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Alright write.

Chris Evans | 13:46 UK time, Thursday, 9 April 2009

Hey guys, how's it hanging today...

...house quiet, very quiet. Mum and Noah been gone for ages, hope they come back !

Been writing a lot recently, all day today, from early in the morning all the way up until now. Very good for the belly, haven't thought about food for hours. The only time I break concentration is when i think about the family, the dog or cars.

So we cooked along last night, I came home to a Natasha choccie cake in a mug, tasted mighty fine too it did. Strange starter though, especially before a steak. I'm not kidding.

The night would have been an all round blast if those boys in red hadn't forgotten how to play football for forty five minutes against those other boys from Cheslea (I always spell it like that it makes me laugh - well smile at least)

Where's this weather gone then ? Not that it matters as we will be closing our curtains for the next four days and imagining we are over in Augusta - you have to love The Masters. Unless you hate golf of course.

Now don't eat too many of those big brown oval tings over the weekend you lot, unless you are happy to be the subject of a future Channel Five chubby chaser reality show.

Lead me to a microphone, I need to rock !

Bring on All Request Thursday.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Afternoon CLP!

    Can't wait for you to rock!!!

    Roll on the weekend... it's all very quiet on here... think peeps have already headed off.

    Much Easter happiness to everyone!

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris and everyone,

    Yes I agree writing is a good distraction from eating, I've been completing my latest OU TMA today and haven't thought about food once. I'm writing about when I was a little girl and its amazing what comes back to you once you get going. Do you type sraight onto the computer or do you write some by hand first (that's what i do)?

    Just printed it off to read to my harshest critics (my boys), will let you know the verdict later!

    Em xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Afternoon all,

    ART - Walking on Sunshine, Katrina and the waves.

    Cos it's a lovely sunny day here, birds are singing, tree's are getting their leaves and it actually feels like spring! Hurrah!!!


  • Comment number 4.

    Hello Christoff

    Make the most of the quietness it won't last and you can rest assured Tash and Noah will return!!

    You can keep your golf and football for that matter, but then it wouldn't do for us all to enjoy the same things.

    My favourite Easter treat is the chocolate bunnies on offer in elh (other s'markets available) 2 for Β£6 - bargain!! Might just have to indulge, just 1 tho' - oh, alright then maybe 2!

    ART bring it on!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 5.

    in case it got missed yesterday

    ART - roll away the stone - mott the hoople

    Becuase Easter is not just about eggs and chicks and bunnies

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 6.

    Hello CLP - where has the weather gone - I think PurpleDragon22 has it - its certainly not here in the west country - and it wont be for the next 7 days because after almost 3 weeks of warm and sunshine I am now going on holiday to a cottage - so that guarantees IT WILL NOT BE SUNNY - it happens to me every year - nothing for it but to close the curtains, put another log on the fire and eat chocolate - oooh I've just remembered there is a microwave - we'll just have to get through it making/eating chocolate mug cakes!
    Happy ART everyone and have a hoppy happy Easter

  • Comment number 7.

    I agree super bp, it is all a bit too commercialised. I am as guilty as the next person, but not overly so.

    Hope your concerns re your job do not materialise. Thinking of you.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris,

    Hope you, Tash and Noah have a lovely Easter!

    We don't have a lot planned - spending time with family, that sort of stuff. I won't be eating any Easter Eggs, I just do not like chocolate.

    On the other hand, there may be a glass or two of white wine ......!

    Happy Easter to all bloggers and lurkers!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Arfternoon luvvlies

    Had a grand morning. Survived the horrible lane to the turkey farm, and even survived ELH.

    Carrot cake in oven - smells divine. Watching The Lost Boys dvd at the mo - so 80s. A true classic. Love it, love it, love it.

    Gonna do an Indian feast for dinner: Lamb Madras, Pilau Rice, Roti Breads and a Cucumber Raita. All from scratch, using spices and yeast and all sorts. Cheated with the onion bhajis tho - they came form ELH.

