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Chris Evans | 16:13 UK time, Friday, 26 September 2008

...and that was just the wife...

...I sustained sunburn today. Now when that happens on the last Friday in September one doesn't mind so much. Burn away Mr. Sun, burn away.

Already cracked open the Jammy Dodgers in the office, everybody is all Friday and everything.

Plans for the weekend:-

Going to watch my wife's father get married. It's a two day bash. Already dropping the Nurofen in anticipation. May well have a practice session this evening. These events are rarely met well head on from a dry start.

Hugs, kisses and may the sun shine on your back yard as much as it is on ours at the mo'.





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  • Comment number 1.

    happy weekend one and all - enjoy the sun if it comes your way

    maybe I can put off the tax returns for another week?

    super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris
    Wonderful weather, I am also a little bit sunburnt today, lots of gardening. Make hay while the sunshines they say. Great picture of you at Goodwood golf club, in our local paper this week. The ladies look very elegant, in their long dresses.

  • Comment number 3.

    Rats Baggy I was going for first post tonight! A lovely, sunny, happy weekend to CLP and to all bloggers.

    A x

  • Comment number 4.

    Great weekend for a wedding sun shining and all that! Have a good one!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Boleyn I was up for first and then went and did the *and thing - ah well

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    I'm back at home!! The sun is lighting up the Shropshire countryside and the world is good! I've got myself some Euro Millions tickets so I'm going to become a multi millionaire tonight!!

    The world is gooooood.

  • Comment number 7.

    tom don't forget your blogger firends if you do win!

  • Comment number 8.

    What's with this silent call thing? Barclaycard doing heavy breathing - you couldn't make it up!

    A x

  • Comment number 9.

    Tom, a money spider landed on me this afternoon so the millions are mine!

    A x

  • Comment number 10.

    Allllright now, baby it's a allllright now,
    alllright now, baby it's a alllllright now,
    alllright now, baby....... yeeeeeeeeAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

    Dobri den CLP and ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere,

    Blue sky... sun out..... it must be Ukraine!!!!!
    But it's noot CLP and all, it is Britain 'aving it's usual 'indian summer'.... yes autumn iz now sunnier than summer.... adding weigh te rme last damn blog commentations about spring!!!!

    'ope all goes well at the wedding and indeed all goes well fro all bloggers out there over the weekend......

    Yes CLP, me too.... tseluyu to you all..... and 'ugs too!!! (sorry don't know russian for 'ug)


  • Comment number 11.

    Congratulations Michmel! Love the love!

    A x

  • Comment number 12.

    This is a great song for starting off an All request Friday! Well done Michmel!

  • Comment number 13.

    Well done michmel. Not heard that for yonks - brillig!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 14.

    Greetings and Salutations from Vancouver, Canada...

    Firstly, I would like to wish each and every one of you a jolly good weekend. Leisure time is ever more precious in a world that seemingly thrives on overworking and instant professional gratification.

    So, as a one man protest, I intend to leave work early, go to the gym and then imbibe a cheeky pint with my lady as we await our Indian take out and head home to eat, drink and take in a suitably entertaining film.

    I may be far from the wisest man on god's earth, but I do know that quality time with firends and family is of premium value, if not priceless. I hope you can all enjoy some of this over the weekend.

    And for my ludicrously lame joke de jour...how do you kill a circus?...go for the juggler.

    Dr. T.

    P.S. Don't cut corners as then you lose your edge...

  • Comment number 15.

    I'm orf home shortly .... now doing the O Spot in the office before mounting the Micra for the drive home and two days of ...... Nothing Planned!!!


    Been very productive today: will come in on Monday to a filing-free zone. Although my shelf almost fell off the wall earlier - doh!!

    Have lovely evenings your wonderful lot: doubt I'll make wine (whine?) club: first Friday night in for 3 weeks or more, so looking forward to cheeky bottle of Pinot and Robson Greene on the tellybox!

    Wish Mr Diva luck - he has to put up with this bonkers euphoric Russell Brand obsessive from this moment on .....

    It's a kinda magic!!

    CtD, over and out (for now!)
    x x x

    PS: MfR - pls check yr FB account hunny xx

  • Comment number 16.


