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Oh What A Night

Chris Evans | 14:47 UK time, Friday, 2 October 2009

So the book launch for It's Not What You Think was not what I thought !

I "thought" I was ready for it but I couldn't have been more wrong.

You see, all these very decent and hugely talented people turned up to support me. As I looked around at them, it was like looking back at my life, each of them having added substantially to my existence in their own unique way. I suddenly became overwhelmed by the situation. I still am.

It made me realise our lives are mostly about the people in them. Something so obvious I suppose but never as clear to me as in the last twenty four hours..

I thank the people in my mine greatly.There is no doubt about it I am the luckiest bugger I know.

Have the best weekend ever - go on, I dare you.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Aw Lambie Pie you are SO right.

    Congratulations and soak it up, sunshine.


  • Comment number 2.

    Glad you had such a good time last night have you got any photos to show us have a great weekend

  • Comment number 3.


    I was having a fantabulous day (yes, I am at work!), and then I read your words about friendship and support and now I am having a truly bloomin' fantabulous day!

    Ironically, I am playing the Spice Girls (don't ask!) right now .... friendship never ends!

    Enjoy your book tour as much we will all enjoy reading it!

    Truly, Madly, Deeply Deevs
    x x x

  • Comment number 4.

    doh, was so nearly first! Hiya everyone, not been on for a while.

    Congrats Christoff, you deserve all the happiness in the world.

    Had email from certain online retailer that my copy of your book is on the way, at a discounted price too! Splendid and tremendous!!


  • Comment number 5.

    Aaaaaah CLP that was lovely

    Hope you have a super dooper one too


  • Comment number 6.

    What a nice sentiment. so true so true,

    May you live so long that you have more friends then you have years behind you.



  • Comment number 7.

    Old croc here

    I'm sure putting the Book on my hit list.

    ARF Moonlight Sonata 2nd movement. LWB

    ARF Oh What a night Four seasons.

    or didn't we have a lovely time the day we went to Bangor....

    just hedging my bets.

  • Comment number 8.

    Aww, thank you clp for fantastic words today. You have definitely attracted lots of wonderful people into your life, it's not all luck you know! but with your thoughts upon us, let's get into the weekend proper! And I promise I will do my utmost for the bestest weekend ever.

    Hope to see you next week:)

    Have a great weekend all. `¦¦€€€`


  • Comment number 9.

    Just been told I'm going to a Pirate pary on Sunday aaaahhhhhggggg.

    bring it on. May get dressed up as the Titanic and get plastered and go as a jibbering wrek



  • Comment number 10.

    Just to add, I myself am not given to the aul eyes bein' too close to the bladder if yous get me drift; I can't remember the last time I cried with frustration or self-pity. But get me near any acts of kindness, or an aul bid telling me a story of hardship in the old days, and off I go.

    And I don't think I'll ever live down the GD's 18th. birthday party, when I'd invited everybody who had ever been instrumental in the happy life of said Top Bird. And they all turned up. I had a marvellous speech all lined up, as you can imagine, taking a total rise out of her, dredging up all sorts of embarrassing incidents (and there are a fair few), and finished up with, "But, seriously;.." and looked around at all these people, happy and laughing, all of whom had been there to support us both during what had been some rocky times, all with glasses charged to toast the daughter of whom, as you all know, I'm unfeasibly proud,... and burst into tears.

    I'm fillin' up again. Ah jayzus after all these years..

    Gratitude is a powerful emotion.


  • Comment number 11.

    Pirate party, Ads? Ah I'm in a mad jealous rage.

    As for the jibberin' wreck, hahaha, v. funny, you've just reminded me of a conversation I had with the GD over a Thai curry yesterday.

    We were discussing a young man we know who I insisted was one of twins, she wasn't so sure, thought I had him mixed up with someone else.

    "But he IS, sweetie, listen, I saw him at the wedding a few weeks back; he has an identical twin."

