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B_O_ 37...............5

Chris Evans | 14:53 UK time, Monday, 19 May 2008

Well, what did you all get up to this weekend ? I've...

...been out of the country, did I miss much ?



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  • Comment number 1.

    nice wheels chris - fancy taking a cute fluffy cat for a ride - I love old cars with a passion -

    Perhaps you could drive me to my wedding - August next year if you are free :-)

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Super cool dude...

  • Comment number 3.

    Welcome back - thank goodness!! None of our ARF's got played and no Delilah -
    As for what we got up to - suggest you read the nearly 300 blogs on BLOG 374 which seems to be missing from right hand page - word with Ian praps?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Wowee, well done, bit of an expensive weekend but sure . . .well done, well done!!
    Absolutely beautiful . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 5.

    Did I say 300 blogs - I meant 200!!


    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Afternoon CLP,

    What can I say... DAMN!!! Just DAMN!!!

    What a set of wheels!!!

    Bought my son one of those for Xmas. It was about 5 inches long and made by Corgi, I think!

    Best I could do!!!



  • Comment number 7.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 8.

    And the shortest blog ever award goes to ..... Mr CLP!!!

    Welcome back - we missed ya! ARF just ain't the same without yooooooo.

    I was somewhat comforted at lunchtime when Mr Vine played a Drivetime trailer with your wonderful dulcet tomes!

    C U at 5ish.

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon each

    So good to have you back Chris and, just to echo Paulyboy: DOUBLE DAMN!!!!!

    I got an e-type jag for my 21st, about the same size as paulyboy's sons.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 10.


    Forgot to ask.... Did you see any of the 1000 mile road race whilst you were in Italy for the weekender?

    1000 miles of the most beautiful roads in the world???

    (Record held by Sterling Moss I think?)

    The Spyder would have looked spiffin' doin it!!


  • Comment number 11.



  • Comment number 12.

    Can't understand what all the fuss is about?

    No one reported when I bought my Ford...... thingy in February. It is blue. and quite shiney. And far better than the Scabby Red Mazda which I broke the Christmas Before Last.

    If anyone wants to put a picture of me and my ford in the paper / internet / blah blah go ahead. Make My Day.

  • Comment number 13.


    An E-Type Jag eh??!!

    Another thing of beauty!


  • Comment number 14.

    don't worry - no one cared about me and my shiney bright blue tigra - its 8 years old and only owned by two people and its very pretty - does no-one care

    TLOML is buying an L reg MR2 ands thats not been reported either


  • Comment number 15.

    Paulyboy: Yes, beautiful and so easy to park, being about 4" long.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 16.

    I think I finally found the width of the fine line that separates the rich from the poor. It measures about one inch.

    How did I work this out?

    Well, on page 12 of the Daily Telegraph was the story of Chris Evans bidding 5m for his car.

    On page 13 was a story about how the people of Haiti are suffering as a result of escalating food prices, with slum families particularly at risk.

    The 'one inch' refers to the combined width of the two page margins separating the two stories.

    I might be out by a couple of millimetres - I didn't have a ruler on me at the time


    J McC

  • Comment number 17.

    Dr. McCrumble: You are a very nice, caring person. We need to notice these things.

    Love, Anne xx

  • Comment number 18.


    Doh! Knew I should have gone for the E-Type for Jack...

    His Ferrari has no power steering...


  • Comment number 19.

    Well Christof

    Just a big congrats on the car buy but Β£5.6M.......wow and double wow.

    At least you're a record holder now.

    Great buy though.


  • Comment number 20.

    Yo CLP Boy..... BIG congrates on the B_O_37...............5!!!!!!

    (ave I put enough dots in?)

  • Comment number 21.

    Aye CLP - I take it yer left speechless with yer new car - 'ence the short blog???

    If yer need a very experience test driver ter test the 'andling on yer new car..... am ere!!!

  • Comment number 22.

    Okay I do take roundabouts at 65 in me Rover diesel.....

  • Comment number 23.

    And used ter drive me Lotus at 165 (But not on the public road.... 'onestly!!)....

  • Comment number 24.

    The only reason why I didn't go faster in me Lotus was I didn't wanter strain me valves....

  • Comment number 25.

    And ave never crashed a car....

  • Comment number 26.

    And I ave a full clean licence......

  • Comment number 27.

    So trust me CLP.... yer new car will be in safe 'ands..... 'onestly!!!!!

  • Comment number 28.

    No 'onestly!!!! So am ere if yer need a test driver!!!

    I don't even charge!!!!!



  • Comment number 29.