    Quack's Kitten ;-))

    Little kitten decided to attack the keyboard - Oh now HE has fallen off the desk! Definately away now and with smile on my face

    Til montag mon amigos


    (just notice he posted this on the last blog) whoops

  • Comment number 17.

    Dooky, that's some kitten! Don't know how he did that!

    A x

  • Comment number 18.

    Good heavens

    We even have cats blogging now whatever next.

  • Comment number 19.

    I have no voice left after Bon Jovi...

    Now that is a friday song!

  • Comment number 20.

    PP I'll have you know cat's are very intelligent. And intuitive.

  • Comment number 21.

    Boleyn girl I I agree.

    Now what was ken Dodd doing on Steve Wright... is it me I don't get his jokes or his Diddy Mint.

  • Comment number 22.

    PP never got Ken Dodd. And I was frightened of the Diddy men. Sounds like a decent enough bloke.
    What a lovely day for what ever you want to do!


    A x

  • Comment number 23.

    Bless him... he is so very old now but when he said they had found a new marmalade seam in the mines I thought why has he not been sectioned yet.

  • Comment number 24.

    Never a frown, with Gordon Brown.

  • Comment number 25.

    For those who doubt there are blogging cats, go forth and Google! There are hundreds, srsly!

    Chris and Mrs Chris, enjoy the wedding:) xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Came home from hard day at work to find Mrs SJF and Sprog earnastly (?) discussing the weeding . . . it's not for another 18 months *sigh*

    Already i'm thinking the sooner it's over the better :-D

    Have a good w/e Bloggers cyas Monday (maybe . . . . unless i win the Euro tonight)

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 27.

    Hey chaps

    Got the new Kings of Leon album on, Mrs MfR is knocking up a rather sexy pumpkin and chestnut risotto, spent the day counting my Ferrari F1 Scuderias and I've booked us a night at Le Manoir.

    Feeling pretty ''full of myself'', actually.

    Must be all that travelling I've done over the years.

    Hope you are all fine and dandy.

    Much love, huge peace and by the way, never, ever go anywhere California.

    I hear that it is far too hot.

    Never been myself.


  • Comment number 28.

    Of course, anywhere 'near' California would have made much more sense.

    Heck. I'm almost perfect.



  • Comment number 29.

    Matt you are funny!!! and perfect of course!Enjoy the veggie meal - sounds rather interesting! Please ask Mrs Matt to put on the clp bloggers who cook page. Have to feed grass eaters occasionally and am sure they would like a change from my sweet and sour veg! - still to be put on said page!

    Visited butchers today so a stack of the killed stuff in fridge awaiting freezer bags and beef curry on the go awaiting Mr B's return from hospital visiting! Late eating yet again! not good!

    Must try and listen to more of SW in the pm I seem to miss too much! but then I am working and get distracted very easily!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 30.


    Thank you for the vote of perfection.

    Just confirms what I already knew.

    Sweety, you are a star of the blog, mmwa, mmwa.

    No, really. You are one of the real deals here.


  • Comment number 31.


    you should listen to Sarah Kennedy on the Dawn Patrol . . .she rocks :-D

    CtD ya WRONG WRONG WRONG *gggggggggg*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 32.

    Steve - don't you swear at me - SK?!! pleeeeeeeeease nooooooo! if I need to get up early put her on and I'm out of bed so fast to hit the snooze button I meet myself coming back!

    BM xxx

    mwaa to you too mr perfect! xx

  • Comment number 33.


    i think she rocks :(

    I'd go so far as saying . . .she should be doing Wake Up To Wogan instead of the eejit himself. I can't stand him . . . i Love it when JW stands in for him :-D

    Hmmmmmmmmm best i stop ranting or else i'll not sleep tonight.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 34.

    May the tog man himself appear in your dreams and clock you on your bonce Steve!
    However - love love love j walker - him instead of SK - now we're talking!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 35.


    If you're out there.

    Don't bother, he's not worth it.


  • Comment number 36.

    Have to agree with you sjf, can't stand the oirish twit. I'd sooner have SK, but better JW.
    ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 37.


    Thank you. I was thinking i was out there on my own :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 38.


    Don't you just love weekends like this?

    I mean ones where you wake up, it is not raining, and you have absolutely no appointments, commitments, places to be or deadlines to meet.

