bloggers... it's taken me forever to catch up on all your posts but think I'm finally there.

    Fabby photo!!!! Glad to see CLP as chuffed with the bloggettes as we are!!

    Annie- fingers crossed for the good news for you -x-

    I'm finally getting things sorted out here in prep for the big day. El-Bumpo is moving southwards so Mum is getting on my case about paking the hospital bag. I've started with a list and now have to work out how to fit it all in. It's a lot easier to pack for a week skiing!!

    Have to have the cot-bed exchanged today as the one that was delivered has marks on. Still feel like there's loads to do but I'm sure it will be fine. I'm a big believer in "go with the flow".

    Shame I won't get to get to a book signing but I met CLP some time ago and he was luvly then as I'm sure he still is.

    Right... off to have a quick dance (thanks for the idea Deev) and then I'd better get some clothes on and take the Booboo out.

    Happy Humpday


  • Comment number 7.

    Christoph Lambie Pie you are indeed a top bloke.

    Fantastic photee and nice to put faces to names. You are very lucky ladies!

    Pen xx from a very, very damp and soggy Surrey!

  • Comment number 8.

    Is it just me, or does anyone else get weird people following them on the tweety thing.


  • Comment number 9.


    Wow, famous Bloggers - very excited for you. Could Chris Evans be any nicer? xx Especially glad about the "signing" blogs as I hate the next button.

    Congrats to Deev and her terrible threesome on their CiN work, sounds like it will be a right laugh. I'll have a thunk about what I can do on the day.

    I signed up to twitter the other week, but feel a bit like a stalker. Is it OK to add the bloggers who've joined? I'm not sure that I really understand it, but I'll give it a go.


  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all - Aw just look at you guys - fame at last - and you all look so happy !!!

    Damp and rainy here in the Midlands but never mind A - got to keep smiling. If I get grrrr some time today will just get back here and look at all the smiley faces!!!!

    Loads to do again today - back later

    Beezer xx

    ps - Lyndy - it's Tuesday !!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Ali please add me and I will stalk you too


  • Comment number 12.

    Lyndy, getting ever closer, 'citing time for you.

    Annie, any news yet?

    Oh, and Christoph, poor Sal, bet she's got a blinder!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Ali - feel free to add me on Twitter. I like being stalked. Makes me feel worthy!

    x x x

  • Comment number 14.

    Now that is alot of books!!!!! CLP don't complain about the heating - our boiler is broken!! It was very very cold last night!!! It's October and I might have to go buy thermals!!!

    I'm on Twitter toooooo!!! I'm girltaristhan there. Feel free to add me - just drop me a quick tweet so that I know you're not a spammer - I keep gaining and deleting those and I don't want to delete you by mistake!

    I apologise for the over use of the exclamation mark!

  • Comment number 15.

    I chatted to CLP on the radio back in February on the way to my best friends birthday outing - he was a very nice chap! Unfortunately my friends had commited an act of something and were listening to the other side when I got to the hotel - I told them off and then found wifi so that i could play the clip through Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ iplayer in the middle of the pub! They were very chuffed (actually I think my Dad was more chuffed - he turned the radio up in his office and got very excited that his daughter was on the radio lol

  • Comment number 16.

    Woo hoo, fame at last hehe.

    Told my dad I'd met CLP, Hannipants, he was distinctly underwhelmed...

    I don't get Twitter! I don't want to register until I know what it's about, but I can't find out what it's about until I register!!

    CLP, those books will fly off the shelves, hope you've bought plenty of green ink... And stationery, ahh I love stationery. Collecting pencils is a worthwhile effort!

    AF x

  • Comment number 17.

    @alright_flower Twitter is about communication lol. I don't really know how to describe it lol. You can read the page on a well know internet encyclopaedia they have a pretty good description - the other option is to try a well know video channel they also have a lot of clips with like explainations about it. If you have FB it's like the status box on there but that is all it does lol.

  • Comment number 18.