    Will be rocking around the kitchen come 5pm when ART kicks off.


    Divaski x x x

  • Comment number 10.

    Deevs you sound like you are a bit of a kitchen goddess! I made a curry for a friend of mine a while back - from scratch - all the spices n everything - my house smelt bad for about 3 weeks! never again! (think I burned the turmeric.......)
    ah dear - still my local balti take away does a roaring trade from me now lol :-)

  • Comment number 11.

    I finally got round to signing up as a member so posting for the first time. Not having a brilliant day so far as I'm feeling a little under the weather BUT really looking forward to the HUGE week-end.#

    I passed my first Microsoft exam this week so I can't wait to hit the pub and pre-spend the bonus :)

    Last week I managed to get through to speak to someone for ARF but unfortunately my choice never made it onto air. (Aww). I remember the feeling of having songs played on the radio though. In the old days of JW's show I had a selection of 3 songs played. Hilarious driving down the road waving at people and shouting "It's me! It's me on the radio!" Haha.

    Choice for ART is Elevation by U2,

    So, how friendly are you guys?


  • Comment number 12.

    my last interview of the day has withdrawn - so that is me free for a whole 10 days - whoohoo!
    Bring on the chocolate ......
    time to surf the blog ALLLLLLL afternoon now and not feel guilty

  • Comment number 13.


    In the past I have fallen prey to depression and mild anxiety. Baking and cooking help keep me focussed.

    Work's been a bit on the hectic side of late and my idea of re-grouping is to lose myself in the kitchen (as tiny as it is!!) I never used to bake until I was diagnosed with depression: I set myself a challenge one day of making some bread, then that just grew from there until before I knew it I was taking orders for cakes and selling them at a profit!

    I have to be in the mood, but when I am, yes, I adore cooking.

    Hello asciens! welcome to blogworld.


    Big Area - Then Jerico (for me)


    I've Been Thinking About You - Londonbeat (for Tobe)

    Back in a bit.


  • Comment number 14.

    Welcome asciens - well I only joined a few days ago and everyone has been really lovely! I'm still in 'reading mode' though and keep forgetting that I can join in! lol

  • Comment number 15.

    Welcome asciens. I've found the bloggers are a warm, friendly bunch, and we don't bite! So keep on blogging.

    Has anyone got any news on Debbie C. If you are lurking debs - hope all is well.

    Penny x

  • Comment number 16.

    As I typed that last blog entry, the oven beeped. The carrot cake looks wonderful - risen a treat and just waiting to be devoured!! (or deev-oured, maybe?)

    Lost Boys almost finished. I really think Kiefer should have turned CTU down and stuck with the vampire thing. He's so good at it!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 17.

    Afternoon CLP,

    Hooray it's Thursday. Glad you've had a productive morning and if I was into golf I am sure that I would be excited about the Masters. I might watch a bit of it because that Peter bloke cracks me up with his commentary.

    Happy Easter to you, Tash and Noah xxx

    I'm a little upset, on my church office desk was an Easter egg, which I thought was for little old me. Turns out someone won it in a quiz and is coming to collect it. Wouldn't mind but he's a "BIG" bloke and I am sure that I need fattening up more than he does.


  • Comment number 18.

    Hi Chris and the gang

    Looking forward to the show today!

    ART - 'Spirit on the Sky' by Dr and The Medics

    Rock on :-)


  • Comment number 19.

    Back again...............well, I had to do SOME work today!

    Pen - I think Debbie isn't coming on here for now but she has contact with some people via text or whatever.

    I echo the good wishes to her, and to sbp.

    Welcome asciens - oops, typed that wrongly at first - and lrt's all enjoy ART.

    2 hours to go to the weekend for me!


  • Comment number 20.

    Deevs - how brilliant that you found something to help you remain focused - and are now making a profit out of it - well done you - I love hearing about people like you that can turn things around - I have a friend at the moment whose head is so far off this planet and out of reality and who will not even consider that he might be depressed - hence do nothing to sort himself out, I can only continue to be there I suppose ....

