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Chris Evans | 15:00 UK time, Monday, 29 September 2008

Paul Newman, a true...


Was he the dudiest ?

I think he may have been.

Happily married, really good at his job, impossibly handsome, gave zillions to charity, came second at Le Mans ! When he was in his fifties !!!

He was also responsible for the most famous line decrying the futile psyche of infidelity...

"Why go out for a hamburger when you can have a steak at home?"

Clever and funny but apparently a line that his wife thought cheap and crass. My wife on the other hand responded to the same line with an entirely different point of view...

"Well how about a mixed grill?"

"Wahey !" I screamed...obviously not out loud. In fact solely to myself. Please don't tell anyone I told you that.





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  • Comment number 1.

    that line doesn't really work in a veggie household

    why have carrot out when you can have nut roast at home :-)

    will miss paul newman - I thought he was great

  • Comment number 2.

    LOL Chris.

    Your secret is safe with us ... !!!

    Happy Monday! x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    The world is a duller place for Mr Newman's leaving it.

    I got no meat at home at all so am on the look out for a barbeque... any takers?


  • Comment number 4.

    a true, talented gentleman by all accounts: CLP you will get in trouble..lose all browny points and be on rashers for a week or two..

  • Comment number 5.

    Or as my husband once said "Why go out for hamburger when you've got an old cow at home?"

    I'm waiting for the lottery win before I divorce him!!!

    Unfortunately, the time is now come when we have to start saying goodbye to all the REAL movie stars. Today's young wannabe's wouldn't know class if it bit them on the A--!!

  • Comment number 6.

    The lovely swarthy 'Tash clearly has an evcellent sense of humour . . . not that we guessed already (har-hehar . . . )

    I'd suggest she'd fit in well in this little red-topped forum of adventure . . . maybe she is here already . . .under a psuedonym . . . .or maybe she has a life !!! - just kidding - if you can't laugh at yourself, forget it big lad . . .

    By the way, where do the fast-food joints enter into the scenario above, or is that just too much labouring of an original line . . .

    Happy Mondays, one and all . . .

    DtM . . x

    New competetition - what would Natasha's Bloggee name be . . if we had to guess??

  • Comment number 7.

    Paul Newman - those eyes - absolutely gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous man.

    There's a famine in my house, never mind a choice ... :-(

    T xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Did you see Pauls daughter on the box - she has his eyes!! Didn't realise he was 80 something though!

    CLP I know noooorthing - not a word! didn't hear you think a thing - diddly squat!

    Beesmum xxx

    Dissing you're back ! thats MV, Tinsel - are Flower and scoob on hols still?

  • Comment number 9.

    Flower's not on hols. Scoobs still is tho.

    Will we have a full house next week?

  • Comment number 10.



  • Comment number 11.

    Is that what you yell now? actually, never been to one of those establishments.

    BM xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Nice pressie from boss Diva - being the cynic I am, my first thought was what is he after!!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 13.

    LOL BM - mine too!!! But hey ho! I shall enjoy spending it!

    I've never been to bingo hall either. Done the prize bingo thingy at the seaside tho - fun!

  • Comment number 14.

    I cannot see the point of bingo - I have better ways of spending my money for entertainment - can anyone explain to me what I am missing as I fear it may be the new opium for the masses?

    before I get acused of being elitiest - I just don't understand how marking numbers on a score grid can be exciting?

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 15.

    ps - i know - noone is ever going to accuse me of being a good speller

  • Comment number 16.

    SuperBP - the bingo halls are wayyyyy to serious, IMHO, and encourage people with not a lot of money to spend and gamble.

    The seaside prize bingo is really funny tho - what else to do in Clacton when it's piddling down???? Never take it too serious, and always have a larf with your fellow bingoers. And for 4 wins you can have a teddy!! :-)

    Also love those things at the seaside where you all sit on little stools and bowl balls into holes to make your horse / camel win the Derby. Mega excitement to be had on one of those - speshly after a few pints of falling down juice!!

    And then there's the crazy golf and the infamous windmill hole ......

    .... I wanna go to the seaside now !!!

