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First ever blog on the bog

Chris Evans | 10:53 UK time, Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Honest, I'm not joking, had no idea my wireless...

... extended thus far.

The tummy bug has been having fun all night, though I suspect running out of steam now. The shooting pain has very slowly been moving down from my tummy, almost in layers and closer and closer towards the exit point. It feels almost as if the whole thing has been on the move. Is this what happens ? Is it like having a child ? I'm joking of course.

Now haven't eaten a thing for over twenty four hours, so am absolutely starving but don't know what to do.

Took a well known solidifier yesterday, after which every person I came into contact with told me I'd done the wrong thing with most docs highly disapproving of the drug. What are you gonna do ?

Photo shoot now not until next week either, so will have to keep the lard down with real proper excercise and sweaty stuff.

Dr. Footlights did the trick during the show last night coming to my rescue. Dr. Footlights is an invisible force that gets you through your business but guarantees you'll want to die at the end of it, which is pretty much what happened after the we came off the air.

In bed for nine, sweating buckets by ten past. Uhmm lovely.

Love the tip about the flat coke, will give it a try next time, for now I think I'm almost out the other side. I may evevn treat myself to a bacon butty. Is that wrong ?





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  • Comment number 1.

    eat something easy - so if it does disagree with you it doesnt do too much

    thats the only advice I have CLP - hope its not what Mr BP has - as the bloggers at the Brum meet can testify he was still pretty shonky days afterwards

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Sorry to hear about your troubles i suppose you have had to keep away from Noah as you would not want to pass it on to the little man hope things get back to normal soon . Great to have you back on the airwaves you were sorely missed and good luck with the Sony awards

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris,

    Any time this happens to me, I start off with trying to eat a slice of toast - no butter, nothing on it. If that goes ok, I would then give it a go with some scrambled eggs. Bacon butty might be a bit adventurous!

    I can testify that the flat coke works like magic - you have to try this, even now, it will help!

    Tash: if you are reading this, I hope you have managed to catch up with all the washing after the holiday - that's always the fun part!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    ooooooo Christoff, keep off the solids young man - fluids only, otherwise your bug will feed off what you are eating. It's not nice, I think probably most of us have been there at some stage. Hygeine is paramount, but then you know that.

    Penny x

    ps brilliant show last evening, so glad you are back.


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning CLP,

    Sorry to hear that you've still got the trots! But I am glad that you are almost at the otherside of it. Just try eating some plain biscuits, Rich Tea, Digestives etc.

    Cracking show last night and loving the new web page.

    Keep up the good work.


  • Comment number 6.

    Pants, new blog and I never even noticed!!

    Hello all, CLP welcome back!! I know, I know, a day late as usual *sigh*. Hope you're bum's better soon!

    Hope everyone's having a super duper day - it's my Thursday and I'm happppeeeeee :-)

    AF xx

    Rosieposie you're right, it was me looking for the Tuscan spelt soup. They don't sell it online but they did email me back to let me know I could order it over the phone. Thanks for the offer though!!

    Nicki-noos, that's awful to do it over the phone! Hope you and Mr N find something better soon x

    Deev - yes!! Start working on the CV now, because even if it isn't you next time, morale will be in the sewer and life's too short (can you tell I've just got out of a situation like that??). And re Thursday - book yourself in for a bit of pampering woman!! Personally, I'm going to the dentist as I'm suddenly unable to eat on the left side of my mouth...

  • Comment number 7.

    Chris - go for toast - I always start with that and then on to a well known brand of tinned rice pudding - my gran has always believed it has all the goodness you need to help you get better.

    having said that I saw a poster once in my local Irish pub in Ayr that stated that if you consumed the following you would have RDA of everything:

    1 Pint Semi Skimmed Milk - Calcium
    1 Pint Orange Juice - Vit C
    22 Pints Guinness!!!

    Not sure in which order though!

    I think the "hardening" medication is permissible for short term i.e. get through important meeting etc. but really you have something in your digestive system that needs out!

    Now I'm switching Jeremy "Sensationalist" Kyle (sorry Vine!) off - Since when did Tesco become the saviour of the world? BOG OFF Tesco! Every LITTLE helps not interferring Bustards!