    @lostalibaba feel free to add me too :)

  • Comment number 19.

    morning all!
    fab photie guys, please CLP, if you feel the urge to publish from Friday, cut me out! Just kidding, do what you wish!
    Can't wait to meet you and see the box of frogs that is Debs (no offense hon, you know I luv ya!)
    joined twitter myself now, gotta get used to all these forms of communication (sung like Tony Hadley for you 80's chicks)

    Laters all

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    I wish there was an edit button! I've also been on Steve Wright's show too. That was the week before Live8 :)

  • Comment number 21.

    thanks for following me Hannie!

  • Comment number 22.

    What a scoop ladies, having your piccie on the blog.
    What a star you are Christophe - that was such a lovely thing to do.
    You are aware that there are more bloggers to come, aren't you?

    Working at home today, so may dip in again later.

    ttfn, Crumpy :o)

  • Comment number 23.

    Twitter, one word, why?

  • Comment number 24.

    ps - joined twitter as my usual signin, above, but can't find some of you guys. Do you have a different twitter name?

    Crumps x

  • Comment number 25.


    2 words.

    why not?


  • Comment number 26.

    just added you crumps

  • Comment number 27.

    yep, ta tiggs, got ya. x

  • Comment number 28.

    how's the westwood mohair going down Deev? Starting to get itchy (and scratchy) yet?!!
    Well done on sorting the phone line 'personning', would love to participate like that as CIN is often on my birfday, have the fundraising pack already, lots of new goodies to purchase this year!
    laters Peeps
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    cheers Crumps!

  • Comment number 30.

    Deev, you read my mind...

  • Comment number 31.

    Lisa - love the new longer wavy/curly hair - very glam xx
    Crumps x

  • Comment number 32.

    Well if that is the level of communication which takes place on there, then I rest my case.

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning each!

    Very excited Scoobs here still! Wow..what a fabulous night..

    CLP was already said by others, a truely top bloke. Didnt seem to mind us giggling girlies and suggested the pics etc..oh and we each got a double kiss and hug too....yay!

    We also questioned him re the new show..well AF did anyway! Inside scoop is a few elements are staying and Johnny is going with him too..yay again!

    Follow this by a lovely meal with AF and MC (such a shame you couldnt stay JG) and a top,top night was had...gues what..yay!

    So still smiling..despite the H and S stuff still needing to be finished..not yay!

    THanks to everyone for your lovely comments..you`re a fab bunch of people!

    mSc x ..still in a state of disbelief!

    PS - Deevs/Seza etc..way to go..will be ringing til i get one of you!

    PPS - Fingers crossed todays the day Annie..best wishes to all! x

  • Comment number 34.

    Wow belting photo.

    Barney I was reading that the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ are doing a documentary about the Web.
    There is a compo on Twitter via Stephen Fry to name it.
    One suggestion is Excess Babbage.

  • Comment number 35.


    Great of you to a) have a picture taken with 4 bloggers and b) to put it on the blog!
    Will you be doing that for all the other bloggers who turn up to other signings?
    Pencils with erasers - I used to have a small collection of these as a child - the erasers were Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!
    If someone could explain twitter to me I might join - oh and could they also create some extra time in my day to contribute to it too!


  • Comment number 36.

    Alwight CLP & ALL Bloggers..........

    Bingo Star ere.........

