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Morning campers, how about we just all take the rest of the week off.

Chris Evans | 09:45 UK time, Tuesday, 14 April 2009

It's hard to shake off such a...

...long weekend aint it ?

I just want to go back down to my garages and mess with my cars again all day - with wife and child in tow of course. They both have their own collectors pieces...

This is Noah's


This is Tasha's


Alas it is not to be as life calls once more.

Things are disappearing and I want to call a worldwide ban on all cupboards deeper than six inches.

Not one but two pairs of sunglasses have gone walkiies, both prescription lensed up - nightmare. And the cupboard thing - well,

I went to spice up a bit of chick chick on Saturday and decided to delve a little deeper than normal, there's stuff back there that hasn't seent the light of day for months. This got me going on all the other cupboards and they were all the same from the tins to the booze, the stuff at the back ain't ever gonna get a look in.

Shallow cupboards for all that's what I say, cupboards are the none refrigerated version of freezers and we all know they're a waste of time. I can feel another freezer party coming on, we were discussing the possibility of having a joint one with our neighbours - we reckon we could feed most of Berkshire.

Fridges should have an ice cream freezer and that's it, we don't need freezers in our lives, it's one of those things we've all just gone with but none of us know why.

Happy short week again ! Whoopee !!!





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  • Comment number 1.


    i regualrly clean out my cupboards and eat randon stuff from freezer in mismatched meals - cannot really afford not to IMHO

    Als- - after buying no clothes in Reading yesterday am having to recycle my old outfits in new and intresting ways for work as all my trousers are too big - is a ball gown a little OTT for the offiice?

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris

    Agree with the cupboard thing, always promise to have a clear out but it's always gonna be a tomorrow thing. Not sure I could do without my freezer tho!

    Roll on 505!


  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Lambie Pies!

    Cupboards! Tell me about it.

    We have a cupboard under the stairs which contains all our alcohol (spirits) and all my vinyl albums from yesteryear. To play my vinyl I have to do battle with umpteen bottles of goodness knows what - long since forgotten liqueurs from holidays past (fig cocktail, anyone?). The same cupboard also houses the crisps and sweets.

    A popular cupboard, but you're in trouble if you want to play any Yazoo or Z Z Top!!

    Coffee tasting surprisingly good today!

    Ya Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 4.

    Afterthought ..... maybe a bloggers meet at my humble abode to help reduce the dodgy liqueur lake!?!?!

    Just how may bottles of blue curacao does one household need??

    Any takers ..... ? ?

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning Christoph,

    Thank goodness you're back. Glad you and the family had a good weekend and I'm with you about taking the rest of the week off.

    I tided out a cupboard yesterday, I've got one downstairs (live in a flat) in the undercroft that I chuck things in. Managed to fill one bin bag and three recycling bags. I can actually get to my bike now! Did think about spring cleaning my food cupboards, but couldn't really be bothered, perhaps you've inspired me now.

    Have a happy Tuesday, the sun is trying to breakthrough here in Kent.


  • Comment number 6.

    Suber bp - You could set a trend on the ball gown front! Well done on the weight loss.

    Deev - Can just picure you in your cupboard getting merrier as you approach the vinyl, then forgetting what you were in there for!!


    Penny x

  • Comment number 7.

    LOL Penny - you been spying on me!?!?!

    Baggy - ballgowns and trainers - worked for Lily Allen! Go for it!!


  • Comment number 8.

    Morning all!!

    CLP don't talk to ME about the cupboards. There's things at the back of Renee's cupboards that Damian Hirst, the Natural History Museum and NATO would be interested in. I swear. When she's lost 'er glasses or the TV remote I'm treated regularly to the alarming sight of 'er bottom where the cupboard door should be, muffled words like Damn and Blast and By The Crin and the next 3 days lookin' at photos of half the Polish Air Force and dog-eared postcards from Aunty Fanny in Blackpool. It's not funny.

    Anyway the wedding went down very well thanks for askin Beez. The weather ovver t' Wrong Side of t' Pennines was absolutely gorgeous, as befits my lovely nephew, know throughout his life as Lucky Louis. Can't put a foot wrong, that boy.

    The day was somewhat fraught with danger, what with the Brother-Outlaw, the cousin Baz, 2 paige-boys, a small bridesmaid who was an obvious descendant of Lucrezia Borgia, 2 catapults, water-bombs and a 6-tier wedding cake all under the same roof.