  • Comment number 17.

    I had something to say then and then rememeberd i'm meant to keep this a nnoy mouse!

    just look at me in fb to get the joke!

    and i will sit here and laugh to myself

    super bp x

  • Comment number 18.

    Diva I could see you as you typed that getting more excited and wanting to pop off and have a paddle and a candy floss!!


    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    A real loss... The bluest eyes of the silver screen :( My cousin Glen looks a bit like he did... Lyndyloo

  • Comment number 20.

    B-sMum .... I fear I may be painting too good a portrait thru my words. Spot on!! Not forgetting the dodgems!

  • Comment number 21.

    This is true: when i was little, on Clacton Pier there was one of those mechanical music things. If you put 5p in it, you made Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Butch do a wee jiggle and sing a song.

    I am now 40 and IT'S STILL THERE!!!!

    but it's not 5p anymore!

    Anyone else got any childhood relics to share?

  • Comment number 22.

    I'm glad 2p machines are still there - esp the traditional one arm bandits that are a bit clunky!

  • Comment number 23.

    Nicky Nacky Noo

    Oh there I go again can't get Ken Dodd out of my head.

    All this talk of beefburgers and steak, whatever floats your boat is what I say.

    I think Paul Newman like Steve Mc Queen will never be forgotton which is a great legacy to leave behind.


    ps Bingo it's too difficult for me.

  • Comment number 24.



    Alice is The Guv'nor!

    btw, this weekend I learnt that I really like celeriac soup!!

    Happy Diva

    6/2/09 - Alice tattoo ........ woooohooooo!!

  • Comment number 25.

    I once bought a second 'and mixed grill......

    One 'alf waz gas and the other 'alf electric powered!


  • Comment number 26.

    PS - Prof Plum... aye?

  • Comment number 27.

    Super Bagpuss #14 - Am sorry if i've offended you in anyway but.... maybe you misunderstand me entertainment.... but I don't ever charge for you ter read me blog commentations!!!!

  • Comment number 28.

    "There's no harm in window shopping ... just don't get your purse out" !!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 29.

    Evening each

    Didn't realise Paul Newman was in his 80s either - sad to hear of his demise but sadder for his wife after all those years of happy marriage.

    Bagpuss: The steak comment doesn't work for me either, as a veggie (or grass muncher as Beesmum so rudely called us!!) What would I be? A Delia souffle omelette I think (had to look up omelette spelling in Delia's book - doh).

    Off to FB to beat them all yet again

    Anne xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Evening bloggers and lurkers.

    Such a shame another legend has passed on ever upwards to entertain the skies. RIP Paul Newman - you will be sorely missed by your family, friends and anyone who has been assisted by your philantrophy or seen your movies.

    Michmel belated congrats for Friday ARF selection - a good choice indeed.

    SusanS - you are still at the top of CLP Bloggers Fantasy Footie League - big kudos to you for your team choice. I am having fun with my choice especially as also put it into the league at work and currently doing well against the lads.

    Been a tad busy recently but am around tonight to play catchup.

  • Comment number 31.

    Evenin all,

    Bingo, ha ha he he ha that really made me laugh, it took be a while to work out what you were on about. No point in Bingo! There's every point!

    I think Paul Newman was a very special man indeed for all the reasons already mentioned. I had no idea the sales from the sauces etc went to charity.

    Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend sunshine.

    A x

    PS Debbie, I don't know what's getting you down mate but I hope it gets better soon.

    Annie - Got the NE accent back now?

    SBP congrats on venue, we had our ceidlidh (sp!) band confirmed yesterday, dead chuffed.

  • Comment number 32.

    Boleyngirl: Apparently no Geordie accent at all, although everyone up here can tell where I originate from.

    Friends were taking the pi** every time I said 'dirty'. They were all trying to say it in a scottish accent and sounding very stupid the more drunk they got.

    Btw: there was some very 'dirty' talk going on in the Aletaster on Friday night. Not by me, I hasten to add.