    CLP - My gooodneeess.... if this iz what yer call a week off the dee job.... yer will be wanting ter go back ter the dee job just for a rest!!!!!!!
    Blimey.... singing, sorry signing a thousand booooks before yerv even.... done the singing, sorry signing at the boook store gigs!!!!!!!!
    It's a wonder yerv noot goot writters cramp!!!!!!!!!
    If a waz you, me arm would feel like it waz gonna drop off.... a should now, sorry know, after filling in yet anoother railway job application set of forms and questions last week!!!!!!
    Maybe ave been using computers too much and don't use the wrist enough!!!!!!!!
    Talkin' of which... using computers... been wreeting me own boook and maybe that's why a enjoy wreeting az an adult but 'ated english lessons at school!!!!!
    Ave discovered it's all ter do with the wrist and the pains, the cramp that ensues thus causing the tension of the 'and, tension of the arm ter build up, thus causing the tension of the mind ter build up.... thus causing me nooot ter be able ter wreet..... ter think clearly thus ending up coming near last in me schoool english exams!!!!!
    (although a ave since returned ter night schoool a few years a go and goot me GCSE in english!!!)
    All that Shakesphere stuff used ter do me 'ead in!!!!!!!!!! NYA!!!
    It's only now az an adult that ave found out by accidentation, mainly from wreeting on this blog, that a most enjoy wreeting..... aka az me wrists, 'ands, arms and mind are noot in termoil and pain (well maybe the mind iz sometimes.. most can see that by whatta wreet on the blog) thus allowing the creative juices thatta didn't now, sorry now, a 'ad at schoool ter..... errrr flow!!!!!!
    Suddenly realised this iz sounding a little rude when it's noot meant ter be!!!!!
    Am talkin' all innocent 'ere about wreeting!!!!!!!

    Any way.... a waz getting a bit depressed about wreeting me own boook az a felt a don't seem ter be wreeting enough and often enough az am always so busy!!!!!!
    Well the news, although me boook iz going well... a don't know where it's going!!!!!
    Yer see am still on chapter 5... the chapter thatta started on (noot done 1 ter 4 yet) and after roughly counting the numbers of words ave writted.... IT'S 9,0000!!!!!!!@!!!@!!!@!!@!!!!
    Just on the one chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!@@!!@@!@!@!
    Which iz a tenth.... the length of most booooks!!!!!
    The only problem am still on chapter 5 and only a third the way through it!!!!!!!
    So maybe ave goot so much ter wreet a could either break me stroy inter a BIG series aka bring out 20 boooks.... instead one boook of 20 chapters..... or maybe this chapter 5 iz just a one off and a should break chapter 5 inter a little series all of it's own aka 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g aka chapters.... errrr within.... me chapter!!!!!!!!!
    Soz am getting confused know, sorry now!!!!!!!!

    Maybe i'll never finish me boook az it'll give me a nervous breakdown just trying ter arrange me chapters!!!!!!!!!!

    Back ter what a came on 'ere ter wreet about???????
    Errrr.... oh I yeah!!!!!!!!!
    CLP - VERY nice ter see you blogging on yer week off (forgoot ter say this yesterdee)..... and VERY nice ter see some photos of fellow bloggies!!!!!!!
    Nice ter putta face, or four, ter JakeyGirl, MsScooby, AlwightFlower & INDEED ManchesterCalling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - 'ope the romantic dinners for two are going well with Marky Mark.... or ave yer both 'ad a tiff az a notice no reference ter the developing friendship terdee!!!!!!!

    PPS CLP - Sorry about yer PR pal getting an egg 'ead!!!!!!!!!
    Better on the 'ead and noot in yer car tyre a suppose!!!!!!! Especially when yer on a BIG UK tour!!!!!!

    PPPS CLP - 'ad me first loook at yer boook yesterdee in Sainsbury's.... a notice yer top ten DJ's... yerv missed out Alan Partridge!!!!!!!!



  • Comment number 37.

    My gooodnesss gracious... a only came on ere ter say goood-luck with the boook signing and loook at the length of me damn blog!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 38.

    PS #36 - Reminds me of me......... age!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    I guess you get more miliage from a pencil? How many miles will you sign? Would you be using a green pencil? Or does it become a crayon then? Christophe does all this signing mean you have had to curtail other areas of recreation? Ooow-err-misses! The warehouse pose, isn`t that straight out of Jordan`s book?

    mj x

  • Comment number 40.

    Well hello famous Blogettes!!! What a fab piccie, and as everyone else has said, lovely to put faces to names!

    Deev, what's the CiN stuff? What did I miss while I was away??

    T xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Hiya Crumps

    I've added you . I'm propakath on the other side.


  • Comment number 42.

    Ooh, just saw yesterday's blog about the CiN phones - well done!

  • Comment number 43.