    All I can say about the result of that is that it was lucky they cut the said cake early, and that the squirrel population of Yorkshire is considerably down this week from last.

    AND I was mentioned in dispatches during his emotional speech, thus;

    "Can I, on behalf of my gorgeous wife (to jeers and applause) and myself, just thank everyone sincerely for your generosity, we're blown away. And, by the way, looking at me Aunty (Clodagh)'s hat, it appears even she has had her purse open.." More rapturous applause and laughter.

    Cheeky little bugger. I wouldn't mind but them were butterflies, not moths.

    He got thrashed to within an inch of his life later so all is well.

    Ok must be off. Renee's lookin' perplexed and readin' the Wigan Observer upside down. Best take her out before she starts lookin' for the glasses.


  • Comment number 9.

    Oh WOW look at Noah's wheels.

    Hahahahahaha I think a pic of little Dick Dastardly himself installed is in order, Christoff.

    Actually, Renee could do with a pair a slippers like that..

    I'll work on it.


  • Comment number 10.

    No freezers are a amazing.... There is nothing better than a frozen Easter egg for that extra crackle!

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning all. After a refreshing shower of rain overnight got the sun again. Does the weather know this is Wales!!?

    Cupboards - mine have tape across them - do not enter- go there at your peril. Couldn't do without my freezer (s) though my butcher would go out of business!

    Bit of a calamity here last night. Let dog out about 2ish - went to shut patio door - urm - came off in my hands! Standing there with a thumping great door about to crash on me - lassie to the rescue - go fetch Mr B - which he did with a vengeance - leaping on him apparently! Not a happy bunny but an hour later door back where it should be - sort of! Builder on his way this morning!

    Clodagh hope pansies were intertwined with the butterflies?

    Bagpuss ballgown and your boots - go for it!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    I'm with you Chris. Aswell, I expect as every other person back at work today.

    Another Four days back on the Glorious Isle of Wight would be just perfect!

    What a terrific place, Three and a half hours door to door and that was from the bottom bit.

    Mmmmm- holiday home???!!!

    Hope you all had as good a weekend as we did.

    Nicki - I reckon by the end of this week, you're gonna be gamefully employed...good luck.

    CLP...one more thing....Have you ever considered adopting?

    Seriously...Imagine the good press you would get for taking a worn out, 35 year old tin smith off the streets and taking him to a better place...a place full of scarlet works of art on wheels....Go on, give it some thought!



  • Comment number 13.

    Morning Ripples me auld china

    Hows you today?

    I'm a happy bunny!

    Ya Deev x x

  • Comment number 14.

    Lovin' Tash's wheels dude! Even I could park one of those!

  • Comment number 15.

    Morning Bigman, good to have you back. Blog's not so good during your absence.

    Fully agree with your cupboard/freezer post however I do love to have a clear out and find something I'd lost/forgotten/needed....always a good thing. Smaller cupboards would also mean bigger kitchens I guess? Mind you where would the wok go? Too many questions.

    Love the cars, if you do adopt ripples don't forget his twin brother who he hasn't seen since birth that would need to come with him (ie - me!!)

    Hope you're all spiffing out there today.

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 16.

    Morning Deev,

    So am I.......Had THE discussion this weekend....and......I'm going to Blur at Hyde Park!!!!

    WOOOO HOOOOOO!!,When I feel heavy metal
    And I'm pins and I'm needles etc etc

    It's gonna cost me on the Birthday present front, but, so what?



  • Comment number 17.

    Morning Ginge,

    What say, we just turn up looking bedraggled and pitiful, and try and appeal to his better nature?

    Just had a look in the mirror and I'm ready to go!


  • Comment number 18.

    yep, me too....


  • Comment number 19.

    That's good news Rips - even if me and Baggy miss out!! I know how much you want to go .... bit like me and the U2 tickets in August.

    Me and Mr Deev have an agreement: if I get poorly prior to U2 he can go with MW,a!. If he gets poorly, I'm gonna go with Tobes.

    We've not told MW,a! or Tobes yet but I'm sure they'll be fine!!

    Well, I've just caught up with Thursdays "backlog" - a whole morning of catch up for a day off! Temped to cancel Greece but that may be a bit of an ask as far Mr Deev is concerned!!

