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Chris Evans | 15:01 UK time, Thursday, 25 September 2008

Was taken for a ride this morning...

...i.e. not taken for a ride as in being ripped off but genuinely taken for a ride in a very fast car by someone who can really drive. In fact I don't think I've ever been so fast.

Only let older gentlemen drive you fast in cars. They're obviously quite good at it otherwise they wouldn't still be here.

This man's name is David Cottingham, he operates a very highly respected workshop deep in the depths of Bucks. He has restored some of the most famous cars in the world and is a real top banana, the gentlest of souls.

So he's throwing this classic Ferrari around the country lanes and I'm like, "Wow, how much of a buzz is this ?" And he's like, "Well good good, that's good, I'm glad you're enjoying it." Cool as a cucumber.

David is a real smiler, he smiles all the time and has this constant air of calm about him. Quite zen. He used to be a physicist only racing cars at the weekend for fun, then somehow the motor cars took over. They usually do. He's like some kind of genius scientist. There's very little of the petrol head in him, I think that's why we get on so well.

After ten minutes or so, still flying along, I noticed a deep contentment in his eyes, far removed from what the rest of his senses were concerning themselves with, namely keeping half a million poundsworth of fifty year old metal on the road. I suddenly felt myself compelled to steal a slice of his wisdom.

"So, David, what's it all about ? Come on fess up, how come you're so darn sorted ?"

"Well it's simple really Chris," he purred, "I met the right woman."

The right woman in question is his wife Kate. She has been his co-driver both on and off the track for almost forty years now. She is the aspiration, he is the caution. She has kept him moving forwards when he has been tempted to stay where he is. She is the fire in his belly, he the wind in her sails. Together they rock.

"We'd only met each other four months before we got married," he volunteered.

"How did you know she was the one ?" I asked.

"She was different to all the rest," he smiled.

As good an answer as I've ever heard.





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  • Comment number 1.

    CLP - you were in my neck of the woods - hope you likes it - and didn't get caught in all the accidents this morning

  • Comment number 2.

    It is great to be surrounded by good influences! I feel the same way about my husband...we are the fire in each other's bellies! Feeling very loved up now...trying to find a love themed song for ARF...Your Smiling Face by James Taylor is my suggestion!

  • Comment number 3.

    I proposed to my man after two weeks - I knew he was the one

    he propsed to me after 6 years - obviously it takes him longer to make up his mind

  • Comment number 4.

    Agree totally. Never any doubt. I used to think this "you'll know when you meet the right one" was total propaganda but I knew straight away. Trouble was, with my first husband I didn't know that was what you were supposed to feel like!
    We are having Frank Sinatra "It had to be you" at our wedding.

    A x

  • Comment number 5.

    I think fate has something to do with finding the right person me and Mr egg although from opposite ends of the country practically followed each other around in our childhood, i had a "nerve thing at work", left for a completely different job, met Mr. Egg, then dream job came up in an sector that would not have conincided with Mr. Egg's. It was like our worlds collided at just that point in time.

    Ahhh sweet! well actually quite freaky when you get into the details - some of our ancestors would have known each other (Weird!)

    quack x

  • Comment number 6.

    hear hear Christophe....MrsW def the one for me, knew straight away the moment I clapped eyes on her


  • Comment number 7.

    butterflies were so big I needed a net!

  • Comment number 8.

    Gingembre, are you talking in code?

  • Comment number 9.

    I was living with someone when I met Mr Diva (had been for 6 years). Suddenly, I too had butterflies, the skies were brighter (it was August!!), music was louder, I lost over half a stone coz I couldn't eat anything ..... I knew in an instant that this long haired, blue-eyed geezer was gonna be mine.

    We saw each other in secret but after about 10 days I came clean to Old One and we split up.

    That was in August 1994. We wed in May 1996. And haven't had a crossed word since.

    And the best bit? Every night when I drive home, those butterflies are still in my tummy. We still greet each other with a hug and enjoy every second of each other's company.

    Great innit!?!?

  • Comment number 10.

    morning all,

    I knew the future mr dragon was the one for me, it just took him 8 years to get down on bended knee!

    ARF for tomorrow pleasepleasepleaseplease can we have I like to boogie - T-Rex, or as usual, Europes Final countdown?


  • Comment number 11.

    My ARF for this week:-

    Unbelieveable - EMF

    Thanks CLP.

    Cheryl The Diva xxxxx

  • Comment number 12.

    I still get excited driving home to mr bp - thinking about him makes me smile

  • Comment number 13.

    I've still not found the one but I'd say I've still got a fair bit of time to find her.