  • Comment number 8.

    Ewww thanks for sharing Chris.

    Great to have you back btw. I'm looking forward to the long weekend, but have absolutely no idea what to do with it, panic!

  • Comment number 9.

    hmmm, twobob bits, eartha kitts eh?
    Well I would echo the sentiments of others re go dry and small first, however kill or cure with the bacon butty Christophe, you probably already have by the time this gets typed.
    As for the blockage treatments....stay well away, don't play with nature, if it wants out....let it out I say!!!!!

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 10.

    Hi CLP!

    Sorry to hear that you're still a poorly bunny. I know it's been a long old journey back to full health for me so I wish you a speedy recovery (I can also endorse the benefits of flat cola).

    The walk round the woods this morning was gawjus! Sun out, sky blue, ducks by the canal in fine form and Booboo pretending to be very brave by chasing them into the water, though if the truth be known it would only take one of them to turn and quack at her for her to come rushing back to me with her tail between her legs (what a wimp!).

    Right back to pre-fab building research before lunch at Mum's.

    Mange Tout!
    & Booboo

  • Comment number 11.

    Digestive biscuits.

    That's what you need hon!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 12.

    Definitely get your CV in order. In fact, I have always taken the view that you should test the job market regularly, even if you are happy in the job you have. Interview practice is something that you need reguarly just in case.

  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon everyone - and a belated welcome back to you CLP.

    Sorry to hear about the tum - and as well as the plain toast or rich tea biscuits suggested by others I find that plain cream crackers help. They add a bit of salt back into the system but are easy to digest.

    Go slowly and don't overdo it!

    New website is very retro - always takes me a while to adjust to changes but I'm sure I'll soon remember where to click.

    I've been catching up on post-blog meet comments and am very glad it went well - and intrigued to know what Bingo looks like!But still not persuaded that FB is a good idea, so I'll have to use my imagination.......... shouldn't be too difficult.

    Pleased to think it's a 4 day week - so that means this is sort of a hump day!


  • Comment number 14.

    Ooh, I'd love a digestive biscuit right about now. Or rich tea. With a lovely cuppa. Which might help CLP, I find a cup of tea helps to settle my stomach if I'm feeling a bit off - although that might be a bit of an understatement of your condition ;-)

    AF xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Alwight Christoof Boy And Every Blog Operatative.......

    Bingo Star ere.......

    CLP - VERY sorry ter 'ear about the continued abdominal pains..... My advice when ave eaten something iz starve the bug.... starve it and at the same time yer doing yersen abitta good az they say yer mean't ter fast, aka noot feast, every now and then!!!!!!
    On top of this pal..... drink alotta water.... and a find cups of tea but without milk az yer might end up feeding the bug again.... all this fluid will wash away the bug!!!!!!!!

    As for blogging on the toilet.... INDEED ave done it many a time.... a perfect way if yer short of time but don't wanter be caught short and ter blog on the bog very much iz the answer ter the problem in question......
    Plus yer should never rush a visit ter the toilet az that's 'ow yer end constilated and aving ter 'it the tin of prunes!!!!!!!
    Plus yer should never rush a visit ter the blog either!!!!!!!!
    Yes wi-fi 'as it's uses all!!!

    A perfect combination!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!


  • Comment number 16.

    p.s. Am very sorry to hear about Nicki's bad news. And haven't you been ill too?

    Bit out of touch at the mo on developments - due to lengthy absence and then deliberate avoidance when I returned, saw the arguments. and backed off pretty smartish.

    But things seem calmer again now so I will try to keep up with it all this week.

    Happy thoughts everyone - PMA and all that!


  • Comment number 17.

    Morning, afternoon everyone from a snowy upstate NY. About 2 inches of snow last and and a bit more today and possibly tomorrow. Hopefully that will be the last of it for a long while.

    Chris, sorry you're still not up to par, I agree that flat coke does help, so too does ginger ale.

    Working from home this morning (afternoon for most of you) then out this afternoon (early evening). Need some luck, so keep your fingers cross for me.

  • Comment number 18.

    PS Ever noticed the lead singer of AC/DC..... always sounds like 'e needs ter get ter the toilet fast?????