    PS CLP - I still don't know what car yuv bought? I don't read the papers, just 'eard Wrightie mention it!

  • Comment number 30.

    I presume it must be a 'istoric Ferrari, what with the Ferrari factory visit?

  • Comment number 31.

    Must be a 250GTO or 256GTO?



  • Comment number 32.

    Bingo: Ferrari 250 GT California Spyder. Sorry Chris, but no car is worth that. I much prefer my matchbox e-type jag and my little silver Micra.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Ciao bello,

    Nice motor.

    It's just a little bit older than I - it's bodywork looks in better condition though.

    Mange tout


  • Comment number 34.

    Hi CLP and bloggers!

    Well you missed a cracking Friday night out... though what happened after midnight is anyone's guess... Luv Lyndyloo xxx ...

  • Comment number 35.

    Just one thing Chris.

    Don't whatever you do put this one in a ditch like the last one.

    And I thought I had spent a few quid over the past few days.

    Well. Survived the day, with a little help from the toro rosso, and even managed to drag myself to the gym. One thing about this jet lag lark - your body caves in and you have to sleep. Must try this more often.....

    So. What is the lowdown on this bloggers shindig this weekend? Can anyone come or do we have to apply for an invitation?

    Answers on a postcard.

    Much peace


    PS 20th August 1988, Castle Donington Raceway

  • Comment number 36.

    evening all.....

    ...back from a lovely weekend away, not much happened on here has it??

    Not into cars, but it does look nice Chris. Take care of it.

    Will pop back in the morning


    PS - Gaby, I bet it doesn't x

  • Comment number 37.

    5.9 mill for a car....me thinks your nuts but hey its your wonga......

  • Comment number 38.

    Guten Haben

    I think the car looks rather super but what about Insurance? Maybe if Tash insures it in her name she will get a good deal with Shelia’s wheels.

    Just a thought.


    PS What happened to your blog Mc Crumble?

  • Comment number 39.

    Just got home from a really amazing concert in Norwich. it was the lovely Amy Macdonald again! have seen her three times now and she just gets better. I went with my eldest daughter this time and she was really knocked out by it too and a huge bonus was that we met the band when we were waiting for our taxi and they signed out tickets too!!and I was given a plectrum from the lovely roadie guy, what a fantastic Birthday present it has turned out to be and thank you all you lovely lot for my Birthday wishes, it made my day!!!

    Hope you enjoy your new car Chris and that you don't get too upset when you get your first scratch!!!

    Must get to bed soon its late for me to still be up, nearly 1am and have to be up early .

    Night night xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Just looked up the car on Google- it's absolutely gorgeous. You're a lucky bloke, Chris. Even though I'm a girl who doesn't even have a licence, I do love cars, especially old ones.

    Now, what did I do on my weekend? Slept in both days, homework on Saturday, telly on Sunday, whilst trying not to freeze to death. Can't afford to have the heater running all day, so it's a good thing I have a really good blanket!

    VaughnJess from Down Under

  • Comment number 41.

    Joseph McCrumble.

    Interesting image re. newspapers.


    I am heartily sick to death of people who, every time a story appears-accurate or otherwise- of wealthy people enjoying their wealth, immediately dump the world poverty issue on their doorstep.

    Look. Nobody is more aware than I that people on our own doorstep and far beyond are suffering beyond our wildest imaginations. It breaks my heart to see images of despair, desease and unhappiness. But we are lucky enough to live in a democracy and are therefore able to elect or de-select those whose responsibility it IS to implement changes.

    I will never have Chris' wealth. But then again I will never have his taxes to pay. And I will never have his platform upon which to express opinions which give rise to debate...and that's probably a good thing since Chris is far sharper and more eloquent than I. I can't imagine what kind of an eejit I'd make of myself if my every word and deed (nay, rant)were picked up by the press, and therefore I wouldn't swap places with him under any circumstances. In that sense, in my anonymity I have more power than he does. And I'm jolly glad of that.

    The gap between the rich and the poor is the same gap as that between the lions and the wildebeest. I often can't watch wildlife programmes because it greatly upsets me to see the savagery that is survival. But that's what life is in the grand scheme of things. Survival.

    Of course we should all do everything we can to help others less fortunate and when we experience good fortune we should thank God or whatever, and be mindful and aware of our luck, and share it at least in spirit.

    And you have my sincere apologies if I'm wrong but the way I read your blog it came across as mean-spirited. If there are problems in the world, it is not the responsibility only of those who have wealth, it's down to all of us. And we can make a start by realising that we can all amass great wealth of spirit and compassion.

