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Cooking on gas again, well sort of.

Chris Evans | 13:37 UK time, Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Drivetime cook-a-long number two tonight and you will need...

... well actually it's all on the home page, some ingedients are optional, the microwave unfortunately is essential.

Bring on the chocolate mug cake.

Tummy bug seems to have departed as swiftly as it arrived, still a tad fragile but compared to the highly delicate ground of the last few days in comparison - I actually feel a million dollars.

Noah has been asleep by my side, dead to the world for the last couple of hours which means he's missed me going through my Le Mans posters, as has Tash who opted for the allure of the supermarket instead - last night there was a severe lack of ice cream in our house whilst I was watching the footy, a situation she swore would never happen again.

The shorty week means we have the prospect of an All Request Thursday to look forward to tomorrow, so bring on the first tune peeps. What we normally need to know from you on a Thursday, this week we need to know today.

Your drivetime show needs you.

What will it be babies, what will it be ?





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  • Comment number 1.

    Y y me!!

    Chocol te mug c ke, and we've got microw ve now hoor h!

    Gl d your bottom's better Christophe...
    h zel

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris - wondered where you had got to! Must have been a lot of posters..............

    My ARF request has nothing to do with Easter because try as I might I couldn't think of anything that did except "in my Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it......." which might not set quite the right tone for the show.

    So - please can you play "Gimme some Lovin'" by The Spencer Davis Group to get the weekend off to a suitably flying start?

    Thanks muchly. Loving your work!


  • Comment number 3.

    Christophe, so glad you're feeling better! But aaaargh, I can't think of an ART - it's all just thrown me completely!

    AF x

  • Comment number 4.

    hzel - got a solution - how bout you use the @????

  • Comment number 5.

    df - is that easter parade? anyone checked if that film is on? I love that film with a passion - maybe I should actually buy it???

    ART - anything by jive bunny? No - oh okay then
    Rabbit - chaz and dave
    Roll away the stone - mott the hoople

  • Comment number 6.

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, I've thought of one for ART! CLP can I have 'Have a Nice Day' by Bon Jovi please?

    AF x

  • Comment number 7.

    sbp - yes, it is but I haven't seen the film for decades! My dear old granny used to sing it when I was little - funny how some lyrics stay in your head forever!


  • Comment number 8.

    Isn't it Beezers birthday again this week???


  • Comment number 9.

    Do you know what song I haven't heard for ages?

    Tom Jones - Delilililililah

    Why why why what a cracking tune!

    DD out

  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon Chris,

    Glad the tum is better.

    I've just checked out the ingredients for tonight and I've got everything but the egg. Had the last one boiled in my pitta bread at lunchtime - Bums (as AnnieG would say).

    Oh well, some other time eh! Although I do do a chocolate steam pud in the micrwave that you cook for 5 mins, serves four or two greedy people!

    Have a great show and all the best to those who cook along with you.


  • Comment number 11.

    Dissing - it's been my birthday for a month mate !! so how about the old blog favourite

    Don't Stop Me Now

    I'm having such a good time .................

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 12.

    You can never have too much of a good thing!

    I'm having a ball!

    but that's another story oo-er!

    DD out

  • Comment number 13.


    Big Area - Then Jerico


    Thank you.

    Back later. Promise.

    (A very angry right now) Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 14.

    LOL Dissing !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Ooooh I am sooooooo with you DD - Delilah -ha ha ha ha! Please CLP - I am a newbie - please please please for a little shy newbie!

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi Cris,

    Glad to hear you are getting better. I'm enjoying the new web site. You look so youthful when you smile and so handsome when you don't! I loved the laughing yoga video.

    Great show last night, as it always is. I agree with Sally, men with French accents are incredibly attractive and oh so very sexy!


    Can't Get You Out Of My Head - Kylie Minogue.

    Lots of love,

  • Comment number 17.

    You can always tell when Deev very cross - she sends e mails in capital letters !!!!

    Just clip the idiot round the ear Deev ....
    How can you soar with eagles when you work with turkeys A ??

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Beesmum, I thought it was because I hadn't sent the wine round quick enough - too scared to ask!!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 19.


    For ART: Mr Blue Sky- ELO please!

    Glad you are over the lurgy CLP, though listening to last night's show you would never have known you were poorly! What a pro...


  • Comment number 20.

    Oooo I'm with Rosie - ELO please. Love that song and it always makes me want to sing out loud.


  • Comment number 21.


    Didn't mean to shout in that email! Sorry!!

    Was inputting and had caps lock on!

    Idiots. Still fuming.