    ARF - The Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive

  • Comment number 14.

    ARF - come up and see me (make me smile) - steve harley

    in honour of all the happy couples looking forward to spending the weekend together

  • Comment number 15.

    I've recently broke up with my girlfriend of 6 years and moved back to my parents. Good move at the time but as time goes on i've started to have my regrets... Mainly due to the fact I'd recently been seeing someone else but just didn't work out the way I thought it might, which leads me to the question of how do you know when you've met 'the one'?

    In saying that I'm only 25 and have no intentions of settling down but can't help the instinct within forever searching for that special someone..

  • Comment number 16.

    I must be getting old!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Seriously Tomgriff and Wilebored - far far too young - ages to go yet.
    First was a big mistake huge huuuuge mistake - don't go there!!!
    I was 34 before I got caught again!!!
    Behind every good man etc etc.!!!!

    Beesmum xxx

    Show me a man who has a good woman
    show me a man who has a good woman

    da da da da de de de dum


  • Comment number 18.

    Have i missed a few months . . . is it Valentines day already?

    whats with all the romance floating about?

    whats the equivilent of bah humbug for Vals day?

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 19.

    OH yes and it doesn't always happen as above - thought my "present one" was right queer when first met!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    The rose tints are still there Steve!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Memo to all on FB

    See CLP Bloggers page. Just found something really funny .....

    Shiver me timbers .......


  • Comment number 22.


    Rose Tint My World - Rocky Horror Show cast recording!

  • Comment number 23.

    CtD - thats hilarious!!!



  • Comment number 24.

    I was in a relationship of 4 years when i met my hubby at my parents Pub.

    We have been together 20years now and married for 12 on Sunday.

    Been blessed with a beautiful and thoughtful daughter.

    Still love him to bits like the day we first met. I too had the butterflies and still do.

    My ARF: Love is in the air.


  • Comment number 25.

    Have a look at the webcam...

    Chris has shirt on that Noel Edmonds would be proud of!!

  • Comment number 26.

    my ARF Stiff Little Fingers - Suspect Device

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 27.

    I'm sure my Mum had curtains like the shirt Chris is wearing *blank look*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 28.

    CtD where? cos i can't find what ya typing about :(

    steve :-D

  • Comment number 29.

    Steve - that shirt is like the curtains I ripped down the minute I saw them in place I was moving in to!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    SJF - will send you the link. ;-)

  • Comment number 31.

    Good job he never got me to sing on air . . . . i'm only anygood whilst singing Ace Of Spades by Motorhead (mainly cos i can't be heard) :-D

    there's a game that allows you to sing on one of the games platforms . . . .. i'm hopeless at it i keep getting TONE DEAF :(

    *sigh* one day . . .. . ONE DAY

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 32.

    Well THAT killed the blog :(

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 33.


    Next year - X-Factor auditions. Sonny and Cher??

    LOL xx

    Had a horrible drive home tonight. How can so many temporary road works spring up during one day on one route?? And THEN I got stuc behind a flippin' bus.


    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 34.


    No chance i wouldn't even get as far as the audition section thats how bad i am :( not even me muvva loves me when i sing *sigh*

    Cracking Gob smacker . . . .. . . TCM - The Jam woooohooooooooooooooooooooo

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 35.

    I had that played as an ARF opener a few weeks ago.


    Being dreadfully bad could be a blessing. You'd get on the Worst Of DVD and then get repeat fees every time it's shown as a compilation clip. You win the X-Factor and nobody ever hears of you again!

  • Comment number 36.

    Evening each

    Romance - ahhhhh - so sweet.

    My real world: Humungous dehumidifier in kitchen, plus another humungous blower thingy. Two (yes 2) squares the size of paving stones cut out of the floor (I shudder to think what's down there). My spider catcher is to hand just in case!

    Bought a microwave meal on the way home and only just managed to insert myself into the kitchen to heat it up. Next problem is how to get to the sink to wash the plate.

    Off to Newcastle tomorrow till Sunday. If the whole place blows up with all these electrical thingys, I don't give a toss.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 37.


    I like ya thinking . . .. . *makes note to self to apply for next X-Idol thingymajig.


    GL in Newcastle :) Hope ya have fun ;)

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 38.

    Steve: Thank you. Can't wait to get away from the kitchen horror. Just trying to work out a route to the sink.

    BUT have my bottle of red to hand thank god.


  • Comment number 39.

    Btw: Are you a footie fan??

    I get the impression that Newcastle are not good at the moment. At the Aletaster in Gateshead, the boys are in Newcastle and Sunderland camps. Should I comment? Or should I say nothing and nod and smile?