    What we all can do is open up debate, support charities-yes, drop a pound into the charity box instead of muttering "Oo, you don't know these people are genuine charities..", buy a Big Issue and make eye-contact with and smile at the seller as you do so, and most of all, particularly us girls, VOTE. Women suffered and died that we could have the privilege of voting for change in our society.

    It's a start. And it will feed our own spirit far more than resenting others' good fortune.


    Ps. Is the Big Issue still out there? Come to think of it I haven't noticed any for a while...

  • Comment number 42.


    Clodagh, yes the Big Issue is still out there. I buy it most weeks, Β£1.50 an issue. The seller recognises me now! They get either 70p or 80p per copy sold.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Debbie x x

    PS. NewChrissieS, thanks for the belated birthday wishes x

  • Comment number 43.

    Very well said clodaghrubbish, I agree with every word. We should be pleased for someone when they get something nice, instead of being jealous.


    p.s. Chris how's Enzo??

  • Comment number 44.

    Ola one and all

    My Clodagh you are on your soap box early.
    I think JMC was perhaps referring to the absurdity of Newspaper reporting more than anything.

    As for politics, It is hard to distinguish the difference between the major parties these days. I generally vote for the Prime Minister. Tony Blair got my vote because like Margaret Thatcher he was a true statesman. I truly believe that the Conservatives have been out of power for so long due to electing poor leaders. The current one is no better either.

    As for Big Issue sellers, I can’t go to town without being stopped by one and yes I have bought one…. Well once.

    Buenos Dias


    PS and if I had a few spare pennies I would buy a boat and sail away from this mad country.

  • Comment number 45.

    Hmm don't usually talk about politics as me and Mr Debbie normally disagree. But I always have and always will vote no matter what. I Believe that if you don't vote at all then you loose your right to complain. Mr Debbie and I at least agree on that!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 46.

    clodagh have you paid more than me for your membership here? I still can only get one line or so at a time accepted!!

    Have a good day everyone x

  • Comment number 47.

    Morning all.

    Hmmm...couldn't care less about cars, to be honest. Now, if it was a shiny pair of Christian Louboutins you were flashing, I WOULD sit up and take notice.

    Politics? I'm not very knowledgable but I do always vote. Feel like after so much struggling by our sisters, I should.

    Talking of shoes and sisters, my lovely sister has booked tickets for the opening night of the new Sex and the City film (plus, seats with extra leg room and cocktails afterwards!) Bless her heart. Anyone else as excited about the movie as me?


  • Comment number 48.

    Hi guys,

    I agree Rosie, can't get excited about cars, probably cos I'm too scared to drive them!

    Re Dr McCrumble's comments, well, I'm sure Chris gives some away and keeps some for himself. It's up to him, and none of us can be really sure what we would do in his position. As for whether him buying a car is really "news", well, it got all of us talking about it so in that way I guess it is "in the public interest"!

    Politics - I've always been a liberal (with a capital L too!) but now (I hate to say it) I'm swaying towards David Cameron (scary thought!). My real dad is a true Labour man, so god knows what he'd make of that confession!

    Missy - came to see you Friday, did i go to the wrong place?

    Em xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Morning Chris, morning all :)

    Hubby was impressed with the car Chris but me, I'm happy with my little Skoda-rocket thing. Hehe.

    What did I get up to this weekend... oh yes, bit the bullet and went out on a mission for maternity clothes. :( My penchant for snug fitting, low waisted trousers means that although I'm not really showing much yet, all my trousers are now getting uncomfortably tight. And as for all my summer skirts - well, they are now back in the cupboard. They will not be seeing the sunshine this year.

    Anyway. The first place me and my friend tried, they size all their clothes differently from the rest of the world so whereas normally I am a 10-12, here the size 8's were actually falling off me. Slightly stunned. Ever so slightly. Managed to get a few things so at least I have something to wear, but I think another shopping trip (to a normal shop, where I know what size I'm supposed to be) may be in order next week.

    This whole preggers thing has been so long coming that I'm still coming to terms with it actually being a reality...

    Today will be a Good Day, I have decided. Let's hope that the day agrees with my decision.


  • Comment number 50.

    Hello all

    Bright Annie - thanks. I'm sure you're nice too.

    Clodaghrubbish. Er, OK. I didn't think I was making any judgement there. I just couldn't help being struck by the juxtaposition of the two articles. If news is intended to evoke a reaction, how are we supposed to vaccilate between cheering for those who have made it and extending empathy towards those who are at the other end of the socio-economic spectrum? It takes just one inch of newspaper, but how much of a step-change in our heads? Or are we simply inured to the point of apathy?