  • Comment number 22.

    rosie - my fav song in the world - CLP just hasnt used it yet and me and DD normally want it

  • Comment number 23.

    Dissing D ve...I miss you!

    Los Br vos - Bl ck is Bl ck

    This is definitely is in my he d for some re son.

    btw w s n lmond

    good job it w sn't r isin!

  • Comment number 24.

    but Baggy you know we're not allowed to gang up on poor Lambie-pie anymore!

    10 minutes to go!!!! YAAAAAAAAY

    Sorry H zel! Y Y

    DD out

  • Comment number 25.

    HL Is it now pec n out??

  • Comment number 26.

    Deev mate,

    Calm down dear

    it was a draw!

    Ade scored!

  • Comment number 27.

    Hazel just turn your keyboard upside down and give it a good trashing!!! The temp can sort out the keys next week - just leave them in a paper bag for her.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Thrashing even - or whatever takes yuor fancy!!


  • Comment number 29.

    ARF - ELO - Mr Blue Sky

  • Comment number 30.

    Can I have a second choice too for ART please or is that being greedy?? Heard the new track by the Pussycat Dolls on the radio this morning- Jai Ho (?) it was fabby and was boogying with my coffee cup!

    But yes Mr Blue Sky is a fabby feel good tune, perfect for just before a holiday weekend! (Although some of us are only off on Friday and will be at work over the rest of the weekend...humph)


  • Comment number 31.

    Bees, th nks for your ide re the keys...I do h ve sm ll p per b g th t I could use...

    nyhoo, I've re lly gott shove off now...so I'll see you ll g in on the 20th!

    H ppy E ster to everyone!!!

    Christophe, don't spoil No h with too m ny eggs...you know T sh is gonn h ve to end up e ting them ll!

    c r m c for preference
    h zel

    Y Y!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    ART - kiss the rain by Billie Myers

    Just so we can kiss the rain goodbye for the holiday weekend! :@)


    Alaska - Tiny Spark (Coz they have a new EP out shortly!)


  • Comment number 33.

    Hello everyone,

    Hope you're all ok, done b@*"'r all today, should have been studying and cleaning house! Made some lovely wholemeal rolls though, even my kiddiwinks loved them.

    ARF - could we have a bit of Dee-Lite Groove is in the Heart for my lovely pal Caroline who is 40 today,

    Cheers mate,

    Em xx

  • Comment number 34.

    ART black and white town... the doves plsss, for 2 of my children with bdays this w/e.

  • Comment number 35.

    ART by Proxy ....

    Requested by Tobe

    I've Been Thinking About You - Londonbeat

    Deev, on behalf of the luverly Tobesterr


  • Comment number 36.

    Deev - tell him when you speak on FB or whatever to get back here and not to let the b**t**ds grind him and the blog down!

    I've absented myself a couple of times until it all died down but if it occurs again I suggest we just ignore all nasty posts whatever they say.


  • Comment number 37.

    I've passed on all comments to Tobe - even said the Bingo fan club has been usurped in fave of a "Don't Go Tobe" vibe.

    I guess its now down to the man himself.

    He doesn't do Facebook but I'll continue to pass on your comments when we next speak.

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 38.

    Hi All,

    three days into the school hols and totally demented. Son's had a squad of 15 year olds eating me out of house and home - more pals tomorrow! The wee one's got a job lambing and he's only 12!!!!!

    ART - something soothing for all the stressed out mums in Scotland - you lot get your hols next week.

    Got the ingredients for tonight - lots of eggs too - the hens are up to FULL production - 10 a day.

    The waistline WILL expand with all the cakes i've been making.

    Glad you enjoyed your hols Chris, but you were a BIG MISS.

    Toodle pip


  • Comment number 39.

    Hi CLP and everyone,

    df - I absolutely agree with you. I have been away (geographically) but also absented myself a while for the same reasons as yourself.

    Ctd - I agree with df - pls let Tobes know. Thanks.

    CLP - I hope the cook-in cake session goes really well. I'm sure it will if you are the cake meister.


  • Comment number 40.

    Glad you're feeling better, Chris, just in time for the long weekend.




    Having just got in from Granddaughters birfday party, and eaten the biggest piece of chocolate cake, I will listen but not participate otherwise I might be tom and dick!!

    Did you notice the ploy of caps - hope it works - it betta!!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 41.

    Oh Beechy - in which bittie of Scotland are you staying?

    We lamb early - numpty suffolks! although we've started crossing with blue faces for an easier life - but they still insist on dropping over christmas and new year ;->

    Awaiting for Tilda the pig and her friend 138 to farrow - due any day now!