    "Mother," says she, sceptically, "It's a well-known fact that after a glass a shampoo and a vodka tonic, YOU think EVERYbody has an identical twin."

    Well it made me laff.


  • Comment number 12.

    Chris that's fantastic

    may we wish you all the very best

    You mean a lot to us & your coments have touched me chris
    what's a great place your in
    you ve worked & played hard but your time has come

    So enjoj the love of life
    Theirs a saying that goes only worry about the things you can change not the things you cannot

    Chris take care & do tonight what you best

    Have a great show

    Love Stewart & cathy

    Lovely weekend to all bloggers

  • Comment number 13.


    The people who showed up last night: they mean a lot to you, and you mean a lot to them. And when you care for someone, you show support and love - that's what it's all about. You must be doing something right, so just enjoy it all!

    Remember to store up some energy this weekend - you have a very busy week ahead!

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Chris - who won the quiz though?
    What a lovely night that must have been....well earned I reckon!

    Clodagh left some redress to you on the last blog.

    Could we start an awards ceremony for the Blog contributors.

    I only ask as I really want to hand out this one.

    Award for nicest, most pleasant sounding and generally good natured blogger - goes to........

    STEWART APPLE - honestly, I love your posts Stuart.

    Whilst I'm at it -

    Most re-read posts: Bingo

    Most fruit loop blogger: It's a tie, please step forward Deevs and Clodagh!

    Anyone else got any?

    Be nice!



  • Comment number 15.

    Life's so often the story of 'me',
    Until we open our eyes and see,
    That all around are influences true,
    Building the picture that is 'you'

  • Comment number 16.


    Wonferful World - Joey Ramone

    because it soooooooooooooo is!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 17.

    Awwwwwwwwwwww bless ya Rips

    I graciously step forward in my killer heels and leather jacket to accept the fruit loop award, jointly with co-fruit bat Clodagh!

    We is a teeeeeeeeeem see! Me n 'er!!

    Mwah mwah and thrice mwah!

    x x x

  • Comment number 18.

    Stewart, and then I go and write Stuart....Doh!

    Nice sounds anthonynorth


  • Comment number 19.

    Brilliant Christophe, you're such a philosopher (better than philestine! - probably spelt that wrong) and we love your words of wisdom. Yep, the people in our lives make such a huge difference and it's like the words in George Michael's song - "turn a different corner and we never would have met" - they're all there for a reason I reckon.

    Have a great weekend y'all.

  • Comment number 20.

    Christoph, so glad you had a lovely evening. Great words from a top bloke.

    Hope you and your family have a fab weekend and we will all miss you on air next week...................or is it two weeks?!!

    Pen xx

    Dreamer, just for you ```¬¬¬¦¦¦ for some reason the euro sign won't work here, only in a document!

  • Comment number 21.

    Rips: I was just thinking the very same thing about Stewart Apple! Stewart - here's wishing you a lovely weekend too x

    Wouldn't know where to start when handing out the other prizes though - everyone on the blog contributes so many different things, so I am sitting on the fence!

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.

    late request for ARF - Sign Your Name - Terence Trent D'Arby, in honour of the signings next week!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    The Award For Late Night, Post-Lager Imbibement Lovely & Funny Yet Waffly At The Same Time Blogger Of The Year .....


    x x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    It's a Friday,

    Mad panic last minuet by customers - Sorry guys have to go.

    Speak later if poss.



  • Comment number 25.

    Deevs my little Fruit Bat. If yous is wearin' them killer heels I'll need a box. And am buffin' up the beehive. Aye Thangyou.

    Agree, Stewart is a sweetie, seems.

    Know what, though. All on here are diamonds, and given the theme of today's blog, nuff said. It takes all sorts to make an interesting world and I wouldn't have it any different. Well, obviously, there are some things I'd change in a heartbeat, but as regards present company, I've nowt but fond regard.

    Now best get packin'. The ruddy fast boats are cancelled, ah NO. That means 3 hours on HMS Liquidiser and doin' me world famous Penelope Pitstop at t'other end.