  • Comment number 19.

    Bond- I'll keep me fingers crossed for ya chuck! x

  • Comment number 20.

    Bingo, you're fixating now man, let it lie!!

  • Comment number 21.

    Bond - personal or professional luck? Not that there's a difference in type, I'm sure, but I'm just being nosey :-)

  • Comment number 22.

    Thanks lyndy.

    AF, professional......

  • Comment number 23.

    Talk about playin' 'em close to your chest Bond - the plot thickens eh??

    Will keep everything crossed for you, just please bear in mind my circulation's not what it was...

    AF xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Hello Bond - had to check the time, early bird today.

    Got everything crossed for you.

    Penny xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon all. Bondy, fingers crossed for you.

    Chris, boiled rice with a bit of butter is very kind on a poorly tummy.

    Off to catch up on yesterday evening's posts, back soon.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Thanks AF, sparkle and Penny. I appreciate it.

    Penny, I know I am early on the blog today :) One of the benefits of working from home. No meetings or interruptions, although I do have a conference call at noon......

  • Comment number 27.

    Welcome back Clp, its been a long two weeks without you. Loving the new look website and pic of you.

    Afternoon Bond - nice and sunny here, difficult to imagine snow at the moment!
    Fingers crossed here as well for you later.

    Nicky - sorry to hear about your second redundancy news, hope it doesn't take too long for you both to find something else.

    Chin up Cheryl, a good old shopping spree is always a good remedy.Thanks to you, Bees, Tiggs and Plumb for adding photos of the meet.

    Nice long weekend coming up to look forward to....


  • Comment number 28.

    Bingo #15: you just stopped me in my tracks from starting divorce proceedings with MrS! After calling you gorgeous yesterday (accurate) I now find that you are blogging while on the loo!

    I thought we were meant to be together .... but perhaps not!

    C xx

    P.S. You must be so relieved - if that's the right word!

  • Comment number 29.

    I've caught up now.

    Nicki, that's rubbish news, I hope that you and Mr Noos both manage to get something sorted soon.

    Cheryl, I'd deffo polish up the CV if I were you - never hurts to have it up to date.

    Sending love and hugs to anyone in need today

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Thanks Darce.... I appreciate it. No long weekend here. Some do have Friday off, but most work. Hopefully the snow will be gone by Easter....... hopefully.....

  • Comment number 31.


    Is your wanting luck anything to do with Arsenal playing tonight in the UCL?

    Deev x

  • Comment number 32.

    LOL Deev, as I haven't received my call from Mr. Wenger yet, that would be a no.....LOL If I get one, you'll be the first to know.......

  • Comment number 33.

    Bond..........can't tpye with crossed figners......ouch!!!!

    df :)

  • Comment number 34.

    Bingo - too much information!!!!!

    James - been thinking about you so all the necessary in progress as discussed!! xx

    Christoph - no food just water or flat coke - loads of it.

    Still no money - gone in to a black hole - a smidge of compensation now going through my thoughts !


    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Thanks Beez, I appreciate it...... will try a text later.

    derbyfi, thanks for trying LOL

  • Comment number 36.

    Hi CLP and all bloggers.

    Sorry to hear you're not well Chris:- I agree with Tinsel - boiled rice is the way to go.

    Have just got back from a very long weekend so need to catch up with the blog.

    Nicki - apparently not good news, moral support winging itself your way.

    Bondy - fingers crossed for you at this end.

    Will catch up with you all later.

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Chris,sorry your still poorly, lots of toast.
    Great show yesterday, good to have you back.Loving the new web page.
    Please can we have a new pic of Noah.
    love to all of you.x

  • Comment number 38.

    Ah, bless your poorly tum! Warm water with fresh lemon juice squirted in it...that'll flush the b*gger out...then whoever recommended flat coke, that's been one of my recommendations for years...and has helped the Badger out of a hellish hole once or twice (but this was mainly self imposed and probably not for here)...then I'd say just a bit of toast with nowt on it (and nuthin ta'en away)...then mebbe a bit of boiled rice and boiled chicken...

    Chins (or less chin) up chuck!

    ps Good ol' Dr Footlights...he does come up trumps!