    Inspectorcoco - The blog is still there. I just lost enthusiasm for a while. Oddly, I'm more inclined to write when a crisis is looming.

  • Comment number 51.

    Re politics - decided to delete the rant before posting as the rant took off and seemed to go on forever! Suffice to say, I would much rather vote for a party/candidate than vote against one.

    Tuesday already. Incredible.


  • Comment number 52.

    Is this blog going to let me rant today or am I back to one liners?
    Lets see shall we

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Agree Clodagh what's CLP to do save the world?
    When I said I could think of other things to do with 5 million squid, I too was thinking along the lines of Rosie, as in Manilos, Elle underwear, Liz Hurley swimsuits etc. other makes are available!
    As for those who do not vote - shame on you - how else have these numpties stayed here for so long - apathy rules methinks.

    Beesmum xx

    PS did a jeni and deleted my rant!

  • Comment number 54.

    OK I'll go on a bit more.
    If we can afford it and it makes us more comfortable - why not. I do my bits for charity etc. but if it suits me to "go private" and I can afford it (just) why not? I could have been a huge drain on the nhs and dolloped a huge carbon footprint travelling to nearest hospital, miles away but I didn't - dont!
    Just thinking back to 5million squid - get a gardener to clear the wilderness of a garden, decorator for house not been touched for yonks, contract cleaner top to bottom and I wouldn't mind a mini moke sitting in my garage! and - I'd better stop now!

    Beesmum xxx
    PS Lucky you Jeni size 10 you will soon be the shape of a lollipop like me and I'm not in your condition!!

  • Comment number 55.

    By the way Em - go for Cameron - at least he doesn't talk like a fish! tee hee!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Totally agree with Clodagh et al - why do the rich not have the right to enjoy their wealth? CLP does so much for charity already, very quietly, not asking for any thanks. No one person can be all things to all people, we all have to take responsibility and do what we can - but that doesn't mean we can't also enjoy our own lives!

    I for one think CLP deserves every one of his millions of squids - he brings joy to millions every day!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    And so say all of us Tinsel

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 58.

    B-sMum - rant? Calm down woman!! We don't do ranting (do we???)

    All's well in diva land. Work's busy but we've got next week off so gotta get lots done while I'm here.

    Had Sunday lunch with family at the weekend. To cut a long story short, I got very very cross (almost to the point of ranting!!) with a certain member of my family (not a blood relative, luckily) and it totally ruined the whole thing for me. All he/she (ambiguous - see what I did thee!?) did was moan about the price of things, how much it costs to eat out, how much shopping costs, how much cheaper it is to love abroad ... UGH!!!!

    Still got tooth marks on my tongue from biting it so hard!

    Gotta go ... back in a bit!

    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 59.


    I say good luck to chris - he has earned his money and its up to him how he spends it :-)

    MFR - Saturday meeting open to all - i will be there from about 3 (depending on what i said on fb) for an afternoon drink and watching the world go by - will have man with me and pink and white cat on table - will stay depending on how the day goes -

    it would be great to see you there

    Had back pain seen by doctor - Something in my pelvis has slipped (part of bones that are meant to move when giving birth - but i'm not pregeers) and has got stuck hence the pain.

    Oh well - at least i know it works.

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 60.

    CTd - do you mean live abroad - or are we talking about the oldest profession?

    super bp x

  • Comment number 61.

    Blimey Pink pussy cat - you OK? do you have to live with it or will it go?

    CtD yep not really a rant for long when I go on about shoes and stuff was it - but it was a bit of a rant!!
    Not a very nice dinner guest - don't you hate that? and when one person hogs the whole table with tirades about nothing much cos they think they know everything - hate that too!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 62.

    it should sort itself out and have pain tablets to manager the pain - still have to work etc - just take it easy

    super bp x

  • Comment number 63.

    LOL - superBP - live, not love!! well spotted.

    I felt worse because I'd chosen the restaurant: yes, there were pricey things on there but there was also a 2 course sunday lunch for Β£10.95, whic I don't personally think is excessive.

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr is all I say!

    Cold today innit. Or is it just me?

    Looking for a new mousemat and thought a nice flat belly would do the trick.

    Lovin' FB !!!!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Greetings ALL.... Is the blog working - so far no for me!

  • Comment number 65.

    That worked.... okay!!!

    CLP - Like yer new car big time......

  • Comment number 66.

    A Ferrari 250GT California Spyder in black!!!

  • Comment number 67.

    I admire you BIG time CLP... A bloke who used ter work in a paper shop buys a car for Β£5m.......

  • Comment number 68.

    Seriously, I really do like your crazy eccentricity.......

  • Comment number 69.