    Where and to whom do you sell your cakes - is it like the situation on Mistresses.....? lol


  • Comment number 21.

    ..or 'let's' all even! Wish I could type...........

    I too will be watching the Masters but only the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ highlights as I don't have that S*y stuff - just as well as mr df would probably leave me if it was on all day long!

    Must get on with more work - back here this eve I hope.

    Happy Easter CLP, family and all bloggers if not.


  • Comment number 22.

    Hello all

    My first blog ever today, be kind.

    Just had to get involved, the show is going from strength to strenght, keep it up CLP!!!

    I love the different features you all keep coming up with, it seems as though there is an unlimited supply of ideas over there!

    Just spent a small fortune on Easter Eggs for the kids this weekend - Doh!!!!

    Regarding ART - got to be 'Safety Dance' from Men without Hats!!!

    Talk again soon.


  • Comment number 23.

    Another newbie, welcome Glen.

    Penny x

  • Comment number 24.

    Afternoon each..

    Weather here is dry... the rain from this morning has stopped in time for a colleague of mine to get married in the sun half an hour ago... doesnt a wedding just make you smile? They only organised it 6 wks ago so its been a bit of a whirlwind although they`ve been together for 8 years!

    Baking and cooking - love both when i get chance but that doesnt seem to be too often... now the writing bit, not me but give me a book and thats me gone for hours!

    So working next few days but off Sun and Mon so still a bit of a weekend to enjoy..and best buds birthday on Mon so a few glasses of adult pop may be sunk on Sun i think!

    Happy Easter everyone!

    mSc x

    PS - Welcome to the newbies..

    PPS- SBP - hopefully its not as bad as it sounds and he`s just had a better offer..but may be worth getting the cv out and about... thinking of you. x

  • Comment number 25.

    hiya to all the newbies - glad to see you here

    tahnks for all the good wishes - scoobs - have had CV out since news in jan - no bites - no one wants me :-(

  • Comment number 26.

    Hope I'm not too late for today's ALF/ALTh.......!

    How about "FOR YOUR LOVE" ~ The Yardbirds

    I've not heard it in ages and it's a great song!

    Thanks Chris and have a nice weekend everyone!


  • Comment number 27.

    Top tip for all those needing/thinking of getting their CV's out (from a very seasoned recruiter) - please please please get some one else to look at it and make sure it is relevant to the roles you want to apply for, is up to date, and consistent - I review CV's every day and so many do not make sense, have company jargon on, and it is clear that each job is just added on the end - any specific hints or advice you want happy to help my new found family of bloggers!

  • Comment number 28.

    Hello Chris and everyone,
    I'm a virgin to this blog... so here goes... enjoyed the cookalong.... Hmm could almost smell the chocolate cake in a mug thingy on my way to my Grandsons last night(for a sleepover) he is 4 yrs old and an absolute joy. He made me (Nanna) and hubby (Bubba) an Easter Egg each - Refridgerator cake shaped into an egg and placed in an eggcup, then decorated........ so cute and cannot wait to eat it on Sunday.
    He has announced that Easter is almost his most favourite time above Christmas and his Birthday :o) - I wonder why??
    Have a fabulous Easter - shut away watching the Masters!!! Will be listening to the show on my way home tonight.....

    Nanna and Bubba French

  • Comment number 29.

    Morning, afternoon everyone from a sunny and blue skied upstate NY. Should be nice here today. Temps around 50 degrees, snow gone (for now) and the golfers are out on the course opposite my office.

    Hope your day is going well.

  • Comment number 30.

    Well Welcome Nanna and Bubba - aren't we a lot of newbies today!

  • Comment number 31.

    see you can tell I have no work to do.....!

  • Comment number 32.

    Welcome asciens! It's a friendly place here on the blog in general so just dive in and I'm sure you'll be made very much at home!


    ps. just bought Mum a choccie bunny in case she might need one for Sunday :))

  • Comment number 33.

    actually I do have work to do - am i bovered.....

  • Comment number 34.