  • Comment number 39.

    Thanks Margot.

  • Comment number 40.




    They didn't know any specific, and suggested try this...or apparently the Holid@y Inn at Woking is quite pleasant...

    or if the link doesn't work, it's under Elmbridge Council 'where to stay'...

    ...and Bondy, I'm sending you some Brighton sunshine x

  • Comment number 41.

    Thanks Hazel. still cloudy and threatening more snow. Nothing on the roads which is good.

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi Chris,

    Sorry to hear you are still not well. Get lots of rest to restore yourself.

    Great new web page and picture of you.

    Get well soon.

    Love to you,

  • Comment number 43.

    Bond, have just thought...I betcha, just absolutely betcha...that if you do come to Blighty for Christmas, it'll be the warmest Christmas that Great Britain has seen since records began.

    You heard it here first

    ps for those of you who detest invoicing...do you wanna do my petty cash..?


    (which I hope you're not still feeling Christophe... x)

  • Comment number 44.


    Just remembered about you going to Brooklands, we went last year, it's brilliant.

    We got a good last minute cheap deal at the H!lton in Cobham, which is 5 mins down the road, same price as some of the inns/lodges. Worth a check, they sometimes have really cheap deals if you pay in advance.

    Also, make sure you pop into Merc world next door as well, it's free and you can sit in all the new cars and see a lot of their historic ones. You can also watch the people who have paid to have the track-day experience as well.

    Best get back to work

    JG x

  • Comment number 45.


    I read Merc world as Marc world and for a fleeting moment my head was filled with images of an entire museum dedicated to Marc Almond.

    How coolio would that be!!??

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 46.

    I'll do yer petty cash. During an earlier period of no jobness I had the idea of maybe working for myself, preparing invoices, letters etc. for self employed bods, the ex-was self employed and absolutely cr*p at any paperwork, I thought they could drop off/post any scrappy bits of paper, I would then prepare and post invoice within 24hrs.
    I could also chase payments etc.

    I didn't get round to putting this plan into action as found a new job. Perhaps I'll start thinking of doing it again - never know I might get another job!

    SweetPeaShe, thanks for your kind words.

    Derbyfi - no,I wasn't really ill well apart from the tummy ache from hell, It was me appendix, all gone now and well on the road to wherever it is you go when you're feeling a bit better.

    We had planned a nice light lunch - crackers and cheese, then whilst nipping to papershop the wiff of the new chippy grabbed us an we were powerless to resist, so have just scoffed massive pile of real nice crispy chips covered in mayo. I don't think it would have been possible to have got any more calories on the plate. I don't care, I need to put on a few pounds. Sorry Chris I don't think you should indulge in this culinary delight until things have settled down a bit.

    Bondy - good luck for whatever it is you're up to??

    And thanks again for all the good wishes.

  • Comment number 47.

    Hazel/ Scoob

    Not sure which one of you is coming to Brooklands, but I agree with Jakey and would try the Hilton in Cobham. If you can't get a deal there, I could come up with some more.

    This is my neck of the woods, I go past there every Sat taking my mum to Tesco at Brooklands.

    Failing that you are welcome to doss down at mine if you like!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Nicki

    I had my appendix out more years ago than I care to admit to - after many years of grumbling (it, not me - or maybe both!) and you're well rid of it.

    I was going to say get well soon but chips and mayo (yummy!) suggest you're nearly there already!

    Hungry now................ :(


  • Comment number 49.

    Hello all you familiar bloggers - I've just signed in after months of reading and laughing from afar - and now I'm shy and dont know what to say......

  • Comment number 50.

    How could you do it to me?

    There I was entering my 30th minute of a call to a helpline somewhere south of Watford and you start talking about chips and Mayo!!!!

    It was difficult enough to concentrate trying to understand what was being said without that sort of distraction ;-0

  • Comment number 51.

    Welcome Debshasjoined.....

    Dont worry about what to type. We are all mad here anyway. Go with the flow.

  • Comment number 52.

    Welcome DB! No need to have to say much, just being here is good enough...

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 53.

    Why thank you ThunderclapN - I know you are all mad - but in a nice and cuddly way! Did you have to go back to 'press 1 for...' after losing the plot with chips and mayo thoughts?