    May go to the gym, maybe out on the bike, perhaps a pint at the local this afternoon. Heck, I may even grab a late ticket to see the lads down at The Cottage.

    I hope your weekends are panning out well. Whatever you're up to, enjoy.

    Peace and love


    Because I'm worth it.

  • Comment number 39.


    It was going ok until i decided that the only time i could see people was this morning :( My lay in turned out to be only until 0700 I can't even go back to bed because i've got someone coming round at 10 *sigh* i must make notes on not doing this again.

    Never mind got friends coming round later on for drinks to get ready for next w/e's "do".

    weathers not too hot at the moment bit cold . . . .. That'll teach me to smoke wont it . .. oh well giving up after next w/e so it wont matter then :-D (i hope . . .AGAIN)

    If i think of anything else i'll post again . . .maybe :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 40.

    Have just discovere pirate english facebook!! Brilliant!! Am just going to check on my facebook home port!!

  • Comment number 41.

    Morning all!

    And what lovely sunny morning it is in Norfolk too.

    Heathrow Terminal 5 yesterday was a much nicer experience than T4, bags were there and waiting for us, 30 minutes from plane to coffee shop!

    Happy weekend everyone!


  • Comment number 42.


    I don't know how comes you've got all the sun . . .. . it's still misty in Peterborough :(

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 43.

    Steve - we had mist first thing but it burnt off a couple of hours ago! You'll probably have sun later. It's cold though, even with the sun.


  • Comment number 44.

    Afternoon Dahlinks!

    MfR - I too am having one of those "nowt planned" weekends. You're right - it's bliss. Even tho I have bachache today.

    And I assume that by "avoid California" you mean the one in the U S of A ? We have a California Sands up the coast in Norfolk - not as posh as Southwold but not worth a total dissing either!

    btw: can I be "worth it" too please? I spend a fortune on hair products and try very hard! ;-)

    B-sMum - loving the term "grass eaters", but don't you go expecting to win any PC awards (and I don't mean pooters!) any time soon xx

    Steve - you're looking for a slap hunnybun!!

    Afternoon for me will be blow-torching, de-skinning and de-seeding chillis, hoovering, and then making a fantabulously splendiferous lamb madras for dindins. With home grown chillis, onions and garlic.

    Beers in fridge chillin' to go with it.

    Laters dudes, dudettes and undecideds.

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 45.

    LOL!! "bachache" - backache. No, I'm not sick to death of the music of Bach !! xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Actually Chezza, I was fibbing.

    California, USA is my most favouritist place on Earth.

    But, it would appear that whenever I mention somewhere I've been, I offend one of our more sensitive friends.

    Mind you, you really ought to drive down Big Sur.....

    Oops. There I go again. Just can't help myself.


  • Comment number 47.

    LOL Matt - just thinking about you ....

    ... you've obviusly not gone "cottaging" - prob just as well. Although I will have a happy hubby by the looks of things !

    Carry on offending ...... we love it!

    x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    Nope, decided against a trip to SW6 and looks like I made the right decision.

    Mrs MfR and I have been out getting muddy on the mountain bikes this afternoon. In Rudgwick the sun is blazing.

    It is like a summers day. No, hang on, it is nothing like a summers day. Not in this country, anyway. Maybe in California......



  • Comment number 49.

    Unlucky Matt - but yes, Mr Diva is indeed smiling! Next up in Diva Towers is Arsenal vs Hull. Potential banana skin if ever there was one!

    The lamb madras is bubbling away on the hob. I've prepped 16 chillis this arvo and my fingers are on fire. Thankfully, only 4 are in the curry - the rest are in the freezer. Maybe that's where my digits should go ....

    Hey, just a thought .... maybe your ARF next Friday should be California Dreamin', or even California Girls by Diamond Dave!!!

    Oooops. I did it again ....

    x x x

  • Comment number 50.

    just wanted to say "Hello". It's a while since I posted, tho' I have been lurking... Keep trying to give the site up as I'm sure I'm going to get sacked for spending time reading it at work! Anyway, glad to see everyone is still around (I think) - although some have had some sad news I note. Congratulations due to others tho' Anyway, what drove me back today was the mention of Sarah Kennedy who irritates me so much. Think "Bob Gel-dorrfff" and "I-rock"! My radio is tuned to R2 and as I like everyone else I tolerate her... Sorry to her fans, but couldn't contain it! (No blog for SK??) Something I do like tho' is chillies - stuffed with cream cheese and deep fried in breadcrumbs - yum yum!! Off for a nice meal with old pals tonight. Hope evryone enjoys the rest of the weekend!