    Wooo Happy Easter! Cant wait for the golf or ART! Bring it on...

  • Comment number 35.

    Me again,

    Deb...you are right..i recruit quite regularly and as interesting as it is that the candidate worked in a fish and chip shop at the age of 15 for 3 hours a week it really isnt relevant to the job they are applying for! And if anyone writes anything more interesting than `spending time with friends and family, visiting the cinema and reading` then i nearly drop off my seat!

    (however, one of my fave interview tricks is to ask the last film they saw/book they read..and what it was about...most of em cant tell me...!)

    Someone somewhere wants you SBP - just keep plugging and posting your CV around... what is is they say about one door closing and another opening..

    mSc x

    PS - Deev..kettle on but still awaiting delivery of carrot cake...please advise of ETA!

  • Comment number 36.

    SBP - hope all is well with your job.

    I am also job hunting (have been since Christmas) and it's pretty depressing. I get excited when I find something I can apply for, but then get miserable again when I don't even get a rejection letter.

    Funny - when I'm really feeling the despair at ever finding another job I head for the kitchen and make something. Baking is amazingly therapeutic. Only trouble with that is the pounds have been piling on. So I get miserable about that too.

    So enough. In an effort to sort myself out, I'm restricting job hunting to the mornings (instead of aimlessly surfing any jobsite I can find all day and doing nothing else) and am trying to do a spell on the wii fit everyday. Although this morning the evil thing told me I was a couch potato! humph.

    Am glad it's sunny today. I always feel so much better when the sun shines!

    Unfortunately over here they don't really do Easter hols, so Mr D is still working tomorrow and Monday. Still, at least I've found a local source of creme eggs! (not helping the piling on the pounds issue though, however comforting the chocolatey gooeyness might be!) Will be trying the mug cake tonight as we were out last night - saw Bryan Adams on his acoustic tour. Totally brilliant.

    Ooops mammoth post will shut up now!


  • Comment number 37.

    scoob - i alwasy stick on motorbiking/ exercise and dancing - does that make me a bit more exciting?

  • Comment number 38.

    Afternoon each

    Halloooooooooo to all the new peeps, and happy Easter to everyone, including Chris and family.

    Just surfaced from two days of sneezy hell - wonder if red wine is better than lemonsippy?

    Listening to Sally Traffic, am so glad I'm not driving anywhere this weekend.

    Back later, after I've started the Lentil Lasagne.


  • Comment number 39.


    I dont't sell my cakes any more, except at christmas (my Christmas cake is the best on the planet. Fact!).

    At the time I was only working 3 days a week and the baking supplemented my income. Now I'm back full time I only bake for me 'n' him. I still get the same sense of satisfaction out of it though.

    I once heard an interview with the winner of the Young Musician Of the Year and she was asked if she was now going to turn professional. Her response was "no, because turning my passion into a full time job will turn that passion into a chore".

    That kind of summed up the baking thing for me too. I have to do it when the mood takes me.

    Nice to see some newbies on here - hello everyone!!

    SBP - fingers crossed for you honey pie!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 40.

    Hi, just popping by to say hello to all the new folk, I'm fairly new myself!

    Arrgghh - have just had a client ring for something urgent, and it needs to go this afternoon, why do they always seem to know it's your last couple of hours before a weeks break?

    Have to get back to it, and will be back later

    JG x

  • Comment number 41.

    SBP - if i ever need a bean counter you will be first on my list!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 42.

    I would just like to welcome all the newbies to our happy band of bloggers. I hope you keep blogging.

    Here in the colonies Friday and Monday are not holidays for most people. Although I am taking tomorrow off from work but I have to use one of my vacation days (as they call it here). Oh well.

  • Comment number 43.

    forgot to say in my mammoth ramblings the very thing I came on to say...

    Happy Easter everyone!

    and welcome newbies, nice to see new faces (so to speak!)


  • Comment number 44.

    Hurrrah, after a thoroughly miserable start to the day (weatherwise) the sun has got his hat on, yeah!*

    Welcome huggybearkissyface.