  • Comment number 26.

    Eww Clodagh - I go green n a pedalo! The thought of 3 hours at sea .... Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

    Missin' yous already!

    x x x

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi Chris,glad you had a lovely time,your so ,so right,its all about the
    people in your life that matters.See you on the radio
    Have a great weekend eveyone. love to all.x

  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon blogpeeps!

    CLP- that was such a nice blog... it seems every now and again we should all take a step back from our lives and appreciate those around us that have shaped uour lives and then just take the time to enjoy the things we have and not mourn or envy the things we have not.

    Here's to a fab weekend for everyone and a special good luck wish to Ben & Gemma who get married tomorrow. I can't be there as it's a very long way in my condition but I'll be there in spirit. May they have a long and happy life together!

    Booboo & El-Bumpo

  • Comment number 29.

    Mr Chris , what a lovely Blog today ,right from the heart .

    I'm so glad you had a good time last night ,it's only what you deserve .

    Bridge .xxx.

  • Comment number 30.


    ARF: Jolene - the one and only Dolly!


  • Comment number 31.

    Chris - what a lovely blog - we all deserve the people who are around us - if we are nice then so will they - behaviour breads behaviour as John Cleese once said in a sales video I watched about 20 years ago - but its true!

    Clodagh - yet again you touched a nerve - got me all teary like about GD birfday speech - gulp..... ALSO I join you in the seeing twins club - sept in Briz in sept (did you see what I did there) everyone else was seeing TRIPPLETS!!! - YUP Me, MTF and evil twin Crumpy - now trippliets!

    Award for bloggers - good one Ripstickles - so many to name - so little time

    ps is it time for FNWC yet!


  • Comment number 32.

    Ah tanks debs. But you know what. What I remember in particular about that incident is looking up and spotting her rugger-bugger daddy, proud as punch... and just slightly ahead of me in the blubbing department.

    Who knew.


  • Comment number 33.

    wtg Shed
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    There was more than one request for first tune,
    so well done Shed for getting picked!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 35.

    I thought there was more than 1 for that, obviously picked as it was the last entry on Thursday's blog
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Well done Sheddy! Can't beat a bit of Lennon & McCartney, any time of day or night.

    x x x

  • Comment number 37.

    Right - I am a whirling dervish - ficial - this dining room is not going to be a general dumping ground anymore - bin bags and Ikea catalogue at the ready!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 38.

    calm down Debs!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    Phew, what a week!

    Anyway, home now, vino poured!

    Chris, what a lovely blog! It's so strange the way an outpouring of love and affection can affect us. Like Clodagh, I'm far more likely to cry if people are being nice to me!

    Right off to mop the kitchen floor, as Finlay had an accident, and Mr JG is incapable of cleaning it up properly it seems.

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.


    I'm going to hold off buying the book because I reckon, as it is half price already, it will be in the bargain bin by Christmas.

  • Comment number 41.

    Ah, Christophe, without the people I know, I possibly wouldn't be here today...that isn't being morbid, just extremely thankful for the love and faith that I feel my friends and family have for me...and the Badger too of course!
    Good luck with the book launch. I'm hoping to get a copy for my birthday (30th Nov in case anyone has forgotten) so I'm going to be a bit late to the party, having read it-wise, but I'm sure there's a diamond on every page.
    Just like the people in yours and my life, a diamond on every page...

  • Comment number 42.

    Coo, Clodagh, have just read what you said about diamonds, and I hadn't seen that before I posted...great minds eh! And whenever I'm feeling down, unless I need a good aul' sob, I tell people not to be nice to me...else I end up snivelling like a descant choirboy's mother during Oh Come All Ye Faithful...

  • Comment number 43.

    So, floor mopped. Poor doggie was given a pressie of a chew from someone at work, and it made him really thirsty, hence the pee on the floor!

    Curry ordered, a selection of starters/sides of course!

    Mum phoned...