    On Sunday morning I visited friends who live north of Morpeth. The female half looked round at all the 'boys' talking music, guitars, etc, and said 'They really are all lovely - but they're bloody crackers, aren't they? Described my family and friends perfectly I though.


  • Comment number 33.

    Ooh 'boleyngirl,can I come? I love a good ceilidh!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Tinsel: Me too. Getting thrown against walls by large men in kilts is rather fun once you get used to it, isn't it? Hootsmon!!


  • Comment number 35.


    I agree with you on the supposedly A list these days. not fit to shovel from one place to another if ya ask me (which i know didn't but gave you it anyway)

    CtD i heard mention tonight :-D

    got cancelled tomorrow so will be able to blog more then :-D (unless of course i get paid enough cash NOT to)

    hope all's well folks

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 36.

    I got mention????

    Grrrrrr ... flippin missed it!

    When? What? Will listen again ....

  • Comment number 37.

    Hey I am just back from Every Little Helps and I have a question. What's with these funny little mini cabbages that have started appearing in the bouquets? Now I've come to terns with courgette in a cake but I cannot cope with cabbage in the carnations. Madness.

    Annie man it sounds like you had a topper time. I do love a man in a kilt (don't tell Mr Boleyn he he). Our Scottish connections are a tad tenuous though , so it's boring old trousers for the blokes.

    Tinsel - I'll see how the numbers go!

    Teen 1 becomes sweet 16 tomorrow. No, I know I don't look old enough to have a 16 year old daughter! Can't wait to see her face when she opens queen tickets! Part now postponed to halloween, not sure that's a good move but at least it's an excuse to dress as a witch.

    A x

  • Comment number 38.

    Part should be party. No parts currently postponed here.

  • Comment number 39.

    Boleyngirl: I'm probably the only person on this blog who knows what you mean by Annie man. Hehehe xxxxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hello all,

    Thought I'd better pop by as my absence has been noticed, all OK here hope you are all good.

    Funnily enough we had steak for tea tonight! It was delish and i cooked it to perfection, if I do say so myself!

    Em xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Evening all

    Blimey I'm cold, might have to stick the heating on tonight.

    Hi Em, called the school by the way have to talk to the teacher and then submit myself to some police checks...thank you x

    Thank boleyngirl, long story not for here but things will get better as they have done before. Hope that teen#1 has a good birthday.

    LM's friend and his mum came round this 'arvo (she's Australian). Had a lovely afternoon of chat and cups of tea. I have only been talking to her properly since I asked her to have LM while I had an interview recently. Getting on really well with her which is nice.

    Back soon
    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 42.

    hmmm, must be something in the air tonight...came in from work and MrsW had cooked me a lovely steak!!!

    Tough weekend at work, gonna get tougher as week goes on.


  • Comment number 43.

    Bagpuss: What we gonna do about these flesh eaters??


  • Comment number 44.

    Debbie: Do you need a dehumidifier to warm you up? My kitchen is like the Bahamas on a very, very warm day!!!

    If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen comes to mind. And my kitchen is very hot. And I think I'm paying for the electricity to run these damnable machines.


  • Comment number 45.

    Know what you mean Debbie. Thought I had a rash on my arms in the candlelight there, but it's just goosebumps...

    Ciao tutti!

    AF x

  • Comment number 46.

    Kirk - sending positive vibes for difficult time at work x x

  • Comment number 47.

    Doomed doomed we're all doomed!well we wont have any money anyway! Just checking markets and oil production and all rest of rubbish - not good - are the lights burning overnight at the fsa - not on your life! Hey Ho ! guess who's got policies maturing shortly! not worth paper written on!

    Boleyn - I know! cabbages - wot!!! where did fresias lilly of valley roses and that fluffy white stuff go!! Just ignore them and have what you want! gypsophilia - thats the chappie!

    Hi annie - I've promised bagpuss not to mention grass eaters any more - well just this once!! Nice spag bol tonight and guess what? couple of steaks due for tomorrow - hope you enjoyed gingembre and emm m- by way where've you been emm?

    Steve - whassup? don't understand.

    Diva - listened to most but didn't hear you???