    Well back to work again - well after my afternoon tea!


  • Comment number 42.

    Glad you're feeling better Lambpie!
    Ah, children that sleep, I remember that.

    In bed at 7 every night, but up at 6 whatever.....bless 'em.

    Madcatian #16 'eller, ow ar yeu?

    ART: D-ream - things can only get better.

    For all of the poor old bloggers having a tough time at the moment.

    Because they will!!

    Not very seasonal but I'm not that clever anyway!!



  • Comment number 43.

    'scuse me! Could I possibly change my ART suggestion? Sorry ....was that "as long as it is a decent song"? Well....yes I believe it is.

    Wet Wet Wet Sweet little Mystery

    Thank you awfully very much!


  • Comment number 44.

    Hi everyone,

    Wow, what a busy day! Still mission accomplished, and as a bonus, an assessment passed with flying colours, only one more to do before mid-May.

    Hope you've all had reasonable days, and for those who haven't, hope the rest of the day improves!

    Thanks to those who made suggestions for the impending visit of the two nieces, I think we've got plenty of ideas now.

    About to head home, will probably catch youse later.

    JG x

    ps ARF - Here comes the sun

  • Comment number 45.

    ART - how about a seasonal flavour or parfum to start the show: Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing.

    M xx

  • Comment number 46.

    pps Glad you feel better CLP!

  • Comment number 47.

    Deev? the other day you had a bit of "goat" vibe going on - being a numpty blonde I have just had a thought - were you drawing on any litratory (?) references to bridges and the whatsits that lived below?

    I know it was a while ago - but it takes me a while y' know and often I get completely the wrong end of the branch and read things in that aren't there - possibly the case now!

    Hmmmm - now that guy that pulled out infront of me last month.....was that hand signal telling me that that was twice someone had beeped their horn at him......

    I wonder! (and so does Mr. Egg although he shakes his head at me when he does)


  • Comment number 48.

    arf/art tomorrow, Let em in, Billy Paul version please.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 49.


    ref goat vibe. no - that stemmed from that hippy name quiz on FB. i could just see myself as a dippy hippy, wandering thru a meadow wearing my love beads and floaty skirt, with a goat called Mabel tethered on a bit of rope as my companion!


    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 50.

    Just done a comparison of chocolate mug cake with Cathmel's and it's almost identical!!

  • Comment number 51.

    See what I mean! - I apologise!

    Goats are COOL creatures though! Bought Dad 2 for a christmas pressie and by easter they had both had twins!! Whoopsie!


  • Comment number 52.


    Please,please,please,please play 'Welcome to the monkey house' by Animal Magnet.

    After you played Stephen 'Tin Tin' Duffy the other night it sent me straight back to the 80's and dancing at the local Working Man's club, i was about 10 and these 2 songs were always played together.

    Nostalgia hear i come.

  • Comment number 53.

    Penny Forem - Thought it sounded like Cathmels - someone should tell Chris it was on the blog last year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Beez xx
    flagging - can't do any more - gonna take the post - feet up - and have a large glass of red.

  • Comment number 54.

    mommygolby- what a great tune! I was just thinking how much I wish I'd requested CtD's Then Jerico - Big Area and then you come up with that!!!! I used to dance to that at a working mens club near me when I rode a customised vespa.... ahhhh back in the day!!!


  • Comment number 55.

    I'm feeling so old!! I've never heard of Animal Magnet and barely of Then Jericho - and I certainly don't know those songs.

    What on earth was I doing when they came out? Working hard or sitting in a pub somewhere probably...........


  • Comment number 56.


    Pub I reckon. One of those without music.


  • Comment number 57.

    in fact I must have been there too!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Beez, can't take the credit for that, it was Deev who remembered it was Cathmel's, I cut and pasted it and just compared it with the website. If Chris reads the blog he will soon know!!

    A glass of red sounds the business!

    df - join the club lol

    Pen x

  • Comment number 59.

    .........or not that sort of music Thunder - I've just found them on Itunes and they sound very late 80's - my era was late 70's to about 1986 and then I changed my social scene completely and for some years didn't keep up with the new stuff.

    Now if you're talking Sex Pistols, Blondie, Joy Division, Mighty Wah, The Jam etc then I would know them!


  • Comment number 60.

    Where's Bondy, have I missed him?

    Pen x

  • Comment number 61.

    Now you mention it.............AWOL I think Penny.


  • Comment number 62.

    When I make the choclit cake, I'm gonna mix it first in something bigga - then tip it in the mug. That way you make sure everything gets mixed.

    Is that cheating - I don't think so!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 63.