    Afternoon Bond.

    *Boo it's disappeared again behind a rather large grey patch!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 45.

    My piece of autobiographical writing got the thumbs up from the boys, so now I have to analyse my work in 500 words and I'll be free (until the next piece is due in!)

    Cheryl, I'm exactly the same with cooking, its my therapy! I was feeling really stressed yesterday so I did some baking and I felt much better. I've often thought 'd like to do it for a job but maybe you're right, it would stop being pleasurable then.

    Happy Easter everyone, I've been off chocolate and crisps for Lent so I can't wait!

    Em xx

  • Comment number 46.

    SBP - if thats what you do then absolutely! Dont get disheartened about something that may not even happen - but being proactive is never a bad thing - maybe this is 'your opportunity' to do something else :-)

    BTW - I heard a rumour that the body rocker they 'invented' last night on the apprentice is really on sale - anyone know where - might need one after the effects of what I am anticipating eating this weekend!

    Talking of eating Deevs - book me in for one of your christmas cakes!

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi Penny, sorry the weather is so bad. I think for us (this side of the pond) today's nice weather is just the eye of the storm. What with the snow we had earlier in the week and the rain we are supposed to get tomorrow and Saturday..... oh well.....

  • Comment number 48.

    LOL Debs - you're on! Where in the country are you? And I hope you like brandy!!!

    Wasn't the bum-rocker thing exclusive to John Lewis stores?

    I could see the cube thing not working. The whole point of a Swiss Exercise Ball is the balance and stability side of it. Sitting on a cube calls for neither!

    Dufusses. Dufii?

    Curry ... now ....

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 49.

    Wow! You ARE friendly. Thanks all for the welcomes. I think I'm going to feel right at home here.


  • Comment number 50.

    Hello to all the newbies - not had time to drop in much today - busy - and I will have to work tomorrow too - morning anyway - just not going to get there today. Hey ho ne're mind A.

    Pleased the cold better Annie.

    Tiggs just took banking and popped in to ex work place to pick up a couple of books for himself for week-end in bolt hole - no sorry haven't got any of those !! Place falling to bits without you!

    Right - must get on - busy texting poorly person aaaaah


    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Thanks for all the welcomes - I am at work so reading, talking, listening, typing, quoting, making cups of tea, actually multi tasking - which is what we girls are oh so good at!!!

    ART-how about some Jason Mraz - this boy is good.... saw him at the Hammersmith Apollo last week....

    Will be cooking cakes this weekend for a cake sale at My 99 year old Grandma's care home 'Easter Fayre' on Monday - keep fingers xxxxd for fine weather!!

    aka Nanna and Bubba

  • Comment number 52.

    Annie...glad cold feeling better... did you get a H.Choc easter egg for yourself to cheer you up? If so then eat it..i prescribe chocolate for all ailments!

    Dragon...how rude is it to not even get a rejection letter... you wouldnt want to work for them anyway! Get applying, something will drop... but likng the `day plan`... the creme egg bit anyway!

    Beez..will be working with you... we`ll both feel sorry for each other!

    Right..off to make that brew...sans carrot cake :-( hee hee...

    mSc x

  • Comment number 53.

    Deevs - i am in the west country - just outside of brizzle - I think you are over near the big smoke arent you?

    - however, if your cake is a good as you reckon - I can ALWAYS think of a reason to come over that side of the world - especially at xmas shopping time!

    Definitely Dufii - I love it - can see myself using that a lot over the next week - V boozy session in a cottage with mates for a week - apparently the weather will be pants so nothing to do but play games and drink wine!

    Right - I may be some time - whilst all you loverly bloggers are doing creative things like cooking - I am now locking myself in the bathroom with 2 westies who need a bath - I can feel a Clodagh type moment about to happen.......


  • Comment number 54.


    I'm in Suffolk, but have been known to travel to the odd blog meet!

    Got a funky 80s dance CD on in the kitchen (until 5pm) so the curry will have a funky kick!