  • Comment number 54.

    Oh WOW - Lyndyloo has chatted with me - sorry guys but this is going to be a bit of a star struck situ as I've been reading about you all for so long - of course after the weekend the icing on the bun has got to be a chat with Bingo!
    Bring it on!

  • Comment number 55.

    for the first time ever i had to pay for parking using my mobile on sat - that is a nightmare and somehow it now has my credit card details - should i be worried??

    super bp x

  • Comment number 56.

    sorry - hi to debshasjonind - can you be dhj for short?

  • Comment number 57.

    Hi debs and welcome - have you seen the FB photos? I haven't but they sound amazing!


  • Comment number 58.

    hi debshasjonind welcome aboard x

  • Comment number 59.

    or even debshasjoined !!!!
    Just can't spell somedays

    Anyway, welcome x

  • Comment number 60.

    And now super bagpus! thanks df - no I haven't seen the pictures - I am on fb but dont know how to find them - bagpus - are we allowed to do proper names or not - if nof dhj will work just fine x

  • Comment number 61.

    Lyndy - parking fees paid by mobile have to be one of the worst ideas ever. What if you haven't got one? or it's out of battery or credit? Stupid!

    Just another of the downsides of London driving. Or were you somewhere else that's also gone bonkers??


  • Comment number 62.

    Welcome Newbies

    dhj - I was like that when I first joined, I got very excited when one of the regulars commented on my blog ... LOL

    Nearly home time. I've got pasta and garlic bread for tea. Would it be wrong to start my Easter Egg tonight??


  • Comment number 63.

    Welcome debshasjoined.

    Bagpuss - don't know the answer to that one but I agee I would be a bit worried. Hopefully somebody in the know will be able to reassure you soon. Thats a step too far for me, I have trouble texting!
    Hope you got home Ok on Sat, my journey was about twice as long as normal but I got back in the end.

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 64.

    df - it was me - but dont mind being confused with the lovely lyndy - it was outside london - normally can pay by card but that was disabled and did not have a fiver in small change so had to use mobile option - which probably ended up costing me more - drats

    dhj - if you want to use your real name please go ahead - just dont use anyone elses out of respect for privacy

    super bpx

  • Comment number 65.

    and darce - got home fine thanks - x

  • Comment number 66.

    AliB - if you eat your egg tonight what will you have on Sunday? you'll be mighty sad AND the shops will be shut X

  • Comment number 67.

    many apologifications sbp - more haste, less accuracy!

    Must learn to read properly............


  • Comment number 68.

    okay - as we hit Easter sunday - what did people give up for lent and did they keep to it? I took something up and have kept to it - another good habit to add to my life :-)

  • Comment number 69.

    Nicki - must try mayo with my chips and cheese! Tiggs had to help me out with mine on Saturday at Cat & Canary - massive bowl of them - yum.

    Shattered today - trying to get work done and not succeeded too well either - mind elsewhere - must get a grip!

    Derbyfi trying to think how to describe Bingo for you - erm - nah can't - tall yup - a dish - yup lovely scouse accent - yup - cuddly - he he yup!!! Just get on fb then off again to have a nosey !!!

    Welcome Debs the joiner - check out CLP bloggers page on fb and you will see who we are then intro yourself.

    Right back to work ...... again .........

    Beesmum xx

    James???? will be on fb later.

  • Comment number 70.

    Good point djh - I will try and resist, especiallly as I am unlikely to get any more Easter eggs.


  • Comment number 71.

    Beez - sounds good! My lovely mr df has the nice accent and is quite cuddly and dishy too, but not so tall.

    Bingo - given all these positive comments what on earth have the women of scouseland been thinking all these years? Are they all too busy trying to bag Stevie G or Rooney (rather them than me there!) and the like? More fool them..........


  • Comment number 72.

    Nicky, I have Β£85 in the tin, and minus Β£26 on the sheet...or thereabouts...I've no hope of tracking down the person or persons responsible for messing it up not niver! Coo. Well, I guess over is better than under...but that's probably not for here...