    Is everyone busy making cake?

    I didn't have all the stuff today but have copied the recipe and might try it over the weekend.


  • Comment number 64.

    WAIT FOR ME!!!
    My poor old pooter decided that's it, and not gonna work no more, I've only just been able to be connected, So I've got all of yesterday (after about pm ish) and today to catch up. Or, help me out - did I miss anything major?

    Guess wot?
    I got a letter today inviting me to an interview - It's a strange job, but I really want it - I'll tell ya after the interview (next Weds)

  • Comment number 65.

    Evening All,

    Cake in Mug made.....and eaten! For a 5 minute cake it 'aint half bad, and the boy loved it!!

    Off to put boy to bed now, be back later for a proper catch up..


  • Comment number 66.

    Penny - you're right. No news from Bondy but I'm hoping no news is good news. My fingers are still crossed from yesterday.

    Nicki - I'll keep fingers crossed for next Wednesday, interview day. Well, I'll uncross over the weekend or will have problems doing everything that has to be done.

    Catch you all later.
    M x

  • Comment number 67.

    Good luck Nicki

    df x

  • Comment number 68.

    Evening each

    Well chill out completed...now GM has arrived home with a plan for the garden...to do over his 4 days off. If i tell you it involves railway sleepers, no grass and gravel then you may get the idea...beginning to feel glad i`m at work fri/Sat!

    Nicki - great news re interview...again,everything crossed and lets hope Bondys no comment is good news..

    Deev..how did the `lets cut costs` meet go or is that a BAD question...?

    Now.. off to do rustle something up for dinner..after spending a small mortgage at A*da earlier i must be able to find something....

    mSc x

    PS-AF - hope the tooth is ok and Mr Dentist was nice to you! And Annie.. hope the lemon flavoured cold remedy is working for you..x

  • Comment number 69.

    Didn't have any cocoa, so used coffee instead! Mixed it with the milk first. The one I made when Cathmel's recipe was posted climbed out of the mug and crawled across the microwave turntable! I used a bigger mug this time. Tasted scrummy (past tense)

    ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 70.

    Good luck for next week. Fingers crossd.

  • Comment number 71.

    Hello All

    The coffee variation sounds great.

    ART - In Your Light - John Allen

    But after 17.45 please! Can't listen before.


  • Comment number 72.

    Deev is home. School's out til Chewsday! Red wine in hand. PJs on. Black, naturally.

    Now - this choc cake bizziness. Try adding a pinch of chilli powder (or to taste). Can't beat a nice chilli choc cake.

    I'm going to have bash at that tomorrow.

    And do a "proper" cake. Just in the mood, y'see.

    Scoobs - the meeting didn't happen. I was sooooo busy today. Stoopid busy. Even too busy to email Beezer. That's busy!

    Then lovely man boss rang at half five to thank me for the extra hours I've put in this week and ordering me to go have a wonderful weekend. Almost felt guilty for the angry text I sent a mate earlier! Ooops!

    Right, off to see what I can cook for dinner tomorrow as I'll have the time and ART to listen to whilst cooking it .. feeling hot and spicy, y'know!


    x x x

  • Comment number 73.

    Ooooh yeh ... Nicki ... everything crossed for ya! xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Just got home and double-checked the cupboard after ringing Mr JG to check we'd got everything...and no sugar!! Can't substitute, and can't face going back out!

    Never mind, will have a go with the girls next week, they can make one each :) Can it be an ordinary mug, or a larger one, I have both, just wanted to check?

    Good luck Nicki - fingers crossed for you!

    JG x

  • Comment number 75.

    Afternoon and good evening to you all. Really late start for me today. I had the dreaded dentist this morning so I was off to a late start. Snow again overnight, another inch and still blowing around in the air. Hope you all had a good day.

  • Comment number 76.

    Bon Soir CLP.

    I have a suggestion for the first tune for 'All Request Thursday' ...

    How about in, celebration of David Tennant's radio show and the return of Dr Who this weekend, a spot of 'Doctorin' the Tardis', by the Timelords! It's bound to get the party rocking.

    All the best, Chris B.

  • Comment number 77.

    Good choice Chris B.

  • Comment number 78.


    Wanna make a carrot cake tomorrow and ccan't find the recipe anywhere for the cream cheese topping. I know its cream cheese and icing sugar but anyone got any idea on quantities?

    Will check back later.

    Deev xx x

  • Comment number 79.

    deev - lots - i love the frosting and you can send it too me

    want to make the choc cake in a mug but only have plain flour - does anyone know if thats something that can be subsituted?

    super bp x

  • Comment number 80.