  • Comment number 40.

    nicked me post :(

  • Comment number 41.

    Chrissy Bby

    Danny Boy . . .

    I just read your post . . .

    some people are so darn lucky - forget about wealth, houses, status etc etc, the warmth of a loved one would do it for me every time - were I to be so lucky . . .

    tears, eyes closed . . .

    DtM x


    Friday I'm in love the Cure

    PS going speeddating tomorrow nite . . .hmmmm . . . .

  • Comment number 42.

    Ahhh Dan, don't cry. There's someone out there for you, don't worry.

    Tomorrow even??? Let's know how the speeddating goes.


  • Comment number 43.

    If tomorrow doesn't work, book a holiday in May and come and join the girls in Scotland. You just never know!!!!!


  • Comment number 44.

    2 secs and Mr B will be back from horspital visit - starving.
    Wotcha annie as soon as eaten will catch up on games but there are several just sitting there waiting for you!

    Dan sweetie dont cry - take Annies adcice - Scotland next May - Diva and Annie and Lisa and ??? will be there to give big hug

    Beesmum xxx

    he's back im off

  • Comment number 45.


    29 Palms - Robert Plant.

    Not only is it a fab tune, it is an amazing place. Just on the edge of The Joshua Tree National Monument, California. I couldn't put my finger on why, but when I was there I found the place very spiritual. If you are ever driving out to Vegas from San Diego (or LA), take the scenic route and pass through Joshua Tree. You will not regret it.

    Oh, and if you see Gram Parsons, tell him I said hi.



  • Comment number 46.

    Matt, I'll second you on Robert Plant, although probably never going to get to California. I'll probably fall through the hole in the floor and be found at a later date as a skeleton with an empty bottle of red clutched in my mitt.


  • Comment number 47.

    My god Annie do not comment on ANYTHING to do with football if it involves Sunderland and Newcastle. Certainly don't suggest they should all make friends. And wear something neutral. Something nice in beige or green. Re. kitchen - keep your eye on the goal!

    Sorry Dan if the soppy posts made you feel bad. Good luck for tomorrow, and to cheer you up I am going to back your ATF choice - The Cure, Friday I'm in love please CLP.

    Nighty night

    A x

  • Comment number 48.

    I mean ARF

  • Comment number 49.

    Boleyngirl: Just chased a MASSIVE spider with the catcher thingy. This hole in the floor is going to give me nightmares - praps I'll stay up all night, armed with spider catcher.

    Although, I have to say, the hole in the floor is the size of a paving stone, so any amount of humungous beasties could be invading.

    Will take your advice tomorrow night and smile nicely at everyone. Absolutely no mention of Newcastle or Sunderland. My boys are lovely, though, so nice and handsome. They are all friends of my brother and make me feel so welcome. And they tell me about their love life!!


    Off to iron something beige

  • Comment number 50.

    Bono Noches

    Joshua Tree BEST u2 Album really.

    Still for ARF could I have Tiger Feet by Mud ... no

    Seal-Crazy. Suppose we all are a little crazy sometimes.


  • Comment number 51.

    That's better I was famished!

    Prof - you feeling alright? taking the wrong pills? Don't understand? although its prob me! btw your rubber dolly on prev blog - tea on screen!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Yeah! DtM for Scotland next May!!

    Good luck with the speed-dating!!

  • Comment number 53.

    Annie have some advice again - boring old f** I am - will put on fb inabit.

    I was always under the impression spiders liked dry places but my argument has always been why the heck do they appear in bathrooms then!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi Diva - just eaten and am bursting! Mr B came back with hilarious stories from hosp. shame really but you've got to laugh!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hey Annie that's spooky, a giant spider was found in our front room justa few minutes ago.
    They're all in there playing Donkey Kong on an original 90s Nintendo machine. Just been in to watch, but it's a bit stressful for me, all those alligators.

    A x

  • Comment number 56.

    B's Mum

    Oh dear no I only take Anadin extra in emergencies.

    MFR was showing off again about his travesl and mentioned the Joshua Tree which happens to be the best U2 album hence bono etc.

    I have travelled quite a bit but people genarally are bored by hearing about it.
    So I say nothink.


  • Comment number 57.

    Boleyngirl: Spooky indeed. Am so paranoid I got the builder guys to look into the humungous hole in the floor to check for mice/spiders. He said - no, not there, but there's a couple of alligators.

    Right - I'm up all night with mob wars armoury to hand.


  • Comment number 58.

    oops travels

  • Comment number 59.