    Anyhoo, Darce, it's the Scoob going to Brooklands. I know a rather dishy chap who works there...and given my interest in cars...I'd rather sit outside his office window with a pair of binoculars than traipse round the museum...but that's just leaving a place for you keen folks!

    DB...has joined...good luck to you hon...there's no escape you know!

    Gingembre...have you got yer shorts on yet?

    love to Fliss

  • Comment number 73.

    Afternoon CLP and all bloggers, hope your tum is feeling better, I'd go with the rice and other "safe" foods to begin with, never tried the flat cola trick! I've also heard that ginger is good for upset tummies (the grow your own drugs chappie said so) so you could maybe try that.

    The sun is shining here in the 'burgh (for now anyway), had a successful shopping trip this morning, have got a nice flowery frock to wear for the hen night on Thursday


    PS chips with mayo is the ONLY way to eat chips YUM!!!

  • Comment number 74.

    Bagpus- On the subject of giving up stuff... remember I went on the wagon? Well after a very small slip off (as planned) for the 50th party on Friday...managed 3 small glasses before feeling very squiffy and having to go back on the fizzy water (with ice & lemon so as to look like V&T) I'm still there and have to say... enjoying it in a way I never thought I could!

    As for Easter Sunday... Bring on the Chocolit!!!!!


  • Comment number 75.

    Re giving up stuff for lent, i've never managed to give anything up yet....there's always next year!

    Think I'm going to have to buy my own Easter egg, ho hum....

    Right off to cook a chilli for later...


  • Comment number 76.

    Cor - it's a right full time job doing this isnt it - how do any of you manage to work - its taken me 30 minutes to type one paragraph on a report I'm supposed to be doing! And I am making an executive decision that I am going to be debs - given that I put it in my name anyhoo - doh! you can tell i am a newbe at this! lol ;-)

  • Comment number 77.

    i dont eat easter eggs - milk choc does nothing for me on its own - so if i do get any this years there available to the highest bidder on the blog

    Mr bp doesnt eat them either -

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 78.


    Just logged in for the first time today and the thought of you typing us whilst sat on the 'throne' made me laugh.

    Laptop in one hand, and a handful of scrunch in the other.......class son, class!!

    Newbie central the last two days. Cool.

    Hello to you all, including another Debbie.

    Is there a whole area somewhere in the UK populated by Debbie's?

    Chris, kebab and 16 pints of snakebite, that'll flush it out. Your kidney's liver and other vital organs may join the bug, but the body is self-correcting.

    The pace of the show makes Mayo look like he was putting in foundations of a house by hand!!

    'The sun is out, the sky is blue, Chris Evans blogged whilst having a..........'



  • Comment number 79.

    Thanks Nicki.

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi Chris,
    Love the show!
    Soz to hear you have a touch of the intestinal jives going on but there's only one sure fire post evacuation fix known to man and that's mash. Mash, mash and mash. I'm a mash lover and think that the healing qualities of the humble mash is well overlooked as people love to throw money at exotic fruit, flora and fauna, native to neither our land nor our intestines. Potatoes is where it's at. As long as the mash is prepared with love - as all food should be. Apple mash......now there's an idea.......

    It's my 46th birthday today and if am so lucky as to get a shout out by yer good self then I'd like to hear There Ain't No Pleasing You by the hugely underrated (like the potato) Chas and Dave who're playing the 100 Club on Friday night. The best gig in town I'd say. Ooops - sorry - that would be my son's band, The Bimmys.

    Dilemma: The Bimmys have been offeredΒ£20K by my brother to promote them as he's looking for an investment and thinks they're made of the right stuff to hit the big time. They are really good but I want Β£20K to start my own mash restaurant and don'rt know if I should approach my brother to invest in me. Now I have a moral dilemma here because I could be robbing my son of a chance to make it with his band. So as you have fingers in both these investment pies I'd like to know what you're opinion is and I will abide by your decision. Should I take the Β£20K and start my restaurant because most bands just don't make it anyway or should I hand the opportunity to my son as not everyone loves mash. After all bands can make much bigger money than restaurants but the risk is higher.......I think. Please purvey me of your wisdom oh great one.
    PS I am known as Dilemma Debs for helping people out of such quandries but this one really has me stumped.
    PPS I am an Aries and my son is Aquarius.
    PPPS Why not have an astrology based dilemma surgery on the show! Maybe let's see how you get on with this one first.......