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Friend!

    Come join my anti SK FaceAche group hun!! You'll be amongst like-minded peeps.

    The chillis I did today were cherry bomb chillis. Moderately hot. Scorched the skins off with a blow torch, then de-seeded. Now in freezer. Will serve them stuffed with cheese and baked in the oven so the cheese melts.


    Glad to see you're still about - have a grand evening!

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Thank-you - thats lovely!

  • Comment number 53.

    Hello and a merry, glorious evening to all. Just a quick dip in to tell you that I have just had the incongruous experience of waving my almost 16 year old daughter off to a Moody Blues concert! We're watching X Factor here (only because the teen 2 is in, honest)!

    CtD your talk of chilli and curry is making my tummy rumble - don't know what we're having yet, had better go and sort something. I'm very partial to a bit of Bach, by the way, so glad you weren't dissing him!

    Have fun all

    A x

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi guys how is everyone?

    Haven't caught up, don't know if I'll be able to now.

    Hope that all is good with you all.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 55.


    If you ever stumble across birds-eye chilis, approach with caution.

    They're fab tasting, but for gawd's sake don't touch your eyes (or any other sensitive area) after chopping them.

    Reminds me of a travel story.

    Sensitive types look away now.

    The first time I went to LA a mate and I ended up in a hotel in Hollywood.

    Sounds glam, but, trust me, it is a slightly less than desirable bit of town.


    We went for a wander, checked out Hollywood Blvd and the 'stars', then grabbed a couple of beers and headed back.

    We booked ourselves a table at a 'macrobiotic' restaurant on La Brea which was recommended as a veggie haven.

    We came down to reception and asked which way to La Brea. The girl looked at us as if we were mad.

    'You wanna walk?', she asked us?

    'Yep', I replied. 'Which way?'

    She picked up the phone, ordered a cab, and said, 'You walk, you'll be shot'.

    We took the cab.


    We arrived at the restaurant and thought that the cab had dropped us off at a disused warehouse by mistake. But, before we could find out, he was gone.

    So we headed in. No-one there. Apart from three very dodgy bearded hells angels in the corner.

    The space cadet waiter brought some menus and we both instantly ordered beers.

    'We, er, don't kinda like serve, like, beer. Man.' was the reply.

    So water, it was.

    Then the food came. Noodles to die for, soup that you would kill your grandma for, basically, fab, fab, fab.

    Munching away, I noticed a new diner arriving. A biker boy, all in leather, but he looked strangely familiar.

    I think it was the blue hair that did it.

    He was Flea, from the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

    He walked over to the table occupied by the hells angels and sat down.

    Having a snoop, I realised that the hells angels were Rick Rubin (very, very famous producer) and one of the ZZ Top guitarists.

    The other was probably someone incredibly famous that I failed to recognise.

    Now I know my rock, but faced with Billy Gibbons and Dusty Hill, all I see is hair.

    Either way, I realised we were in an LA eatery with rock royalty.

    And I just couldn't bring myself to ask for autographs or shake hands.

    Probably best, but I still shiver when I think of that night.

    For the record, we didn't get shot, the food was fabulous and the bill was next to nothing.

    Go, go, go to LA. It is the scariest place on Earth, but also the most amazing.

    Apologies to anyone that finds my travel stories pretentious, offensive or downright boring.

    Your friend


  • Comment number 56.

    Two postscripts to that tale.

    There was no-one else in the restaurant from start to finish.

    It is called Inaka, and is still there.

    If anyone cares, or is not offended.

    I'll get my coat.

    I'll get my coat.

    I'll get my coat.

    Ad infinitum.


  • Comment number 57.

    One last thing.

    I will go now, promise.

    Paul Newman. Top guy.



  • Comment number 58.

    Bloody Hell. Paul Newman.

    And as for banana skins - balls!

    Matt - we've grown bird eye chillis and yep they are evil little bleeders. Ditto Jalepeno.

    NB: my fingers are still burning. And it was 3 o'clock this arvo I did the cherry bomb ones. Ouch.