    Afternoon everyone,

    CLP, thank you so much for making it a great evening, and for publishing the picture too .. tee hee

    Thanks to MSC, AF & JG , lovely to meet you and thanks for the laughs.

    Shonky here in the north today , gonna rush home and read the book.

    Bondy, if you would like me to buy you one and send it over, i will gladly sign it , just let me know ..... ;-) xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Hello, can anyone help me please. Firstly, I'm trying to find out more places where our intrepid hero is going to be book signing so I can pop along and get a copy and say hello. Also, I'm a total technophobe (can't believe I manage to do this comment thingy!) and have looked at twitter, but can't work out how to comment on Christophe's tweets. Any techi advice would be much appreciated. I'm leaving my desk for the day now but will check in tomorrow to see if anyone's able to educate me :-)

    Thanks in anticipation. Love to you all. xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Oh my, we're famous! Have just told Mr JG, and he doesn't believe me!

    CLP, am still smiling from meeting you last night, thanks for being so lovely!

    My FB keeps crashing due to the number of comments still being made (all nice I must add) and the photo on my phone has gone round the entire office!

    It's lovely to be a celebrity for a day!

    Smily JG x

  • Comment number 46.

    Tis raaaaaaather shonky here too MC! I love that terminology ...!

    Tins - really, really looking forward to dong my bit for CiN. May have to take the day as unpaid leave but it'll be worth every second and I shall endeavour to give it my all.

    Have developed a raport with the fella at the Beeb organising the phone-manning - he seems normal and lovely and ..... drum roll ..... even has (get this!) a sense of humour!! Woooo Hoooo!!!

    Tiggs, the mohair is lovely and warm and snuggly and soft. Not itchy or scratchy in the slightest. Think I may have to visit my fave shop (that'll be eBay then!) and get a few more knitted for the winter ahead.

    Just got back from the dealership of my car, a Japanese company beginning with N. I thought the battery in the key fob was going but after replacing the battery, it's still a bit iffy so looks like a full-on book the jalopy in for investigation thingy .... booo!!! The want 53 squid for a half hour investigation - and that's before they fix anything.


    I hope you're all having a fantabuous day! I've been really busy this morning with real work! How dare they give me real grown up work to do and not think of my blogging / FB / Tweeting time! The scoundrels!


    Right, there's a grindstone with my name on it over there .......

    Thank goodness for office dancing is all I can say!

    Dopeshow Deevs
    x x x x

  • Comment number 47.

    WOW - just met CLP, what a star!
    Made us all feel so welcome and treated us like old friends.
    I'm now sat with Chrissie, Mary and Dreamer having a cup of coffee and reflecting on meeting someone who I have admired for a long time.




  • Comment number 48.

    Brilliant feeling ain't it Rips!

    Good to see another mini-meet, these book signings are bringing everyone together :)

    JG x

  • Comment number 49.

    Photos Rips??


  • Comment number 50.

    Hoping to have a blog meet all on my own if I could actually find out where the great man is signing his book in Newcastle?!?

  • Comment number 51.

    Crazy #44

    TO comment (or reply) to CLP, you need to follow him. Once you have created your Twitter account/identity, go to "Find People" and search for achrisevans then once CLP is beaming at you from his glorious thumbnail piccie, click on "Follow achrisevans" and then you should get his Tweets on your homepage. To reply, after each Tweet if you hover to the right of the Tweet content, there's a curvy arrow - click on this and type your reply in the box at the top.


    Good luck.

    Love from


    x x x x

  • Comment number 52.

    Rips..he is just so nice isnt he?! Hate that word..` nice` but it sums CLP up perfectly.

    Enjoy your mini-meet..they`re the future!

    And Sus55 - not sure where it is near you...sory hon!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 53.

    Golly Gosh!

    Having just read that back, anyone would think I'm spending too much time on Twitter ......

    tsk tsk

    Bad SuffolkDiva
    x x x x

  • Comment number 54.

    Susan - he's en route to Newcastle NOW!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 55.

    Running shoes Susan quick.xx

  • Comment number 56.

    I've joined Twitter as Jakeygal. Found some of you and CLP, but have no idea what I'm doing, so going to leave it for now, and do some work!