    Blame it on the boogie!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 55.

    Right, Lentil mixture bubbling away. No Scoobs, didn't get H.Choccie for myself and daughter and sons gone...... they couldn't wait for Sunday!

    Beez: enjoy your weekend when you get there. Hope you have a lovey relaxing time. And Cheryl, where's my piece of cake??


  • Comment number 56.

    Forgot to say: Bagpuss, fingers crossed for you. Hope it's not as bad as you think.


  • Comment number 57.

    And welcome huggy sorry to have left it this late in the day. Good luck with the Easter fayre on Monday!


  • Comment number 58.

    Afternoon All,

    Hello Newbies, I've not been long,and it's lovely....

    Have been lurking, but feeling pooh as been inside for two days with mutt and toddler (who both think it's my fault we can't go outside cos of the wet sky) BUT just had a phone call.........t'other is coming home tonight....and has got Monday off too....YAY!!

    And even more exciting is he's bringing sausages from his mates smallholding home....YUM YUM!

    I'll be back - got to untangle a stoopid dog from the stair gate.........


  • Comment number 59.

    Don't do chocolate and don't do choccy cake but the carrot cake I've just been sent looks yummy !!!!

    Thanks Deev xxx

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    The carrot cake looks amazing i concur... think i may have to nip o`er road to get some baked goods of some sort...yum! thanks Deev!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 61.

    its worse - just found out that agency have sent my CV to managers in my firm - nil points on the professional scale - now people (ie my ex managers and others I know) know I am looking

  • Comment number 62.

    Afternoon all,

    Welcome to all newbies - lots of new names!

    Glad you are feeling better Annie and hope you get to your bolt hole in good time Beez.

    Hope everybody has a lovely Easter whatever you are all doing and whatever the weather throws at us.

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 63.

    ART for all the beaver, cubs,scouts and explores doing thier" Gang show" tonight @ the gatehouse theatre in stafford from thier mama mia piece can we have Waterloo by Abba they've worked really hard for the past 3 months and also chris can you remind them.. to enjoythemselves and smile! great show enjoy the weekend!!

  • Comment number 64.

    I really wanted to suggest Bob Dylan's new single for ART but can't remember the bleedin' name of it!!!!

    Just trapped a humungous spider in the little hoover thingy. Now what do I do with it? Can't go near it.


  • Comment number 65.

    SuperB and PurpleD, hang in there. It's a numbers game. The more things you apply for the more likelihood of you getting interviews and hopefully an offer. Unfortunately it takes time. Chin-up, try and stay positive, and apply for everything and anything, even if you are over or under qualified, you never know....

  • Comment number 66.

    Its my day off today, so what have I been up to?

    Well, I have been designing posters, creating work booklets, finishing newsletters and all bits like that. Fun huh.

    The fun bit starts later when I get to draw a big bunnykin with no tail, for our Pin the tail on the Bunny competition at work. I shall also be practising my balloon modelling, face painting and colouring in skills.

    Retail. You don't get any extra days off at Easter, but who says we have to work while we are there eh?

    And for those of you that are asking for good weather, don't be daft. Its Easter Bank Holiday.


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 67.

    Oh yes, I forgot.

    OU TMA's are the bane of my life.

    But all for a betterer future eh?

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 68.

    Welcome asciens, huggybearkissyface (that will HAVE to be shortened HBKF maybe), goodmaggot and any other newbie's I missed today.

    As I said to Debs when she stopped lurking & joined in last week we are all mad here so that helps.

    Have a great weekend all.

    Deev that cake sounds wicked so you may get another order. Perhaps Debs can drop it off on her way home to Brizzle. I am near Glawster!!!!

  • Comment number 69.

    ART: Lilly The Pink - The Scaffold

  • Comment number 70.

    Oh SBP - what a nightmare - how did you find out - has anyone said anything?


  • Comment number 71.

    Afternoon everyone, especially Newbies, I'm quite new aswell.

    Well here we are on the brink of Easter weekend and the weather's turned horrible-typical!