    Evening Phoenix.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Flower - missed you - have you been busy?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Beesmum: You on speed?? Are you sure we're all doomed?? Have you asked Bingo??

    Lotsa love. Annie. xxxxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Ah thanks Beesmum. Yeah, work and life in general just seems to be really busy right now, don't have time during the day to keep up with blog and evenings either busy or shattered!! Sitting at 'pooter all day, so sometimes it's the last thing I want to do at night :-)

    Thought I drop by while I'm here though!

    Been comparing food prices (E.L.H and the green one) in preparation for big shop this week. Decided to change habits of a lifetime and buy all perishables at start of month, rather than weekly. Hoping for economies of scale!! We'll see...

    What's everyone been up to then?

    Gingembre, what's up hon, why rubbish week?

    AF xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Annie you just read my mind - was about to put on blog for Bingo to remind us what he said! but been on t'net tonight and - boy what a mess - just hitting the first red as we speak.

    Beesmum xxx

    speed may follow!

  • Comment number 52.

    Flower - I'm on computer all day too and as above checking what the heck is going on tonight - find it relaxing to chat on here even though it is a flippin puter!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    I'm off to bed in a minute just thought that I'd pop in quickly.

    No need for heating now, just had a nice, hot, bubbly bath. Ready to climb into bed very soon.

    Hi AF, loving candlelite right now. So relaxing. Had candles in the bathrooom, my own sanctuary for a bit.

    Gingembre, hope that everything is ok if we can help at all let us know.

    x x x

  • Comment number 54.

    Me too Beesmum, but sometimes sticking head above parapet can be dicey.....

    Anne, love, hang in there with the de-wotsiter. Rubbish, I know, but all will be better soon.

    And yes, doomed!!! Sometimes I'm glad I don't have any savings to worry about hehehe.

    AF xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi there Debbie, gawd a candlelit bath sounds lovely!! Never think of it myself, but I suppose I've got a whole house to myself... Will be keeping fingers crossed for Thursday xx

  • Comment number 56.

    I have no savings either, just an overdraft!

    AF the candlelit bath was just what I needed. Radio tuned into some real mellow channel, bubbles and a glass of wine. Bliss.

    Thanks regarding Thursday, just getting another interview has given me a boost today.

    x x x

  • Comment number 57.

    Debbie: I'm with AF. Fingers crossed for Thursday. Knock 'em dead girl.


  • Comment number 58.

    Deb you had the best idea of all ---bath/candles/chill - nite nite xx

    LOL Flower!! - us no savings to speak of but old gits with our power of attorney worth a fortune - where the heck do we put it!! bearing in mind all and I mean all has to be paid for! also got to watch business - hence the dig at fsa!!

    Gonna give up and play scrabs for a bit I think!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Ah thanks Anne. Not getting over excited but optimistic. As fragile as I feel sometimes/often at home, I really do get over it when I have to. If that makes sense. I suppose I rise to the challenge, so that must be what I need.

    x x x

  • Comment number 60.

    I think everyone's different at work to the way they are at home, Debbie. In some ways, it's easier to be bolder/brighter/more forward at work because the people you're with don't know you as well as your loved ones. Poor souls at my place think I'm a cheery one, flippin' fools!!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 61.

    AF: And the daft folk at my work think I'm organised!!! Silly buggers.


  • Comment number 62.

    Hiya again,

    Sorry reboot probs with laptop then a software update for firefox (other browsers avail).

    I have been good and got up to date on FB and piratised it to boot - geeharrrr.

    Gingembre - hope your week doesn't get any worse unless you are having to do extra shifts in which case - take it relatively easy remember you not long back from sick leave and those new knees.

    Debbie - I'm all behind you go get em you can do it.

    Annie I love celigahs too and being part scots I get the man comment and used to being called huny, love and dearie. Mind you ere you also got a response.

    SBP tried to look at comments on fb I was trying to see what venue you had been to that impressed you to replace the other one. Good luck with whatever you find I'm sure all will go well.

  • Comment number 63.

    and I am mega efficient and on the ball at all times ............hahahahahahaha

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    really on the ball - must be a bit slippery

  • Comment number 65.