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    I know but not sure where he is coming to. nothing on WHS web pages about his signings here or that other shop he is doing signings in either. I'll just have to leave work at 4.30 and see if I can track him down?? Trouble is I'm afriad it might be the Metrocentre and not actually the ones actually in town. If it is I'm stuffed!! Thanks Deev xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Susan, I found Tiggs original message, it's definately WHS, but can't help you with which one, sorry!

    JG x

  • Comment number 59.

    Phone one of them up and ask??

    MTF. Good Luck Susan.xx

  • Comment number 60.

    MTF has anyone told you that you are a genius - now why didn't I think of that??

  • Comment number 61.

    Blushing, shucks.

    Tis only cos that is what I would do, not being that smart on the techno bit.

    Do you want tuppence for the phone?

    MTF.xx Scarpering to work now. Tata.xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Just popping in......

    Am very jealous of all peeps meeting CLP! Good pics!

    And a big empathic ouch for PR Sal as I also walked into the van doors this morning!

    One van load has gone, and I'm left here to finish the packing, clean etc...
    Only have radio and laptop for company, so I may be back later!!

    Now where's my roll of brown tape gone?

    ebx - who never wants to move again....

  • Comment number 63.

    would be fine MTF if anybody actually answered the phone!!!!

  • Comment number 64.

    Woopee doo - another mini blog meet !!! Any pics guys?

    Skates on Sus - I'm sure you will find him !!!

    JG is he doing Brum? Can't find Tiggs original message!!

    Busy Beez xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Wow - what a great photo Chris - you are a top bloke. Well done AF,JG,MC and Scoobs - the lovely fab four!! Hope we get another one tomorrow from Glasgow of Rips, Chrissie, Mary and Dreamer.

    Annie - has Hannah arrived yet??

    Darce xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Beez - tommorrow - New Street Waterthingyshop

  • Comment number 67.


    Yes tomorrow at Waterstones, New Street, 5.30 - 6.30 - Get yourself there, or Brizz (Cribbs Causeway - 12.30) with Debs and Tiggs

    JG x

  • Comment number 68.

    Thanks chaps !! Just checked diary - got someone coming here tomorrow afternoon. Wonder how quick I will be able to get rid of them !!!! Fingers crossed !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 69.

    well done bloggers for tracking down CLP and for CLP for being so great ..... any news on a London signing? or one at the weekend I could go to - CLP be warned - might track you down at Radio 2 if thats the only way :-)

  • Comment number 70.

    Wow!!!! What a day!!! Not coming back down to earth too easily! BM - have pics but don't have camera download with me but will put on FB later! Really fab to meet other bloggers, ChrissieS, Rips and MWK! Obviously as well as Chris himself. What a great guy!!! Thanks chris you really made our day. Left ChrissieS and MWK with their wine - very jealous as I had to go to work! Ladies hope you have a blast of an afternoon! And for anyone up in Glasgow I think the pics of MWK and ChrissieS will be in Evening Times, Scottish Sun and possibly Daily Record! Go girls!


  • Comment number 71.

    Well done Christoffe!
    Loving your Twitterings and Bloggerings. With all this extra social networking based communication, it's a good job you're not having to rush all around the country as well!

    Well done to all that have managed a mini meet. Every time I see the phrase book signing, it reminds me of that great one liner (by someone whose name now evades me) "I went to a book signing the other day...and managed to scrawl my name in 15 of them before they threw me out of the library"

    Off now to follow some tweetings

    Love to all

  • Comment number 72.

    Funny one SNS - that made me laugh out loud - oops, may have been spotted not working!

    Now Twittering too and trying to keep up with all that is going on - exciting isn't it?

    Well done to all that have met the Great Man - hope to see some piccies on FB although haven't really got any friends - 'cept you Beez

    Hope everyone is well

    Beany x

  • Comment number 73.

    What a lovely photo girls and how good to put faces to names after having 'seen' you on here and FB.