    Coffee. Tastes. Fab!

    Ya Deev x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    Behave you two!!

    Bedraggled my a**e!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 21.

    Delayed action here on the photos - didn't get them with the text!! Worth the wait, fab wheels!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 22.

    Morning All,

    Ah Chris, my boy has one of those cars too.....okay his is 12 inchs long and made of wood but he loves just the same!

    Don't mention kitchen cupboards....I don't have any.....(violins playing)...well I have a bookcase and very dodgy '60s cocktail cabinet but with the boy around I may as well just keep everything out on the floor! One day I WILL have a beautiful kitchen with a pantry at one end - with narrow shelves so nothing can hide for too long! It's been 4 years but who's counting??.....

    Thanks for all the good luck thoughts....and back at ya Nicki for tomorrow.

    Better go retreive the boy from the dogs bed.......oh no he's pulling wallpaper off......


  • Comment number 23.

    Just had a quick look at the fantasy football we sarted back in August, I had forgotten all about it...

    1 The Watford
    2 XRWoody
    3 Dissing Dave Diamond
    4 gingembre fc
    5 Joebelix
    7 Phoenix Firebirds
    8 Highland Laddies
    9 Brazilians
    10 Divas Dreamteam
    11 Scooby Scorers
    12 3 King Usus
    13 EasyJobbers

  • Comment number 24.

    Looks like my fantasy football team is setting the bar for my fantasy motorcycle team ...... oh dear!!

    Still smiling tho!
    x x x

  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon each and welcome back CLP.

    Spooky: I'm clearing out kitchen cupboards as we speak. Packets of herbs from 2004 were at the back!!


  • Comment number 26.

    You could have printed the Fantasy Footie last week when I was second!

    What a cracking couple of days back in Norfolk over the weekend! Saturday was just gorgeous out on a boat on the broads, good weather, good company, good meal. Who could ask for anything more. Sunday was all about da family! Equally good, but weather not so, it don't matter though!

    Trust all friends had a good weekend?

    DD out 4 now!

    PS in memory of Kestor Ball - Hillsborough 1989 RIP

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi everyone

    Good to be back after a few weeks - been sooooo busy and not all to do with work or pleasure for that matter. Anyhow, hope you fab people are fit, well and happy. AND that much choccie was concumed by all over the long weekend.

    Back to work proper today after the weekend. Quite like these 4 day weeks....could get used to this.

    Puter and fone close by as my Mum has to undergo a 6 hour op this afternoon and will come out a bit lop sided. Worse thing is she lives in Cyprus so a 'b' long way for us to be there with her. Forgive me if after not being here for a while, I go a bit off the rails!

    Trying to catch up on the blog has beaten me....the few glances I've had have caused a giggle or two as usual.

    BTW - thanks for the help on fb a few weeks ago. Now have a complete new list of mates. Cheers folks.


  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon CLP and all,

    Hard to get into the swing of things today, after such a boootiful weekend.
    Mr MC decided on building a new water feature in our small back garden. I think he got a little carried away, as it now looks like something on the lines of the Bellagio in Las Vegas. All we need is some music .... but hey, dont want to give him any more ideas, or that will be his project for the next bank holiday.

    Looking forward to getting home and starting on the next bit of chocolate.

    Hope everyone is having a decent day.
    Bye for now
    MC x

  • Comment number 29.

    Sentimentations Of Friendlyness Ter The CLP, The Tash, The Noah And Every Blog Operatative Who's Reading This And INDEED Every Blog Operatative Who's Noot Reading This!!!!
    (Am Easy If Any Bloggers Don't Wanter Read Me Blog Commentations... Although Az Am VERY Sensitive It Does 'urt Badly... So Maybe Am Noot That Easy On the Situation After All).......

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - Just wanted ter say.... beautiful pictures of beautiful pieces of beautifully crafted beautiful machinery!!!!!!!
    I'll ave ter send you a photo of me Lotus Esprit a used ter own.... still miss it now!!!!!!! Beautiful!!!!!!