    But not that crazy as it is an investment....

  • Comment number 70.

    It'll probally gain in value over the years!!!

  • Comment number 71.

    The only thing CLP, a car like that i'd be frightened of driving it......

  • Comment number 72.

    Yer'd worry about a stone chip or it raining even while yer out.....

  • Comment number 73.

    Good luck with the old pills Pink pussy cat - hope you don't have to stay on them too long. Don't like pills!

    Come ye to the Midlands CtD sun out and "quite" warm - washing drying/blowing in the breeze and I don't have a cardi on!!

    Cos we are living in a material world and I am a material girl. Anyone notice butter is reduced back to one squid at the every little helps shop?

    Think I'm losing it!!!- dogs poo'd so better take him for a walk - wont need the doggy doo bags - Yuk dont do poo!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 74.

    CLP, obviously you will be keeping it spotless, washing it alot.

    So i've gotta a question?

    When you wash it, will you be using Kwik Save 59p washing up liquid????


  • Comment number 75.

    My goodness that longer one appeared!!!!!!

  • Comment number 76.

    But me next one didn't!!!! Write it in bits!

  • Comment number 77.

    CLP - I really wish you could sort out this blog it ruins me flow!

  • Comment number 78.

    Anyway - errr I was trying ter say... Whatta coincidence.....

  • Comment number 79.

    I once bought a black italian car of exotica from a car auction....

  • Comment number 80.

    100% true.... it was an A reg Fiat Panda!!!

  • Comment number 81.

    I paid 85 quid!!!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    Bargain, yeah! And I went on for the next two years to deliver pizzas in it!!!!!


  • Comment number 83.

    !00% true story blog friends... 100% true!

  • Comment number 84.

    PS Anne G - Thanks for the info on CLP's car!!!

  • Comment number 85.

    I also googled it this morning!!

  • Comment number 86.

    Sorry all for my one liners - did try ter do it in one!

  • Comment number 87.

    PS - Alright Flower - Just catching up from Friday - Very sorry you didn't pass your test but the second test will be easier - you know what to expect!!!!


  • Comment number 88.

    Super bp: glad you got an answer to your back pain problem - really lower, lower, lower back pain! I was thinking along the lines of middle back pain! Hope you will be ok.

    Clodagh: I take on board every word you said. I think Prof McCrumble was a wee bit misunderstood - it's true that as we read the newspapers we see the divide between the have's and the have not's is enormous. I try to give to charity when I can. I had a Christian Aid Week person at the door last week. I put a fiver in the envelope and she literally yanked it out of my hand. I was left feeling .... is she really from Christian Aid? Also, a couple of weeks ago I bought a Big Issue and when I handed the guy Β£1, he said "I'd actually like a fiver" - he wasn't joking.

    It's a jungle out there!!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Some interesting comments all!!!

  • Comment number 90.

    Don't get me started on politics.. BUT... it's often said it's upto the ordinary people to make a difference to the world.....

  • Comment number 91.

    But it's not that simple. People are influenced by politicians....

  • Comment number 92.

    And until the world gets politicians who set an example of being good/ honest.....

  • Comment number 93.

    There will never be never be total peace....

  • Comment number 94.

    And the eradication of poverty!

  • Comment number 95.

    Sadly I think people are just made too complicated too ever find....

  • Comment number 96.

    Sorry the blog spam intercepter... can't find what am am trying ter find ter say... about finding....

  • Comment number 97.

    But as usual it did find that....

  • Comment number 98.

    Comment 95 cont - Total peace!

  • Comment number 99.

    As for CLP's car - 5 million isn't much in the world nowadays - the goverment ave just wasted 6 milion of our money on an anti alcohol ad.......

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi all,
    I have been a bit of a lurker her but am now 'coming out' to say hello and yes to add tuppence-worth of pick'n'mix.

    Agree 5M is a lot on a motor, but then I dont have 5M, and anyway, I'm the girl who thought about buying that Skoda purely because it's made out of cake...

    Re; the reporting of CLP's purchase adjacent to poverty story is mischevious editing in my opinion, I remember thinking that before when some South African millionaire was buying a ticket into space with the russians for $20M or some ridiculously vast sum, and the opposite page was all about the South African townships, and how the lot of the poorest hasn't improved even 10 years after apartheid. Both worthwhile stories in their own right, but both were devalued, in my eyes, due to their positioning.

    Blimey we are heavy today. Good news is I almost got tix for the Flower show tomorrow, bad news is I didnt quite get them (holder found they now CAN make it :-( so i'tll be CFS through the eyes of A Titchmarch for me this year.
    Cheers, Dee.


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