    Have joing the CLP bloggers on facebook but haven't got round to chucking friend invites out although a couple of peeps have found me which was nice.

    Flower - don't get twitter either and I can't find anything out about it. Maybe we need a lesson from Deevs as she seems to have a handle on it!

    Cambridgeshire had rain this morning (proper heavy rain too) - first time for a month - phew that will save me watering my garden tonight, lol!

    AS x

    Not sure I'd want to be stalked though cos then I'd have no secrets left!

    Good luck on the book tour Chris - am sure it will all go swimmingly.

  • Comment number 74.

    Can't wait for the signing in Newcastle. I have to complete my in the morning, but I should be able to make it.

    Good luck with the signings

  • Comment number 75.

    Beany - leave a message on clp bloggers again and they will find you!! Or I will have a look when I go on tonight and send a few intros.

    Daren't sign up for twitter - I'd never get any work done!! Don't allow myself on fb in day, just this ere blog!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Oh I just noticed a comment on Twitter interesting.

    It was from Dog with no brain..... I would say that I have been on Twitter for months and why you should say "Plum up to the same games" I have no idea. You certainly won't be able to follow me because you need permission. I don't think I care to follow you either.

    I don't make comments I just like to read talented peoples musings. When I have anytime.

  • Comment number 77.

    Thanks Beez. I know what you mean, shouldn't really have done Twitter either but its quite addictive!
    Will go on later and try to work things out.

    Beany x

  • Comment number 78.

    Mr C

    Twitter my Facebook and we can arrange a mini meet.

    Mine's a pint of pink fizz with a Bombay Sapphire chaser, cheers!

  • Comment number 79.


    Barney think I might have few guiness and some pork stratchings...

    How's about meeting at a nice service station and we can have a chip butty too

    By the way have you seen the film... East is East...

  • Comment number 80.

    From my info, CLP is signing at Cribbs on Friday not tomorrow, I really hope my source hasn't let me down!
    will phone the store momentarily
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Yo NewTiggy67 - CLP Is filming The Jono Rossey Boy TV Show Thurdee night 'ence 'e won't be in Cribbs!!!!!!!

    Terneet 'e's in Newcastle.... then overneet 'e's 'eading for Liverpool and won't be spending the neet in Liverpool if 'e know's what's good for the wheels on 'is F430!!!!!!!
    Gotta feeling though this isn't a job for the F430!!!!!!!! Prob in 'is Bentley!!!!!!!!!
    Then after Liverpool termozza 'e 'eads 'ome.... first stop Brum termozza evening.... then onter 'ome ter see Tash & Noah!!!!!!!
    Then Thursdee 'e's goota be in London ter film The Wossey Gig ter be screened Fridee night on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ1.... 'ence 'e's killing two birds with one stone.... well 3..... Thur 'e can see 'is family, sing, sorry sign in London and do The Wossey Gig!!!!!!!
    Then Fridee off ter Bristol!!!!!!!!!!

    Yer see ave goot it all worked out like CLP & 'is team ave!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    Az for Twitter.... am on it but don't get the time ter do it!!!!!!

    Can barely blog lately!!!!!!!

    Which reminds me.... a very nice person contacted me on Twitter.... a motorsport writer and ave still noot relpyed to 'er even though ave read 'er write ups that ave appeared in top motorsport mags!!!!!!

    'OW DAMN IT RUDE OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Must reply by the end of termozza!!!!!!!

    Am just so mad, mad, mad busy.... god knows 'ow am gonna getta chance ter read CLP's boook????????

    Is it an offence ter read whilst driving me rig down the M6????? A = YES!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh well that one's outta the question..... am 'eading for a nervous brekadown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 83.

    PS My Twitter if anyone's interested.... 'Bingo Star UK'!!!!!!

    Without the ' bits!!!!!! And the !!!!!!!

  • Comment number 84.

    Just called the store as I was one of the crowd once and the signing is definitely at 12.30 on Friday, phew. Wouldn't want to break the news to Debs2 that I'd got fed the wrong info...!

    The signings tomorrow and Thurs are for that other W book store ('scuse while I gurn)
    Thanks for the download though, muchos appreciated!
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 85.