    PS CLP - The grass area in the back of yer photo.... iz that yours???
    Looks VERY inviting ter use az a practice area for upter 100 yard golf shots!!!!!!
    Yer should build for Tash, Noah and yersen a few bunkers and a putting green!!!!!!
    Imagine 'ow sharp yer short game would become then!!!!!!!!
    And get Noah inter golf or just a sand pit for 'im ter play in - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    PPS Great ter see The Ankel Cerbera win the US of A's Masters!!!!!!
    Great story the way 'e left school at 10 ter caddy at 'is local golf course, goot no qualifications and know 'as won the US Open AND The Masters!!!!!
    Good on 'im..... remember following 'im around a few years ago when 'e won at The Beflry... or waz it The PGA at Wentworth?????
    PPPS Am coming ter the PGA this year at Wentworth, Surrey.... only a few weeks now.... 14th ter 17th of May!!!!!!
    CLP - Will yer be playing in the Pro Am on the Wednesdee 13th????
    If so am more than willing ter caddy for you and share me putting secret with you!!!!!!!
    A know Brucey and Sir Terrance normally play in this!!!!!!

    'ope all 'ad a 'CRACKING' weekend... get it cracking!!!!!!! Sorry bad pun!!!!

    Actually a friend of mine did ave a cracking weekend.... they fell off a bike and broke their thumb!!!!! 100% true!!!!!!!
    Looks like it'll be a thumbs down for the 09 Easter weekend for them then!!!!!!
    ('ope their noot reading this) (If so probally now ex friend).

    Az for my weekend..... well it all went totally wrong Bingo style!!!!

    I ended up being arrested for unlawful behaviour by Gunnersbury Park park ploice!!!!!!!!
    (Sounds abit like a George Micheals park incident).

    It waz all a BIG misunderstanding.... am innocent all...... totally innocent..... i'll tell all later or termoz.... gotta go know and change me exhaust on me car..... goot me MOT later!!!!!!

    GOURANGA Ter YOU!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 30.

    29 - Noot too bad..... reminds me of before a waz thirty!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 31.

    Bingo - Did I hear your moniker on the traffic report on the excellent Rob Brydon show yesterdee afternoon, or was it a figment of my imagination?


  • Comment number 32.

    Ello Penny - Yuv just reminded me about that.... yes...... and a just wanted ter put this sincerest of 'pologies ter Nick Metcalf or is it Duncalf????
    I always get mixed up or is it Mick Netcalf????
    Am sure it's Nick but only 81% sure!!!!!!
    (No offence again Mick/ Nick!!!).

    Any way a only rang the travel 'otline yesterdee ter report a problem and ended up phoning nearly 5 times!!!!!!
    4 actually!!!!
    Firstly ter report the problem, secondly ter compliment Nick/ Mick on the excellent job a think 'e does filling in for Lynn Bowles, Sally B and INDEED Bobby Prior!!!!!!
    Only problem a thought 'e might ave thought a waz being sarcastic.... so a leeeter rang back ter say a really did think 'is travel reports are 'spot on'!!!!!!!!
    So if yer reading this Nick/ Mick.... am noot being sarcastic... a do like you.... and keep up the good work pal!!!!!!
    PS - Oh and thanks for the mention!!!!!!
    PPS - And for 'elping fellow motorists ter motor, with the road info!!!!!!

    In fact a don't know what Nick/ Mick looks like but do yer know who 'e reminds me of...... Jono S!!!!!!!
    E 'as that easy going friendly 'umourous tone ter 'is on air delivery.... VERY similar ter Jono S and sounds slightly like 'im!!!!!!!
    If Jono S 'ad a friendly brother..... Nick/ Mick would be 'im!!!!!!!

    Penny - 'ope this answered yer question!!!!!!


  • Comment number 33.

    Aye aye Bingo

    Was gonna text you later - bit worried by your absence of blog!

    Deev x

  • Comment number 34.

    Bingo - a simple yes would have sufficed!!LOL

    Pen x

  • Comment number 35.

    Nearly there then Lyndy-loo. Nothing like leaving it late to score the winner!

    Good luck this week Nicki.

    Hope all the bloggers had a great weekend


  • Comment number 36.


    Just walked up to the post box to post somefink and there appears to be a rowing boat in our front yard (at work).

    Have the weathermen neglected to tell us something that the locals have rumbled???

    At the mo, there's not even a puddle in sight.

    Bizarre indeed!


    x x x

  • Comment number 37.

    Thanks ThunderclapN... I've learned to take nothing for granted as a fox over the years. We still have the one more point to get to make sure of the promotion but I'm getting a bit more optomistic now :))

    Arfernoon everyone else!