    And, have managed to wrangle out of Mr JG where we're going in February with his loose change, cos he can't hold his own water...hehe!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 44.

    Ok JG spill the beans ,where are you going or is it a secret?

  • Comment number 45.

    Hazel, as I live and breathe!

    I haven't got it either, although I did have a sneaky peek in Sainsburys - how cheap is that! Maybe Christmas... ope you've got rid of those nasty shingly things, and I must remember never to be nice to you xxx

    By the way, has anyone noticed the posh new chocolate bars in the above shop? I'm not really a chocolatey person but you'd put some of these on your mantelpiece they look so nice. And guess what, there's one called Gingembre! Honest! But he gets a few in his stocking this Christmas.

    Off for a curry and to watch Abigail's Party which came free in our paper last weekend - a classic.

    Au revoir,

    A x

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Gang... and especially CLP...

    Just popping in to say...

    What a great blog... I've often been amazed by the quality of my lovely friends and family and if I ever managed to get them all together in one place and the same time... I would wonder at the huge impact and influence they have had on my life... then I really would cry with huge gratitude...

    Oh... that's all a bit serious isn't it?

    May see you later for a less serious FNWC... or perhaps FNVandC Club!!!!

    Just off for more coke... (the fizzy kind - in a can!)

    Suzie xx

  • Comment number 47.

    So that's it then it's official CLP is off for TWO weeks. Mayo Boyo is on, so best we get used to it!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Well, it's really supposed to be a secret, but it's not as local as I thought!

    It's also not as far away as he planned, as he felt he couldn't commit me to something he knew I wouldn't want to do...so he told me and I veto'd it...New York!

    1) Cos it's more than the loose change can afford
    2) Cos it'll be freezing and probably snowy in February
    3) Cos of the travelling time and jetlag issues

    So the place we are going is closer, but still involves a flight (grrr!)

    But will allow a few more guesses...it's this side of the pond!

    JG x

  • Comment number 49.

    Ooh JG that sounds exciting. Let me see. Paris?

    Or, ooh, it's not Dublin is it? Eee I hope it is because I can certainly point you in the direction where your loose change will serve you well.

    Go on, tell us tell us..


  • Comment number 50.

    And although it's a shame you wouldn't do New York, my favourite place on earth, you're quite right. It would freeze your lallys off in February. I've done it a couple times in Jan and Feb; only this year as it happens, and although I found myself watching Barack O'Bama's (he's Irish you know) inauguration on the big screens in Times Square, utterly fabulous, I thought I'd got gangrene in the end a me nose from the permanently frozen dewdrop. That January New York wind has razor-blades in it. And I once walked through the snow a few blocks up to Macy's, ill-advisedly wearing mascara. Talk about Snowflakes That Stay On My Nose And Eyelashes, by the time I'd been in the store a few minutes I'd turned into Alice Cooper's Granny.

    And the jet-lag, I swear it's mostly a state of mind. If you get a night flight back and grab a couple hours sleep, followed by early to bed the next night, bingo.

    It's the blisters from the shoppin' that floor yous.

    No, best time for NYC is April, when it's warmer but you're still not at peak time, or after Thanksgiving, when they get bang into The Holidays, or Christmas to you and me. So pretty.


  • Comment number 51.

    errr... Clodagh... what's this about you and Bingo flying back from New York????

  • Comment number 52.

    Jealous Suze??
    Just kidding hun!!

    Tiggs xxxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Clodagh, I would love to go to NYC, but just not for a weekend, or that time of year!

    Not Dublin, cos he's been there, I've only ever driven through to Lettermore!

    But, you were right first time, it's Paris!!

    Although, should have been Rome, but couldn't get the flights!

    I'm dead happy!!! Have always wanted to go, and he's always said "No"!
    Staying near the Champs Elysee!

    JG x

  • Comment number 54.

    Ah NOOOOO ah jayzus me an' me big gob. Me secret is out.