    AF spot on! I had a reputation for being a 'party girl' up for a laugh etc at my job before I worked for Mr Nasty. But at home, I was much different I suppose. Definately am now.

    Anyway, onwards and upwards. I'll get there!

    x x x

  • Comment number 66.

    Veeery slippery Phoenix!!

    BM xx

    You wil get there and tougher Deb - comes with age!! did you hear that creak?

  • Comment number 67.

    That was me knees, Beesmum, sorry!!

    Right folks, off to lala land in the sure and certain knowledge (hope?) that tomorrow is pay day woo hoo!!

    Take care, chin up and watch your starboard side hehehe.

    AF xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Oh, damn you people and your word games!!!

    Hehe sorry *cheeky grin*.

    AF xx

  • Comment number 69.

    OOer Missus

    Well talk about the best actors has to be Dustin Hoffman and Tom Hanks.

    Bingo the game of Bingo needs great concentratiion. All those two fat ladies and clickerty click too confusing for me.

    Off to Majorca for a while so catch you's laters.


  • Comment number 70.


    What don't you understand flower?

    I'm at a loss

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 71.

    your post steve Cancelled tomorrow?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Bees Mum,

    Oh THAT sorry . . i work for my own agency and the firm i was due to go to tomorrow cancelled me :-D

    Which was lucky as i hate 0430 wake ups and it meant i could go to dentist as planned this morning *sigh*

    I bet i have an extraction as i got a loose one (i think)

    any way enough for now

    Toodle pip

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 73.

    Good morning all!

    Back, sort of tanned, full of cold and with a blown up washing machine(annie i`m with u!)...but what the heck ..had an amazing holiday and birthday - thank you to all you lovely people for your best wishes..meant a lot. x

    The world seems to have gone mad whilst we were away... i think we are just gonna get on with it and make the best of what we have... let others do the worrying. But sympathies to anyone with job worries after the banks fiasco.

    Anyway, have lots to catch up on.... and will prob not be back around til tomorrow but just wanted to pop in and say HELLO! and missed you all!

    Have a good Tuesday everyone...

    mSc x

  • Comment number 74.

    Morning all,

    Good luck at the dentist Steve, and glad you had a good holiday Scooby, Debbie - good luck, hello to anyone else I've missed out.

    Today is the day of reckoning. It's the day of dress collection. argh. Then it's a day of running round, again. printing folding rearranging, phoning complaining. rearranging the seating plan. Again.

    might pop back later if I'm still sane..... therefore unlikely!

    happy tuesday everyone


  • Comment number 75.


    No 27 - Bingo - it the game I don't get - you I find very funny

    No 31 - bolyngirl - great news about the band - we have band but no venue but looking at two places this week and have seen golf course that i liked by mr bp was not sure about (more location then anything else)

    Purple d - good luck my friend - but please don't scare me!

    I had a hot candle lit bath last night as I went to circuit training and I needed it - with the sounds of the carpenters - greta to sing to but the first half dozen songs on the album are about breaking up or not having anyone and didn't get to the happy ones!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning beauties

    Scoobs - you is back!! We missed ya big styleeeeeee. Mwwwwaaah!

    PurpleD - good luck with the dress and everything else planned. It will all be fine, I'm sure xx

    Gingembre - take it easy hun. What's going on in the metrolpolis of Norfolk to make it soooooooooo stressy?

    Steve- dentist?! Eeew. Good luck, and remember to keep your elbow handy in case he hurts you ....

    PP - bon voyage, have a vino tinto for me!

    Well, I got in early this morning - kind of paddled here in Chitty Chitty Micra. And what is it about a bit of rain ..... the traffic trebles when it's raining: sooooo annoying for those of us who use our cars every day due to having no other choice of how to get to work. Grrrrrrrrrr .....

    Busy morning ahead but will keep nipping in to keep my sanity.

    Invoicing. Boooooo :-(

    Laters luvlies

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Morning schmorning.