    We're off for a couple days away tomorrow until sunday, should have been for a week but my husband's work wont let him have time off-long story so I wont bore you all. As he works in the tourist industry that means no time off from now until october and him working 7 days a week, which is a pain with the kids but at least he does have a job which with the present climate we're grateful about.

    Deev your carrot cake sounds lovely can you send some to Cornwall? That would be one of my five portions of veg for the day along with banoffee pie as one of my fruit portions!

    Well so far the kids don't have any easter eggs but I'm sure by the time we get home on sunday there'll be a mountain of them here, some chocolate anyone?

    Hope everyone has a good easter even if the weather is horrible-Fingers crossed that it's not though!

    Love MCM xx

  • Comment number 72.

    8 mins to go to ART - who will it be - who will it be?

    BTW - just about survived dunking the dogs - complete change of clothes later........

    not sure who got wetter - me or them ;-)

  • Comment number 73.

    That's it I've had enough. I really can't be bothered to do any more and a night at my bezzie mates house for girlie gossip, lovely food and Grey's Anatomy calls.

    Have a wonderful Easter everyone, I am sure I shall be online over the weekend.

    Lots of love

  • Comment number 74.

    P.S. Forgot to say welcome to all the newbies xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Hi - cannot get to listen through laptop - can you let me know who gets picked please?

  • Comment number 76.

    Hang in there. I would certainly be "visiting" the agency concerned to relieve my anger. Un-professional doesnt do it justice.

    As far as your present position goes, if it is of any comfort, when bosses in my place leave it is usually because they have been there a few years , have added no value whatsoever and are leaving before they get found out.

    You will be fine and we are all hear with ears to bend.

  • Comment number 77.

    or even here.....:-0

  • Comment number 78.

    Write alright... funny you should mention that Chris must get back to my writing. I'm working on a new sitcom about Internet groups meetings.

    It's far too late for request Thursday but .. I love this one.

    Have a very Happy Easter and remember the calories in chocolate.
    Have a stick of celery instead.

  • Comment number 79.

    Rosieposie gets it.... well done and great song!!!

  • Comment number 80.


    ART is RosiePosie ELO Mister Blue Sky

    Congrats RP

  • Comment number 81.

    beat me to it Bondy

  • Comment number 82.

    Yay, Roseiposie, well done

    P x

  • Comment number 83.

    Oh rosieposie - lucky you! lets hope this song sorts out the weather - we DEFINITELY need blue sky for the weekend.......

    BTW SBP - it is Mr Blue Sky and I concur with what ThunderclapN says about the agency - would fancy a go at them myself they are sooooo bad - let me be your representative!


  • Comment number 84.

    Just like to wish everyone a very happy Easter and let's hope the weather is kind.

    Logging out now as off to sit with the ankle biters for the evening - wish me luck!!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 85.

    Well done Rosie and Tom, just what I needed as I turned the lights on and drew the curtains (yep, it's that dark - the street lights have ben on since 3pm!)

    Washing up calls before the boy goes to bed - the only thing with t'other coming back tonight I feel it has to be tidy (not cos of him but cos I'm anal (virgo) bout the house being tidy, even tho it's a building site)

    SBP - you have to talk to the agency - that's really bad practice....


  • Comment number 86.

    Oooh, eb, dark outside? Poor you. Sun still shining up here.


  • Comment number 87.

    Hi Chris, Loved the cook along show yesterday, had a look at the pics really great.Have a good weekend all of you
    love to Tash and Noah, enjoy the golf.

  • Comment number 88.

    Well done Rosieposie and Tom! Good value for money toon too!

    Muppet Alert:

    I've just de-seeded and chopped 8 chillis for the curry (6 red and 2 green) and then inadvertantly scratched my nose.

    Ouchy ouch ouch indeed.


  • Comment number 89.

    Och Annie - it's miserable down 'ere in the valleys - not seen the sky for two days, just rain clouds........

    But the boy keeps me entertained - he learnt how to run downhill today when out with the mutt - over and over again, filthy he was!!