    Hey B-sMum - don't go bursting - you'll make a mess!

    Hope B-sDad is okerydokery after hopitool vsit ...?

    Bed in a bit. Mr Diva on 4.45 alarm tomorrow - booooooooooooooooo!

    PP - yep, Joshua Tree fantastic album. Also Live At Red Rock: love U2 but never seen them live :-(

    Talking of LIVE ...... Love Muscle Russell tix on sale 9.30 am tomorrow morn ..... may not get muchos shut-eye tonight!!! Will be a complete nightmare until January if I get tix!!! We could be talking restaining orders here gang .....

    ... will you bail me out???

  • Comment number 60.

    Sorry, don't think Matt was showing off at all, just making a comment.

    PP: how many coats do you have? You're always promising to put them on and leave.

  • Comment number 61.

    Well Annie whats your problem ? you know what this is a public blog so I might just hang around

    Or do I have to ask your permission to blog?

  • Comment number 62.


    ** tippy-toeing off to hide under a table **

  • Comment number 63.

    Always someone on here winding me up ... why.. I can tell you to make me look the bad guy...

    Well sorry not going to fall into that trap.

    I am a nice normal person that likes a laugh .

    So BAG lady have a good evening.


  • Comment number 64.

    PP: No problem at all. Just don't like people who snipe. What is their problem??

  • Comment number 65.

    In the immortal words of Lindisfarne...

    Here we go again.

    Have a great weekend Annie.

    A x

  • Comment number 66.

    You are the one that is snipping it's crazy on here. People start arguments then turn it round to the innocent bystander.


    If you mean MFR well strikes me as as a bit full of himself but thats just an observation .

  • Comment number 67.

    Awww. Matt's lovely.


  • Comment number 68.

    Actually, by the way, I do have a lot of BAGS. You know the ones you get from all the supermarkets now to re-use? I have a huge pile in the boot of my car and keep forgetting to use them - so I keep having to buy new ones.

    Praps I need to car boot a sale of BAGS!!!!


  • Comment number 69.

    Boleyngirl: Sorry, didn't reply. I will have a great weekend with all my friends in Newcastle/Gateshead.

    You too. xxxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Right. 22.00 Hrs. If I don't go up them stairs now I will turn into a screeching haridan tomorrow.

    But then, what's new!!!

    Annie - have a fantastic time in NewCastle, like!

    Sweet dreams one and all.

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Thanks Cheryl, I will. Family and friends waiting to have a party.


    Good weekend folks.

    Night night.

  • Comment number 72.

    Any night owls around??

    Can I have Lifted by The Lighthouse Family for ARF?

    I have some really nice music from Icehouse, Queensbury Rules and Mike Oldfield but no one knows who they are *boo hoo*

    Been really busy and travelling around Dorset like nothing these past few days.

    Sat - Shaftesbury
    Sunday - Southbourne
    Tuesday - St Leonards
    Wed - Gillingham
    Thurs - Shaftesbury
    Fri - Poole
    Sat/Sun - W-S-M to see mummy

    I've had a fair few failed relationships and 4 engagement rings (not boasting) but never married - should have but relationships end last one was a one line email not pleasant and not wished on anyone. I still believe there is someone out there for me so DtM, Tom and Wile keep trying.

    I miss all our conversations but it just isn't possible to take part during the day anymore and I am currently still fielding the cat off the laptop as it is warm and he wants to sit on it *paws off mink*.

  • Comment number 73.

    Pheonix people are so spaced out on here they think it's Friday already.. wishing each other a good weekend.

  • Comment number 74.

    Hiya Pulm how's the other side of the harbour doing today?

  • Comment number 75.

    Well what can one say..

    How's JPM?

  • Comment number 76.

    Very busy as usual - nice views from the top floors. Do you take your boat out of the mooring over the winter and get it serviced or does it stay at the yacht club mooring all year round - curious

    Seen that the pig pen next to the lifting bridge is missing yet - a new one will be coming in to replace it as the new ILB doesn't fit the old one.

  • Comment number 77.

    Bad news is coming from the city so watch out.

    As for boats well mine is moored in Majorca .. well One can dream can't one.


  • Comment number 78.

    As I'm off tomorrow I'm wishing everyone a good weekend. I'll be travelling down the A68 from Edinburgh to Newcastle to see my elderly family.

    So, everyone I care about - have a GREAT WEEKEND. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Keeping a wary eye on it. Was offered a fixed rate mortgage of 5.59% for next two years so getting the paperwork to check it out.

    So what do you do for a living or are you one of life's easier earners having made your money able to live on the interest?