    PS Am coming ter Liverpool termozza!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 86.

    Just 'ope shopping centre security don't recogneeese me!!!!!

    Maybe a should wear a wig and dark shades????????

  • Comment number 87.

    Gotta go.... goot mathematics ter do!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 88.

    This was posted by one Chreyl the Diva on Twitter.

    Musing whether talking to yourself on a blog is the first sign of madness?

    I'm fairly happy that am I resonably normal.

    Love, you carry on blogging twittering facebooking emailing texting. Some of us have a life.

  • Comment number 89.

    afternoon all, hope you're well?

    wowser, what a great pic laydees, v envious. How cool.
    Can't wait for Nov20, really hope I get the chance to meet Chris too.
    Overslept this morning for the first time in years, had set the 530 alarm for pm - what a numpty!!!
    House move looks wobbly, one in the chain have threatened to pull out this week, fingers crossed.

    bonnet de douche


    ps, just have to say croc that was mean, uncalled for and spiteful. Please practice what you preach re bullying. You'll only reap what you sow then complain. Be nice, life's really too short. (post88)

  • Comment number 90.

    No Worries Tiggs... glad ter 'elp!!!!!!

    My only advice ter CLP would be Fridee iz 'demolison derby dee' on the roads and driving down the M4.... well i'd say leave early ter get ter the Cribbs shopping complex az if the M4 iz closed, az it often iz on a Fridee, it could all go inoperatative for 12.30 kick off - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 91.

    Sorry 'demolition'!!!!!

  • Comment number 92.

    I beg your pardon Gimgembre

    Perhaps you should read Cheryl's twitter and rethink that one.

    hurtful spiteful that's not me at all.

    I can always recognise people that are though.

  • Comment number 93.

    sorry, been biting me tongue all afternoon but that has really made me laugh.

  • Comment number 94.

    like I said practice what you preach, don't join in, ignore it.
    If you play the game you cannot then complain when you get it back that's all.
    I don't care if you do or don't, it's all fine and dandy having standards, just not double ones.
    Not looking for a row either, just merely pointing out something nasty you typed. Why didn't you reply on that website instead of bringing your spite and reply to this one.

    You tell us about your great humour...

    ..go on, make me laugh x


  • Comment number 95.

    Have a look at Cheryls twittering and you will see the ugly comments aimed my way as per.

    So do I ignore them? Yes I should but then again why should somebody be able to be so rude.
    It amount's to Cyber bullying and taking over websites to get noticed.

    I prefer to stay in the background as I think a few people do on here and other websites.

    I think I should be allowed to respond as I certainly keep my twittering private.

  • Comment number 96.


    Did I mention you im any way, shape or form? I think not.

    Your words (post #95) describe your exact way of operating. The only antagonistic one here is yourself. The only one inciting any form of "cyber bullying" is yourself. And as for "staying in the background" - you are only content when you are turning this normally happy playground into a place of turmoil and back-biting.

    We're all bored of you now. Either join in or practice what you keep preaching and find another hunting ground.

    Yours, truly baffled


  • Comment number 97.

    what happens on twitter should stay on twitter
    don't transfer it accross her please

    why on earth have you been reading something written by someone you dislike so much?

    glutton for punishment?

    still waiting to be humoured


  • Comment number 98.

    across here, not accross her - obviously

  • Comment number 99.

    Evening (afternoon) all,

    Awesome picture! how lucky you ladies are! Have you stopped grinning yet?!

    Just having a little lurk today... *lurk lurkity lurk*


    PS do you find if you say a word over and over it starts to sound really funny? Not haha funny but weird funny?

  • Comment number 100.


    Sorry I must have it all wrong you are an angel.

    You always use the term we.. are you not an individual that can speak for herself without rounding up the gang to back you up.

    I am not very clever when it comes to winning arguments I have not had enough practice in that department.

    You say you have had enough of the creature as you called me.

    So I wish you well but if I feel I want to contribute to the blog Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ permitting I will and you will stop putting me in a bad light.


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