    CLP what lurrrrvely cars... am v v jealous!


  • Comment number 38.

    Morning, afternoon from a bright but overcast upstate NY. Hope you all have a great Easter weekend. The snow here has finally gone, green grass is beginning to show through, and the golfers are beginning to appear.

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi Bond! Glad you've finally got a bit of warmer weather xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hello Lyndy, Thanks. Did you have a good weekend?

  • Comment number 41.

    Hello Bondy

    Started sunny here first thing, now a bit overcast. Apart from yesterday we had a dire weekend weatherwise.

    Might we now dare to say summer is on it's way!


  • Comment number 42.

    Hi Penny, Of course now you've said that....LOL Our weekend was cold, very windy, but sunny.

  • Comment number 43.

    Thanks Rips - hope you're right - will of course keep all posted of any developments

  • Comment number 44.

    And Thunder, and all others sending good wishes/nice thoughts.

  • Comment number 45.

    Tra la la la la fingers in ears - I just hate that andy williams song drinking the barrels dry yuk!
    Wotcha James x

    Don't feel a bit guilty we have had non stop sun here in Wales - just a very civilised amount of rain overnight and back to sun.

    Just off to see if I can give farmer a hand - escaping lambs !!! (yes I have done before!!!!)

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Oh yes, quest over, safely back indoors shortly to be garden.

    Agency seemed nice and very positive ( I know they all do)
    However feeling a bit bouncy after so decided to treat Mr N to nice breakfast (don't do brunch as am not Amercan) in nice little Italian cafe that was next door to agency.. yummy!
    I made Mr N come along as he's been stuck indoors for a few days feeling not pucker and a bit down in the dumps.
    I thin I earnt some brownie points.
    1. I drove
    2. I found where needed to be
    3. I parked in car park the size of a postage stamp.
    4. I didn't hi anything
    5. Got vino supplies for later
    6. Corks out, latar is always too late!

    All in all, I'm thinking....good day

    Must spend some time in garden, I was putting some washing on the line at about 7 this morning, weather gawjus and had that it's nearly summer smell, if you know what I mean.........well I do anyhow

    Laters peeps

  • Comment number 47.

    4. I didn't hit anything

  • Comment number 48.

    I just read that back (too late) when I said back indoors shortly to be garden, I am not anticipating any major building/ earthworks!

    Apologies for any confusion.....I just can't help meself

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi Nicky

    Good luck with the agency.

    Washing always smells nice when it's been hanging out to dry on the line. Easier ironing too!

    Glad sun is hitting you 007.

    Beez....love lambs, they are soooooo cute!

    Deev - heels sound really cool. Bit jealous as I haven't been shopping in a while. Must remedy that when beloved is away next week.


  • Comment number 50.

    It's not a lifeboat is it? Have you got to don your oilskins and those rather attractive thigh length wellies, can I come work at your place?

  • Comment number 51.

    Beez - Lambs are so cute, but absolutely don't feel a bit guilty when served with mint sauce - delish. With apolgies to veggies!!

    Back to the ironing!!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 52.

    apolgies...what's that all about!


  • Comment number 53.

    LOL Nicki! Its a rowing boat ..... and we are in a "dip" in the road in which we're situated! I guess in a bad light it could pass as an Ark!

    Incidentially, one of our friends works for the environment agency and he always teases me about his oilskins and waders! I guess he knows me sooooooooo well! Worrying ........

    Steffi - I now have the heels. Just need somewhere to go to wear them! They are so not allotment footwear!

    Another lbog meet maybe ..... ? ? ?

    How's this for a result: I was coughing earlier and our Mexican cleaner recommended I go home and drink some Tequila with a squeeze of lime and a smidge of honey.

    Looks like Mr Bombay Sapphire will be getting the night off tonight!

    Also been munching on some chilli chocolate - nice and burny at the back of ones throat, y'know.

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 54.

    what's a lbog? blog maybe ......

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi Beez, what's cooking?

    Hi steffi, good weekend?

  • Comment number 56.

    I Lurv Tequila and lime, lemon, orange juice anything'll doo

  • Comment number 57.

    lbog..... a spanish toilet?????? LOL

  • Comment number 58.