    Right, nearly time for Casualty. Even tho I just wanna salsa round the living room now!

    Have a good evening everyone.

    CtD xx

    PS: Hi Deb!! You OK hun? xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    I loved Paul Newman in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Fantastic film. Just been catching up on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ News site, such a nice man. I never realised that he did so much for charity too.

    Off for a nice lavender bath now. Chill out time as opposed to chilli time hehe.

    Hi Cheryl, haven't been ok but hey....

    Hope to pop back later, I've missed you lot.

    x x x

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi chaps! Lovely sunny day for once A? flippin foggy this morning tho!

    Final countdown Dragon!

    Great story Matt as usual - lord I've led a sheltered life!! (not!!!hehe not telling)
    but wouldn't know those famous guys if they came and socked me on nose although Rubin clangs bells!
    Oh sorry - forgot mwah!

    Big hugs Debs ((())) hang in there chuck.

    Way to go grapefriend join the get rid of SK club. J Walker rules for me!

    Diva! grass eaters - Bagpuss started me off - was going to drop in on way to nans but was away in bolt hole so told her she was welcome to hop over fence and graze!. PC moi? never! watch where you put those hot digits however - presume you have done all the anti stuff? lemon juice - honey - someone I think said beer once?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 61.


    How about all three.

  • Comment number 62.


    Thought I'd try to make you jelous by recounting my day, lunch in Goth Central(aka Camden Lock) and then off to the Emirates.

    Pity the Tigers spoiled a perfectly good day out.

  • Comment number 63.


    What a lovely day to shout out of the window Nickers, Nackers, knockers Missus.

    Sorry I was having a Ken Dodd moment.

    MRF are the inuuendos being aimed at me per chance.
    I'm afriad I might have upset you, please carry on with your Travel Stories. Mine are somewhat boring I'm afraid.

    TTT Did you get yourself some piecings done down at Camden?

    Another lovely day don't need a coat today.


  • Comment number 64.

    Arfternoon me hearties .... yaaaarrrr!!

    TTT - sounds lovely, but no, I is not jealous. Had a lovely day yesterday, pottering about, cooking and snuggling with my Main Man in the evening. Fluffy robes. Decent tv, match of the day. Bed.

    But yeh - pity about the result :-(

    I considered writing to Arsene Wenger for a refund, but decided to let it go. Just this once ....

    Up earlyish this morn after having a dream that B-sMum worked round the Co-Op in the village. Yes, the village where I live - weird!

    Anyhoo, Mr Diva and I set out in our wellies, up the hill and over the fields. 3 hours later we got home ladened down with Sloes (to go in the gin), windfall apples from the local orchard (didn't pick any from trees, and the footpath runs thru the orchard), conkers (to keep the pesky 8 legged freaks at bay, even tho Mr Diva thinks I'm nuts when I told him why I wanted conkers), and finally lots of fresh veg off the allotment for lunch / dinner.

    Mr Diva made a celeriac (from lotty) soup for lunch which was divine. It's his turn to cook today: chicken chassuer for tonight's meal - hurrah!!!!

    Only downside to today: the chavs next door but one are having a BBQ. Noisy beggers!

    Hope you're all having fantabulous days too.

    Layters. Maybe ...

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Slate clean time.

    I apologize for my flippancy and sarcasm over the past couple of days.

    Maybe the whole job-changing thing is starting to take its toll.

    If I'm honest, I need a rest. Hopefully, the next few weeks will provide a little. Maybe the 'winding-up' process will kick in and then a few days off in November before the new job will help.

    The major plus point is where we live.

    Out on our bikes yesterday, in the sunshine, was a blissful experience. Seriously, if I have pledged you a drink over the past couple of years, heck, even if I haven't, get yourself down to this wonderful part of the country and I'll stick a pint in your hand at The M or The LI.

    Again, sorry about the tantrums guys.

    Much peace, huge love and best wishes.


  • Comment number 66.

    Evening each

    Just back from my weekend in Newcastle, catching up with friends and family.

    Back to the holes in the kitchen floor, dehumidifier and blower thingy (don't quite know what that does).

    Matt: never apologise.

    Hope everyone had a lovely weekend - mine was sunny and friendly. And the drive home up the A1 was stress-free.