    Hahahahaha ey no, suze, don't know who'd be lookin' for the parachute first, me or Bingo..

    hohohoho bless 'im.


  • Comment number 55.

    I visited VT in February 00 and though it is bitterly cold, it doesn't feel as bad as English (British) winters as it is dry.
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Oh, and it's not for Valentine's (he's working that day), it's the week after, and it's "not a romantic break" according to him! So, expecting to be route-marched around the city! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    Tiggs, where's VT?

  • Comment number 58.

    Clodagh... I'd pay to see you both in the same room, flight, boat etc - I'd re-mortgage the family home...


  • Comment number 59.

    Ah JG that's FABulous, you'll have a ball.

    I'll work on me phrasebook for yous. You know the sorta thing.

    "Excuse me, madame, my moustache is caught in your zip."

    "Waiter, there is a glass eye in my escargots."

    "Hello, this is my husband. Can you direct him to the Tropical Disease Museum?"


    "Pardon me, Officer. You are standing on my hand."

    And if yous are stayin' near the Sacre Coeur, look out for the Rue Barbe. That's where I want to live. Imagine that. Mdme. Clodeugh Rubbiche, Maison Custarde, Rue Barbe, Paris. Marvellous.

    Ah jayz this isn't gettin' the packin' done.

    Madame Clodeugh.xx

  • Comment number 60.

    JG, Vermont, New England (near where Bondy lives-ish)!

  • Comment number 61.

    Clodagh, I need all the help I can get, even from you!! My O Level French is very very rusty, but as bad as a colleague of mine a long time ago on a day trip who order a bottle of mushrooms instead of Champagne!

    JG x

  • Comment number 62.

    I mean NOT as bad! Even I can get that right!

  • Comment number 63.

    Ah well now that's charmin', Suze. What's poor Bingo ever done to YOUS. If my ex-hubby reads that, 'e'll be round there to Bingo's wit the flak-jacket, stun-gun an' a set a self-sealin' ear muffs without delay.


  • Comment number 64.

    He'll have to beat my ex hubby to it! xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Done deal, JG. I'll get workin' on it whilst stuffin' me suitcase.

    And don't worry. Anythin' that comes in a bouteille is generally ok in Paree. Even champignons.


  • Comment number 66.

    Anyway... off to clean the kitchen... been given instructions from first born... girlfriend coming home tonight and he's given me instructions... the things we do for the love of our off spring...


  • Comment number 67.

    Or, Suze, we could both of us just beat up the ex-hubbys, hurrah!!

    Aw bless.

    Right am GOIN'.


  • Comment number 68.

    Tried beating him up once Clode... no impact... right artful dodger!

    Bye and have a good time


  • Comment number 69.

    Don't envy you that ferry Clodagh, it's right blustery out there tonight!

    I'll look forward to the lessons!!

    Tiggs, doh to me! But I'm not that up on the state codes unless there's a Nascar race there! lol

    And that's when I want to NYC, after watching a race somewhere!

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    Hmmph, where's the FNWC crowd?

  • Comment number 71.

    quiet innit?!

  • Comment number 72.

    I'm here JG!!

    And i've got wine, cream cakes, posh crisps, no kids & flim on with Keanu Reeves & Patrick Swayze in!!

    Let FNWC Commence!

    Is it just us then?

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi Seza, think so now....

    Point Break then? Good filum!

    Cream cakes and wine? Curdling comes to mind!

    My FNWC commenced a while ago hehe

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    Have scoffed cream cakes so now safe to drink wine

    Point Break yes, recorded it t'other day

    My FNWC had to wait til I dropped boys off but at least don't have to pick them up tonight


  • Comment number 75.

    Hope they get on OK, it's a bit rough up here tonight, blowing a bit of a hoolie, but at least the rain's stopped for a while!

    I wish I'd recorded it, but we had other stuff recording at the same time. We have it on video somewhere, but nothing to play it on now.

    JG x

  • Comment number 76.