    We both had a fanastic time, got nice and brown, saw the sights, made some friends, hot air ballooned over the valley of the kings and managed to escape all the troubles, so all in all a great holibob.

    However, Gloucester disappeared again, and this time has been missing for 10 days, and it would appear I have returned with Pharoah's Revenge.

    Hope you are all well,

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 78.

    What a fab morning ..... first Scoobs and now MW,a! and Errol return to the safe bossom of the blog!

    Fingers crossed for Gloucester tho hun.

    Catch up proppa laters.

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 79.

    Hiya Folks

    Just want to say a BIG THANKYOU to CLP for pllaying my request on Friday.

    Sorry for the lateness in reply but i was in Blackpool for the weekend for our Anniversary and meeting up with some friends who we met on Holiday.

    My Hubby and Daughter had gone off to look at the site whilst i was in the caravan with a glass of red cooking the dinner when i heard Chris mention my name.

    I think the whole caravan could hear me screaming and running up and down.

    Had a brill weekend the sun shone all the time.

    Now back to work and the rain in the Midlands.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Catch you all laters.

    M. xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Morning all - wet and windy - nice!

    Dragon - don't panic!!! I'm sure all will work out fine.

    Scoob - only talking about you yesterday wondering if you were back! and Mwa back too - did wonder if you had been kidnapped!!

    Good luck with dentist Steve - hate the places now two months overdue for check up but just can't bring myself to pick up phone and make appointment!

    Mich - what a picture doing a war dance up and down the caravan with excitement! Bet a few folks kept their distance for a while if they saw you!!

    Presume you are involved with the murder thing gingembre! Busy time if so!

    It's the kids Diva - they get their cars out of the garage when its raining!!!

    Beesmum xxx :)

  • Comment number 81.

    Greetings bloggers and bloggettes, how are one and all?

    Sad sad news about Mr Newman, yet another Gent and legend passed.

    Its raining buckets here in Wales, I really wish I hadn't boarded that plane back home!

    I suppose the rain is only reflecting the economy though... bleak, miserable and in need of a bit of cheer! The office is awash with money saving tips at the moment...but they refuse to turn the heating down.... where is the logic there?

    Have a good day all.

    KJR x x x

  • Comment number 82.

    Morning Katie and Michmel and B-sMum

    I have to confess .... I have put my heater on in my office. Partly due to needing to warm brain and fingers up for the invoicing mountain ahead ......

    Got cold feet too.


  • Comment number 83.

    Morning boys and girls :-)

    Purpledragon - sounds like an exciting day!

    Debbie - well done on interview, and school reading will be lovely!!

    Well I've just taken out mortgage protection in case I get made redundant. Always thought those kinds of things were a bit of a rip off but it seems to be becoming more and more of a reality at the moment. Scary days, hope we get some better news soon.

    Woke up this morning with a really bad back - am wondering whether its because I wore heels for the first time in over a week yesterday? Or is it just age?!!!

    Ho hum, back to work while I still can!!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 84.

    And yet another is safely gathered in - back from hols - Hi Katie!

    Tins it is most definitely the heels - wore a pair last week just a smidge higher than usual and back been giving me jip ever since! but then mine is also old age! creeeaaak :)

    No heat on in office as yet - equipment seems to warm here enough just now - but have my cardi at the ready!!! and mittens and me big slipper!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 85.

    no heating in our office - but I have abif cardi in case of chills

    no heating yet on at home either - will turn it on when all else fails

    super bp x

  • Comment number 86.


    I don't need to i just look at him and thats enough to sort him out *ggg*

    Only needed a polish and away i went. I was expecting to have a tooth out at the least.

    It's overcast here today which isn't good cos the missus needs to cut the grass for impending party at the w/e.

    Why do Chemists always look at you funnily . . . esp if they're new to YOU. *shakes head*

    Sprogs round today talking more weeding stuff :( some one HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 87.

    Yep heating on here, much to Mr Debbie's horror.

    Heel....now there's a thought. I can't remember the last time that I wore heels. I'll dig some out for the interview.

    Just been to Chelmsford to visit the DVLA place only to found out that it had moved doh! Nice area though Chelmsford, I liked the look of it.