    Hopefully the weekend will be better and we'll get to go on our picnic with friends.......hopefully!


  • Comment number 90.

    Well done Rosie & Tom!

    ...And now dancing Queen.... what could be better?

    CtD!!!! Muppet indeed! Get your hands washed right now!


  • Comment number 91.

    Ebb: Hope your weekend is sunny and your picnic is good.

    I have gorgeous little boys staying on Sunday as their parents are abandoning them to go and see Pink in Glasgow. We'll be having a midnight feast at 8pm!!


  • Comment number 92.

    Deevs- the muppet - have you got a lemon or lime - rub the cut side of one over your hands - like loads! and get a little cup of water and sloosh your nose in it!
    PS - off to open the wine now and start pre-packing for week away!

  • Comment number 93.

    Deev: Sorry, having a giggle at your nose in a cup of water!!!!


  • Comment number 94.

    Happy Easter guys xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Hi everyone

    Wishing everybody A Happy Easter. Lets hope the sunshines on us all.

    Did anyone catch the web site for the Wooden Plank? I like the idea of cooking on a woodenplank.

    Chris lovely to have you back, it's been a great week. Love to Noah & Tash. Have a great weekend, don't spend it all in doors watching golf

    Mel xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Well dooks we live in the gorgeous Scottish Borders, just outside Jedburgh (or as we call it 'Jethart'

    Son thinks we should now name one of our chooks 'Dooks' so the one with the very furry 'breeks' is now Dooks!!!

    Missed most of the show tonight (AW) taxi service is almost finished now. Mr Lammie man (son no 2) is now home and Mr Rugger is back from training - away on tour very soon. It's never ending!!!!

    BL Yip E

  • Comment number 97.

    You never know?????
    I was all chuffed yesterday with news of an interview invoit, then last night I got a call from an agency - nuvver interview Tuesday!!! Doesn't look as good as Wednedays - byt hey begger can't and all that stuff.

    I tell you summink, It takes ruddy ages but don't only contact agencies in person - bung your cv on thier website - I think they all kind of share?
    'cos latest call was from an agency I've never heard of! got to be worth a go.

    Mr N not too good at all today, that's why I've not been about on here - he don't 'get it' really.

    Hi to all you newbies - hang about we're an OK bunch.

    Deev, I used to make bread every week for the ex's sarnis. I loved making it then one day he said - can we go back to 'normal' bread - the likes of Mothers Pride - I havent bothered since!!

    Take care
    See you all on the morrow

  • Comment number 98.

    I'm sorry - I have ni idea what invoit means????

  • Comment number 99.

    Could it be?

    The most beautiful Thursday in the world?

    The sun has set, Mrs MfR and I have just been for a walk, ending up quite naturally in the pub, and have now arrived back at Rudgwick Towers.

    I have cracked open a particularly delightful merlot, Mrs MfR is catching up on a soap she missed earlier, and then we will settle down to watch a movie.

    The best bit?

    The diary is empty for tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday (except a date with the telly for me at 4.00 when the lads are playing the Mancs - the other ones, we've already beaten Utd) and Monday.

    It all sounds a bit selfish and self-indulgent, but there are times when you need a little space and a little time to yourselves.

    So we've created it. The ingredients are bought, the cooking rota agreed, and the fridge(s) are stocked.


    Wherever you are, whoever you are with and whatever you are doing, have a good one. I'll drop in from time to time over the weekend, so if there is a FNWC or a SNWC or any other WC, I'll probably say hi.

    I'm happy, hope you're happy too.

    Peace etc


    PS Chez. Be thankful you are not a guy. Those chillis can.......

  • Comment number 100.

    Oh, bugger it was 'invite' Honest I used to be able to type!
    Sbp - I hadn't seen your post, just whizzed down to reply to an earlier one, that'll teach me - someone at that agency needs to be shot - that has got to be the worstest thing an agency can do!

    I hope you don't hear of them contacting your present company.

    Fingers crossed


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