  • Comment number 67.

    Hi there.

    Matt not at all bored by your stories, please continue business as usual.

    Anne glad that you had a good weekend, just think, only one more week of the blower thingey. Easy for me to say I know.

    Cheryl hope that the bbq has long finished and that you have some peace and quiet.

    PP knickers, nackers, knockers indeed. May try that tomorrow.

    Everyone else, hope that you have had a great weekend and great weather. It really makes a difference doesn't it.

    Lots of love
    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 68.

    Debbie: Nice to hear from you. How's things with you??

    Don't think I mind the blower thingy, just the holes in the floor - humungous animals could appear from nowhere.....


  • Comment number 69.

    Evening each as the financial world falls around our ears with idiots selling everything to whoever. knickers knackers knockers how ya diddlin PP??? get your butt to your boat -- twill be the best place as all the safe money going to spain!! sensible person at mo - chuck all your dosh in the hold!

    Hi Annie pleased you had a good weekend don't worry about beasties - they dont go far through concrete. Mr B says mwah.

    Diva? dreaming of me in a shop? better change it to a shoe/dress shop. far more my style. always wanted a shop toy thingy when I was a kid - never happened! Mr B good at the old casserole type cooking but do you have to clear up the mess and cook the "things that go with"like I do???

    Hi Matt and Debs ((())) and lurkers.

    Beesmum xx

    my weekend? cleaning/ironing/listening to
    confused old folks/generally tearing hair out and a couple of lovely soaks in bath albeit interrupted by 5 phone calls/one husband and one dog! ah well!!

  • Comment number 70.

    how many of the phone calls were from the dog?
    ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 71.

    GR monkey! he would if he could!!! If I'm talking to Mr B he will biff it out of my hand though! then lick it --- Nice!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 72.

    OO I say.

    Well B's Mum just spent an age trying to convert a MMSW file to a WMF what a milarky. Anyway. now means I can send my holiday boating trip file by email.

    As for finance, well I blame DFS Mfi and all the others who said.......... Buy now pay laters.

    Laters usually means never.


  • Comment number 73.

    PP can help with 'puter stuff if I can water ski behind boat to get the heck outa here! - any room in hold for my 2p savings?

    BM x

  • Comment number 74.

    Wipe out last post - my screen just turned purple and not a clue bar whacking it! (tried but didn't work) Best I take dog for a trot and shut down!
    BM xx

    hit enter and oooeee it's now pink! Will find out why from Mr B tom!

    ps can anyone get me on a harrier jump jet? watched "May" tonight and soooo jealous! I just have a "thing" about those planes!!

  • Comment number 75.


    Well the computer stuff I find a game of wit.....
    Much better than Bingo at the local Hall for local people.

    The credit crunch well that was a given in that third parties were offering credit right left and centre.

    Now Mr and Mrs Slob can't pay for their Consevatory and Mrs Glad Rags can't pay her Shopping cards.

    Multiply that by a couple of Million and we have the credit crunch.

    Jump on my boat anytime and sail away.


  • Comment number 76.

    morning all

    busy weekend at work, so I have nothing to report in with I'm afraid.
    Managed to book a night away for MrsW's 30th bday in Nov at a lovely hotel in North Norfolk (Hoste Arms) and a week away in Feb at Center Parcs (mega discounts at the mo')
    nb. other hotels and hol parks are available!!!
    Can't wait for next week to go see Jonathan Ross being filmed, hoping to bump into Lambie Pie if I'm really lucky too!

    Debs, EmM....you ok?

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 77.


    great weekend - wasn't the weather fab!

    ditched all the boring stuff to do and went to Henley on saturday - great aftrenoon

    went to a possible wedding venue on sunday and liked it - thats a maybe right there!

    b's mum - not sure I like being a grass muncher - makes me sound like I take illeagal drungs???

    KW - how diod you get tickets to see jono ross? I sent of an evenople years ago and have had nothing back!

    lots to do today - blasted work - didn't win the euro millions then

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 78.


    Determined to try and get back into the blogging lark.

    Annie/Gingembre not been good really, ta for asking.

    Still keeping up looking for work, visiting agencies, the job centre etc. Doing this while feeling so down is totally draining me though.

    LM at school all day for the first time today so more emotional than usual, if that's possible.