  • Comment number 80.

    Hey Annie,

    Thought you had disappeared off up those stairs - enjoy your trip.


  • Comment number 81.

    Phoenix: Thanks so much. Will be off up the rickety rackety stairs very soon, but am too scared to leace the HUGE hole in the kitchen floor.

    A bit of a dilemma here!!!!


  • Comment number 82.

    Someone give me strength! dotty phone calls at this time of night - all sent to try I guess!

    Nite Annie - have a great week-end we always try and get away on a Friday for our weekends away but goodness knows when next one will be now!

    Hi Phee - take it from me - sometimes better off on own or with drop in friends you can say tata to!!!

    Prof - told you to take your pills- wot you cross for now! and I still don't understand blog 50.
    Am losing the will!

    Beesmum xxx

    Wonder if Dragon in big metal thing on her way here? should be by now? Anyone know?

  • Comment number 83.

    Surprised you never knew Pheonix.

  • Comment number 84.

    Just remembered Q time on - away to yell at telly and let off a bit of steam!!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 85.

    ARF - the skids - into the valley

    Much lovin on blog tonight. think butterflies essential part of having ' the one'. you need to work hard to keep it good....but when you know it's right it's worth it.

    Just a quick hello, off for rest of weekend but will be listenin tomorrow...have a good weekend all bloggers and CLP listeners and lurkers.


  • Comment number 86.

    Do all watch Q time if you can! eyes being scratched out he he!!!


    BM xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Lo Dreamer - Alfie okery dokery? butterflies - fraid I'm not the sort but I agree with working v hard to make work and a big yes is having a really good laugh even if at each other!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Bsmum: Was Bingoed on my comment on question time!!!!

  • Comment number 89.

    Nooooooooooo Annie its the beeb did you and - or okery dokery?

    BM xxx

    ps message on fb v important re claim

  • Comment number 90.

    thanks BM. Alfie is doing good and right now working hard with his bedding!!! think he's got butterflies??....

    yeah gotta laugh....watched SATC dvd with ma girl tonight...not really my kinda thing but she's 14 and loves shoes....anyways, best bit is when charlotte 'messes' her pants and makes carrie laugh for first time since she was ditched at altar...so laughing good whatever and whoever, but def in a relationship essential!!!

    generally...on this blog i lol...which is why i love it.


  • Comment number 91.

    Evening - Bsmum, nope, not in the big metal birdie yet. we leave late tonight so got another couple of hours to run round the house wondering what I've forgotten to pack, or do in the house!!! land around lunch time tomorrow back in blighty - assuming the airports sort out their traffic control issues!!!

    May or may not be in the car for ARF (depends how nicely the traffic plays tomorrow) so someone please let me know who gets that much coveted spot?!


  • Comment number 92.

    Dreamer, Dragon: Good evening.

    Am off to bed to try to sleep, even though there is lots of noise in the horrid kitchen!!

    Starting Tony Hawks book 'A Piano in the Pyrenees'. Looking good!!!!


  • Comment number 93.

    Aaaargh dreamer have ordered dvd with every little helps now I know! boo hoo!will still watch anyway! delivered tom!

    Dragon - dipstick I am - I forget time lapse - traffic control - not too bad with metal birds landing - slight delay 90 seconds instead of usual 60 seconds or something stupid like that!! the problem is over flying high ones making sure they send them off in right direction so you should be alright!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Heading to bed too...reading 'reading lolita in tehran' Hard going but painful enough to keep me working at it....enjoy the 'piano in pyrenees' also sounds like a toughie!

    night night all.


  • Comment number 95.

    BM - oops, sorreeeee....not spoiling it though...good fun! enjoy! and few tears along the way. but i cry at ads so doesn't take much for me!


  • Comment number 96.

    Dreamur: Piano in the Pyrenees not tough at all. Tony Hawks is a very funny man. Not too far into the book and have already had a few 'hee haw' moments.


  • Comment number 97.

    Dreamer - not to worry - didn't watch any of the series so will all be new to me.

    btw - doggy taken fancy to fluffy bed in office!! must wash with smelly stuff - so much for my advice! first opportunity!
    Well he is a dog!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    annie - thanks will put that on my reading list then. sometimes get carried away with the sad books to ensure appreciate what i have. but like said earlier, got to laugh. lets you know you're alive.


  • Comment number 99.

    Alfie just finished his session, panting like mad then huge drink of water and now collapsed onto his bed......if only life were so simple eh?!

    right def night nights.



  • Comment number 100.

    Annie Tony Hawks - must fish out - got one somewhere!

    BM xxx


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