    Well Chris, not to be TOO controversial I agree with the cupboard bit, but definitely a NO NO to the freezer. Cupboards are ok just now as we have just moved into our brand new dream home (self built - with a lot of stress, but def worth it - only downside FAR FAR too much cleaning to do now)

    With 3 hungry chaps in this household I batch bake/cook so it's a YES YES to the freezer in this household.

    I am a vv busy mum, who can have a weeks from the freezer (if I plan right!!!) Nothing better than homemade stuff - No hyper ingredients for the troups here! Might even have a chook this week as the little darlings not looking very healthy in the run today. Time for Mr BLYipE to do some wringing - ouch.

    Glad you had a good few days holibobs, back to the fore tonight yippee.

    See you at 5


  • Comment number 59.

    Hey James

    Good weekend at home with family (sister, kids et al). Collected young nephew from airport who flew solo from Cyrpus for the first time...bless.... 14 now going on 20!


  • Comment number 60.

    Wow that's quite the trip for 14. Good for him. He probably had the time of his life. When I flew at that age you could ask if you could visit the cockpit, which they always allowed you to do. That probably wouldn't be allowed now.....

  • Comment number 61.

    Lambs safely gathered in - why do I pick the one whose mum wont call and springs higher than zebedee! Margot wellies put away for now.
    James Mr B cooking as you asked LOL!!!!! - well half the meal anyway.
    To iron or not to iron?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Not to iron is the answer if there's something better to do!

  • Comment number 63.

    Cockpit visit not available these days unless of course you fly 1st or business!! This was bucket shop last minute flight and mercy mission to release grandparents of said nephew as mum has to undergo major emergency surgery.

    Of course, confidence has gone soaring and he's looking forward to flying on his own again....soon!

  • Comment number 64.

    Step away from the iron Beez!!

    Cupboards now almost empty. Why on earth did I need Cider Vinegar, Raspberry Vinegar, Red Wine Vinegar and White Wine Vinegar?? All way out of date.

    Back later


  • Comment number 65.

    Durrr Anne .... for when you run out of wine, dufus!

    Welcome to my world!

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 66.

    Off home in time to hear clp.

    Have a good evening pepps.


  • Comment number 67.

    TTFN Steffi

  • Comment number 68.

    i looked through my fridge at the weekend and took loads of onions to my mums - not a traditional easter present but they keep coming in my veg box!

  • Comment number 69.

    Hi all my first ever blog.. yes a virgin blogger. Glad you had a relaxing weekend I was working as per usual goes with the job but a good one none the less. Lifes onle long holiday!!!just enjoy yippee.

  • Comment number 70.

    Welcome to the insanity daftdol, I hope this is the first of many, many postings to the blog.

  • Comment number 71.

    Right. I'm offski.

    May see y'all later. May not. Feeling pretty ropey to be honest. Might just go for a long soak in a hot steamy bubble bath and then the football.

    Ciao bella!

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 72.

    Must be the vinegar...LOL

  • Comment number 73.

    Hello daftdol, welcome.

    Bye Deev, hope long soak makes you feel better.


  • Comment number 74.

    Hello one and all

    Chris that model car reminds me of of a blog entry probably almost three years ago. Rachel Blue Angel had a dream involving a model red car, marriage children, how spooky is that.

    Bingo , not much feed back from your blog meet????

    Thank you for adding me on FaceBook and then deleting me everyone. Made my day.

    I might be ignored but so what, that's show bizz.

  • Comment number 75.

    Oh Deev,

    I do hope you're not coming down with anything.

    At least, not until the U2 concert is imminent.

    Cheers doll. I'll look after him!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 76.

    And if Cheryl and husband are both ill, that'll be me and you at the U2 gig.

    Oh yes.....


  • Comment number 77.

    Toby Jug U2 live might just as well listen to a CD it's so musically enhanced.

  • Comment number 78.

    Sorry forgot myself there for a minute, I am supposed to talk about onions at the back of the fridge or nail extentions.

    However Bee's patio door made me laugh.

  • Comment number 79.

    That sounds like a date Tobes.

    You bring the Toby, I'll bring the jugs

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 80.

    Now you're talking Mariella.

    How can we make two people poorly.....on purpose like?



  • Comment number 81.


    Drug the gin

  • Comment number 82.

    Bloody marvellous idea.

    And nobody will ever know, as nobody reads blogs on the internet.

    Damn, we're good.


  • Comment number 83.