    Plain flour usually requires a teaspoon of baking powder to a cup of flour. Brain too addled at moment to do the math, but am sure you will know how to reduce the quantity.

    Sounds yum. xx

  • Comment number 81.

    no baking powder either - im no cook or baker - does this mean I cannot have my cake?

  • Comment number 82.

    Some recipes mention Baking Soda, but I am not familiar with ratios of that to flour!

    Can anyone else help??

  • Comment number 83.

    This may require quick trip to nearest shop!

  • Comment number 84.

    i think so too - darn - will have to leave it until tomorrow

  • Comment number 85.

    Love the idea of a cook-a-long. Pity I don't usually get to switch on early enough.

    Am going to try the cake-in-a-mug now! Have found some castor sugar in the back of the cupboard...

  • Comment number 86.

    Evening all

    Chris it's good to have you back, glad you're feeling better.

    #38 It's not just scotland on school hols They're off in Cornwall as well, I'm just about surviving the 1st week and there's still another to go, I'm dreading the summer hols!

    I didn't have the ingredients for the chocolate cake so I'll make it at a later date.

    I hope everyone's well and I'm pleased to see the blog back to normal this week, I just decided to steer clear last week and over the weekend with all that was being posted.

    ART-Louis Armstrong, It's a wonderful world

    Love and peace to all MCM xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi all - just checking in after busy week and getting over the London meet - which was great - everyone was fantastic. But also recovering from being BINGO'D!!! But perhaps he was SUZIE'D??? Great guy - hope he makes it to all the forthcoming meets.

    CLP Jai Ho - Pussycat Dolls for AR Thursday please!!! Don't know how to spell or say it and thought it was Tally Ho when first heard it.

    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 88.


    4oz carton cream cheese
    1 tspn vanilla essence
    1 1/2 cups icing sugar
    2oz butter
    beat well and spread on top

    Penny x

    sorry don't do metric!!
    toooo old!!


  • Comment number 89.

    Lets have a good old pre holiday sing song in our cars....You've lost that loving feeling (whoa hoa hoa oh ) xx
    Come on chris you know it makes sense...

  • Comment number 90.

    Thanks all you guys for the good luck wishes, I've got the lot crossed for this one. will have to uncross on arrival for fear of falling over on entrance!

  • Comment number 91.

    Good luck with the interview Nicki....

  • Comment number 92.

    Cheers Penny!

  • Comment number 93.

    Well now. Renee's bin havin' a whale of a time with the mug cakes. Ergo there's not a mug in the house not full a chocolate cake with an assortment of alarming added flavours, from Bailey's to jam to Fairy Liquid; the riot squad have packed up and gone home, having bin' alerted by the next-door neighbours who thought we had a sniper in the house, when in fact it was just Renee usin' the mug with the gold handles on it, and I'm sat drinkin' me PG Tips outa vase as I speak. Luckily there's handles on both sides and it's big enough to dunk me ginger nuts so all is well; but it tastes a bit of Baby Bio. Poo.

    Anyway now she's watchin' this Wally Willy and 'is chocolate factory on Channel 4 and has become inspired to go Mexican. So I'd say there'll be chicken in the next batch.

    Cheers CLP. You eejit.


  • Comment number 94.

    Nicki - Good Luck

    Bond - Hope good luck messages helped you yesterday

    P x

  • Comment number 95.

    Oooo The Apprentice is on, I'm off.


    I have to confess I am somewhat alarmingly attracted to Nick.


  • Comment number 96.

    Thanks Penny. Only time will tell I'm afraid. But I do really, really appreciate everyones good luck wishes.

  • Comment number 97.


    I'm more tired tonight then I am when I'm at work.......anyone want a hyperactive toddler for a day - eats anything you put in front of him, loves cars (that's my boy), very enthusiastic about everything..........all the time............

    .......but the choc cake was lovely!


  • Comment number 98.

    Just seen the Liverpool score...... bums!!!!!

    Anyhow off to bed, hen night tomorrow night so I need my beauty sleep.


  • Comment number 99.


    Just sneaking a quick peak before I go to bed. Well actually I am sitting on my bed, so almost there.

    Nicki - All the best for next week.

    Bondy - Same to you whatever is going on over there.

    Rosie - Excellent score if you're a Chelsea fan - hee hee.

    I'll go before I get shouted at.

    Night night


  • Comment number 100.

    Hi all,just gonna have a flick back over what you have requested but my immediate reaction to today is MacArthur park,didn't somebody leave their cake out in the rain??????
    Back in a mo when I've had a quick recap of the blog.x


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