    Looks like we're going to have another bright, sunny day. LM has a friend round with his mum after school so hopefully the boys will be able to play out in the garden.

    Have a great day all.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 79.

    morning all

    sun shining and i feel pants today. hardly slept a wink last night - dunno why. just couldn't get to sleep. grrrrrrrr

    gingembre - do you subscribe to tv recording ticket agencies? i'm down on quite a few of their lists but thus far haven't been successful.

    debbie - chin up hun! here if you need me!

    right, onwards and upwards. quotes, invoicing, scrabs ... !!!

    ciao bellas

    ctd xxx

  • Comment number 80.

    Blimey, sitting here filling in forms and it is unbelievable what you have to do to register with some agencies.

    Form after form.....need to provide passport, proof of NI number, driving licence, birth certificate......bloody nightmare.

    Sorry. Moaning again hehe.

    x x x

  • Comment number 81.

    Tinsel is back in the building!!

    Morning lovelies. No time to catch up so just read the last few posts and seems that a few ((((((((hugs)))))))) are in order.

    I had a brill holiday. The sun shone, me and the dog went for long walks on the almost deserted beach, I had freshly caught mackarel for my tea, met some lovely people, just totally chilled out. And massive bonus, I was allowed to stay for an extra night for free!!

    T xxxxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Morning all ! Goodness what's happening -sunny again - hope it lasts!

    Sorry Bagpuss wont call you a grass eater again. Hope the venue works out alright for you.

    Debs - you need to do something totally out of character and bonkers that should make you feel better. Good luck with the forms! Looked at getting the outlaw bus/taxi tokens over week-end - the forms! for 50 or 80 squid a year just not worth it!

    Beesmum xxx
    ps Bingo hope you had a better Saturday than your birthday twin! good to see him running third for a time though!

  • Comment number 83.

    bs-mum - thanks - will admit that Mr bp helped with word scraper over the weekend hence the big score! sorry to do that to you! :-)

    its not allowed to be sunny - I'm stuck in an office and cannot see out of the window

  • Comment number 84.

    Hehe!! bagpuss I'll be coming to getcha tonight! Has everyone stopped playing the other scrabble? got loads of games just sitting there!

    Morning sparkly don't you just love hols at this time of year with empty beaches - bliss!

    Post just arrived - ugh!!! later - much much later....

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 85.

    B-sMum - I've got some scrabs games in waiting too. And some wordscraper. it's right frustrating as I wanna play ........

    anyone who wants to start a game against me, i'm game, as they say!

    really can't get going today ....

  • Comment number 86.

    Morning all,

    Was wondering whether the sun would come out to play today - past couple days we've woken up to thick fog but by 11am it's been glorious. Overcast this morning but - yep - 11am and it's glorious again.

    Got health visitor coming in half an hour so can't stick around, not even dressed yet - been such a manic weekend that I'm enjoying relaxing for a moment or two.

    And the house is - sort of - tidy! Well, there's space to sit down, which is quite a novelty.

    Debbie - ((((hugs)))) to you, you'll pull through. xx

    Right better get dressed and get the washing on the line, Mr Jumpy has no t-shirts left! This is what happens when life gets put on hold while everybody is poorly... All better now, just need to play catch-up for a week :)



  • Comment number 87.

    I'll get back to the scrabble now my brain's not full of lurgy-fog :)


  • Comment number 88.

    Allllright now, baby it izzz allllright now,

    Dobra ye ootra CLP and ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    B's Mum - Yeah good BP, sorry GP, yeah most intersting in all areas!
    Also am glad Lewis streched 'is points lead but some 'ow Lewis's championship isn't coming easy. Am mean yesterdee's performance wasn't really a championship winning one. Although brilliant overtaking of David Coulthard.... nice clean driving dave mate!!!!
    Glad 'e didn't take Lewis out!!
    But aving said that it's not Lewises, Lewis's, Lewsi 'amilton's fault totally, that the championship is proving difficult ter cultivate.
    F1 this year is alot closer and I suppose it's alot more interesting then, sorry than, if Lewis waz doing a Micheal Schumy jobbie - aka winning every damn race.
    Mind you though it's lucky Massa keeps messing up otherwiae 'e would ave romped away with the champioship by now, romped away - know what am sayin'!!!!!
    LEWIS MAN - If yer reading this... you are the best, keep the faith, keep coool (even if it's noot easy in 'ot climates such as Singapore), keep calm, you ave lucky 22 az yer competitor indentification number..... and this years title is yours.... I getta feeling Lewis iz gonna do it this year!!!!!
    Remember it waz in my 2008 predictions earlier in the year!!!!
    As for Fisi - Knew 'e waz gonna ave a good result, despite Saturdee's crashes... running 3rd at one point.. brill and 14th finish.... not good but not bad either - know what am sayin'!!!!
    Yer might ask why I knew... it's that thing ter do with the stars that ave banged on the blog before that sounds mad. In fact maybe it iz mad.... so i'll keep it ter meself.... for now!