    How lovely was that lady on the mobility scooter. Marvellous.

    I'm reminded of the time a couple of years back when my now Dear Departed, then 92 year-old Uncle, had his mobility scooter nicked one night from outside his 86 year-old girlfriend's house. The nightmare cousin Baz insisted it was subsequently used in a daring raid on the Pound Shop in Wythenshawe.

    And Christoff. If yous are likin' the sounda the All-Star formation mobility scooters, yous should get yourself to this year's All-Ireland National Ploughing Championships in Tullamore, and get an eyeful of the Dancing Diggers of County Carlow. Synchronised buckets. Oh yes. I've a video somewhere. It's not very good quality, mind; I couldn't keep me camera still.

    And Beez. Oh yes indeed the pansies were there amidst the butterflies. In fact the pansies and the stuffed budgie survived the evening rather better than the butterflies did. 2 laps of the castle grounds, backwards, with a jelly baby on the end of me nose, followed by a personal best time at Flap The Kipper and there was only one left. The others disappeared without trace, save for one that was last seen floatin' in the punch and nearly choked the groom's mother, and the one Uncle Sid used for flossin' his dentures.


  • Comment number 84.

    And Beez.

    I have to say that patio door tale trumps any diatribes of mine that end with "Oo it just came off in me hand, missus."

    Hahahaha Boadicea Beez.


  • Comment number 85.


    And I thought yous two were meant to be my friends!! lol xx

    Well, got home, ran hot bath with bubble bar of nice things, poured glass of Pinot, Mr Deev provided a bowl of cashews, add to that the latest Mike Gayle and a face mask ... and Deev is back in the room!

    Feel much better now - I reckon it was just office fatigue. Who in their right mind has a meeting a 5pm? Oh yeh - my boss!

    Dinner almost ready - a masterpice courtesy of Mr Deev, and then its footie time (if I'm allowed to watch it!)

    Love you all.


    Ya Deev x x x

  • Comment number 86.



    I am sooooooooooooooo sorry. Blame it on the Pinot!



  • Comment number 87.

    Hi all,

    Well, just couldnt get my head round the fact it was Tuesday and not Monday today. These bank holidays easily confuse me.
    Just studying the chocolate collection and deciding where to start.....

    Hope you all had a nice day, looks like its gonna rain this side of the pennines.

    Bye for now
    MC x

  • Comment number 88.


    Sod all that, there's U2 tickets up for grabs here luv!!



  • Comment number 89.

    And here we are folks, about to witness history in the making.

    In the red corner, Errol - reigning world champion.

    And in the other red corner, Diva - a regular contender who has yet to slay the might that is Errol.

    Errol currently stands at 298, with 3 remaining.

    Deev - 324 with 2 remaining.

    Looks like the underdog finally gets a go on top. (ooer!)

    Go Cheryl, Go Cheryl , Go Cheryl

  • Comment number 90.

    I just got a 'Cough' from the red corner!

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi all,
    Just a quickie (ooer) Deev just had really ot bath with THE MAN, truly is one of me faves, now I think cit of telly then beddybuyes.
    So catch you all on the morrow.
    Sleep tight
    (what the hell does sleep tight mean)

  • Comment number 92.

    Hahahahaha, brilliant MW, a!

    You don't post often enough in my humble opinion, but when you do, you really make it count!



  • Comment number 93.

    cit??? I meant bit

  • Comment number 94.


    How on earth can I sleigh the might that is Errol, King Of Words when he's not had his go yet!

    Ne'er mond the football Birkenhead Boy .....

    Deev x x

  • Comment number 95.

    I think Deev needs a good rub down with Vic (other chaps are available I'm sure)

  • Comment number 96.

    Blimey Nicki,

    That's a hell of a can of worms to open!


  • Comment number 97.


    Evening hon!

  • Comment number 98.


    we just found a visitor under the sofa - a little brown mouse hding from the cats - perfectly fine

    Mr Bp caught the mouse in a cat food box (nothing else was the right size) and we let it outside - completely unmolested by cats - hope it had good sense to run away

    super bp x

  • Comment number 99.


    As Mr BP ridded the house of the mouse, was it singing

    We will fix it
    We will mend it

    Heave .... heave .... heave .....

    in a high pitched squaly voice??

    Just had to ask!


  • Comment number 100.

    deev - lol - thats very funny


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