    IS calm here now. Weather for tomorrow bit iffy but they have waterproofs & there is a hall where they're staying so they'll be fine (she says in a voice that will even convince herself)

    Not sure I know where you are. Near Essex? Is your weather coming my way? lol

    Keanu surfing. Film has definate bonuses!


  • Comment number 77.

    Evening yous lot

    pologeeeees for lateness. dinner mis-communication issue here at Deev towers, but all done now!

    how's everyone?


  • Comment number 78.

    watching Babs with JR

  • Comment number 79.

    with my anglesey sea salt posh crisps and iced lemon squash, what a life I lead!!!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 80.

    Seza, I'm in Wigan, oop North!

    Also watching Streisand with JR, and glad JR is being more sedate and deferential! And listening for once!

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    mr deev watching true blood on vid. giving me evils for typing noises!



  • Comment number 82.

    Forgot that was on. Have just hit record on that.

    I do that these modern gadgets that we can do 3 different things at once.

    Am trying to persuade Mr Seza to go to kitchen to get more wine & crisps. How many times do you think I'm going to have to "suggest" it?

    JG Not that near Essex then!lol No offence but hope grotty weather stays well away until Sunday afternoon.


  • Comment number 83.

    Yes at last a mention on the JR show.


    Just landed so back in arf an hour while I catch up.

    MTF, aka Meet the Fockers ahem!!!

  • Comment number 84.

    Deevs, sounds like you NOT watching True Blood but do you know if that is the one with Sookie Stackhouse character in? Have read the books & saw it's on next week. Wondr if it's any good?


  • Comment number 85.


    It's about vampires in a redneck Americal community. Mr Deev really enjoying it but the redneck accents really do my head in. It's coming on Ch4 next week, altho he's been watching it on FX. Yes, it has Sookie thingy in it - I just got larfed at for asking that ...... ? ? ?

    Quite graphic in places, and definitely for adults only.


  • Comment number 86.

    Kris Kristoffersonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.............

  • Comment number 87.

    Deevs, so as boy1 into Twilight, shouldn't let him watch true blood?

    Did you see Jamie Oliver meet the Trailer Trash this week? He wsn't very happy!!


  • Comment number 88.

    need more squash, brb!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Evening each

    Chris, your book was delivered today, am so looking forward to reading it.

    How's everyone? Have been having mega trouble with my emails for the last couple of days, am so peeeeed off with BT.


  • Comment number 90.

    Seza, I'm not familar with Twilight either but True Blood is full of bad language, rumpy pumpy (straight and "not so straight" if you get my drift) and generally what I would call Adult content - and no, I'm neither a prude nor a parent.

    Maybe tape it and watch it first before letting boy1 see it??


  • Comment number 91.

    Tiggy Mind your Squash, don't spill it on your pillow!


  • Comment number 92.

    not in bed yet Seza but will bear that in mind!!!

  • Comment number 93.

    Deevs, think True Blood not for boys. Twilight is High School Vampire Romance!!!! Have just read Boy1's to see what it's all about. Love the fact that vampire (really aged 98 but still looks 17 & gorgeous) says he will not take physical relationship further because, as a vamp, he is so strong, he might hurt her! So is all going to stay very innocent I think. Ideal for 13 yr old types. Bit like High School Musical (if you've had that pleasure) but with non human-blood sucking vampires!

    Oh and no songs!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 94.

    I'm off to bed very soon - Mr Deev's 5am alarms are catching up with me. I've also got the marathon journey to Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaarch tomorrow - all of an hour ooop the tracks on the train!


  • Comment number 95.

    Pah! No singing vampires .... what's the point??!


  • Comment number 96.

    Someone on here spilled their squash this week?!?!?


  • Comment number 97.

    At least, no sing vampire in book, haven't seen film yet!


  • Comment number 98.

    Bon Soir mon petit pois.

  • Comment number 99.

    bon soir mon cherie!

  • Comment number 100.

    Bon Soir ma petit choufleur.

    A Bientot

    Seza xxxx


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