    Hello MW, Scooby, Tinsel and absolutely everyone else.

    x x x

  • Comment number 88.

    Thanks Bsmum - although I suspect it is a combination of heels and age ha ha!

    Superbp, I always bring a cardi into work with me as the temperature is always different every day. For home I've just got some of that silver radiator insulation stuff to put down the back of the radiators - supposed to reflect the heat back into the house and reduce the bills. I had the heating for about half an hour last night and I think it worked cos it was almost too hot for the rest of the evening!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 89.

    steve - just be greatful you are involved in the wedding process - think how worse it would be if they didn't want you about!

    hmmm chelmsford - my one and only time there was at a club for a mates birthday and it was too essex for me - girls in plastic catsuits and wide boy lads - not me at all

    super bp x

  • Comment number 90.

    Morning all,

    That's me back at work after my traumatic weekend. Friday was awful, but had to be done. That's the old boy away to the rainbow bridge. Only look at the blog when at work as we don't have broadband in deepest darkest Ayrshire where I live, maybe one day!! Hope everyone is oookkaayy and had a good weekend.


  • Comment number 91.

    LOL bp! I didn't spot any this morning and I didn't wear mine in case it shrunk in the rain.

    x x x

  • Comment number 92.

    Dozy did mention yesterday wondered how you were.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Ah thinking of you Dozymac, how horrible for you. But a kind thing to do all the same.

    x x x

  • Comment number 94.

    Hi again,

    Thought I'd just pop by again and say hi!

    Debbie - great to hear you contacted the school, i really enjoy helping in class, kids are so funny aren't they? Good luck for your interview too xx

    Gingembre - Sorry you are stressed, hope you and Mrs W have a lovely time at the Hoste you lucky things. When are you off to Center Parcs? We're going in November, double celebration (?!) my 40th and Son No 2 is 9. I love it there but we always end up ill when we get back, lots of germs lurking in the water I suppose.

    Doing something I've always wanted to do tonight between 7.15 and 8!!!!! Will reveal more tomorrow xx

    Em xx

  • Comment number 95.

    I'm going to see beauty and the beast tonight - I saw it in london about 8 years ago when john barrowman was the beast - didn't know who he was at the time - just remember how good looking he was.

    now seeing it at my local as they are on tour - no stars this time round but still looking frward to it

    super bp x

  • Comment number 96.

    Couple of highlights from our trip....

    Hot air balloon, obviously. Seeing errol turn from ship scared to little kid shouting higher higher!

    Abu Simbel - despite the plane trip being cancelled, so 6 hours spent on a half empty air conned coach to arrive at the majestic mountain monument as everybody else was leaving so had the temples to ourselves.

    And Cairo, the pyramids, the sphinx, the kahn el kahlillie souk, errol's first shisha and doing something unspeakable on the balcony of the 4 seasons hotel. Very norty indeed!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 97.

    Hi to All,

    Dozy, I really felt for you this weekend but you did the best thing. Debbie - keeping fingers crossed for you and your job seeking. Steve - best you know where your money is at!!!!!!!! Or where it's going!!.

    I am off for my PET scan now - 2 hours of lying on a bed, listening to any music I want to take in with me and letting science do the work!!! Positive thoughts from all please and let the bloggers' magic work!

  • Comment number 98.

    Bagpuss - I believe you are describing Dukes. Near the station?

    A fine night-club, if that's your bag. And it sure ain't mine!!

    Last time I went to a nightclub (also in Chelmsford incidentally, but it was Reds), Relight My Fire was number one in the charts and I was unaware of the beauty that awaited in the form of Mr Diva!

    Rock on, Dear Prudence.

    CtD xx

    Steve - I'm still dancing!!

  • Comment number 99.

    I've been in dukes a few times (never remembered the times though) Nowt wrong with PURE Essex . . . .. finest county in the land. I know where i'd rather be right now *flashes white sox*

    I'm also dancing albeit a pogo

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 100.

    Durbangirl - arms legs and all else crossed for you ((((xx)))

    Beesmum xxx


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