    Das veedanya!!@!

    PS Ferrari's refuelling comptuterised thingy that keeps saying go aka showing a green light, when it's noot time ter go.... what did I write the other dee about making things complicated is when they go wrong... keep it simple...they go right!!!
    What's wrong with a bloke with a stick ter tell 'em when ter go????

    Das veedamndanya snova!!!!!

  • Comment number 89.

    PS I see despite that they've stopped investors/ traders 'shorting' the banking shares, the banks share prices are still going down alot..... the goverment trying ter use market traders as a scapegoat!!!!!

    It's noot ordinary traders who've caused this financial disaster... it's the BIG banks and big investment institutions being too greedy coupled with naive goverments!!!!!


  • Comment number 90.

    now back when I did economics a-level I was told that the banks/ building societies have to keep a float of income so they cannot go bankrupt and the crashes seen in America in the twenties could not happen again - what happened to this?

    ps - have the wall street shuffle - 10cc - playing in my mind at the moment - wonder why?

    super bp x

  • Comment number 91.

    Totally agree Bingo as usual! and what on earth happened to Kimi - took his eye off the ball I think! and they keep letting massa out bang smack in front of someone! Good one though with the cars getting on a par with each other. The timings are much closer!

    A boffin once told me that these massive institutions will have to come full circle one day and be split in to smaller more manageable and accountable sizes - we will see!!!

    Diva - when no-one around I play wordscraper blitz but beware, it makes a noise (ding ding) and I can't find out how to turn off!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    B's Mum - Yeah Ferrari letting 'im out in front on someone and the stewards only give a drive through penalty.... if that waz McLaren.... it'd be a race ban!!!!!!!

    Dookegg - #16 There wazza wide load going south on the M6 yesterdee taking up 2 lanes. Waz that yer blog #16???
    Waz nearly gonna phone the prior about the situation but ave gotta watch me phone bill after phoning Ukraine too much... BIG 'pologies Bobbie or is it Bobby... can never remember.... BIG 'pologies again Bobbie/ Bobby!!!


  • Comment number 93.

    ooooh mine is quite silent!

    have started games with a few, but seem to be getting ignored so now a bit scared to start games with anyone.


    Dear Anyone

    I will play Wordscraper with you if you want to start a game with me. or Scrabble.

    Love from

    Cheryl the Diva

    x x x

  • Comment number 94.

    Bingo ...... forget 4 wheeled F1 yawn-fest hun ..... come to Moto GP, Superbikes etc.



    Much more fun!

  • Comment number 95.

    Chezza - A know what yer saying ere but I like the F1 'cos of the immense power.... the noise and all the glamour of the Ecclestone!!!!!!

  • Comment number 96.

    Diva - The blitz I use is limited to 4 mins - join a group with loads on - and if they all go away there is always the robot to play with! Sad aint I!

    BM xx

    Been thinking of you Dozy - hope you are alright.

  • Comment number 97.

    But Bingo .... they don't overtake or fall off! the "races" are won or lost on pit stop strategies ....

  • Comment number 98.

    PS: Bernie Ecclestone / Andy Warhol - separated at birth????

  • Comment number 99.

    Soz ter argue Chezza but they do in F1... okay noot as often, but Fisi crashed on Saturdee... twice... straight inter the barrier with a big bang!!!!!
    Then yesterdee Lewis did overtake... and 'e' often does Chez - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Poka snova!

  • Comment number 100.

    bingo/ Ctd

    I prefer bikes - they sound better and the leathers are sexier

    super bp x


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