  • Comment number 81.

    V funny - good one Tobes

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Hi Tobes - knew we could rely on you to lower the tone!! LOL


  • Comment number 83.

    Hazel....LOL either the warmest or the coldest on record.....

  • Comment number 84.


    It's over. Done. Finished. Ended.

    My Day. At Last!


    I have been a mizzog auld moose today for no reason whatsoever other than being in need of a good bout of cheering up.

    Spoke to a good friend at 5ish (ooops - missed the start of the show - sorry ... but it was worth it ...) and a mini smile is now planted on Deev chops.

    Now off home to cook some divinely divalicious sticky ribs (Beezer's recipe - Mr Deev's fave), open a bottle of full bodied yet fruity red and watch The Arsenal triumph in Spain over Villareal.

    Oh yes.

    Come up and see me .... make me smile!

    Ya Divaski
    x x x x x

  • Comment number 85.

    It being over happened so rarely, the boss and his son had keys to the petty cash tin, so 9 times out of 10 it was under after a while I stopped panicing (that don't look right) and would just go straight into accuse mode - always worked.
    BUT on the rare times that it was over - secret the extra funds at bottom of tin - leave for a few months, so you would know if you'd coc*ed up, then, well it must be mine surely!!
    In five years I think I made about 50p
    I don't think I'd be suited to a life of crime!


  • Comment number 86.

    #53 I had got WAY past "press 1".

    I was actualling speaking to someone.
    Almost got cut off because I started thinking of Chips & Mayo and I think they thought I had lost the will to live and put the phone down

  • Comment number 87.

    Is anyone else excited at the thought of 5 mins chocolate mug cake on tomorrow's show??

  • Comment number 88.

    Cheryl #45 - you've just made me laugh so loud, Mr JG has come through to investigate! That would certainly be some museum LOL

    Anyway, safely made it home in one piece without getting stuck in all the Old Trafford traffic, why do people feel the need to get there quite so early?

    JG x

  • Comment number 89.

    thundercapN - oh boy - I so know that will to live point.....especially when you know that you are paying for the 'pleasure' of listening to their music choice.....

  • Comment number 90.

    hmmm - chocolate doesnt do it for me - I'm hoping my 'eggs' are made of cheese or crisps

  • Comment number 91.



    Why get there so early?



  • Comment number 92.

    but they're in their cars?

  • Comment number 93.

    Rosieposie #87

    Salivating already.

    Well at least I hope that is what is causing the dribbling......

  • Comment number 94.


    Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ. Jiimmy jams on, Arsenal slippers on, ribs in oven, wine breathing (classy bird, me!)

    So gld today is over and done with. Really.

    And tomorrow is my Friday!

    Jakeygirl - I personally think a Marc Almond museum would be the answer to the credit crunch and save the economy single-handedly!

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 95.

    In their cars, getting to the destination early, so they can have beer.......early!!


  • Comment number 96.

    Or wine
    Or gin
    Or champagne

    Even a bottle of White Lightening.



  • Comment number 97.

    Someone on the blog, a while back, can't remember who tho', posted a recipe for a chocolate mug cake. Anyone out there remember that? In fact I think I cut and pasted it - must investigate!!

    Welcome newbies.

    Penny xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Penny, check CLP's webpage as he's doing an online bake in for this tomorrow on air. When he did the Yorkies the ingredients were on there the day before

    JG x

  • Comment number 99.

    Penny - I think it may have been Cathmel.

    How lovely was Sylvan Guintoli .. and bless CLP for getting his nationality wrong! So, MotoGP and BSBs this weekend ..... and spuds to plant over at lotty.


    btw Chris - Lichtenstein the artist was Roy Lichtenstein, a pioneer ofvthe "pop art" movement. He did all the comic book images like "Kerpow". Lots of him in Tate Modern.


  • Comment number 100.

    Just spotted that your 'love God' Mr Brand is in the film to be shown on Sky Movies on Saturday night - something about Sarah Marshall? Forgetting? Saving?

    Doesn't he get his kit off?
    Crumpy x


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